Monday 4th November 2019whole lower back and right mid outer back still sore/hurts when I get up off a chair
soft tissue work and release session at home
did a bunch of these at home and then at the courts before and after - and my right ankle felt way better! without shoes - 89+kg
BBall practice session - 44 mins
dribble, shooting practice, intense moves and layups
A few jumps at the end
Jumps back up to current bests, maybe higher, but I dropped off real fast.
Finally got a couple of 9.5+ feet touches - it seems I need to get a smooth relaxed movement going to jump my highest.
If I try to muscle it I always end up jumping 2 inches lower
Running around fairly easily now, feet can handle my weight.
Lower back was aching when I landed deep :/
resistance at the outdoor courtssingle leg calf raise - BW x19, x18
alternating sets - 1.5 mins rest
pushups - feet elevated 24 inches - 6 inch hand width - light JumpStretch band from hands around back - BW x14, x7
inverted row on stair railing - undergrip - BW x9, x8
Calves/feet getting stronger, right heel no longer hurting when stretched on calf raises.
Added light, green Jump Stretch band to pushups for extra resistance - first set, the band rolled onto my neck so didn't add that much, but second set stayed on my back and it made it harder.
back at homefacing down garage slope, in oly shoes
rotating sets between the squatsfront squat all paused 40kg x3 , 60kg x3
controlled down, paused, explode up - 80kg x3
High-mid bar squat 40kg x2 hold at bottom for 10 deep breaths each rep, 60kg x5 (paused)
controlled down, paused, explode up - 82.5kg x5
regular reps - 90kg x 7 - last rep hard
90kg x3
Kettbell swing onto toes 24kg x12
clean grip deadlift + RDL combo - deadlift, lowered to knee, RDL back up, then lowered under control RDL style back to floor 82.5kg x 8 combos - 4 reps normal, 4 reps hooked grip
split leg deadlift - rear leg out at an angle 60kg x9 each side, with 2 minutes rest
front squat support 100kg x30 secs + 10 secs (after 10 sec rest), 110kg x 20 secs
high angle single arm row, elbow out
24kg kettlebell - x19, x12
One arm loaded carries 24kg kettlebell x 50secs walk around front yards, each side
single leg kneeling deadlift - BW x 10
Plank x 1+ min
released upper traps and triceps on loaded bar
banded elbow wall walk x 40 secs
band face pulls to 3 angles x 12 reps without rest
Strength is up across the board - amazing considering the calorie deficit!
Front squat with 80kg felt way easier than last session, was actually tempted to do 4 reps.... so I should have added 2.5kg today, but it did work my mid right back quite hard
Last session the last rep did tweak my back in that spot, so better safe than sorry
Finally got 90kg x7 on backsquats, felt easier than the 90kg x6 I did 2 sessions ago, So 90kg x8 would probably be possible if I was fresh = estimated 1RM of 110kg
Will try 100kg for 5 next week. It would be nice to be able to squat around 1.5x BW for 12 reps by the time I hit 70kg in bodyweight
24kg Kettlebell rows are getting too high in reps, time to stop being lazy and use a heavier dumbbell
Did a plank at the end for funsies, and was able to hold over a min easy.... last time I did it was a few weeks back... so front squat supports have boosted it a lot!
So no reason to do them anymore me thinks.
Added SL kneeling deadlift for balance and glute reasons.
3600+ calorie burn for today, not including weights
ate 1700 calories