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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #930 on: September 02, 2021, 12:04:19 pm »
Thursday 2nd September 2021

The usual achey feeling

Achilles improving.
Left quad tendon a bit worse from those 50kg eccentric single leg squats, so still too heavy...even though I felt perfectly fine during the session.
Will try 30kg next time...

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Lying TFL, hip flexor, and lateral hamstring stretch

Tendon health+rehab - active recovery - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Wall tib raise - x20
Spanish squat ISO - at 80 degree knee angle - 2x 45 secs

High to low band pull apart - palms facing up - Jumpstretch light band x 20
Diagonals x6 each axis
Bench dip scap shrug x 20
Push up, deficit - dumbbell handles on bench x 20
Pull up - feet supported x 20
High angle row - 30kg x20
Dumbbell press - palms facing, elbow in line with ears - 20lbs x20 (feels a touch hard, so will drop back down to 17.5lbs)
Dumbbell curl - 17.5lbs x20
Ivanko Supergripper - 56lbs x20
Elbows out row + external rotation into press - chest supported at 45 degrees 2.5lbs x20

Heel elevated front step down - 6 inch step + bumper plate, in oly shoes +5kg (opposite arm of working leg) x 20
Split squat - narrow stance BW x 20
High bar squat - heel elevated 20kg bumper plate + oly shoes- 30kg x20
SSB Good Morning - 35kg x20
Safety bar squat - 40kg x20

Step  down still too easy, so will go up next time
SSB kinda easy, so 45kg next time.
SSB GM up 5kg, still too easy. 40kg next time.

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - no elevation, in oly shoes -  BW x20, 35kg x 20, 60kg x 30 sec ISO

+5kg on 20 rep set, not too hard

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 1 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x20 (80% range), 35kg x20 (80% range), 60kg x 30 sec ISO


6 hours later

Calf raise - single leg - bent knee x 1.5 min ISO, straight leg x 2min ISO
no elevation - single leg - straight leg x25
single - bent knee, top half ROM x 25

Wall sit at 70-80 degree knee angle - 2 legs x 1 min
single leg 2 x 45 secs
Bulgarian split squat - BW x20


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #931 on: September 03, 2021, 12:12:43 pm »
Friday 3rd September 2021

legs/glutes feel tight and achey/bruised
Achilles continues to improve

Took it easier today

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Soft tissue work for whole body
Lying TFL, hip flexor, and lateral hamstring stretch

Tendon health+rehab - active recovery - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Wall tib raise - x20
Spanish squat ISO - at 80 degree knee angle - 2x 45 secs

High to low band pull apart - palms facing up - Jumpstretch light band x 20
Diagonals Rogue light band x10 each axis
Dip scap shrug x 20
Push up, deficit - dumbbell handles on bench x 20
Pull up - feet supported x 20
High angle row - 25kg x20
Dumbbell press - palms facing, elbow in line with ears - 15lbs x20
Dumbbell curl - 15lbs x20
Ivanko Supergripper - 56lbs x20
Elbows out row + external rotation into press - chest supported at 45 degrees 2.5lbs x20

regressed Row, press and curl loads

Heel elevated front step down - 6 inch step + bumper plate, in oly shoes  +15lbs (opposite arm of working leg) x 20
Split squat - narrow stance BW x 20
High bar squat - heel elevated 20kg bumper plate + oly shoes- 30kg x20
SSB Good Morning - 40kg x20 (+5kg)
Safety bar squat - 45kg x20 (+5kg)
Monster band lateral lunge/walk - IronEdge heavy band x 10 each side

Step down upped to 15lbs, still easy
SSB GM +5kg, not hard, but my posterior chain sure felt it post workout

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - no elevation, in oly shoes -  BW x20, 35kg x 20
B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 1 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x20 (80% range), 35kg x20 (80% range)


6 hours later

Calf raise - single leg - bent knee x 2 mins 10 sec ISO, straight leg x 2 min 45 secs ISO

Wall sit at 70-80 degree knee angle - 2 legs x 45 secs
single leg 3 x 35 secs

« Last Edit: September 03, 2021, 01:11:38 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #932 on: September 04, 2021, 01:16:43 pm »
Saturday 4th September 2021

Posterior chain pretty sore when I woke up, but ok in the afternoon

Changing up my Achilles insertion rehab approach.
According to recent research, the inner lower part is what gets damaged here, but that area gets the lowest stress when the calf is stretched.
It gets the most stress at max flexion, so that area actually gets stress shielded and gets weaker over time in everyday life and movements...
So I need to stress the calf work right up at the very top
By placing strain gauges inside different sections of the Achilles tendons and then loading the tendons with the ankle positioned in a variety of angles, researchers from the University of North Carolina discovered that the back portion of the Achilles tendon is exposed to far greater amounts of strain (particularly when the ankle was moved upward) while the forward section of the tendon, which is the section most frequently damaged with insertional tendinitis, was exposed to very low loads. The authors of the study suggest that the lack of stress on the forward aspect of the Achilles tendon (which they referred to as a tension shielding effect) may cause that section to weaken and eventually fail.
Eccentric Treatment

The treatment of an Achilles insertional tendinitis should thus be to strengthen the forward-most aspect of the tendon (after rest has reduced swelling in the sheath around the tendon). This can be accomplished by performing a series of eccentric load exercises through a partial range of motion. It is particularly important to exercise the Achilles tendon with the ankle pointing down as far as possible (i.e., standing way up on tiptoes), because this position places greater amounts of load on the more frequently damaged forward portion of the tendon.

Also doing a reset on my left quad tendon rehab, and starting back up from the bottom.
Been going too hard, too heavy, too soon...

I was worried I would be weaker on press and pullups today due to doing them everyday so far, albeit at low intensity for sets of 20, but I actually felt much stronger today, and on a calorie deficit.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Soft tissue work for whole body

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side

Spanish squat ISO - at 60 degree knee angle - 3x 35 secs

High to low band pull apart - palms facing up - Jumpstretch light band x 20
band pull a part - Diagonals - Rogue light band x10 each axis

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - 1 inch elevated, in oly shoes -  top third only, controlled up, 3 sec down - BW x20, 30kg x 30 sec ISO, x 20
50kg x 45 sec ISO, x12

B) Tib raise - SSB + oly shoes - BW x8, 30kg x10, 40kg x10, 50kg x10, 60kg 2x10 @ RPE8

C) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 1 inch elevated in oly shoes - top third only, controlled up, 3 sec down - BW x20, 30kg x 30 sec ISO, x 20
50kg x 45 sec ISO, x12

D) Pullups - Hang and 10/10 scap shrugs with regular/parallel grip to warmup, semi inverted row on SSB x 6
Dead hang/paused - regular grip. wider - BW x1,  2x5 @ RPE 8 (+1 rep)
parallel grip, shoulder width - BW x1,  2x5 @ REP 8

E1) SSB Good morning - 30kg x5, 40kg x20
E2) Split Leg RDL - 20kg x5, 30kg x5
E3) Glute bridge, slider leg curl - BW x6 eccentrics + 3 reps, BW x10 @ RPE 8
E4) Jefferson curl - hold at bottom of each rep - 20kg barbell x 8, 25kg x10 + 30 sec hold on last set @ RPE 7

F) Dumbbell palms facing overheard press, arms in line with ears - 10lb x10, 20lbs x8, 30lbs 2x11 @ RPE 8  (+2.5lbs, -1 rep)


6 hours later

Calf raise - 2legged - top third only - straight x25, bent x 25
single leg - straight at top x 1.5min ISO, bent at top x 1.5 min ISO
straight, top third, slow reps for 1+ min
bent, top third, slow reps for 1+ min

hmmm even with straight legs, when held at the top, pushed up hard, I mostly felt it in my soleus...

Wall sit at 60 degree knee angle - 2 legs x 45 secs
single leg 3 x 35 secs
« Last Edit: September 05, 2021, 07:16:42 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #933 on: September 05, 2021, 12:23:24 am »
Sunday 5th September 2021

Fatloss cycle 3 - Week 5

Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 85.1kg (-0.3kg), 187.6lbs

waist - 35 5/8 inches (-0.25)
hip =  40.75 inches  (-0.25)
upper thigh = 26 1/8 inches (-1/8)
Right calf = 16 (-1/8)
Neck = 15.5 (-1/8)
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 22.4% (-1.2)

Total loss so far - weight 2.4kg Waist  1 7/8 inches Tanita BF% 1.6%

Didn't drop down too much weight, but another 0.5kg of fat lost. Probably gained some muscle despite the overall size decrease
Wanted 3/8 off the waist and 0.75kg of fat lost....


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #934 on: September 05, 2021, 08:59:47 am »
Sunday 5th September 2021

Achey feeling all over.
Took it easy today

Second COVID vaccine tomorrow

BBall practise - 43 mins

Easy BBall session of dribbling and shooting practise.
No hard cuts or jumping, apart from some low effort Euro steps

A bit rusty at first , but it came back quickly

Used a crappy court at a school a block away from my house... court is sloped... but not too many options in this COVID lockdown period, as the better courts in other schools are sealed up.
Some monkey bar complex here for dips and pull ups


Ivanko Supergripper - left hand only -56lbs x20


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #935 on: September 06, 2021, 10:51:04 am »
Monday 6th September 2021

Achey upper back and posterior chain, adductors - not so much from BBall, but from the weights the day before.
Tendons feel a bit sore

Got Second COVID vaccine this morning, but not feeling any effects later at night.

Thought about taking a complete rest day, apart from soft tissue work and stretching.
But decided to do some ISOs, and resetting things back

I'm going to start using the collagen/vitamin C combo pre workout to help out

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Soft tissue work for whole body, especially calves. Some areas that have been hurting even after a full 2 weeks of daily work are finally no longer hurting

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A1) Wall sit at 60 degree knee angle - 2 legs x30 secs, single leg 4 x 30 secs (alternating sides with no rest)
A2) Spanish squat ISO - at 60 degree knee angle - 3x 35 secs

B)Calf raise ISO - held at top/max contraction - 2 legs BW x 30secs, single leg - 30 secs x BW, 5kg, 10kg, 30lbs, 20kg

C) Seated hip push against strap around lower thighs/upper shins @70% effort -
Seated x 30 secs
Seated, torso at 45 degrees  x 30secs
Seated x 30secs
Standing x 30 secs

Ivanko Supergripper - left hand only -56lbs x20


6 hours later

Wall sit at 60 degree knee angle - 2 legs  4x45 secs
« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 11:01:53 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #936 on: September 07, 2021, 12:09:57 pm »
Tuesday 7th September 2021

Posterior chain and upper back still a bit sore.
Pigged out the last 2 days.... back on the fat loss today....

All tendons feeling much better - things looking up.
Right achilles insertion still needs work, but left achilles insertion/patella/quad tendon is now into stage 2 rehab

Although recent changes to my rehab approach should get the right achilles up to scratch now

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on feet,  whole lower body, posterior shoulder, traps and front delts - front delts still so painful after 2+ weeks of work!!
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min x 2 sets
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Wall tib raise - x20
Band pull aparts - High to low, palms facing up - Jumpstretch light band x 20
Diagonals, palms facing down x6 each axis

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A1) Spanish squat ISO - at 60 degree knee angle - 2x 35 secs
A2) High bar squat - full range super slow squats - BW x 5
3 sec down and up, paused on 20 inch bench - 20kg x5, 40kg x5, 50kg x5, 60kg x5, 70kg x 15

All pain free

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported, no elevation, in oly shoes - controlled - BW x20 , 30kg x30 sec ISO,  x15
40kg x 30 sec ISO at top
3 sec up and down, top half only - 40kg x15

C) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise -  arm supported, no elevation, in oly shoes - controlled - BW x20 , 30kg x30 sec ISO,  x15
3 sec up and down, top half only - 40kg x15

A) High angle rows - 20kg x12, x12, 60kg x1, 62.5kg 3x11  (+3reps on all sets) @ RPE 8
Wow felt so much stronger. That single 20 rep set I did everyday last week helped.

B1)Deficit Pushup - hands on Powerblock dumbbell handles - on floor x 8, feet elevated 20 inches 2x10  @ RPE 8
down 2 reps, just felt harder today
B2) Dip - BW x10 @ RPE 7
Been a while since I did these, went rock bottom full range today, and it was pain free. Left shoulder no longer hurts!

C) SSB Bulgarian split squat - oly shoes, single arm supported - 1 min rest between sides - 3 sec down and up
BW x5, 30kg x5, 40kg x12
burn was a bit painful!

D1) SSB Good Morning - 30kg x5, 40kg x10, 50kg x112, 60kg x12 @ RPE 7
D2) Monster band lateral lunge/walk - 2 reps each side alternating - IronEdge XHeavy band x 20, XXheavy band x 20



6 hours later

Calf raise - two legs, ISO at top, straight leg x 30 secs. Bent leg x 30 sec
single leg - ISO at top, straight leg 2x30 sec. Bent leg 2x30 sec

Wall sit at 70-80 degree knee angle - 2 legs 30 secs x3
single leg 30 secs x 2
« Last Edit: September 08, 2021, 12:41:37 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #937 on: September 07, 2021, 05:19:25 pm »
Saturday 4th September 2021

Posterior chain pretty sore when I woke up, but ok in the afternoon

Changing up my Achilles insertion rehab approach.
According to recent research, the inner lower part is what gets damaged here, but that area gets the lowest stress when the calf is stretched.
It gets the most stress at max flexion, so that area actually gets stress shielded and gets weaker over time in everyday life and movements...
So I need to stress the calf work right up at the very top
By placing strain gauges inside different sections of the Achilles tendons and then loading the tendons with the ankle positioned in a variety of angles, researchers from the University of North Carolina discovered that the back portion of the Achilles tendon is exposed to far greater amounts of strain (particularly when the ankle was moved upward) while the forward section of the tendon, which is the section most frequently damaged with insertional tendinitis, was exposed to very low loads. The authors of the study suggest that the lack of stress on the forward aspect of the Achilles tendon (which they referred to as a tension shielding effect) may cause that section to weaken and eventually fail.
Eccentric Treatment

The treatment of an Achilles insertional tendinitis should thus be to strengthen the forward-most aspect of the tendon (after rest has reduced swelling in the sheath around the tendon). This can be accomplished by performing a series of eccentric load exercises through a partial range of motion. It is particularly important to exercise the Achilles tendon with the ankle pointing down as far as possible (i.e., standing way up on tiptoes), because this position places greater amounts of load on the more frequently damaged forward portion of the tendon.

Also doing a reset on my left quad tendon rehab, and starting back up from the bottom.
Been going too hard, too heavy, too soon...

I was worried I would be weaker on press and pullups today due to doing them everyday so far, albeit at low intensity for sets of 20, but I actually felt much stronger today, and on a calorie deficit.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Soft tissue work for whole body

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side

Spanish squat ISO - at 60 degree knee angle - 3x 35 secs

High to low band pull apart - palms facing up - Jumpstretch light band x 20
band pull a part - Diagonals - Rogue light band x10 each axis

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - 1 inch elevated, in oly shoes -  top third only, controlled up, 3 sec down - BW x20, 30kg x 30 sec ISO, x 20
50kg x 45 sec ISO, x12

B) Tib raise - SSB + oly shoes - BW x8, 30kg x10, 40kg x10, 50kg x10, 60kg 2x10 @ RPE8

C) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 1 inch elevated in oly shoes - top third only, controlled up, 3 sec down - BW x20, 30kg x 30 sec ISO, x 20
50kg x 45 sec ISO, x12

D) Pullups - Hang and 10/10 scap shrugs with regular/parallel grip to warmup, semi inverted row on SSB x 6
Dead hang/paused - regular grip. wider - BW x1,  2x5 @ RPE 8 (+1 rep)
parallel grip, shoulder width - BW x1,  2x5 @ REP 8

E1) SSB Good morning - 30kg x5, 40kg x20
E2) Split Leg RDL - 20kg x5, 30kg x5
E3) Glute bridge, slider leg curl - BW x6 eccentrics + 3 reps, BW x10 @ RPE 8
E4) Jefferson curl - hold at bottom of each rep - 20kg barbell x 8, 25kg x10 + 30 sec hold on last set @ RPE 7

F) Dumbbell palms facing overheard press, arms in line with ears - 10lb x10, 20lbs x8, 30lbs 2x11 @ RPE 8  (+2.5lbs, -1 rep)


6 hours later

Calf raise - 2legged - top third only - straight x25, bent x 25
single leg - straight at top x 1.5min ISO, bent at top x 1.5 min ISO
straight, top third, slow reps for 1+ min
bent, top third, slow reps for 1+ min

hmmm even with straight legs, when held at the top, pushed up hard, I mostly felt it in my soleus...

Wall sit at 60 degree knee angle - 2 legs x 45 secs
single leg 3 x 35 secs

Damn I miss stuff like this. Just finding an article or a podcast, video or something that has some new ex sci info and you just read it and go "this changes everything ! .. I need to rethink my whole approach to training." Never has anything given me such an amount of aha moments as ex sci. To think.. its still an incomplete discipline. Theres still discoveries to be made ! This golden age we live in of scientific advancement cant last, it will at least taper (imo.) Im so grateful to have even took part in it, in my own small, incomplete way


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #938 on: September 08, 2021, 10:44:21 am »
Damn I miss stuff like this. Just finding an article or a podcast, video or something that has some new ex sci info and you just read it and go "this changes everything ! .. I need to rethink my whole approach to training." Never has anything given me such an amount of aha moments as ex sci. To think.. its still an incomplete discipline. Theres still discoveries to be made ! This golden age we live in of scientific advancement cant last, it will at least taper (imo.) Im so grateful to have even took part in it, in my own small, incomplete way

Yeah, but I think it's mostly in how the body works that still needs to be figured out with research


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #939 on: September 08, 2021, 11:10:02 am »
Wednesday 8th September 2021

Posterior chain moderately sore from the Good Mornings, upper back, calves and quads a bit as well.

Achilles feeling better - left side looks to be just about healed, it didn't ache at all upon waking and walking. Right side still does but less this morning and the stinging feeling for each stride is gone.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min x2
Band pull aparts - High to low, palms facing up - Jumpstretch light band x 20
Diagonals, palms facing down-  Rogue light band x12 each axis
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Front step down - 6 inch step, in oly shoes  BW x 20

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Spanish squat ISO - at 60 degree knee angle - 4x 35 secs

B) SSB single leg calf raise - no elevation, held at top/max contraction - BW x20 , 30 sec ISO x 20kg, 30kg, 40kg 50kg
C) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise -  no elevation, held at top/max contraction - BW x20 , 30 sec ISO x 20kg, 30kg

C) Seated hip push against strap around lower thighs/upper shins @70% effort -
Seated x 30 secs
Seated, torso at 45 degrees  x 30secs
Standing x 30 secs

Dribbling, ball control drills x 30 mins

- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- same, but with a dribble up  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- low intensity Euro step drill against wall - RL with right hand and LR with left hand
- 2 short series of low intensity march skips, lateral skips with arm swing, backwards walking, lateral walks

Wall tib raise - x20
Pull up - feet supported x 20
Dip scap shrug x 20
Push up - BW x 20
High angle row - 27.5kg x20 - too easy, will use 30kg next time
Dumbbell press - palms facing, elbow in line with ears - 17.5lbs x20
Dumbbell curl - 15lbs x20
Ivanko Supergripper - left hand only - 70lbs x6, x20
Elbows out row + external rotation - chest supported at 45 degrees  - 10lbs x20

Single leg reverse hyper - rhythmic, ballistic - BW x 60
release calves on kettlebell handle
pullover thoracic spine stretch with 2.5kg plate

6 hours later

Wall sit at 60 degree knee angle - 2 legs 45 secs x2
single leg 45 secs x 3

Calf raise - two legs, ISO at top, straight leg x 45 secs. Bent leg x 45 sec
single leg - ISO at top, straight leg 3x45 secs. Bent leg x45 secs
« Last Edit: September 08, 2021, 12:27:57 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #940 on: September 09, 2021, 12:11:21 pm »
Thursday 9th September 2021

Posterior chain and upper back still a bit sore

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work for whole body. TFL finally no longer painful. Adductors getting there, but front delts still super painful

Tendon health+rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min x 2 sets
Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Tib raise in oly shoes- x20
front step down BW x 20

rotating sets - 1 mins rest between these and one of the above lower body moves

A) Spanish squat ISO - at 60 degree knee angle - 3x 35 secs

B) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - no elevation, in oly shoes -  BW x20, 30kg x 6, 50kg x12
3 sec up and down, hold at top - 60kg 2x12 @ RPE 8

C) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - no elevation, in oly shoes - BW x20, 30kg x 6, 50kg x12
3 sec up and down, hold at top - 60kg 2x12 @ RPE 8

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A1) High bar squat - oly shoes - full range, 8 sec up and down  - BW x 5, 10kg x5, 20kg x5
3 sec down and up, paused on 18 inch bench - 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 70kg x 15, 75kg x15, 80kg x15
full range, 8 sec up and down - 25kg x5, 30kg x5

Dropped bench 2 inches lower. Painful burn, but not near failure.
full range squats had 1/10 pain in the left quad tendon

A2) SSB split squat - oly shoes, single arm supported - 1 min rest between sides - 3 sec down and up
BW x5, 10kg x5, 30kg 2x12

Painful burn!

B) Glute bridge, slider leg curl - BW x6 eccentrics + 4 reps
+5kg 2x8 @ RPE 8
single leg, 3 sec eccentrics - 2x6

C) Dumbbell curl - 10lbs x10, 17.5lbs x8, 27.5lbs x12 @ RPE 8 (+3 reps!)
27.5lbs x9, x6

Damn, big strength gain on first set, but dropped off way fast after that

Ivanko super gripper - 64lbs x6, 
right hand 77lbs x20, 92lbs 2x15 (+2 reps on all sets) @ RPE 8
left hand 77lbs x20 (+2 reps), 92lbs x15, x15 (+2/+4 reps) 

Huge strength gain on left hand!
Doing that extra sets of 20 for the left hand, not near failure, each day seems to work...



« Last Edit: September 09, 2021, 12:53:46 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #941 on: September 10, 2021, 11:30:34 am »
Friday 10th September 2021

Lockdown here ends on October 18th, so another month yet... but next Monday we can go out an exercise further away from home if fully vaccinated.
So I'll see about going to better outdoor BBall courts

Quads and posterior chain light to moderately sore

No flare up in left quad tendon - good.
left achilles insertion, still good. Right, morning walking pain is down a bit, but still present

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10-20 secs each till 1min x2
prone cuban press into behind the neck press combo broom x 20
Band pull aparts - High to low, palms facing up - Jumpstretch light band x 20
Diagonals, palms facing down-  Rogue light band x12 each axis
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
Wall tib raise - in oly shoes - x20

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A1) Spanish squat ISO - at 60 degree knee angle - 4x 35 secs
A2) Front step down - 6 inch step, in oly shoes - 5kg (opposite hand of working leg) x 20
A3) single leg squat - single arm supported to 17 inch bench, in oly shoes - BW x 20
2/10 pain in left quad tendon

B) SSB single leg calf raise - no elevation, held at top/max contraction - BW x20 , 30 sec ISO x50kg x 4 sets

C) Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 30secs each side

D) Seated hip push against strap around lower thighs/upper shins @80% effort -
Seated x 30 secs
Seated, torso at 45 degrees  x 30secs
Standing x 30 secs

Dribbling, ball control drills x 18 mins

- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- same, but with a dribble up  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- low intensity Euro step drill against wall - RL with right hand and LR with left hand

KettleBell swing - 20lbs x5, 25lbs x5, 30lbs 3x10

SSB Good morning - 30kg x5, 40kg x20
Pull up - scap shrugs x20
Pull up - feet supported x 20
Dip scap shrug x 20
Push up - BW x 20
High angle row - 30kg x20
dips - feet assisted - BW x20
Dumbbell press - palms facing, elbow in line with ears - 17.5lbs x20
Dumbbell curl - 15lbs x20
Ivanko Supergripper - left hand - 70lbs x8, x20. right hand 70lbs x8

good morning feeling a bit easier, so will bump it up 2.5kg next time

A) Jefferson curl - hold at bottom of each rep - 20kg barbell x 10, 30kg 2x10 + 30 sec hold on last set @ RPE 7

B1) Elbows out row + external rotation + 50% ROM press - chest supported at 45 degrees  - 5lbs x10, 7.5lbs x10, 10lbs x 8 @ RPE 8
B2) Scaption - 2.5kg plates x 12 @ RPE 5


pull up hang - x40 secs, 2x 30 secs
pullover thoracic spine stretch with 2.5kg plate x 1min

6 hours later

Wall sit at 60 degree knee angle - 2 legs x 45 secs
single leg 45 secs x 3

Calf raise - single leg - ISO at top, straight leg 4x45 secs
« Last Edit: September 10, 2021, 01:48:36 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #942 on: September 11, 2021, 11:25:44 am »
Saturday 11th September 2021

posterior chain pretty sore from yesterday when I woke up, but ok later in the day.
You can literally feel the muscles recovering each hour...

Left quad tendon seems fine, even though it did register a 2/10 pain on the single leg squats yesterday

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work for whole body

Tendon health+rehab - fasted

prone cuban press into behind the neck press combo - broom x 20
broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min x 2 sets
Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Wall Tib raise in oly shoes- x20

rotating sets - 1 mins rest between these and one of the above lower body moves

A1) Spanish squat ISO - at 60 degree knee angle - 2x 35 secs
A2) Single leg extension ISO -  90 degree leg angle @ 80% effort x 30 secs
A3) Front step down - 6 inch step, in oly shoes - 10kg (opposite hand of working leg) x 20  (+5kg)

B) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - no elevation, in oly shoes -  BW x20, 30kg x 20, 50kg x10
controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down - 60kg 2x12 @ RPE 8

C) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - no elevation, in oly shoes - BW x20, 30kg x 20, 50kg x10
controlled up, hold at top, 3 sec down - 60kg 2x12 @ RPE 9

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A1) High bar squat - oly shoes - 6 sec down, 4 sec up  - BW x 5, 20kg x5, 30kg x5, 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 70kg x5
6 sec down, 3 sec up - 80kg x5 @ RPE 8

Started with my slow tempo full range squats, and there was no tendon pain as I worked up, so ditched squatting down to the bench and went full range for all squats - nice!
Got hard to maintain the concentric tempo at 80kg, especially the last rep which I had to power up a bit in 2 secs as the fatigue set in, and fast twitch muscles kicked in...
So next time I will just move the concentric in a controlled manner, but still have the 6 sec eccentric.

A2) SSB split squat - oly shoes, single arm supported - 1 min rest between sides - 3 sec down and up
BW x5, 10kg x5, 30kg x5, 35kg x 12

Went up 5kg, and no tendon pain


6 hours later

Wall sit at 60 degree knee angle - 2 legs x 45 secs
single leg 45 secs x 4
« Last Edit: September 11, 2021, 11:28:14 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #943 on: September 12, 2021, 12:22:28 am »
Sunday 12th September 2021

Fatloss cycle 3 - Week 6

Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 84.7kg (-0.4kg), 186.7lbs

waist - 35.25  inches (-3/8)
hip =  40 5/8 inches  (-1/8)
upper thigh = 25 7/8 inches (-0.25)
Right calf = 15 7/8 (-1/8)
Neck = 15.5
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 22.4% (+0.1)

Total loss so far - weight 2.8kg Waist  2.25 inches Tanita BF% 1.5%

Despite 2 big 3000-4500 calorie pig out days early last week, I still managed to drop quite a lot of fat this week! :o


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #944 on: September 12, 2021, 07:12:49 am »
Sunday 12th September 2021

Quads and posterior chain pretty sore.

bodyweight - without shoes = 85.8kg

BBall practise + jumps @ WLC Outdoor courts - 55 mins

1) 15 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) low to medium intensity Euro step practice against 8 feet netball rim - LR and RL
3) 10 or so 90% effort jumps/dunks against 8 feet netball rim
3) a few series of low intensity march skips, lateral skips with arm swing, backwards walking, and snake sliding foot dance move practise

Went to my usual outdoor court.
Busy so I just mostly did dribbling drills, and moves up to a fairly high intensity.

Then some jumps and dunks against 8 feet netball rim
Rusty, so didn't jump too hard
Some 4/10 left quad tendon pain on single leg jumps, off the left leg, but fine for everything else. Much less than before though, so rehab is working, it shouldn't flare up as I feel ok now walking downstairs.

Considering that I'm rusty, sore, fatigued, heavier and weaker, to be only jumping 3 inches lower than my current bests when i weighed 79kg makes me happy!
My feet, ankles and calves felt really strong and stable today, despite the soreness from yesterday.
Just felt light on my feet.

Standing vertical - got elbow to 8 feet rim, that's also where the top of my head is. About 1.5+ feet from elbow to my finger tips, so about a 9.5+ feet touch, around 26-27 inches.
Single leg jump, an inch lower
RL plant approaach jump off a few steps, about 3 inches higher, so 29-30 inches? Elbow reached about 3 inches higher than 8 feet netball rim

So I'm hoping to jump at least 8 inches higher across the board by the end of summer in 6 months time - where I plan to be ripped, 12+ kg lighter, healthy, fresh and much stronger.

Lower back felt achey after the jumps - probably due to fatigue from yesterday combined with absorbing the jump forces.
Felt better after some hamstring floor touch stretch "walks"


6 hours later

Wall sit at 60 degree knee angle - 2 legs 2x 45 secs
single leg 45 secs x 3

Calf raise - 2 legs ISO ISO at top, straight leg x45 secs
single leg - ISO at top, straight leg, actively pushing up-  4x45 secs
« Last Edit: September 12, 2021, 11:20:38 am by CoolColJ »