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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #915 on: August 20, 2021, 10:13:19 am »
Friday 20th August 2021

Sore glutes and hammies a bit from yesterday, from the split squats most likely

Achilles finally feeling better!
And based on these 2 videos I will make some changes to my rehab approach - adding in daily blood flow high rep stuff in addition to my recent changes.

Great video from Keegan Smith, plus lots of good stuff on his channel

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work for whole body
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch
quadruped TFL active stretch 2 x 30 secs

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + 30 sec stretch x 2 sets
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min
front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 20

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - no elevation in oly shoes, arm supported - controlled - BW x20, 30kg x 20, 50kg x 30 sec ISO
ISO 60kg 2x 30secs

B) SSB single leg calf raise- no elevation in oly shoes, arm supported - controlled - BW x20, 30kg x 20, 50kg x 30 sec ISO
ISO 60kg 2x 30secs

C) Doorway Single leg Wall sit - both sides back to back - push into floor - 80 degree knee angle @ 80% effort - 2x 30 secs

D1) Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
D2) seated hip push against strap around lower thighs - torso at 45 degrees @80% effort - 30 secs
D3) seated hip push against strap around lower thighs @80% effort - x30 secs
D4) Outer leg lateral drive into wall - inner leg, bent, held in leg raise position - @80% effort - 30 secs


Single leg squat - down to 20 inch bench - BW x 20

finally pain free on both legs knee/tendons/hip

Dribbling, ball control drills x 25 mins
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 2x5 each arm with a 10sec rest

mostly low intensity stuff, no hard cuts or hops

6 hours later

single leg Calf raise - no elevation - bent knee x 25, straight leg x 25
Wall sit at 70-80 degree knee angle - 2 legs 2x35 secs, single leg 2x 35 secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #916 on: August 21, 2021, 07:56:01 am »
Saturday 21st August 2021

COVID Lockdown extended another month here, so putting it to good use in leaning up and getting healthy

Glutes deep down achey.
Achilles and left quad tendon improving.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on TFL, adductors, upper rectus femoris, glutes, thoracic spine, lats and front delts
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + 30 sec stretch x 2 sets
Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
quadruped TFL active stretch x 30 secs
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min
front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 20

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - 1 inch elevated in oly shoes - controlled up, 3 sec eccentric - BW x20, 30kg x 20, 50kg x 10
70kg 2x10 @ RPE 8

B) Tib raise - SSB + oly shoes 30kg x20, 50kg x10, 70kg 2x8 @ RPE8
wall tib raise,  in oly shoes 2x8 @RPE 8

C) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 1 inch elevated in oly shoes - controlled up, 3 sec eccentric - BW x20, 30kg x 20, 50kg x 10
70kg 2x10 @ RPE 8

D1) Doorway Single leg Wall sit - both sides back to back - push into floor - 80 degree knee angle @ 80% effort - 2x 30 secs
D2) SSB front Lateral step down - moderate stance width to heel touch - oly shoes on 6 inch step -  BW x10, 50kg x10, 70kg x10, 85kg x12 @ RPE 7

Now lowering diagonally forward. 85kg was not too hard, going up to 90kg next time.

D3) SSB Split squat -  oly shoes, single arm supported, to just above parallel depth  -  30kg x10, 50kg x10, 60kg x10 @ RPE 7

Lowering down to the edge of left quad tendon discomfort


Sissy squat 50% ROM - BW x 20
Single leg reverse hyper - BW x 30

6 hours later

Calf raise - no elevation - 2 legs - bent knee x 25, straight leg x 25
single leg - bent knee x 30, straight leg x 30
Wall sit at 70-80 degree knee angle - 2 legs 2x35 secs, single leg 2x 35 secs
« Last Edit: August 21, 2021, 09:56:06 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #917 on: August 22, 2021, 12:34:00 am »
Sunday 22nd August 2021

Fatloss cycle 3 - Week 3

Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 85.6kg (-0.4kg), 188.7lbs

waist - 36 1/8 inches (-0.25)
hip =  41 inches
upper thigh = 26 inches (-1/8)
Right calf = 15 7/8
Neck = 15 5/8
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 24%

Total loss so far - weight 1.9kg Waist  1 3/8 inches Tanita BF% 0%

Dropped 0.5kg fat this week and gained some hip/calf size by the looks of it.
Still no change in Tanita BF%, goes to show how accurate it is....


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #918 on: August 22, 2021, 02:39:39 pm »
Sunday 22nd August 2021

Achey all over, but feeling strong

Front delts are so painful when I release them, even after a whole week of work...

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on TFL, adductors, glutes, thoracic spine, and front delts
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + 30 sec stretch x 2 sets
Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
quadruped TFL active stretch x 30 secs
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min
front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 20

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - no elevation in oly shoes - BW x20, 30kg x 20
30 sec ISO above neutral x60kg, 65kg, 65kg

went up 5kg, no leg shakes

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 2 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x20, 30kg x 20
30 sec ISO above neutral x60kg, 65kg, 65kg

D1) Doorway Single leg Wall sit - both sides back to back - push into floor - 80 degree knee angle @ 80% effort - 3x 30 secs

Dribbling, ball control drills x 25 mins

- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- same, but with a dribble up  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- low intensity Euro step drill against wall - RL with right hand and LR with left hand
- some low intensity 3 step jump practice LR/RL on grass
- 3 series of low intensity march skips

rotating sets - 1.5 mins rest
All around RPE 7-8

A) High angle rows - 20kg x12, 40kg x8, 60kg 3x11  (+1rep on all sets)

B) Pushup- on floor x 8, feet elevated 20 inches, deficit - hands on Powerblock dumbbell handles - 3x12   (+1rep on all sets)
close grip triangle pushup on floor 2x10

C) Glute bridge, slider leg curl - BW x6 eccentrics + 3 rep, +5kg on hip 2x8
single leg eccentrics - 2x6

finally added 5kg.

Ivanko super gripper - 64lbs x6, 92lbs right hand 3x13, left hand x13, x10, x11, x11
left hand failed, so will stay here until all sets at 13 reps

6 hours later

Calf raise - single leg - bent knee x 45 sec ISO, straight leg x 45 sec ISO
no elevation - 2 legs - bent knee x 25, straight leg x 25
single leg - bent knee x 30, straight leg, elevated  x 20

first time in a while doing a full range calf raise, no pain

Wall sit at 70-80 degree knee angle - 2 legs x35 secs, single leg x 35 secs
Bulgarian split squat BW x 20
ATG split squat BW x 20

not much of a pump with the ATG split squat, whereas the BSS has a lot and smacks the glutes as well


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #919 on: August 24, 2021, 12:10:09 am »
Monday 23rd August 2021

sore glutes and quads from the stuff I did last night

Achilles and left quad tendons feel improved

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on TFL, adductors, glutes, thoracic spine, lats and front delts
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + 30 sec stretch x 2 sets
Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
quadruped TFL active stretch x 30 secs
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 45 secs
front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 20

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - no elevation in oly shoes - BW x20, 30kg x 20
6 sec Eccentric only - 65kg x6, 70kg 2x6

A bit of leg shaking on 70kg

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 0.5 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x20, 30kg x 20
6 sec Eccentric only - 65kg x6, 70kg 2x6

C) SSB single leg squat - arms supported - 1 leg down, 2 up - 6 sec eccentric to 20 inch bench - BW x6, 20kg x6, 30kg x6, 40kg x6, 50kg x6, 60kg x6

Wasn't sure what weight to use so ramped up. 60kg was starting to feel harder, so about similar loads to what I have been using on Bulgarian split squats
3/10 pain in left quad tendon from 30kg onwards.
So this move loads up the tendon a bit harder than the ISOs have been using.


Planning to rotate between Eccentrics, ISOs and isotonics. Which all help my tendons rehab.
A bit like Cal Dietz's Triphasic training :)


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #920 on: August 24, 2021, 10:02:30 am »
Tuesday 24th August 2021

A bit sore in my glutes, erectors and quads from the eccentric single leg squats, yesterday, but not too bad.

Achilles starting to feel decent and solid. Cold morning pain dropping each day.
Left quad tendon feeling better in my usual test, no flare up from yesterday, but lower patella tendon started mildly achey again when pressed.

Getting rid of some core work after reading some stuff....
And focusing more on curling big toe down when pushing up to get more force from the glute.

Lots of rain this week so no dribbling for a bit

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on feet, TFL, adductors, glutes, thoracic spine, lats and front delts
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + 30 sec stretch x 2 sets
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 45 secs
front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 20
Bulgarian split squat - BW x20

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - no elevation in oly shoes - BW x20, 30kg x 20
30 sec ISO above neutral x65kg, 65kg

A bit of leg shaking towards the end of each set

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 2 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x20, 30kg x 20
30 sec ISO above neutral x 65kg, 65kg

C) Dumbbell curl - 10lbs x10, 17.5lbs x8, 27.5lbs 3x9 (+1 rep)

D) Doorway Single leg Wall sit - both sides back to back - push into floor - 80 degree knee angle @ 80% effort - 2x 30 secs

Did 2 sets of 30 sec, seated hip push against strap around lower thighs,
outer right hip hurt when torso was at a forward  45 degree angle, and when squatting up off the bench after the set.
Stretched my right TFL, and then tried the squat off the bench again ... no pain...


ATG Split squat - BW x20
L Sit hold -  x 10 sec with bent knee, x 15secs
Elbows out row + external rotation into press - chest supported at 45 degrees 2.5lbs x108,  5lbs x10, 7.5lbs x10 @ RPE 8

Jefferson curl
- hold at bottom of each rep - 20kg barbell x 8, 30kg 3x9 + 30 sec hold on last set @ RPE 7


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #921 on: August 25, 2021, 02:15:09 pm »
Wednesday 25th August 2021

Glutes/hips feeling deep down bruised DOMs, but I felt good after soft tissue work.
Seem to recovering well despite training everyday so far, despite how much soreness I have my body feels powerful and strong

Things are finally looking up, all my tendons feeling better and better, I'm getting lighter/leaner and my strength is going up steadily

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on feet, TFL, adductors, glutes, thoracic spine, lats and front delts
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

bodyweight - with winter clothing and shoes 87+kg

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 45 secs each x 2 sets
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 45 secs
lunge style TFL stretch  2x45 secs

front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 20
ATG splits squat BW x 20

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - in oly shoes - explode up, 2 sec eccentric - BW x20, 30kg x 20, 65kg x 10
70kg 2x10 @ RPE 8

Explosive now. Will move up to 75kg next time

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 1 inch elevated in oly shoes - explode up, 2 sec eccentric - BW x20 (full range), 30kg x 20 (full range), 65kg x 10
70kg 2x10 @ RPE 8

C1) SSB front Lateral step down - moderate stance width to heel touch - oly shoes on 6 inch step -  BW x10, 50kg x10, 70kg x10, 90kg 2x12 @ RPE 8  (+5kg, +1 set)

Not too hard, but 2/10 upper left leg patella pain at 90kg, so will stay here until it goes down. 90kg is still decently heavy, it's like doing 1/4 squats with 180kg, but less back stress and more glute strength needed.
Core was worked decently as well.
Eventual goal is 1.5x bodyweight, so around 110kg when I'm under 75kg. That should be plenty strong enough upper range strength and tendons

C2) SSB Bulgarian split squat - oly shoes, single arm supported - 1 min rest between sides - controlled down, explode up
heel off the ground, big toe curled down - BW x8, 30kg x6,
60kg 2x8 @ RPE 8 (+2 reps, +1 set)

Felt good, no pain. Kept heel off the ground to strengthen the feet some more. And toe up on the way down, curled down, explode through big toe on the way up.
Will go up to 65kg next time.

Dribbling, ball control drills, jumps x 25 mins

- jump shots and hook shots against the wall - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- 2 short series of low intensity march skips
- 2 short series of low intenisty lateral skips with arm swing
- low effort pogo jumps 2x20
A) 1 step jump LR/RL - jumping 6 inches x 2 sets
B) 3 step jump LR/RL  - jumping 6-12 inches x 2 sets - higher on second set

didn't get much dribbling in as it was after sunset and I didn't want to make too much noise.

Sissy squat 50% ROM, 90 degrees knee angle - rhythmic, ballistic - BW x 30
Single leg reverse hyper - rhythmic, ballistic - BW x 30

« Last Edit: August 25, 2021, 02:23:24 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #922 on: August 26, 2021, 12:06:45 pm »
Thursday 26th August 2021

Sore quads, glutes, calves

tendons feeling ok, no flare ups

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 45 secs each x 2 sets
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 45 secs
lunge style TFL stretch  x 1min
front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 20
ATG splits squat BW x 20

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - 2 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x20, 30kg x 20
30 sec ISO above neutral x 65kg, 65kg

Mild leg shake

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 2 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x20 (full range), 30kg x 15 (full range)
30 sec ISO above neutral x 65kg, 65kg

couldn't quite get to 20 reps with 30kg full range, guess gastroc doesn't have enough slow twitch content...

C) SSB single leg squat - arms supported -  butt lightly touching 20 inch bench - 30 sec IS0 x 30kg, 50kg, 50kg

30 sec ISO single leg squat....Pretty brutal

D) Glute medius work - Xheavy band clam x20
lateral drive into wall ISO 2x 30secs
Monster band lateral lunges - Xheavy band x 10 each side

Dribbling, ball control drills x 25 mins

- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- same, but with a dribble up  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- low intensity Euro step drill against wall - RL with right hand and LR with left hand
- 3 series of low intensity march skips, backwards walking, lateral walk


- Some dancing practice



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #923 on: August 27, 2021, 08:44:04 am »
Friday 27th August 2021

Sore glutes/glute medius and hips, but felt OK after soft tissue work

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on lower body, thoracic spine, lats and all delts
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs, 1 min total
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
lunge style TFL stretch  x 1min
front step down - 6 inch step - +2.5kg (opposite arm of working leg) x 20
Split squat - narrow stance BW x 20
High bar squat - 20kg x20
Safety bar squat - 30kg x20

added some 20 rep squats, felt very easy, so will likely do them every session, and slowly increase the weight over time.
And I wasn't breathing heavy after the sets
+2.5kg on the step downs

rotating sets - 1.5 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - 2 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x20, 30kg x 20 (both sets full range)
6 sec Eccentric only - 70kg x5, 75kg 2x5

Went up 5kg felt OK

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 2 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x20, 30kg x 15  (both sets full range)
6 sec Eccentric only - 70kg x5, 75kg 2x5

Easier than the bent leg version, but some mild achilles insertion ache on right leg from the near full range stretch

C) SSB single leg squat - arms supported - 1 leg down, 2 up - 6 sec eccentric to 20 inch bench - 30kg x3, 50kg x3, 65kg 3x5

+5kg from last session, and it still felt easier than last time, so going up to 70kg next time.

D) Pullups, shoulder touching bar handles - Hang and 10/10 scap shrugs with regular/parallel grip to warmup, semi inverted row on SSB x 8
Dead hang/paused - regular grip. wider - BW x 0.5/0.5, x1, x1,  3x4 @ RPE 8
parallel grip, shoulder width - BW 2x5 @ REP 8 (+1 rep on set 1)

A) Split Leg RDL - 1 leg down, 2 up - 6 sec eccentric to safety pins - 20kg x3, 50kg x3, x5
grip starting to fade on second set, right side, will have to use straps

B) Dumbbell palms facing overheard press, arms in line with ears - 5lb x10, 17.5lbs x10, 27.5lbs 3x12 @ RPE 8  (+2 reps, +1 set)

Damn, felt so easy compared to last session. Improved shoulder ROM and all the soft tissue work on the shoulder and lats helped.
Going up to 30lbs dumbbells next time.



6 hours later

Calf raise - single leg - bent knee x 45 sec ISO, straight leg x 45 sec ISO
no elevation - 2 legs - bent knee x 30, straight leg x 30
single leg - bent knee x 30, straight leg, elevated  x 20

Wall sit at 70-80 degree knee angle - 2 legs x45 secs
squat - down to couch BW x 20
single leg step down - no elevation BW x30
« Last Edit: August 28, 2021, 11:02:34 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #924 on: August 28, 2021, 11:21:49 am »
Saturday 28th August 2021

Sore quads, posterior chain and calves when I woke up, but felt fine later on

left quad tendon and right achilles insertion feels worse, so I overdid things yesterday....
too much load for quad tendon, and overstretched the right achilles ROM wise

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on feet, TFL, adductors, glutes, thoracic spine, lats and front delts
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min x 2 sets
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Heel elevated front step down - 6 inch step in oly shoes - +2.5kg (opposite arm of working leg) x 20
Split squat - narrow stance BW x 20
High bar squat - 20kg x20
Safety bar squat - 30kg x20

heel elevated step down using a small plate on the step, which stressed the upper patella a lot more on my left leg, in a good way.

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - no elevation in oly shoes - BW x20, 30kg x 20
30 sec ISO above neutral x 70kg, 70kg

Mild leg shake

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 0.5 inch elevated elevation in oly shoes - BW x20, 30kg x 20
30 sec ISO above neutral x 70kg, 70kg

regressing back to minimal elevation to avoid right achilles tendon compression against the heel bone

C) SSB split squat ISO - arms supported -  at 90 degree leg angle, rear legs straight - 20 sec ISO x 30kg,
30 sec ISO x 50kg, 55kg, 55kg

that was pretty hard

Dribbling, ball control drills, jumps x 25 mins

- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- same, but with a dribble up  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- low intensity Euro step drill against wall - RL with right hand and LR with left hand
- low effort pogo jumps 2x20
- 3 short series of low intensity march skips
- 3 short series of low intenisty lateral skips with arm swing
- 3 step jump LR/RL  - jumping 6-12 inches x 3 sets
- single leg jump off 1 step approach 3x3 each leg - jumping 6 inches
- vertical jumps 3x4 - sub maximal

no pain in any of the jumps


Single leg reverse hyper - rhythmic, ballistic - BW x 30


6 hours later

Calf raise - single leg - bent knee x 45 sec ISO x2, straight leg x 45 sec ISO x2
no elevation - 2 legs - bent knee x 30, straight leg x 30
single leg - bent knee x 25, straight leg, elevated  x 25 - 2 sets each

Wall sit at 70-80 degree knee angle - 2 legs 45 secs x 2
Peterson step down BW x20
Bulgarian split squat BW x 20


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #925 on: August 29, 2021, 12:35:21 am »
Sunday 29th August 2021

Fatloss cycle 3 - Week 4

Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 85.4kg (-0.2kg), 188.3lbs

waist - 35 7/8 inches (-0.25)
hip =  41 inches
upper thigh = 26.25 inches (+0.25)
Right calf = 16 1/8 (+0.25)
Neck = 15 5/8
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 23.6% (-0.4)

Total loss so far - weight 2.1kg Waist  1 5/8 inches Tanita BF% 0.4%

Not much weight dropped this week, but waist size decrease looks to be about 0.5kg fat lost.
Going cut out an extra 200 calories each day so I can drop 0.8kg a week to speed things up - mostly through nuts and some other snacks
Want to get to my target waist size of 28-29 inches before the end of summer, 6 months from now!

Definite increases in leg, calf and maybe hip size as well, even more so when you consider the drop in bodyfat.
Working your calves and legs every day for sets of 20 and up, sometimes twice a day will do that :)


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #926 on: August 29, 2021, 12:26:39 pm »
SuNday 29th August 2021

Whole body is sore, but especially my lower body

Wasn't feeling it, so an active rest day

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on feet, TFL, adductors, glutes, posterior shoulder/cuffs, and front delts
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Spanish squat ISO - at 80 degree knee angle - 2x 45 secs

Heel elevated front step down - 6 inch step + bumper plate in oly shoes -  x 20
Split squat - narrow stance BW x 20
High bar squat - heel elevated 20kg bumper plate + oly shoes- 20kg x20
Safety bar squat - 30kg x3, 35kg x20 (+5kg)

2/10 upper patella pain on first few reps of step down, 2/10 quad tendon pain on first few reps on the rest.
Intense VMO burn on the last 5 reps of the heel elevated high bar squat!
Kinda crazy that you don't feel it anywhere else but the VMO.
Upped SSB 5kg, still pretty easy and it still does not make me breath that heavy.

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - no elevation in oly shoes - BW x 45 sec ISO, BW x 20, 30kg x 20
B) Tibialis raise - Wall tib raise x20, SSB + oly shoes - 30kg x10, 50kg x8, 60kg 3x8 @ RPE7
C) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 0.5 inch elevated elevation in oly shoes - BW x 45 sec ISO, BW x 20, 30kg x 20

Single leg reverse hyper - rhythmic, ballistic - BW x 35


6 hours later

Lateral hamstring stretch
Prone front to side leg raise - right side only - 2x 18 reps
Wall sit at 60 degree knee angle - 2 legs, x 45 secs, 2x 1min


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #927 on: August 30, 2021, 08:22:17 am »
Monday 30th August 2021

Sore lower body, and mid erectors from the single leg reverse hypers but upper feeling OK
Achilles feeling much better, and left quad tendon as well, to a lesser extent.

Feels like my recent lower body size gains are translating to strength increases

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on feet, TFL, adductors, glutes, posterior shoulder, lats and front delts
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Wall tib raise - x20
Spanish squat ISO - at 80 degree knee angle - 2x 45 secs

Heel elevated front step down - 6 inch step + bumper plate, in oly shoes +2.5kg (opposite arm of working leg) x 20
Split squat - narrow stance BW x 20
High bar squat - heel elevated 20kg bumper plate + oly shoes- 20kg x20
Safety bar squat - 35kg x20

Improved from yesterday - all pain free except the split squat, which has 2/10 quad tendon pain on the first few reps.
High bar VMO squat and SSB feeling light and easy, so will up them 5kg next time.

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - no elevation, in oly shoes -  BW x20, 30kg x30 sec ISO,  x 20, 50kg x 30 sec ISO
6 sec Eccentric - 70kg 2x6

felt easy, will go up to 75kg next time

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 1 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x20 (80% range), 30kg x30 sec ISO,  x20 (80% range), 50kg x 30 sec ISO
6 sec Eccentric - 70kg 2x6

C) Pushup- on floor x 8, feet elevated 20 inches, deficit - hands on Powerblock dumbbell handles - 3x12  @ RPE 8

felt quite a bit harder this week.


A1) SSB front Lateral step down - moderate stance width to heel touch - oly shoes on 6 inch step -  controlled down, paused - BW x5, 50kg x5, 70kg x10, 90kg x10, 95kg x12 @ RPE 8  (+5kg)

No patella tendon pain this time at 90kg, so went up to 95kg, also felt fine and not that hard. So 100kg next time.

A2) SSB Bulgarian split squat - oly shoes, single arm supported - 1 min rest between sides - paused, explode up
heel off the ground, big toe curled down - BW x5, 30kg x5, 50kg x5, 70kg x8 @ RPE 8  (+10kg)
70kg x 3 - heel down.

big jump of 10kg from last time and it felt good, and not that hard. Paused the reps this time.  Did one more set with heel down just to see how it feels.
Will stay here for one more session and then jump to 75kg.

B) High angle rows - 20kg x12, x12, 60kg x1, 62.5kg 3x8  (+2.5kg, -3reps on all sets)



6 hours later

Calf raise - single leg - bent knee x 1 min ISO, straight leg x 1 min ISO
no elevation - single leg - bent knee x 30, straight leg x 30
two legs - bent knee x 60,  straight leg x 60

Wall sit at 70-80 degree knee angle - 2 legs 1min x3
single leg x 45 secs
squat to chair BW 2x30
Sissy squat - 50% ROM BW x 60
« Last Edit: August 31, 2021, 08:06:55 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #928 on: August 31, 2021, 08:31:29 am »
Tuesday 31st August 2021

The usual lower body soreness, but damn my left patella/quad tendon feels completely pain free in my usual morning test today, like magic!
Huge change in the last 3 days since I started these high rep stuff compared to last week.
But I will keep doing this stuff for a few more weeks to bullet proof my knee tendons...

My right Achilles feels worst though, I think due to the bent knee calf raises i did last night stretching the tendon too much from the greater ROM.
I do them in OLy shoes in the after which shortens the range, so will stick to only straight leg calf raises on the floor at night

So all this high rep stuff is because of me reading about high reps being good for tendon health, strength and thickness.
Which should also increase strength

Then while searching on related tendon stuff I came across a video of some climbers who applied Keith Barr's tendon research to massively boost grip/finger strength
By using high frequency, low load/intensity training
That might explain some of the things I have noticed since doing this myself!  :ninja:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on feet, TFL, adductors, outer quads, glutes, posterior shoulder, and front delts
Lying TFL, hip flexor, and lateral hamstring stretch

Tendon health+rehab - active recovery - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min x 2 sets
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Wall tib raise - x20
Spanish squat ISO - at 80 degree knee angle - 2x 45 secs

Push up - on bench x 20
Pull up - feet supported x 20
High angle row - 25kg x20
Dumbbell press - palms facing, elbow in line with ears - 17.5lbs x22
Dumbbell curl - 17.5lbs x22
Elbows out row + external rotation into press - chest supported at 45 degrees 2.5lbs x20
High to low band pull apart - palms facing up - Jumpstretch light band x 20
Ivanko Supergripper - lowest spring setting 42lbs x20

curl and press too light will use 20lbs next time

Heel elevated front step down - 6 inch step + bumper plate, in oly shoes +2.5kg (opposite arm of working leg) x 20
Split squat - narrow stance BW x 20
High bar squat - heel elevated 20kg bumper plate + oly shoes- 25kg x22 (+5kg)
Safety bar squat - 40kg x23 (+5kg)
SSB Good Morning - 30kg x20
Monster band lateral lunge/walk - IronEdge heavy band x 10 each side

Damn, all leg moves pain free, in the space of 3 days!
Added 5kg to squats, and still feeling pretty easy, but still stay here for a few sessions, before increasing.

rotating sets - 1 mins rest between these and one of the above lower body moves

A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - no elevation, in oly shoes -  BW x20, 30kg x 20, 50kg x 30 sec ISO

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 1 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x20 (80% range), 30kg x20 (80% range), 50kg x 30 sec ISO

Dribbling, ball control drills, jumps x 25 mins

- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- same, but with a dribble up  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- low intensity Euro step drill against wall - RL with right hand and LR with left hand
- low effort pogo jumps 2x30
- 3 short series of low intensity march skips
- 3 short series of low intensity lateral skips with arm swing
- altitude drops off 6 inches 2x5
- 3 step jump LR/RL  - jumping 6-12 inches x 3 sets
- single leg jump off 1 step approach 3x3 each leg - jumping 6 inches
- vertical jumps - 2 handed - 3x4 - sub maximal, a few harder effort

did a few harder effort jumps, landing quite deep, no pain


Single leg reverse hyper - rhythmic, ballistic - BW x 60
Sissy squat - 50% ROM- rhythmic, ballistic - BW x 60


6 hours later

Calf raise - single leg - bent knee x 1 min ISO, straight leg x 1 min ISO
no elevation - single leg - straight leg 2x50

Wall sit at 70-80 degree knee angle - 2 legs 1min x2
single leg x 1 min
squat to chair - holding rail x30, normal x 30
Sissy squat - 50% ROM BW x 50
« Last Edit: September 01, 2021, 11:38:15 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #929 on: September 01, 2021, 12:03:45 pm »
Wednesday 1st September 2021

It's officially spring here.
Achey all over, but not too bad.

Right achilles insertion feels better, so the tweaks I did yesterday worked.
Left knee tendons Ok even after the harder jumps yesterday.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work for whole body
Lying TFL, hip flexor, and lateral hamstring stretch

Tendon health+rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + stretch and then each lat by leaning to each side for 10 secs each till 1min x 2 sets
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1 min - 30 secs actively pulling legs inwards, 30 secs pushing legs outwards
Wall tib raise - x20
Spanish squat ISO - at 80 degree knee angle - 2x 45 secs

Push up, deficit - dumbbell handles on bench x 20
Pull up - feet supported x 20
High angle row - 30kg x20
Dumbbell press - palms facing, elbow in line with ears - 20lbs x20
Elbows out row + external rotation into press - chest supported at 45 degrees 1.25kg x20
High to low band pull apart - palms facing up - Jumpstretch light band x 20

Heel elevated front step down - 6 inch step + bumper plate, in oly shoes +2.5kg (opposite arm of working leg) x 20
Split squat - narrow stance BW x 20
High bar squat - heel elevated 20kg bumper plate + oly shoes- 30kg x20 (+5kg)
Safety bar squat - 40kg x20

Step down too easy, so will go up 2.5kg
Bumped up VMO high bar squat +5kg and the burn was intense!

rotating sets - 1 mins rest between these and one of the above lower body moves

A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - arm supported - no elevation, in oly shoes -  BW x20, 30kg x 20, 50kg x 30 sec ISO + 5 reps, 70kg x 30 sec ISO + 5 reps
explode up, controlled down - 80kg 2x10 @ RPE 8

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 1 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x20 (80% range), 30kg x20 (80% range), 50kg x 30 sec ISO + 5 reps, 70kg x 30 sec ISO + 5 reps
explode up, controlled down - 80kg 2x10 @ RPE 8

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB single leg squat - arms supported - 1 leg down, 2 up - 6 sec eccentric to 20 inch bench - 30kg x3, 40kg x3, 50kg 3x6

Last time 65kg for 3x5 flared up my left quad tendon, so backed down to 50kg, and it felt OK. See how I feel tomorrow

B) Glute bridge, slider leg curl - BW x8 eccentrics
single leg, 6 sec eccentrics - 2x6

intense tension just before you reach the floor with a straight leg

C) Dumbbell curl - 10lbs x10, 17.5lbs x8, 30lbs x8 (misload), 27.5lbs 2x9 @ RPE 8

Ivanko super gripper - 64lbs x6,  right hand 77lbs x18, 92lbs 2x13, left hand 77lbs x18, 92lbs x13, x11, x10
left hand failed, so will stay here until all sets at 13 reps


6 hours later

Calf raise - single leg - bent knee 2x 45 secs ISO, straight leg 2x 45 secs ISO
no elevation - single leg - straight leg x20
single - bent knee, top half ROM x 20

Wall sit at 70-80 degree knee angle - 2 legs x 45 secs
single leg 2 x 45 secs
Bulgarian split squat - BW x20 - painful burn...

10 min block for each calf and leg.
Felt achey before, felt better after.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2021, 01:44:37 pm by CoolColJ »