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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #990 on: October 17, 2021, 05:54:08 am »
Sunday 17th October 2021

Legs/hips, soleus and upper body a little achey from yesterday's stuff.

All tendons feeling better

bodyweight - without shoes = 84.8kg

BBall practise + jumps @ WLC outdoor courts - 45 mins

1) 15 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) shooting, post up moves, layups etc
3) A few low effort jumps and standing dunks on 8 feet netball rim

COVID lockdown lifted and courts quite a lot less crowded.. but still surprised to see my fav rim unused....!
I measured it again, since it has been refurbished and it's higher now at 297cm, 9'11". Backboard at 286cm, 9'6"
So close to proper height... it used to be 9'10" and 9'4" backboard
That explains why I was lower a few weeks back when I tried jumping against it

Left inner/upper patella tendon ached on some crouched dribble moves and some odd low effort jumps earlier.
Some low effort 3 step jump technique practise was fine, and left quad tendon was also OK.
Quads felt a bit "heavy" and achey.

Both achilles, while still not 100%, were pain free on moderate speed jogging on balls of feet.
Could feel the soleus working since all the ISO last night hit the area and made me much more aware of it.
I don't think the gastroc does all that much here....

But how they feel tomorrow will tell the story


6 hours later

Wall sit - 2 legs at 60 degrees x 1 min, 90 degrees, 1 min x 4 sets

Soleus Wall Sit calf raise ISO - single leg - knee at 30-60 degrees - 1 min x 4 sets


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #991 on: October 18, 2021, 11:29:18 am »
Monday 18th October 2021

A little tried and beat up from yesterday

Right Achilles a bit sore again...

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches
Soft tissue work for selected areas

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted -  day 1

Band pull aparts - horzontal x 20, Diagonals, palms facing down -  Rogue light band x10 each axis
prone cuban press into behind the neck press combo - broom x 10
broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + Shoulder dislocates x 20
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Side plank with leg abduction - against wall - x 30secs each side
Front plank x 30 secs
Spanish squat ISO - at 60 degree knee angle, torso leaning back - 2x 30 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Calf raise - in oly shoes -  controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down - single leg BW x20,
single leg - 3 sec up, hold at top, 3 sec down, to neutral only on 6 inch Step - 10kg dip belt x15, 20kg x15,  dip belt + weight vest 30kg 2x12

Decided not to use an SSB to save my upper back for squats.

B)Wall Tibialis raise - in oly shoes - 3 sec eccentric - BW 2x11, x9 @ RPE 9 (+1 rep)

C1) Bent knee soleus calf raise - single leg - arm supported - no elevation, in oly shoes -  controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down - BW x20,

C2) SSB Seated calf raise - single leg - SSB resting on safety bars, 1 inch elevated in oly shoes - controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down, unloaded/paused with shoe on floor
30kg x15, 50kg x15, 70kg x15, 80kg 2x12

I previously tried seated calf raises using a regular bar with a squat pad, but it still hurt my quads with >60kg.
Saw on the net about using an SSB to do it instead, and it works really well.
Doing it one leg at a time means one side of the bar is resting and pivoting on the safety arms, but since the working leg is just off centre, the lever arm effect seems to magnify the weight on the lifted side of the bar, like a landmine, when you hold it closer to the pivot point
It just feels harder than lifting the same load using both legs, despite only using half of the weight on the bar.

D) Squats - 6 sec down, 2 sec up - BW x 5

Overhead squat - slow tempo 20kg x5, x5 - second set trying out my new Nike Romaleos 4 SE shoes
Front Squat - oly shoes - 5 secs down, 3 sec up  - 20kg x5, 30kg x5, 40kg x5 (+2.5kg on top set)
5 high hang power cleans before each set - with no foot movement

A) High bar squat - oly shoes - 6 secs down, 2 sec up  - 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 75kg 2x5
3 sec down, controlled up - 75kg x20 @ RPE 8  (+2.5kg)

B) Low bar squat - oly shoes - 5 sec down, 3 sec up  - 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 75kg x5
3 sec down, controlled up - 75kg x15 @ RPE 7

So I tried my new Nike Romaleos 4 SE shoes. Size 9.5 was tad tight in the toes, size 10 ok.
They feel damn rock solid and stable, but a bit stiff and boot like, even if they don't look it.
I think the Rebook Legacy Lifter 2 still feels better in terms of being more flexible and athletic feeling.
But still rock solid and stable, just not as good lateral stability wise, as the Nikes are wider in the sole base, with the angled wings.
As a pure squat shoe, and if I was squatting big then the Nikes are probably better as they are so stiff and laterally stable

Will compare again when my discounted Reeboks arrive this week, but I am kinda leaning towards the Reeboks based on my memory of using them last week.
Sigh, these Nikes do look nice, and I got them discounted and Nike are sold out for good, and so will never be able to get them again.


SSB reverse lunge - oly shoes, single arm supported - 2 min rest between sides - 2 sec down and controlled up
BW x6, 30kg x3, 40kg x15 @ RPE 7  (+2.5kg)


A) Stiff legged deadlift -  20kg x10, hook-gripped 60kg x10, 80kg x12,
straps 90kg x12, x11 @ RPE 8

B2) Bench - shoulder width grip - 20kg x12, 40kg x10, 60kg x6,
70kg x12 @ RPE 10 (+1 rep)
3 sec eccentric - 70kg x 7 @ RPE 9.5 (+1 rep)
6 count down, 3 count up - 52.5kg x9 @ RPE 9.5  (+2.5kg, -1 rep)

Alright progress. 11th rep went from a grind last week to much faster. Now the 12th rep was a grind, quite slow in top third, so triceps is the weak link.
Rep max calc says my e1RM is at 100kg :)
Will move first set to 75kg next week, and keep the other sets the same, but try and add more reps

C) High angle rows - 20kg x12, 60kg x5, 70kg 3x9 @ RPE 9 (+1 rep )

Doh... was supposed to do pullups today, but I did these rows instead for some reason..
Oh well, Pull ups and dips next  main session.


Monster band lateral lunge/walk - 3 reps each side alternating, resisting the band eccentric - IronEdge XXHeavy band x 16, XXheavy + heavy band 2x18 @ RPE 8 (+2 reps)
Fighting the band eccentric is tough!

Scarecrow W external rotations- 3 sec eccentric, controlled up - 2.5kg plate x20, 7.5lbs dumbbell x 18, 10lbs x 15
These don't feel too good 10lbs and up, so need to do slow high reps
« Last Edit: October 18, 2021, 11:34:11 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #992 on: October 19, 2021, 11:29:44 am »
Wednesday 19th October 2021

Moderately sore quads, calves and upper body
Hamstrings don't seem to get much DOMs from stiff legged deadlifts anymore, and they used to tear me up more than anything.

Right Achilles better but still sore.

20 reps stuff is starting to drag on my nerves, will make changes soon....

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

general mobility drills
40% ROM sissy squats x 30
side leg raises x 20 each leg

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 20 mins

Tendon health+rehab - fasted -  Day 2
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 30secs each side
Band pull aparts - Rogue light band horizontal x20, Diagonals, palms facing down x10 each axis
Jumpstretch light band (heavier) - High to low, palms facing up x 20, Diagonals, palms facing down x10 each axis
Wall tib raise - x20

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) KettleBell swing - 25lbs x10, 30lbs x10, 35lbs 3x10

B) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported, 1cm elevated
30 sec ISO at top + 30 sec ISO at neutral x30kg, 3x35kg

C1) Wall sit - 2 legs at 90 degrees, Dip belt 6kg 1min x 3 sets
C2) Spanish squat ISO - at 90 degree knee angle, upper body leaning back, +5kg   2x45 secs

D) Seated hip push against strap around lower thighs/upper shins @70+% effort -
Seated 2 x 30 secs
Standing x 30 secs

E) Soleus Wall Sit calf raise ISO - single leg - knee at 30-60 degrees - Dip belt 6kg, 1 min x 3 sets

All at RPE 7-8

Dip scap shrug x 10, dip belt 6kg x 20
Pull up - scap shrugsx 10, dip belt 6kg x 20
Push up - deficit - on dumbbell handles, feet elevated 8 inches - BW x 20
Pull up - feet supported x 20

SSB Good morning - 35kg x10

dips - feet assisted - BW x20
High angle row - 45kg x20
Single arm dumbbell row - supported - 40lbs x 20
Dumbbell press - palms facing, elbow in line with ears - 25lbs x20 (a bit tough)
Dumbbell curl - 17.5lbs x20

Ivanko Supergripper - left hand - 85lbs x10, x20. right hand 85lbs x10, x20 - left hand close to failure

Elbows out row + external rotation + press - chest supported at 45 degrees  - 2.5lbs x20
On knees, single arm on slider discs - draw letters of the alphabet x each arm
3 axis band horizontal wall slide - single arm - Rogue mini light band x25 each arm


Jefferson curl - slow 20kg x10, 25kg x10 + 30 sec hold at the bottom
bar hangs- neutral grip 30secs, pull up grip x 30secs, curl grip - wide x30 secs, shoulder width x 30secs
pullover thoracic spine/lat stretch with 15lb dumbbell x 90 secs
Prone back extension hold x 1 min

« Last Edit: October 19, 2021, 11:33:01 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #993 on: October 20, 2021, 01:22:15 pm »
Wednesday 20th October 2021

Could feel my body recovering a few hours after last nights session - big drop quad soreness

Right achilles improving

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on whole body
TFL rectus femoris, and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted - day 3

general mobility drills
side leg raises x 20 each leg
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drill
40% ROM sissy squats x 30

Band pull aparts - horzontal x 20, Diagonals, palms facing down -  Rogue light band x10 each axis
prone cuban press into behind the neck press combo - broom x 10
broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 5-10 secs each till 1min
Shoulder dislocates x 20
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
front step down - 6 inch step BW x 15
ATG split squat - front leg on 5 inch step - BW x12
Spanish squat ISO - at 60 degree knee angle, torso leaning back - 2x 30 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Calf raise - in oly shoes -  controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down - single leg BW x20,
single leg - 3 sec up, hold at top, 3 sec down, to neutral only on 6 inch Step - 10kg dip belt x6, 20kg x6,  dip belt + weight vest 32.5kg 3x12 @ RPE 9 (+2.5kg)

B) Wall Tibialis raise - in oly shoes - 3 sec eccentric - BW 2x12, x11 @ RPE 9.5 (+1 rep)

C1) Bent knee soleus calf raise - single leg - arm supported - no elevation, in oly shoes -  controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down - BW x20,
C2) SSB Seated calf raise - single leg - SSB resting on safety bars, 1.5 inch elevated in oly shoes - controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down, unloaded/paused with shoe on floor
bar+5kg x6, 20kg x6, 30kg 3x10 @ RPE 9

Right leg is a bit weaker than left, probably why the achilles on this side is worse...

D) Squats - 6 sec down, 2 sec up - BW x 5

Overhead squat - slow tempo 20kg x5
Front Squat - oly shoes - 5 secs down, 3 sec up  - 20kg x5, 32.5kg x5, 42.5kg x5 (+2.5kg on top set)
1 power clean + 3 high hang power clean before each set - with no foot movement

A) High bar squat - oly shoes - 6 secs down, 2 secs up  - 40kg x5, 62.5kg x5, 77.5kg x5
2-3 sec down, controlled up - 77.5kg x21 @ RPE 7  (+2.5kg)
6 secs down, 2 secs up  - 77.5kg x5

B) Low bar squat - oly shoes - 5 sec down, 2 secs up  - 40kg x5, 62.5kg x5
2 sec down, controlled up - 77.5kg x16 @ RPE 7

Nothing much to report other than high rep squats are a bitch...


SSB reverse lunge - oly shoes, single arm supported - 2 min rest between sides - 2 sec down and controlled up
BW x6, 30kg x3, 40kg x15 @ RPE 7

A) Pullups - Hang and 20 scap shrugs
Dead hang/paused - regular grip. wider - BW x1,  x10 @ RPE 10 (+1 rep)
parallel grip, shoulder width -  x8 @ RPE 10
regular grip. wider - 3 sec down, paused - BW x7 @ RPE 9

B) Stiff legged deadlift -  20kg x10, hook-gripped 60kg x10, 80kg x10,
straps 90kg x10 @ RPE 8

C) Dip - dip shrugs x 20, BW x6
Weight vest 10kg x 12 @ RPE 10 (+2 reps)
6 count down, 3 count up - BW x 8 @ RPE 9.5
3 sec eccentric - Weight vest 10kg x 7 @ RPE 9

Side Lying Clam - hip straight, resisting the band eccentric - IronEdge Heavy band x 12 each side, XXheavy 2x 12 each side


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #994 on: October 21, 2021, 12:05:56 pm »
Thursday 21st October 2021

Mild drained feeling earlier in the day
Moderately sore quads, calves, erectors, pecs, lats and posterior shoulder

Achilles feel better, but also worse at the same time.
Maybe overstretched in the seated calf raises, so will reduce ROM a bit next time.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

general mobility drills
40% ROM sissy squats x 30
side leg raises x 20 each leg

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 25 mins

Tendon health+rehab - fasted -  Day 4
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 30secs each side
Band pull aparts - Rogue light band horizontal x20, Diagonals, palms facing down x10 each axis
Jumpstretch light band (heavier) - High to low, palms facing up x 20, Diagonals, palms facing down x10 each axis
Wall tib raise - x20

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) KettleBell swing - 30lbs x10, 35lbs 3x10

B) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported, 1cm elevated
30 sec ISO at top + 30 sec ISO at neutral x30kg, x35kg, x37.5kg x 2 sets (+2.5kg)

C1) Wall sit - 2 legs at 90 degrees, Dip belt 8.5kg - 1min x 3 sets (+2.5kg)
C2) SSB split squat ISO - about 1/4 squat depth maxing out ankle ROM -  30kg x40 secs, front heel off the ground x 40 secs

D) Seated hip push against strap around lower thighs/upper shins @70+% effort -
Seated 2 x 30 secs
Standing 2 x 30 secs

E) Soleus Wall Sit calf raise ISO - single leg - knee at 30-60 degrees - Dip belt 8.5kg, 1 min x 3 sets  (+2.5kg)

All at RPE 7-8

Pull up - scap shrugsx 10, dip belt 6kg x 20
Push up - deficit - on dumbbell handles, feet elevated 8 inches - BW x 20
High angle row - 45kg x20
Single arm dumbbell row - supported - 40lbs x 20
Dumbbell press - palms facing, elbow in line with ears - 25lbs x20
Dumbbell curl - 17.5lbs x20

Ivanko Supergripper - left hand - 85lbs x10, x20. right hand 85lbs x10, x20 - left hand close to failure

Elbows out row + external rotation + press - chest supported at 45 degrees  - 2.5lbs x20
On knees, single arm on slider discs - draw letters of the alphabet x each arm
3 axis band horizontal wall slide - single arm - Rogue mini light band x25 each arm

Might increase the single arms row weight next time, feels a little easier today.
Press a bit easier than last time, so used more controlled cadence
Curls getting closer to being able to increase the weight


Jefferson curl - slow 20kg x10 + 30 sec hold at the bottom
bar hangs- pull up grip x 30secs, neutral grip 30secs, chin grip - wide x30 secs, shoulder width x 30secs
pullover thoracic spine/lat stretch with 15lb dumbbell x 90 secs



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #995 on: October 22, 2021, 12:01:05 pm »
Friday 22nd October 2021

Moderately sore all over. DOMs doesn't seem to going away on my 20 rep sessions like it used to
But quads did recover late last night.

All tendons feeling better. Left patella/Quad tendon all pain free today in squats
Things are getting there

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on whole body
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted - day 5

general mobility drills
side leg raises x 20 each leg
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drill and lateral ankle stretches
40% ROM sissy squats x 30

prone cuban press into behind the neck press combo broom x 10
Band pull aparts - horizontal x20 + Diagonals, palms facing down-  Rogue light band x10 each axis
broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20
Shoulder dislocates 3x20

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Step Downs - 6 inch step - BW x15
ATG split squat - front leg on 5 inch step - BW x12
Spanish squat ISO - at 60 degree knee angle, torso leaning back - 2x 30 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Calf raise - in oly shoes -  controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down - single leg BW x20,
single leg - 3 sec up, hold at top, 3 sec down, to neutral only on 6 inch Step - 10kg dip belt x6, 20kg x6,  dip belt + weight vest 35kg 2x12 @ RPE 9 (+2.5kg)

B) Wall Tibialis raise - in oly shoes - 3 sec eccentric - BW x13, x12, x11 @ RPE 9.5 (+1 rep)

C1) Bent knee soleus calf raise - single leg - arm supported - no elevation, in oly shoes -  controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down - BW x20,
C2) SSB Seated calf raise - single leg - SSB resting on safety bars, 1.5 inch elevated in oly shoes - controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down, unloaded/paused with shoe on floor
bar+5kg x6, 20kg x6, 30kg 2x10 @ RPE 8

D) Squats - 6 sec down, 2 sec up - BW x 5

Overhead squat - slow tempo 20kg 2x5
3 hang power snatch + 3 behind the neck snatch grip push press before each set

Front Squat - oly shoes - 5 secs down, 3 sec up  - 20kg x5, 35kg x5, 45kg x5 (+2.5kg on top set)
1 power clean + 3 high hang power clean before each set - with no foot movement

A) High bar squat - oly shoes - 6 secs down, 2 secs up  - 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 80kg x5
2-3 sec down, controlled up - 80kg x22 @ RPE 8.5  (+2.5kg) PR!!
5 secs down, 2 secs up  - 80kg x5

B) Low bar squat - oly shoes - 5 sec down, 2 secs up  - 40kg x5, 62.5kg x5
2 sec down, controlled up - 80kg x15 @ RPE 7

High bar squat, with a controlled eccentric, 80kg, 176lbs x 22 a PR of sorts :p
Had a few more reps, but form was breaking down
Rep max calculator has my e1RM around 170kg 375lbs, 2x bodyweight... maybe :)

Was also testing the Rebook Legacy Lifter 2 vs the Nike Romaleos 4 SE weightlifting shoes.
I prefer the Rebook, even though the Nike is better built. Feels more flexible and athletic. Whereas the Nike feels like a boot, very stiff, and the front is curved and makes you rock forward...

Ignore my funky elbows I was experimenting a bit here....

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Also went down a bit faster on low bar squats and no tendon discomfort was felt


SSB reverse lunge - oly shoes, single arm supported - 2 sec down and controlled up
BW x6, 30kg x3,
alternating legs - 42.5kg 2x20 @ RPE 7  (+2.5kg)

switched to alternating legs each rep, and while I did more reps per set, it felt easier, but better for form, and having each set as a self contained unit.


A) Stiff legged deadlift -  20kg x10, hook-gripped 60kg x10, 80kg x10,
straps 100kg 2x10 @ RPE 8 (+10kg)

bumped weight to 100kg and it didn't feel too bad, but upper back feels like the limiting factor.
This is probably around 50-55% of my deadlift 1RM, so sets of 10 here sounds about right.

B) Dumbbell palms facing overheard press, arms in line with ears - 27.5lbs x6, 40lbs x12, x11 @ RPE 9  (+5lbs)
6 count down, 3 count up - 30lbs x 8

C) Single arm dumbbell row - supported - 3 sec down - 40lbs x8, 70lbs x11 @ RPE 8  (+5lbs, -1 rep)
6 sec down, 3 sec up - 65lbs x 8 @ RPE 9 (+1 rep)


A) Dumbbell curl - 17.5lbs x8, 27.5lbs x15 @ RPE 10 (+1 rep)
6 sec down, 3 sec up - 25lbs x 7 @ RPE 10 (+1 rep)

time to go up to 30lb dumbbells

B) Ivanko super gripper - 92lbs x8, 101lbs x2
left hand - 101lbs x10, 10, 12 @ RPE 10 
right hand- 101lbs x10, 10, 12 @ RPE 7

Gained reps across the board on all sets, despite pushing hard on previous exercises.

C) Side plank - lateral leg raise - 2x12 each side
really hard for the bottom leg!

Scarecrow W external rotations - 3 sec eccentric, controlled up - 2.5kg plate x15 @ RPE 6
« Last Edit: October 25, 2021, 01:29:25 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #996 on: October 23, 2021, 12:44:52 pm »
Saturday 23rd October 2021

Mild drained feeling, light to moderate soreness all over - hamstrings surprisingly not all that sore.
Glutes, quads and biceps the most sore.
rest day

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Walk - easy, 25 mins - middle - backwards walking up 20 degree slope x 2mins


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #997 on: October 24, 2021, 10:06:04 am »
Sunday 24th October 2021

Fatloss cycle 3 - Week 12

Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 85.3kg(+1.5kg), 188lbs

waist = 33.75 inches
chest = 42.5 inches (+1)
hip =  40.5  inches 
upper thigh = 26 1/8 inches (+1/8)
Right calf = 15 5/8 (-1/8)
Neck = 15.5 
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 22.2% (+1.4)

Total loss so far - weight 2.2kg Waist  3.75 inches Tanita BF% 1.7%

Diet break this week.
Gained some muscle and a bunch of water/food weight
« Last Edit: October 24, 2021, 10:12:34 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #998 on: October 24, 2021, 10:23:30 am »
Sunday 24th October 2021

Whole lower body and biceps still fairly sore

Achilles feeling achey from last session, too much stretch and load from the seated calf raises I think.

bodyweight - without shoes = 86+kg

BBall practise + jumps @ WLC outdoor courts - 50 mins

1) 15 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) shooting, post up moves, layups etc
3) 10+ jumps, and a few dunks on 8 feet netball rim
4) single leg 1/4 squat low intensity reactive bounces

Pretty sore and a bit fatigued feeling from weights, but it's no big deal right now.

Achilles achey until I warmed up.
Left quad and patella tendon 3/10 pain on max effort single leg jump, so pain is coming down.
Standing and approach jumps and landings felt fine.

Did not jump well as expected, but single leg jump was 2 inches higher than vertical now for the first time

Added 1/4 squat reactive bounces at the end, low intensity, to start conditioning the tendons


6 hours later

Wall sit - 2 legs at 60 degrees x 1 min, 90 degrees, 1 min x 2 sets

Single leg calf raise ISO - BW 1min x 2 sets
« Last Edit: October 24, 2021, 10:25:01 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #999 on: October 25, 2021, 01:57:06 pm »
Monday 25th October 2021

Mild drained feeling from yesterday, and a little beat up all over.
Both achilles insertions pretty achey but not flared up.

Did think about resting today, but trained and session was OK, but I do feel like my recovery is starting to lag.
So I might drop back down to 2 squat sessions, from the current 3.
Bench did take a hit today....

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches
Soft tissue work for whole body

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted -  day 1
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Band pull aparts - horzontal x 20, Diagonals, palms facing down -  Rogue light band x10 each axis
prone cuban press into behind the neck press combo - broom x 10
broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + Shoulder dislocates x 20
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Side plank with leg abduction - against wall - x 30secs each side
Front plank x 30 secs
Step Downs - 6 inch step - BW x15
Spanish squat ISO - at 60 degree knee angle, torso leaning back - 2x 30 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Calf raise - in oly shoes -  controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down - single leg BW x20,
single leg - controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down, to neutral only on 6 inch Step - 10kg dip belt x6, 20kg x6,  dip belt + weight vest 35kg 2x12 @ RPE 9 (+2.5kg)

B) Wall Tibialis raise - in oly shoes - 3 sec eccentric - BW 3x14 @ RPE 9.5 (+1 rep)

C1) Bent knee soleus calf raise - single leg - arm supported - no elevation, in oly shoes -  controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down - BW x20,
C2) SSB Seated calf raise - single leg - SSB resting on safety bars, no elevation, in oly shoes - controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down, unloaded/paused with shoe on floor
Bar x6, bar+10kg x6, 20kg 2x15 @ RPE 8

D) Squats -

Overhead squat - slow tempo 20kg x5
3 hang power snatch + 3 behind the neck snatch grip push press before each set

Front Squat - oly shoes - 5 secs down, 3 sec up  - 20kg x5, 35kg x5, 45kg x5
1 power clean + 3 high hang power clean before each set - with no foot movement

A) High bar squat - oly shoes - 6 secs down, 2 secs up  - 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 82.5kg x5
2-3 sec down, controlled up - 82.5kg x20 @ RPE 7  (+2.5kg) PR!!
4 secs down, controlled up  - 82.5kg x6

B) Low bar squat - oly shoes - 5 sec down, 2 secs up  - 40kg x5, 62.5kg x5
2 sec down, controlled up - 82.5kg x15 @ RPE 7

Whoops forgot to increase load on front squat top set

Form on 20 rep set better than last session, without the funky elbows. Had reps in the tank, but didn't want to go close to failure
Filmed sets from behind and it confirmed what I felt, I have some hip shift towards my left side, on the way up.
I could feel it happening, and it makes me roll towards my left toes.

This video confirmed what I already know, my left hip external rotation is tighter than the right. I already know this when I do piriformis stretches, it doesn't quite match my right side's flexibility, although both sides are pretty good compared to most people, I can touch my head on my feet in the stretch, just harder on the left side.
And lateral hip swings are worse on the left leg, and some pain there until I reach 5 reps or so.
Also explains why my left side erectors are always so sore when I do soft tissue work there

Going to work on this stuff tomorrow
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


SSB reverse lunge - oly shoes, single arm supported - 2 sec down and controlled up
alternating legs - BW x12, 35kg x12,
alternating legs - 45kg x22 @ RPE 7  (+2.5kg)


A) Stiff legged deadlift -  20kg x10, hook-gripped 60kg x10, 80kg x10,
straps 100kg x8, 90kg x10 @ RPE 8

Felt hard, so had to drop back to 90kg on second set. Either fatigue from squats or just fatigue from yesterday.

B2) Bench - shoulder width grip - 20kg x12, 40kg x10, 60kg x6,
75kg x7 @ RPE 9 (+5kg, -4 reps)
3 sec eccentric - 70kg x 8 @ RPE 9.5 (+1 rep)
6 count down, 3 count up - 52.5kg x9 @ RPE 9.5

I was expecting to hit 75kg x9 @ RPE 9, based on the 70kg x 12 I did last week. So strength is down
But I did improve on second set...

"+" = 15 breaths rest
C) High angle rows - 20kg x12, 60kg x5, 70kg x10 +3+3+3+3 @ RPE 9 (+1 rep )

Session was long, so I just Myo-repped this to get it over with


Side Lying Clam - hip straight, resisting the band eccentric - IronEdge Heavy band x 12 each side, XXheavy 3x15 each side

Scarecrow W external rotations- 3 sec eccentric, controlled up, torso leaning slightly forward - 2.5kg plate x20, 7.5lbs dumbbell 2x20
« Last Edit: October 25, 2021, 02:01:25 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1000 on: October 26, 2021, 01:01:36 pm »
Tuesday 26th October 2021

Moderately drained feeling
Moderately sore calves and hamstrings, milder soreness everywhere else but still sore.

Achilles slightly better but still achey

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

general mobility drills
40% ROM sissy squats x 30
side leg raises x 20 each leg

Tendon health+rehab - fasted -  Day 2
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 30secs each side
Band pull aparts - Rogue light band horizontal x20, Diagonals, palms facing down x10 each axis
Jumpstretch light band (heavier) - High to low, palms facing up x 20, Diagonals, palms facing down x10 each axis

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) KettleBell swing - 30lbs x10, 35lbs 3x10

B) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported, 1cm elevated
30 sec ISO at top + 30 sec ISO at neutral x30kg, x35kg, x40kg x 2 sets (+2.5kg)

C) Assisted Hip Airplane stretch - 5x10 secs x 4 sets

D) Squat with band around knees - 10 sec hold at 1/4 squat, half and parallel, then slow up + 3 slow tempo reps -
IronEdge XXheavy band x 1 set
IronEdge XXheavy band + Light band x 3 sets

D2) Pistol Squat eccentric - supported - BW x 3 reps

No pain on left knee tendons unlike a few weeks back

E) SSB split squat, Soleus ISO - about 1/4 squat depth, knee forward maxing out ankle ROM,  front heel off the ground - 30secs x 30kg, x 35kg x 2 sets
35kg felt fairly hard, some shaking starting to show

All at RPE 7-8

SSB good morning - 35kg x 25
Dip scap shrug x 10, dip belt 6kg x 20
Pull up - scap shrugsx 10, dip belt 6kg x 20
Push up - deficit - on dumbbell handles BW x10, then feet elevated 8 inches - BW x 20
High angle row - 20kg x10, 45kg x20
Close grip triangle pushup - BW x 20
Single arm dumbbell row - supported - 25lbs x10, 45lbs x 20 (+5lbs)
Dumbbell press - palms facing, elbow in line with ears - 25lbs x20
Dumbbell curl - 17.5lbs x20

Ivanko Supergripper - left hand - 85lbs x10, x20. right hand 85lbs x10, x20 - left hand closer to failure

Elbows out row + external rotation + press - chest supported at 45 degrees  - 2.5lbs x20
Wall band spider crawl - not for self to do next time - video below, but with arms bent at 90 degrees vertically to also work the serratus

Curl getting easier, will go up to 20lbs soon.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Jefferson curl - slow 20kg x10 + 40 sec hold at the bottom
bar hangs- pull up grip, dip belt 6kg - 2x 30secs
chin grip, shoulder width, dip belt 6kg x 30secs. BW x30 secs

pullover thoracic spine/lat stretch with 15lb dumbbell x 90 secs
Prone back extension hold - x 45 secs

« Last Edit: October 26, 2021, 02:29:51 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1001 on: October 27, 2021, 01:08:21 pm »
Wednesday 27th October 2021

Whole body a bit achey

Achilles sore upon waking but improving, and ok later on.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on whole body
TFL rectus femoris, and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted - day 3
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

general mobility drills
side leg raises x 20 each leg
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drill
40% ROM sissy squats x 30

Band pull aparts - horzontal x 20, Diagonals, palms facing down -  Rogue light band x10 each axis
prone cuban press into behind the neck press combo - broom x 10
broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 5-10 secs each till 1min
Shoulder dislocates 3x20
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
front step down - 6 inch step BW x 15
Spanish squat ISO - at 60 degree knee angle, torso leaning back a bit - 2x 30 secs

Assisted Hip Airplane stretch - 5x10 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A)Calf raise - single leg - in oly shoes -  BW x20,
controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down, to slightly below neutral only on 6 inch Step - 10kg dip belt x10, 20kg x10,  dip belt + weight vest 30kg x12, 37.5kg x12 @ RPE 8 (+2.5kg)

B) Wall Tibialis raise - in oly shoes - 3 sec eccentric - BW x14, 2x10 @ RPE 9

C1) Bent knee soleus calf raise - single leg - arm supported - no elevation - BW x20,
C2) SSB Seated calf raise - single leg - SSB resting on safety bars, no elevation in oly shoes - controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down, unloaded/paused with shoe on floor
bar+5kg x10, 20kg x10, 25kg 2x15 @ RPE 9

D) Squats - 5 sec down, 2 sec up - BW x 5

Overhead squat - slow tempo 20kg x5, 25kg x5
3 hang power snatch + 3 behind the neck snatch grip push press before each set

Front Squat - oly shoes - 5 secs down, 3 sec up  - 20kg x5, 37.5kg x5, 50kg x5 (+5kg on top set)
1 power clean + 3 high hang power clean before each set - with no foot movement

A) High bar squat - oly shoes - 6 secs down, 2 secs up  - 50kg x5, 70kg x5
2-3 sec down, controlled up - 85kg x20 @ RPE 8  (+2.5kg) PR!!
6 secs down, 2 secs up  - 85kg x5

B) Low bar squat - oly shoes - 5 sec down, controlled up  - 50kg x5, 70kg x5
2 sec down, controlled up - 85kg x15 @ RPE 9

According to rep calc 85kg x20 = 180kg e1RM, and 140kg x8/9 reps....

Low bar squat main set was pretty tough

Quite an improvement in hip shift, at least 75% better on high bar, didn't feel it at all, and not much on video, even on the 20th rep of the main set
Still a bit noticeable on low bar squats, maybe due to higher hip involvement, but still vastly improved
And from just 1 session of work yesterday and some assisted Hip Airplane stretches earlier this session


Pistol squat - supported - oly shoes - BW x8

Just trying these out. The last time I did these a few weeks back my left patella and quad tendon hurt quite a bit. No pain today!

SSB reverse lunge - oly shoes, single arm supported - 2 sec down and controlled up
alternating legs - BW x12, 35kg x12,
alternating legs - 45kg x24 @ RPE 8  (+2 reps)

A) Pull up/Chin up - Hang and 20 scap shrugs
Pull up - Dead hang/paused,  wider - BW x1,  x10 @ RPE 9
Chin up, shoulder width -  x10 @ RPE 9
Pull up, wider - 3 sec down - BW x6 @ RPE 9
Chin up, shoulder width - 3 sec down - BW x6 @ RPE 9

added chin ups, first time in years doing these

B) Stiff legged deadlift -  20kg x10, hook-gripped 60kg x10, 80kg x10 @ RPE 8

these felt way harder than last few session. probably fatigue from squats/low bar squats
Stopped at 80kg set instead of working up to 100kg. I will take what I get instead of forcing things.

A) Dip - dip shrugs x 20, BW x5
Dip belt 11kg x 14 @ RPE 10 (+1kg, +2 reps)
3 sec eccentric - Weight vest 10kg x 7 @ RPE 9
6 count down, 3 count up - BW x 8 @ RPE 9

Time to go up in weight +10kg

B) Monster band lateral lunge/walk - 3 reps each side alternating, resisting the band eccentric - IronEdge XXHeavy band x 16, XXheavy + heavy band 2x18 @ RPE 8

C) Wall band spider crawl
- arms bent at 90 degrees, palms facing, Rogue small light band - 5 trips up/down x 3 sets

« Last Edit: October 27, 2021, 01:12:17 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1002 on: October 28, 2021, 06:58:29 am »
Thursday 28th October 2021

Woke up with my upper traps/back on fire, but things settled down a few hours later
Mild drained feeling, and whole body in mild to moderate DOMs

Achilles and back of heel achey upon waking, but no pain when walking, so it's improving

Decided to rest up today

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

TFL rectus femoris, and hip flexor stretch

Assisted Hip Airplane stretch -
left side 5x10 secs high position, 3x10 lower
right side - 1x10 in 3 positions


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1003 on: October 30, 2021, 06:06:08 am »
Friday 29th October 2021

legs, hips and adductors still pretty sore

Achilles still feeling overstretched from seated calf raises, so will try more tweaks, otherwise will drop them for the time being

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

general mobility drills
40% ROM sissy squats x 30
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills
side leg raises x 20 each leg

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 40 mins
- jumpshot and hook shot drill vs wall
- low intensity right left plant approach jump - a few reps

- continuous jumps in place, minimal ankle contribution, jumping 3 inches -
single leg 1/8 squat jumps x 5 + two legged 1/4 squat jumps x 10 - 4 sets

tendon conditioning, no pain or discomfort felt

Tendon health+rehab - fasted -  Day 4
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Band pull aparts - Rogue light band horizontal x20, Diagonals, palms facing down x10 each axis
Jumpstretch light band (heavier) - High to low, palms facing up x 20, Diagonals, palms facing down x10 each axis

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) KettleBell swing - 30lbs x10, 35lbs 3x12

B) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported, 1cm elevated
30 sec ISO at top + 30 sec ISO at neutral x30kg, x40kg x 3 sets (+2.5kg)

C) Assisted Hip Airplane stretch - 5x10 secs x 3 sets - left leg
varying height per stretch   

D) Squat with band around knees - 10 sec hold at 1/4 squat, half and parallel, then slow up + 3 slow tempo reps -
IronEdge XXheavy band + Light band x 3 sets

Push ups - "+" = 15 deep breaths rest
deficit - on dumbbell handles BW x10, then feet elevated 8 inches - BW x 22 +5+5 @ RPE 9 (+2 reps)
Close grip triangle pushup - BW x 21 @ RPE 9

C) Single arm dumbbell row - supported - 3 sec down - 45lbs x10, 33.5kg x10 @ RPE 9  (+1.7kglbs, -1 rep)
6 sec down, 3 sec up - 65lbs x 9 @ RPE 9 (+1 rep)
3 sec down - 33.5kg x9 @ RPE 9

switching to my spin lock dumbbells on main sets

A) Dumbbell palms facing overheard press, arms in line with ears - 25lbs x8, 45lbs x9, x9 @ RPE 9  (+5lbs, -3 reps)

B) Dumbbell curl - 20lbs x8, 30lbs x10 @ RPE 8 (+2.5lbs, -5 reps)
6 sec down, 3 sec up - 25lbs x 10 @ RPE 10 (+3 reps)

B) Ivanko super gripper - 92lbs x10
left hand - 101lbs x12.75, 11, 11 @ RPE 10  (+1 rep on all sets)
right hand- 101lbs x13, 11, 11 @ RPE 8

Scarecrow W external rotations - 3 sec eccentric, controlled up - 2.5kg plate x20, 7.5lb dumbbells x 20 @ RPE 7
45 degree Chest supported row + external rotation -  7.5lb dumbbells x 20 @ RPE 7

Jefferson curl - slow 20kg x10 + 40 sec hold at the bottom
bar hangs- pull up grip x 40secs, chin grip - shoulder width x 40secs



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1004 on: October 30, 2021, 06:08:23 am »
Saturday 30th October 2021

Slight stale feeling.  Achey all over but really sore abs... maybe from dumbbell press
Posterior chain and biceps to a lesser extent than abs

rest day

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Walk - moderate, 30 mins - middle - backwards walking up 20-30 degree slope x 2mins