Author Topic: Reboot - get lean, get hops  (Read 880439 times)

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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #855 on: June 01, 2021, 06:15:50 am »
Monday 31st May 2021

Tendons a little achey, but no flare ups.
Glutes/hips deep down achey feeling, and just feel low down aches all over

morning mobility work
upper body stretches

Tendon health - rehab

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min
Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW 3x45 secs

rotating sets - 1 min rest inbetween

A) Outer leg lateral drive into wall - non working leg held  high with a bent knee - 4x 45 secs

B1) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against strap, lying back, 90 degree leg angle at >80% effort - 4x45secs
B2) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 8 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into floor > 80% effort - 2 x 45secs

A) Manual resistance single leg calf raise ISO - loose Nylon belt, with strap to wood plank, push > 80% effort
45 secs x 4


43 min walk -
backwards walking 20-25 degree sloped path - 3 mins

2700 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 2400


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #856 on: June 01, 2021, 06:42:52 am »
Tuesday 1st June 2021

Calves and glute medius sore as hell, but overall body, while achey is starting to feel good, crisper, stronger today.

morning mobility work
upper body stretches


Tendon health - rehab

Broom behind the neck press and dislocate stretch
band pull apart complex - Rogue light band

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW x45 secs
Side plank with leg abduction -   arm on 20 inch bench  x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1.5 mins rest inbetween

A) 1/8 squat position, push against belt around lower quads >80% effort - 3x 45 secs

B1) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against strap, 90 degree leg angle >80% effort - 3 x 45secs
B2) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 8 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into floor >80% effort - 2 x 45secs


A) SSB single leg calf raise - 30kg x 5 paused reps + 5 x heel off the ground, 50kg x 10sec ISO, 70kg x 20sec ISO, 90kg x 30 sec ISO
ISO above neutral - 45 secs x 105kg, 110kg, 110kg

moved up another 5kg to 110kg and while it was hard, still no limit yet.  I think 115kg next week looks good.
To think that if I did these with 2 legs, I would be using around 220kg/485lbs, if my back could support it :o
Rehabbing achilles tendon tendinopathy sure takes more effort than that what you would be led to expect, with people doing dinky single arm dumbbell calf raises or 10-20kg in a backpack....

And to think back a few months ago where even 30-50kg was quite hard, and now feels like nothing... I think it's all mental... your perspective changes


45 min walk/hike

16  hour fast
2700 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
plan to eat 2000+
« Last Edit: June 01, 2021, 06:44:49 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #857 on: June 03, 2021, 12:49:30 pm »
Wednesday 4th May 2021

Felt decent, but I didn't feel that strong today, so an extra day of rest would have helped, or maybe it's just lower calories

bodyweight = 83+ kg without shoes

morning mobility work
upper body stretches

Afternoon - home

soft tissue work - all lower body

Tendon health and rehab - Heavier session - fasted

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min
Spanish squat  x45 secs
Side plank with abduction on bench x 45 secs
Glute bridge x 45 secs
Plank - x 45 secs

lateral lunge push into wall x 45 secs

Power clean and power snatch complex  x 20kg bar
1/4 Overhead squat 10kg bar x 10, 20kg bar x 12

Partial Squats

All reps 3 sec eccentric, paused, to 20 inch bench

Did these before the back squat of the same load
Front Squat - Iron edge XXheavy band around lower quads - 20kg x5, 40kg x3, 60kg x3, 80kg x3
Belt/oly shoes - 100kg x3, 110kg x3, 117.5kg x3

117.5kg starting to feel kinda hard on the legs, so getting closer to where my actual 1RM would be

Low bar squat
Did these after high bar of the same load - Iron edge XXheavy band around lower quads - 20kg x5, 40kg x5, 60kg x3, 80kg x3
oly shoes/belt - 100kg x3, 117.5kg x3

High bar squat
minimal shoe/bare feet - 20kg x10, 40kg x5 , 60kg x5, oly shoes 80kg x5
belt/oly shoes -  100kg x5, 117.5kg x5

belt/oly shoes
127.5kg x5
137.5kg x6
142.5kg x6
147.5kg x6 @ RPE 7
150kg x 3

Felt solid. Up 2.5kg on all work sets from last week. Used no bands around the lower quads today.
150kg felt heavy'ish on shoulders, but still not that hard for my legs

Getting closer to 2x Bodyweight, and probably not much reason to go heavier than that

Pulls/Deadlifts - oly shoes and facing down slope of garage

20kg Clean high pull x 5 + clean grip power snatch x 5

Clean high pull hook grip, lowered under control - 60kg x3, 70kg x3, 80kg x3, 90kg x3, 100kg x3, 110kg x3

Clean deadlift
3 sec eccentric, belt + straps - 120kg x4, 130kg x4, 140kg x3 @ RPE 7

Felt harder today, probably due to squat fatigue. First time in a while to deadlift over 300lbs

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 1 mins rest

A1) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - Olys shoes, 0.5 inch elevated 3 sec eccentric, top half of ROM only  - 30kg x5, 70kg x5
both sides back to back - 90kg x5, 105kg 2x8 @ RPE 8

+5kg on top sets, and also bigger warmup jumps now as these are lighter loads feel like nothing to me now.

A2)SSB Tib raise - in oly shoes - 30kg x8, 70kg x8
90kg x5, 105kg x5, 90kg x 6 @ RPE 8

A3) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise - arm supported -  Olys shoes, no elevation 3 sec eccentric, top half of ROM only  - 30kg x5, 70kg x5
both sides back to back - 90kg x5, 105kg 2x8 @ RPE 8


A) SSB side bends controlled, alternating sides - 70kg x 12, 72.5kg @ RPE 7 (+5kg)

hmm not all that hard, maybe all the side planks have helped

B) Glute bridge, slider leg curl - BW x6 eccentrics + 1 rep
BW 2x8 @ RPE 8
single leg - 4 sec eccentrics x6

C) Monster band lateral lunge Alternating sides, 2 steps each way - XXHeavy + Xheavy band 2x8 @ RPE 8

16 hour fast
2900 calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
ate 2700


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #858 on: June 04, 2021, 10:51:59 am »
Thursday 3rd June 2021

Legs feel decent for a day after training, but I feel tired and a bit drained, and not motivated so I decided to rest up fully.
But late at night did some ISOs

morning mobility work
upper body stretches


Tendon health - rehab

A) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 8 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into floor >80% effort - 4 x 45secs
B) Outer leg lateral drive into wall - 4x 45 secs

16  hour fast
2000 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 2600+


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #859 on: June 04, 2021, 11:10:22 am »
Friday 4th June 2021

Still feel a bit crap, but was motivated enough to train.
Erectors a bit more sore today

morning mobility work
upper body stretches

Tendon health - rehab

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min
Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW 2x45 secs
Side plank with leg abduction - arm on 20 inch bench x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1 min rest inbetween

A1) lateral lunge push into wall - 1x 45 secs
A2) 1/8 squat position, push against belt around lower quads >80% effort - 3x 45 secs

B1) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against strap, lying back, 90 degree leg angle > 80% effort - 3x45secs
B2) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 8 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into floor > 80% effort - 1 x 45secs

Manual resistance single leg calf raise ISO - Dip belt, with strap to wood plank, push > 80% effort
45 secs x 4


50 min walk
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 30 degree sloped path x 2+ mins

release quads with barbell


rotating sets - 2 min rest inbetween

A) Band pull apart complex - 20 secs rest between- high to low, palms up + diagonals alternating sides - Rogue light band x10, JumpStretch light band x10
band dislocates 2x10

B) Pullups, shoulder touching bar handles - Hang and 20 scap shrugs to warmup
Dead hang/paused - BW x 1, x1, x6.75, x5, x4.75 @ RPE 9

C) 20 inch feet elevated deficit pushup, with handles - 45 degree angle grip -  BW 2x10 explosive @ RPE 8


A) High angle rows - 20kg x12, 40kg x8, 60kg x3
62.5kg 2x8 @ RPE 8

B) L Sit holds x10secs,  2x20 secs @ RPE 8


A) Barbell curl - controlled 20kg x10, 25kg 2x8, @ RPE 8

B)W Scarecrow external rotations - 5lbs + press x10, 10lbs x10, x12 @ RPE 7

C) Ivanko super gripper - 92lbs x 3
Left arm - 92lbs x10, x7, x4 @ RPE 9
Right arm  -  92lbs 2x10 @ RPE 7


16  hour fast
3000 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
plan to eat 2200


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #860 on: June 08, 2021, 07:35:58 am »
Saturday and Sunday 5-6th June 2021

Really sore calves, so I skipped all the ISO calf work to freshen them up for BBall
Also skipped the walk on Saturday

Took Sunday off instead of BBalling, felt not ready, and will move back to a 8 day cycle, as I feel much better with that extra days rest and training is better spaced out

morning mobility work
upper body stretches


Tendon health - rehab

A) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 8 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into floor >80% effort - 4 x 45secs
B) Outer leg lateral drive into wall - 4x 45 secs


1 Hour walk/hike on Sunday post ISO work


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #861 on: June 08, 2021, 08:00:19 am »
Monday 7th May 2021

A little fresher feeling than previous weeks on BBall day, but still a bit achey

bodyweight at home without shoes = 84+ kg

Soft tissue work at home - lower body

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts - 80 mins

1) 15 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) medium/high intensity moves, shots, layups
3) jumps at the 45 min mark, and dunks on 8 feet netball rim - a few high effort  jumps of all types

4) 3 sets x  all back to back
- Jogging semi prime times on balls of my feet to half court, backwards jog back x2
- lateral skips with arm swing from one side to other and back, backwards jog back
- pogo jumps x 10 at 60% effort
- 2 legged forward hops with a twist to each alternating sides, to halfcourt
- 2 legged hops in star pattern - 3 each axis
- star pattern skips - 2 each axis

5) 4x3 jumps onto 20 inch wall landing with straight legs, from 2 feet out,
1 set off 1 leg, alternating sides

6) More jumps and dunks against the 8 feet netball rim for about 15 mins

Landing felt  less tight/sore/fatigued than previous weeks.
And dunks felt more forceful, so I'm a little fresher, but still not fresh enough to jump well yet

I got carried away at the end doing all those extra jumps, and paid the price....
Both upper patella tendons felt achey at the end, and my right achilles insertion also felt inflamed.
felt beat up as hell later at home!


Hanging pike leg raise - feet to hands - BW x9 @RPE 9
L-Hang pull ups - to upper chest, on 8 feet netball rim - BW x4, x4, x3 @ RPE 8
Front lever holds - on 8 feet netball rim - 2x 5secs
Hanging pike leg raise - feet to hands - BW x6, x4 @RPE 9

Wall tib Raise - in between sets of the above BW 3x8

30 min walk -
backwards walking 20-25 degree sloped path - x2 mins, and then later on x3mins

7 hours later

rotating sets
A) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 8 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into floor >80% effort - 4 x 45secs
B) Outer leg lateral drive into wall - 4x 45 secs


16 hour fast -
3100 calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3
ate 3500


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #862 on: June 08, 2021, 08:12:27 am »
Tuesday 8th June 2021

Paid the price for all the extra jumps - right achilles insertion inflamed again, but not flared up.
Patella tendons feel ok, despite being achey yesterday, post session.
Left quad tendon also achey, but not too bad.

morning mobility work
upper body stretches


Tendon health - rehab

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min, 10 secs

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW 2x45 secs, +10kg x 45 secs
Side plank with leg abduction -  against side of car  x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1.5 mins rest inbetween

A1) Outer leg lateral drive into wall - 2x 45 secs
A2) 1/8 squat position, push against belt around lower quads >80% effort - 3x 45 secs
A3) Lying side leg raise ISO, push against strap around lower quads >80% effort - x 45secs

B1) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against strap, 90 degree leg angle >80% effort - 3 x 45secs
B2) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 8 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into floor >80% effort -  x 45secs

Manual resistance single leg calf raise ISO - Dip belt, with strap to wood plank, push > 80% effort
45 secs x 4

40 min walk
backwards walking 20-25 degree sloped path - 3 mins


6 hours later

rotating sets
A) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 8 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into floor >80% effort - 4 x 45secs

B1) 1/8 squat position, push against belt around lower quads >80% effort - 3x 45 secs
B2) Lying side leg raise ISO, push against strap around lower quads >80% effort - 2x45secs


14  hour fast
2700 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
plan to eat 2000


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #863 on: June 11, 2021, 08:14:29 am »
Wednesday 9th June 2021

Tendons feeling better.
morning mobility work
upper body stretches


Tendon health - rehab

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW x45 secs
Side plank with leg abduction -  against side of car  x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1.5 mins rest inbetween

A1) Outer leg lateral drive into wall - 3x 45 secs
A3) Lying side leg raise ISO, push against strap around lower quads >80% effort - 2x 45secs

B1) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against strap, 90 degree leg angle >80% effort - 4 x 45secs

SSB single leg calf raise - 30kg x 5 paused reps + 5 x bent knee, 70kg x 20sec ISO, 90kg x 30 sec ISO
ISO above neutral - 45 secs x 100kg, 110kg, 115kg

Upped another 5kg to 115kg, and this feels near limit. Effort wise similar to my manual resistance calf raise ISO.
So about the right load to be working with.

40 min walk
backwards walking 20-25 degree sloped path - 3 mins


6 hours later

rotating sets
A) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 6 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into floor >80% effort - 4 x 45secs

B1) 1/8 squat position, push against belt around lower quads >80% effort - 3x 45 secs
B2) Lying side leg raise ISO, push against strap around lower quads >80% effort - 2x45secs

Manual resistance single leg calf raise ISO - Dip belt, with strap to Reebok step, push > 80% effort
45 secs x 4


14  hour fast
2700+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 2600


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #864 on: June 11, 2021, 08:26:42 am »
Friday 11th May 2021

Took yesterday off - wasn't feeling good and was sore as hell.
Still pretty sore today

Tendons almost back to the state they were at the end of last week.
Amazes me how fast they respond to the right stimulus. Faster than you expect from general consensus.
Plus twice a day training, everyday, also means more recovery spurts.

I'm also going to stop squatting and deadlifting/pulls until I'm fully healthy.
Plus I have a bit cut/skin split in my right index finger joint, which hurts like hell
This should help freshen me up as well.


morning mobility work
upper body stretches

Tendon health and rehab - Heavier session - fasted

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min
Spanish squat  x45 secs
Side plank with abduction on bench x 45 secs
Glute bridge x 45 secs
Plank - x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1.5 mins rest inbetween

A1) Outer leg lateral drive into wall - 2x 45 secs
A3) Lying side leg raise ISO, IronEdge XXHeavy+ heavy band around lower quads >80% effort - 2x 45secs

B1) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against strap, 90 degree leg angle >80% effort - 4 x 45secs

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 1 mins rest

A1) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - Olys shoes, 0.5 inch elevated 3 sec eccentric, top half of ROM only  - 30kg x5, 70kg x5
both sides back to back - 90kg x 30 sec ISO, 100kg x 45 sec ISO, 110kg x 45 sec ISO, 115kg 2x45 sec ISO

A2)SSB Tib raise - in oly shoes - 30kg x6, 70kg x6,  90kg 3x6 @ RPE 8

A3) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise - arm supported -  Olys shoes, no elevation 3 sec eccentric, top half of ROM only  - 30kg x5, 70kg x5
both sides back to back - 90kg x5, 100kg x5, 110kg 2x8 @ RPE 9

100kg x6 on last set for right leg, ran out of gas


B) Glute bridge, slider leg curl - BW x6 eccentrics + 1 rep
BW 3x10 + 10 sec ISO at bottom @ RPE 8
single leg ISO at bottom x 5 secs
single leg - 3 sec eccentrics x6

Jefferson curl - 20kg 2x10

16 hour fast
2400+ calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
plan to eat 2000


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #865 on: June 13, 2021, 06:38:00 am »
Saturday 12th June 2021

Over a week now, since I last squatted/deadlifted and I feel fresher.
Today's walk was by far the easiest, crispest feeling in a while. Even after the ISO work which usually makes my legs feel like lead.
It's like as if someone took a weight vest off me!

Although I'm still quite a bit sore all over.
tendons improving

morning mobility work
upper body stretches


Tendon health - rehab

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW x45 secs
Side plank with leg abduction -  against side of car  x 45 secs, on 20 inch bench x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1.5 mins rest inbetween

A1) Outer leg lateral drive into wall - 2x 45 secs
A2) Lying side leg raise ISO, push against strap/band around lower quads IronEdge XXHeavy+ heavy band  >80% effort - 2x 45secs

B1) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against strap, 90 degree leg angle >80% effort - 2 x 45secs
B2) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 6 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into floor >80% effort - 4 x 45secs

Manual resistance single leg calf raise ISO - Dip belt, with strap to Reebok step, push > 80% effort
45 secs x 4

45 min walk
start backwards walking - at start - 20-25 degree sloped path - 3 mins
towards end 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins



14  hour fast
2700+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 3500


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #866 on: June 14, 2021, 11:12:54 am »
Sunday 13th June 2021

Still sore, especially my calves and upper back for some reason

morning mobility work
upper body stretches


Tendon health - rehab

really late night session

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min

rotating sets - 1.5 mins rest inbetween

A) Outer leg lateral drive into wall - 4x 45 secs
B) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 6 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into floor >80% effort - 4 x 45secs

Manual resistance single leg calf raise ISO - Dip belt, with strap to Reebok step, push > 80% effort
45 secs x 4


14  hour fast
2200+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 3100
« Last Edit: June 14, 2021, 11:23:11 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #867 on: June 14, 2021, 11:20:54 am »
Monday 14th June 2021

Enjoying the crisp feeling in my legs and hips, but calves still insanely sore
Upper back less sore

morning mobility work
upper body stretches


Tendon health - rehab

A) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 6 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into floor >80% effort - 3 x 45secs
B) Single leg Wall sit ISO -  both sides back to back - 90 degree leg angle, push into floor >80% effort - 3 x 45secs

Experimenting with new setup, as the single leg wall sit with active push, also works the glute medius a bit

40 min walk
backwards walking 20-25 degree sloped path - 3 mins


6 hours later

rotating sets

A) Lying side leg raise ISO, push against strap around lower quads >80% effort - 4x45secs
B) Manual resistance single leg calf raise ISO - Dip belt, with strap to Reebok step, push > 80% effort
45 secs x 4

Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 6 inch step - support leg on floor - pushing into floor >80% effort - 4 x 45secs


12  hour fast
2600+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
plan to eat 2200

« Last Edit: June 14, 2021, 11:22:42 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #868 on: June 20, 2021, 08:38:18 am »
Took this whole week off any BBall/jumps, weights and walking
Been doing the usual daily ISO work

Will probably start BBalling/shoot around this week, but no jumps until tendons are healthy again

The usual manual resistance calf raise ISO with dip belt, strap and Reebook step and lateral planks with leg abduction along with puhsing out against a strap around lower squads are my main stays for achilles and Glute medius tendon.

SSB calf raise ISO with 110-115kg every so often

Patella/quad tendon - Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid on a 6 inch step ISO as I have been doing.
Replacing the leg extension ISO, with 2 legged wall sit at 90 degree leg angle while actively pushing as hard as I can into the floor.
This feels like a leg press, and stresses my patella/quad tendon harder than anything so far.
Glute medius and my soleus/calves also work hard as well

Will update once I get back 100% healthy again


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #869 on: June 24, 2021, 05:29:19 pm »
Starting to get back into it

did a light whole body session 2 days ago, 1-2 sets each

Tendons feeling much better.
Resting 1-2 days between ISO sessions seems to be working better than doing them everyday as my muscles can rest and recover.

Going back to leg extension ISO, along with the 2 legged wall sit with active push, as the Peterson stepup/Sissy squat hybrid on steps isn't loading the tendon enough, even though it makes it hurt. Since if you actually push hard enough you should be able to lift off the other foot completely off the ground....