Friday 8th November 2019whole lower back still achey and right mid outer back still sore/hurts when I get up off a chair
soft tissue work and release session at home
Banded ankle work at home, before BBall and after
bodyweight without shoes - 88.5kg
BBall practice session - 60 mins
dribble, shooting practice, intense moves and layups
Jumps after 30mins - mostly weak plant form practise - single leg left/right and right left plant
A few series of 5 pogo jumps
2x3 jumps onto 20-24 inch wall - from 2 feet away, minimal knee bend, landing with straight legs
No hops today, just no neural drive, so spent my jump portion practising my single leg and weak plant jumps
Dang I feel so clutzy on them...
On the good side it's so easy to jump onto the 20-24 inch wall now, standing from 2 feet away and hardly bending my legs, minimal arm swing, landing ontop with straight legs
resistance at the outdoor courtsbanded elbow wall walk x 40 secs
alternating sets - 1.5 mins restsingle leg calf raise - BW x22, x21
Wall tib raise - body at 45 degree angle - BW x18, x16
pushups - feet elevated 24 inches - 6 inch hand width - light JumpStretch band from hands around back - BW x14, x8
inverted row on stair railing - undergrip - BW x10, x9
Might use band for extra resistance on calf raises next, loop around stair railing to neck, maybe. Would add an extra eccentric spring
Or bring a dumbbell to the courts...
back at homefacing down garage slope, in oly shoes
rotating sets between the squatsfront squat all paused - 40kg x3 , 60kg x3, 80kg x1
controlled down, paused, explode up - 85kg x3 @RPE 9
High-mid bar squat all paused - 40kg x2 hold at bottom for 10 deep breaths each rep, 60kg x5, 80kg x1
controlled down, paused, explode up - 85kg x5 @ RPE 9
regular reps - 80kg x 10 @ RPE 10
Slapped on 5kg for front squats from last session and it was solid!
I thought my 1RM was around 90kg, but it's obviously higher...
Kettbell swing onto toes 24kg x12
clean grip deadlift + RDL combo - deadlift, lowered to knee, RDL back up, then lowered under control RDL style back to floor 85kg x 8 combos - 4 reps normal, 4 reps hooked grip
split leg deadlift - rear leg out at an angle 60kg x10 each side, with 2 minutes rest
front squat support 110kg x20 secs + 20 secs (after 15 sec rest), 100kg x 40 secs
high angle single arm row, elbow out
24kg kettlebell - x18+4+3 , right side was 17+4+3
Standing single leg raiselightest band I have - (straight legs x12 + bent leg x 12) x 2 sets
One arm loaded carries 24kg kettlebell x 50secs walk around front yards, each side
single leg kneeling deadlift - BW x 10
Peterson stepups - 5 inch BW x 10
5 inch front elevated ATG splitsquat x 5
released upper traps and triceps on loaded bar
banded elbow wall walk x 40 secs
lightest band face pulls to 3 angles x 12 reps without rest
Strength continues to move up at a nice pace, considering the calorie deficit.
Was able to squat a bit more upright without really trying... it seems all the ankle banded work did something... but I'm still limited by my right ankle impingement when the knee gets more than an inch in front of my toes. Oly shoes help a bit
Damn my knees felt great today... the backwalk walks did some magic...
The ATG split squats at the end I tried did not bother my left knee at all!
Not ready to load them yet, but I will use them to warmup my knee, ankle and hip flexor ROM for squats next time.
I have some leather ankle straps from WestSide from many years ago, they were made for sled drags, but I never used them
Thought I'd try using them for banded leg raises and it worked well.
These should beef up my hips flexors and rectus femoris for more running speed/endurance later on
3500+ calorie burn for today, not including weights
plan to eat 1600-1700 calories