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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #900 on: August 07, 2021, 06:58:13 am »
Saturday 7th August 2021

Not all that sore from yesterday, upper body in particular, so body is adapting, despite only training those exercises once every 8 days and being in a calorie deficit.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Soft tissue work on feet and TFL

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 35 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - no elevation - BW x10, 30kg x 8,  50kg x 30 secs
just above neutral, both side back to back  - 30secs x 70kg, 75kg, 75kg, 75kg

bumped top sets up another 5kg

B) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise ISO - arm supported -  BWx10, 30kg x8

C1) Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
C2) seated hip push against strap around lower thighs - leaning torso forward at 45 degrees @80% effort - 3x30 secs

The torso position does make a difference, leaning forward made my glute medius tendon ache a bit.

D1) Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap, thighs at parallel -  x35 secs, +5kg x 35 secs, +10kg 2x 35 secs

Went up 5kg, not too hard

D2) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 1 x 30secs

Dribbling, ball control drills and jumps x 30 mins

- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 2x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- dribble moves against cones

- Altitude drops - 6 inches 2x5
- 3 step jump LR/RL plants x 3, jumping 6 inches, on grass
- 3 step jumps LR/RL plants 2x3, jumping 6+ inches against garage door
- single leg jump, off short run up, jumping 6+ inches off left leg 2x3, right leg - 2x3 against garage door
- vertical jumps, 2 handed @ 50% effort - 2x3  (jumping about 18 inches)

Small bump in volume and a "jump" intensity with the vertical jumps :)
Used bottom of garage door as a target for the moving jumps, so I approach up the driveway slope

Added in vertical jumps
Was only trying for 6 inch vertical jumps, but even with low effort they still hit about 18 inches... which is kinda crazy considering I weigh around 90kg full of water, in clothes and shoes!
I might just jump 12 inches higher at full effort.... And with 15+kg less weight in a few months time... things will get interesting...

All jumps felt good and pain free on take off and landing.
Although I wonder if I can keep this going on a daily basis

6 hours later

Wallsit 2x30secs to warmup

Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 3 x 30secs (2-3mins rest)
Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 8 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into step @70% effort - 2 x 30secs
« Last Edit: August 08, 2021, 09:39:42 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #901 on: August 08, 2021, 01:49:16 am »
Sunday 8th August 2021

Fatloss cycle 3 - Week 1

Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 86.8kg (-0.7kg), 191.4lbs

waist - 36.75 inches (-0.75)
hip =  41 inches (-3/8)
upper thigh = 26 1/8 inches (-1/8)
Right calf = 16 (-1/8)
Neck = 15.75
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 23.5% (-0.5)

Total loss so far - weight 0.7kg Waist  0.75 inches Tanita BF% 0.5%

First entry was 3 weeks ago, so deficits are vs then. I fell off the wagon, but picked it back up last week.
Averaging around 2000 calories each day. So I'm burning around 2600-2700 according to my FitbitCharge 3 and the TDEE app on my phone.

Still feeling good and making gains in strength and size it seems


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #902 on: August 08, 2021, 09:47:23 am »
Sunday 8th August 2021

Sigh quad tendon achey again... seems like everytime I do the Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO, it flares up...
So it does really load the quad tendon hard. Maybe I just keep doing it until the tendon adapts

Getting  COVID vaccine tomorrow, so will likely chill a few days, see how I feel.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Soft tissue work on lower body

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 35 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - no elevation - BW x10, 30kg x 10,  50kg x 30 secs
just above neutral, both side back to back  - 30secs x 70kg, 80kg, 85kg, 85kg

Up another 5kg as 80kg doesn't feel hard enough today

B) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise ISO - arm supported -  BWx10, 30kg x10

C) Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side

D1) Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap, thighs at parallel -  x35 secs, +10kg x 35 secs, 40lbs 2x 35 secs

Went up to a 40lb kettlebell and it still wasn't hard, so I will relegate this move to warmup duties.
It doesn't load the patella and quad tendons hard enough

D2) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 3 x 30secs

Dribbling, ball control drills x  25 mins

- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 2x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- Altitude drops - 6 inches 2x5

6 hours later

Wallsit 2x30secs to warmup

Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 4 x 30secs (2-3mins rest)


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #903 on: August 09, 2021, 07:37:52 am »
Monday 9th August 2021

Right Achilles tendon insertion reacted favorable to yesteray's 85kg calf raise ISOs, so will make than the regular load.

COVID vaccine this morning. felt Ok, so went ahead with training/rehab

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1min
Spanish squat x 35 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - no elevation - BW x10, 30kg x 10,  50kg x 30 secs
just above neutral, both side back to back  - 35secs x 70kg, 85kg, 85kg, 85kg

I can probably hold 85kg for at least a minute, so will likely increase to 90kg later in the week.

B) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise ISO - arm supported -  BWx10, 30kg x10
C1) Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
C2) standing hip push against strap around upper shins - @80% effort - 3x30 secs
D) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 4 x 30secs

Dribbling, ball control drills x  28 mins
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 3x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- dribble moves vs cones

« Last Edit: August 09, 2021, 08:39:39 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #904 on: August 09, 2021, 08:46:17 pm »
Tuesday 10th August 2021

Felt feverish last night as the COVID vaccine kicked in - flu like symptoms, achey overall feeling.
So I skipped the planned leg extension ISOs 6 hours post main session.
Took 2 Panadol and went to bed early.

Still feeling it today. But will train the ISOs, and skip some other stuff I had planned till later in the week.
Will update this post later - first warm spring like day today, so I gotta get out and do something.

Right Achilles tendon insertion improved further from yesterday's session and now feels similar to my left side when walking straight out of bed cold.
So more of the same, but will increment the weight up as needed to stay in the sweet spot.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
Lower body and TFL release

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1min
Spanish squat x 35 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - no elevation - BW x10, 30kg x 10, 40kg x10,  60kg x 30 secs
just above neutral, both side back to back  - 35secs x 80kg, 87.5kg, 45secs x 90kg, 35secs x 90kg, 90kg

Bumped the weight to 87.5kg, felt ok, so upped it again to 90kg. This feels about as high as I want to go right now, as leg was starting to shake a tiny bit towards the end.

B) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise ISO - arm supported -  BWx10, 30kg x10, 40kg x10.

C1) Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
C2) Outer leg lateral drive into wall - inner leg, bent, held in leg raise position - 3x 30secs

D) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 5 x 35secs

Dribbling, ball control drills x  35mins
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 3x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- dribble moves vs cones
- 3 step jump LR/RL plants 2x3, jumping 6 inches, on grass, with ball in opposite hand.
- 3 step jumps LR/RL plants 2x3, sub-maximal jump against garage door wall - touching 9'3"
- single leg jump, left and right legged, off short run up,  sub-maximal jump against garage door wall - touching 9'3"
- vertical jumps, 2 handed @ 50% effort - 2x3  (jumping about 18 inches)

Starting to get my R-L plant sorted.
All sub-maximal jumps touched around 9'3", so about 23 inches with my 7'4" reach

Felt OK, apart from some IT band ache on some R-L jumps
Which I think is caused by my tight TFL, and previously my glute medius tendon issues.
It pulls on the IT band against the hip bone, which inflames it and so it swells causing further compression

I suppose all the between the legs/under the legs stuff I practice doesn't exactly help....

So I stretched it a lot later a night. And it sure hurts a lot when I release it with a ball.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2021, 09:25:35 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #905 on: August 11, 2021, 09:11:36 am »
Wednesday 11th August 2021

COVID vaccine side effects all gone.

Felt stronger today
Stretched the hell out of my TFL and external/internal hip rotators, helped a lot.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout - Lower body and TFL release. TFL and external/internal hip rotator stretches

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

Bodyweight - 90kg with shoes

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1min
Spanish squat x 35 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - no elevation - BW x10, 30kg x 10, 50kg x10, 70kg x 8
ISO just above neutral, both side back to back  - 35secs x 87.5kg, 87.5kg, 87.5kg
70kg x8 @ RPE 7

Isotonic day, but I still did some ISOs

B) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise - arm supported -  BWx10, 30kg x10, 50kg x10, 70kg 3x8 @ RPE 7

C) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 4 x 35secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

Band pull apart complex - 20 secs rest between- high to low, palms up + diagonals alternating sides - JumpStretch light band x12 + 6/6  x 2 sets

A1) SSB Lateral step down - moderate stance width to heel touch - oly shoes on 6 inch step -  BW x10, 30kg x10, 50kg x10, 60kg x10, 70kg x10 @ RPE 7
went up 10kg on top set, didn't feel too hard, and left quad tendon pain was a 3/10, so will go up to 75kg next time.

A2) SSB Reverse Lunge
- one arm supported - BW x8, 30kg x5 each leg, alternating

B) Pullups, shoulder touching bar handles - Hang and 10/10 scap shrugs with regular/parallel grip to warmup, semi inverted row on SSB x 8
Dead hang/paused - regular grip. wider - BW x1, x1, 3x4 (+1 rep per set)
parallel grip, shoulder width - BW x 1, 2x4

felt stronger today on these, +1 rep on first 3 main sets

C) 1 Arm dumbbell Single leg RDL - Dumbbell on opposite arm of working leg - 30lbs x10, 60lbs 2x10 @ RPE 7
+2 reps, +1 set with 60lbs, will go to 65lbs next time.

A) Squats - controlled down - 2mins rest

In Oly shoes, facing down slope of garage - no belt
SSB -  30kg x5, 50kg x 5, 70kg x5, 85kg x5
100kg x5 @ RPE 7
100kg 2x3
Front Squat - 20kg x5, 40kg x3, 60kg x3
High bar squat - 20kg x5, 40kg x3, 60kg x3, 80kg x3, 100kg 2x3

Squats felt good, solid.
The last time I did 100kg x3 on SSB was when I injured my IT band/glute medius tendon real bad. 100kg felt much easier today and no pain.
Solid form all round.



DOH! Forgot to do my tib raises and L-Sit holds. will do them tomorrow


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #906 on: August 12, 2021, 06:11:50 am »
Thursday 12th August 2021

Sore hamstrings, glutes, erectors, quads and lats

left quad tendon and right achilles tendons about the same

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  - Soft tissue work on feet and TFL. Thoraric spine, lats and whole shoulder
hip and TFL stretches

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

Bodyweight - 88.6kg with shoes

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1min
Spanish squat x 35 secs
front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 12

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - no elevation - BW x10, 30kg x 10, 60kg x 30 secs
just above neutral, both side back to back  - 35secs x 80kg, 45secs x 82.5kg, 85kg, 87.5kg, 1 min x  90kg

Was able to hold 90kg for a minute without shakes, so will increase the weight next time.

B) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise ISO - arm supported -  BWx10, 30kg x10
C) Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
D) Doorway Single leg Wall sit - both sides back to back - push into floor - 80 degree knee angle @ 80% effort - 3x 35 secs
E) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 2 x 35secs

Dribbling, ball control drills x  35mins
- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
-  same, but with a dribble up  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- dribble moves vs cones


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #907 on: August 13, 2021, 07:11:56 am »
Friday 13th August 2021

Friday the 13th - zing   :ninja:

Pretty sore hamstrings and groin area

Left quad tendon feels much better after last session.
Right Achilles tendon about the same, so will change things up

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on whole lower body and TFL. Thoracic spine, lats and whole shoulder
hip and TFL stretches

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

Bodyweight - 88.8kg with shoes

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1min
Spanish squat x 35 secs
front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 12

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - 3 inch elevated - BW x10, 30kg x 10, 50kg x 30 secs, 60kg x 30secs,
around neutral or slightly lower, both side back to back  - 35secs x 70kg, 80kg, 80kg, 80kg

Held the ISO lower at around neutral position, to stress the Achilles tendon more where it hurts.
Also using lighter weights

B) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise ISO - arm supported -  BWx10, 30kg x10

C1) Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
C2) seated hip push against strap around lower thighs - leaning torso forward at 45 degrees @80% effort - 2x30 secs
C3) seated hip push against strap around lower thighs - vertical torso @80% effort - x30 secs

D) Doorway Single leg Wall sit - both sides back to back - push into floor - 80 degree knee angle @ 80% effort - 3x 35 secs
E) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 2 x 35secs

Dribbling, ball control drills and jumps x 40 mins

- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
-  same, but with a dribble up  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- dribble moves vs cones

- reactive squat drop x 5
- Altitude drops - 6 inches x5
- 3 step jump LR/RL plants 2x3, jumping 6 inches, on grass, with ball in opposite hand.

- 3 step jumps LR/RL plants 2x3, sub-maximal jump against garage door wall - touching 9'4" = 24 inches
- single leg jump, left and right legged, off short run up,  sub-maximal jump against garage door wall - touching 9'2" left,  8'7" right = 22/17 inches

- a few series of short lower effort skips and hops

- vertical jumps, 2 handed, sub-maximal effort - 2x3  (jumping about 20 inches)
- vertical jump @ 80% effort x2 - touching 9'4" = 24 inches

Jumped higher today, but still not pushing too hard
Ceiling of my garage is about 10'3" so I'm aiming to touch it off vertical eventually...
On the two 80% effort vertical jumps, I touched the 12 inch metal brackets that hang from the top, from an old garage door installation
« Last Edit: August 13, 2021, 07:21:31 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #908 on: August 14, 2021, 08:52:46 am »
Saturday 14th August 2021

A bit tired feeling from yesterday

Upper body was stronger today
Not the wisest idea to do the squats at the end... should have called it a day after the step ups


Tendon health - rehab and upper body - fasted

Bodyweight - in shoes and winter clothing 88.3kg

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1min
Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side
Spanish squat x 35 secs
front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 12
broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x15 + 30 sec stretch x 2 sets

rotating sets - 1.5 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - 3 inch elevated - BW x10, 30kg x 10, 60kg x 30 secs
around neutral or slightly lower, both side back to back  - 35secs x 80kg, 80kg, 80kg

B) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise - arm supported -  BWx10, 30kg x8, 40kg x8, 50kg 3x8 @ RPE 7

C) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - 2 x 35secs
D) Doorway Single leg Wall sit - both sides back to back - push into floor - 80 degree knee angle @ 80% effort - 2x 30 secs


All controlled and fairly comfortable sets @ RPE 6-8
rotating sets - 1.5 mins rest

A) Tib raise - SSB + oly shoes 30kg x8, 50kg x8,  60kg 3x8 @ RPE7
wall tib raise,  in oly shoes x8 @RPE 8

B) Pushup- on floor x 8, feet elevated 20 inches, deficit - hands on Powerblock dumbbell handles - 3x11   (+1rep on all sets)
C) High angle rows - 20kg x12, 40kg x8, 60kg 3x10 (+1rep on all sets)


A) SSB Lateral step down - moderate stance width to heel touch - oly shoes on 6 inch step -  BW x8, 30kg x8, 50kg x8, 70kg x8, 75kg x10 (+5kg, +2 reps)
Will go up to 80kg next time

B) Dumbbell palms facing overheard press, arms in line with ears - 17.5lbs x8, 27.5lbs 3x11 (+1 rep all sets)
D) Dumbbell curl - 10lbs x10, 27.5lbs 3x8 (+2.5lbs on last 2 sets)
felt much stronger from last session.


A) Squats - controlled down - 2-4mins rest

In Oly shoes, facing down slope of garage - no belt
SSB -  30kg x5, 50kg x 5, 70kg x5, 90kg x5
105kg 2x3 @ RPE 8
Front Squat - 20kg x5, 40kg x3
High bar squat - 20kg x5, 40kg x3, 70kg x3, 90kg x5, 100kg x3, 105kg x3

felt fairly hard... to be expected after all the stuff I did before hand, not very smart doing these today...

B) Glute bridge, slider leg curl - BW x6 eccentrics + 3 rep, BW x9, 2x10 (+1 rep)

C) Ivanko super gripper - 64lbs x5, 64lbs 3x12 (+1 rep, left hand failed on third set), plus one extra set for left hand x11 (+3 reps)


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #909 on: August 15, 2021, 06:29:44 am »
Sunday 15th August 2021

Fatloss cycle 3 - Week 2

Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 86kg (-0.8kg), 189.6lbs

waist - 36 3/8 inches (-3/8)
hip =  41 inches
upper thigh = 26 1/8 inches
Right calf = 15 7/8 (-1/8)
Neck = 15 5/8 (-1/8)
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 24% (+0.5)

Total loss so far - weight 1.5kg Waist  1 1/8 inches Tanita BF% 0%

Lost way more fat than I was expecting, since the first 3 days of the week were in surplus!
Also looks like my legs and hips got bigger this week, no change in size despite dropping 3/8 off my waist

Averaged around 2300 calories this week vs a TDEE of 2700+ according to app on phone, but it must be higher than that.
Fitbit has me at 2700 for the last 28 days.
Had a few 3000 calorie days at the start of the week and then around 1900-2200.


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #910 on: August 15, 2021, 06:46:04 am »
Sunday 15th August 2021

Upper body not all that sore as I was expecting
Posterior chain is a bit

going to put more focus on the soleus than I have been in my achilles rehab
see the difference in forces (x bodyweight) subjected to the soleus vs the gastroc at various running speeds

They also show that the total calf muscle volume is made of soleus mainly (43.7%), then medial gastroc (34.3%), then lateral gastroc (22.1%). This fits in withthe very high physiological cross sectional area of the soleus (Lieber 2011) and much higher forces (x bodyweight) in the soleus versus the gastroc in running (see table below showing predicted muscle forces in running at increasing speed, adapted from Dorn 2012) and

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on feet, TFL and front delts
hip and TFL stretches

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

Bodyweight - 88.6kg with shoes

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1min
Spanish squat x 35 secs
front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 12

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg calf raise ISO - arm supported - 3 inch elevated - BW x10, 30kg x 10, 50kg x 30 secs
around neutral or slightly lower, both side back to back  - 35secs x 70kg, 80kg, 80kg

B) SSB single leg, bent leg, knee over toes calf raise ISO - arm supported - 3 inch elevated - BWx10, 30kg x10
around neutral or slightly higher, both side back to back  - 35secs x 50kg, 60kg, 60kg, 60kg

C) Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side

D) Doorway Single leg Wall sit - both sides back to back - push into floor - 80 degree knee angle @ 80% effort - 3x 35 secs
E) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push into floor with ball of foot while seated -  90-100 degree leg angle @70% effort - x 35secs

Dribbling, ball control drills x 35 mins

- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- same, but with a dribble up  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- low intensity Euro step drill against wall - RL with right hand and LR with left hand

rotating sets - 1.5 mins rest

A) Jefferson curl - hold at bottom of each rep - 20kg barbell x 8, 30kg 2x8 + 30 sec hold on last set @ RPE 5
B) L Sit hold -  x 10 sec with bent knee, 3x 15secs
C) W external rotations into press - chest supported at 45 degrees 2.5lbs x8,  5lbs 2x8, x7 @ RPE 7

« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 11:37:25 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #911 on: August 16, 2021, 07:33:12 am »
Monday 16th August 2021

Posterior chain and adductors sore from the jefferson curls.
Achey calves

Decided to rest up today.
But did a ton off soft tissue work and stretching - helps burns some extra calories while still benefiting me

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

2 hours of whole body soft tissue work and stretching

Shoulder mobility has improved a lot since I started rolling out my thoracic spine, lasts, front delts and all the muscles around the shoulder girdle.
Left shoulder no longer impinges when forcing the arm back when held vertical.
Still no where I want to be compared to what I have been able to do in my younger years, but it's in a decent place.

I used to be able to do this back in my 20-30s, still not close.
Bottom hand is not bad, but upper is the problem, lats/pecs still too tight in that direction


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #912 on: August 17, 2021, 07:48:10 am »
Tuesday 17th August 2021

I'm so happy I have fixed my right IT band issue. Now I can finally stop hammering my glute medius so much.
It was my tight TFL after all.
When you think about it, the penultimate  push off for a running jump is exactly a dynamic version of a TFL stretch... so that why it puts so much stress on my IT band when my TFL is tight and over active, which it connects directly into.
Pulling the leg back, behind you, externally rotating the leg/foot and then abducting the leg to the opposite side is the exact opposite of what the TFL is supposed to do, hence stretching it

Yeah lots of release work on my TFL, and stretching around the clock the last few days.

This is my go to TFL stretch, been doing when I wake up in the mornings - 2x 1.5 mins each leg
Except I make sure the stretched leg on the floor is straight with the hip, well I try to move it as far to the right as I can, and I put the other foot on top of the side of the knee and push it down flat against the ground. While trying to flatten my lower back into the ground, which also stretches another function of the TFL as a pelvis and hip flexor - hence why it also can cause Anterior pelvic tilt and back issues.
Makes my TFL and other hip muscles scream.
You can also do a sorta standing version by pushing the stretched leg behind you in the same manner, pushing the foot as far to the opposite side as you can, toes on the floor

The other one is an active stretch, that also activates the glutes.
A quadruped bird dog style position - push leg back, externally rotate the foot and the pull the leg inwards.
makes the front of the hip feel lose while your glutes get pumped.
The third one in the video

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on feet, TFL, thoracic spine, lats and front delts
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch
quadruped TFL active stretch 2 x 30 secs

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1min
front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 12
Side plank with leg abduction - against wall at 45 degrees - x 30secs each side

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee, over toes calf raise - arm supported - 3 inch elevated in oly shoes - controlled up, 3 sec eccentric - BW x10, 30kg x 10, 50kg x 8
60kg x8, 65kg 2x8 @ RPE 7

Changed the order around, now soleus calf raise gets priority

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 3 inch elevated in oly shoes - controlled up, 3 sec eccentric - BW x10, 30kg x 10, 50kg x 8
60kg x8, 65kg 2x8 @ RPE 7

C) Doorway Single leg Wall sit - both sides back to back - push into floor - 80 degree knee angle @ 80% effort - 3x 35 secs


SSB Lateral step down - moderate stance width to heel touch - oly shoes on 6 inch step -  BW x10, 30kg x10, 50kg x10, 70kg x10, 80kg x10 @ RPE 7

Not easy, but not hard. Will go up to 85kg next time, which is close to body weight.

Dribbling, ball control drills x 25 mins

- jump shots and hook shots against the wall, with a small hop  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- same, but with a dribble up  - 1x5 each arm with a 10sec rest
- low intensity Euro step drill against wall - RL with right hand and LR with left hand
- some low intensity 3 step jump practice LR/RL

20 mins worth of house dancing practice
« Last Edit: August 18, 2021, 07:12:22 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #913 on: August 18, 2021, 07:23:52 am »
Wednesday 18th August 2021

Pretty sore lower legs, soleus. And my glute max and medius feel deep down brusied from the stepdowns

Left quad tendon feeling much better
Achilles insertions kinda feel better, but masked by the DOMs.

Left foot plantar fasciitis type pain is barely noticeable now, while my right ankle impinegement pain is gone.
There is pain spot on my left foot when rolling it, while dorsiflexing it hard, which I assume is where the pain must be.
None of the right foot. Releeasing that area has helped.

Felt tired during today's session, should have rested in hindsight, but I'm motivated to get my tendons back in order ASAP and continue leaning up.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on feet, TFL, long/short adductor, thoracic spine, and front delt
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch
quadruped TFL active stretch 2 x 30 secs

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 1min
front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 12
Side plank with leg abduction - against bench x 30secs each side
Spanish squat ISO- just above parallel x 35 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee, over toes calf raise ISO - arm supported - 3 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x10, 30kg x 10, 50kg x 30 secs
30 secs x60kg, x65kg, 60kg

Tried 65kg, legs started shaking a bit, so dropped back down

B) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 3 inch elevated in oly shoes - BW x10, 30kg x 10, 50kg x 30 secs
30 secs x60kg, x65kg, 60kg

C) Doorway Single leg Wall sit - both sides back to back - push into floor - 80 degree knee angle @ 80% effort - 3x 35 secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #914 on: August 19, 2021, 08:29:39 am »
Thursday 19th August 2021

whole glute/hip still pretty sore

Left quad tendon getting better and better, both achilles insertion not so much, kinda stuck, so changing things up again
IT band, glute medius tendon pretty much completely healed now. No longer hurts walking downstairs or in true single leg squats

Soft tissue work on thoracic spine is making very noticeable changes to my back shape from the side when I raise my arms overhead - I used to have a pronounced curve in my back, but now it's much more straight. Especially when I was front squating, my back would look humped.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Pre workout -  Soft tissue work on feet, TFL, long/short adductor, thoracic spine, lats and front delt
Lying TFL and hip flexor stretch
quadruped TFL active stretch 2 x 30 secs

Tendon health - rehab - fasted

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + 30 sec stretch x 2 sets
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 45 secs
front step down - 6 inch step - BW x 12
Band pull apart complex - 20 secs rest between- high to low, palms up + diagonals alternating sides - JumpStretch light band x12 + 6/6  x 2 sets

rotating sets - 1 mins rest
A) SSB single leg, bent knee soleus calf raise - no elevation in oly shoes, arm supported - controlled up, 3 sec eccentric - BW x10, 30kg x 10, 50kg x 10
60kg 2x10 @ RPE 8

With no elevation and in oly shoes the ROM is very small, but this avoids the achilles compression when the calf is stretched

B) Pullups, shoulder touching bar handles - Hang and 10/10 scap shrugs with regular/parallel grip to warmup, semi inverted row on SSB x 8
Dead hang/paused - regular grip. wider - BW x 0.5, x1,  3x4 @ RPE 8
parallel grip, shoulder width - BW x 0.5, 1, x4, x5 @ REP 8 (+1 rep)

slowly improving on these, will do 2x5 on parallel grip next week, these feel much easier than the regular

B) SSB single leg calf raise- no elevation in oly shoes, arm supported - controlled up, 3 sec eccentric - BW x10, 30kg x 10, 50kg x 10
60kg 2x12 @ RPE 7

C) Doorway Single leg Wall sit - both sides back to back - push into floor - 80 degree knee angle @ 80% effort - 2x 30 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A1) SSB Split squat -  oly shoes, 1/4 squat depth, knees level with toes -  BW x10, 30kg x10, 50kg x10, 60kg x10, 70kg x10 @ RPE 7
A2) SSB Bulgarian split squat - oly shoes, single arm supported - controlled,  1 min rest between sides - BW x8, 30kg x8, 50kg x8, 60kg x6 @ RPE 8

Trying to find a single leg quad heavy move that doesn't compress and aggravate my left quad tendon, and the Bulgarian split squat looks to be it.
Was worried about the when the left is the rear leg, with the tendons stretched, but it felt OK.

B) Dumbbell palms facing overheard press, arms in line with ears - 17.5lbs x8, 27.5lbs 2x10 @ RPE 8