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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #810 on: April 21, 2021, 08:01:09 am »
Wednesday 21st April 2021

Calves and quads still fairly sore.

All tendons felt good getting out of bed this morning. Achilles insertion pain decreasing as well, straight out of bed.

Waking stretches and mobility work
knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - x 1min

Bodyweight without shoes - ?

trained fasted

Tendon health Light session - at home

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW 2x45 secs
lateral set up, outer leg on 8 inch step - BW 2x10 - this variant hits the glute medius

Rotating sets between each - one lower, then one upper

A1-1) Single leg wall sit - doorway - 90 degree leg angle, active leg pushing at 70% effort  - 2x45 secs

A1-2) PowerBlock dumbbell single leg extension, on incline bench -  - 65lbs 2x10 @ RPE 8

A2) Lateral plank with leg adduction - arm on 20 inch bench - 2x40 secs  - hard, and quite the glute medius pump

A3) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 2 inch elevated - both sides back to back - ISO 45 secs x 30kg, 35kg
3 sec up and down, hold at top, down to slightly below neutral  - 35kg x11, 40kg x10 @ RPE 8

A4) SSB single leg bent knee calf - arm supported - flat on floor - both sides back to back - ISO 45 secs x 30kg, 35kg
3 sec up and down, hold at top, down to slightly below neutral  - 35kg x11, 40kg x10 @ RPE 8

increased loads again on the calf/achilles stuff, as 30-35kg felt too easy and pain free, and it felt good


A1) band pull apart, palms up - high to low - Jumpstretch light band 2x12
A2) Band dislocates light jumpstetch band 2x15

B1) High Angle rows - 20kg x 15, 40kg x8,
controlled - 60kg 3x10 @ RPE 8 on last set

C1) barbell curl - controlled 20kg x8, 27.5kg 3x8  @ RPE 9 on last set


rotating sets

wrist curl - hold at top - 20kg x8, 25kg 3x13 @ RPE 8 (+1 rep)
Reverse wrist curl- hold at top - 10kg x8, 15kg 2x10 @ RPE 9

Single arm rotating press 5lbs x10, 15lbs x10 @ RPE 6

Ivanko super gripper 77lbs x 5
77lbs 3x14 @ RPE 8 - right arm
77lbs x14, x12, x14 @ RPE 10 - left arm

Weird, left hand second set tanked, but then recovered on next set....

Glute bridge, slider leg curl BW x6 eccentrics + 1 rep
BW x11, x11, x10 @ RPE 8

AB wheel on knees - down to floor, slow and controlled, paused x12, x10 @ RPE 8

Plate pinch grip holds 2 hands 10kg bumper - x30secs
single hand 10kg bumper plate - right hand x35 secs (+9 secs), x26 secs, x 21 secs
left hand x22secs (+2 secs), x23 secs (+3 secs), x 12 secs

Monster band lateral walk Alternating sides-  XXHeavy + Xheavy band 2x12 @ RPE 8

Shoulder/cuff health routine

Loaded torso drop - using wall - 2x15
Cross to Overhead - Rogue light band - 2x10
loaded cross sweep -  Rogue light band - 2x10
Wall Vee 2x10
High speed band pull apart  - Rogue light band - 3x5


Jefferson curl 20kg x10, 30kg 2x10 @ RPE 5

release rectus femoris with 20kg barbell


16 hour fast
2600+ calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
plan to eat 2200+


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #811 on: April 23, 2021, 12:56:31 am »
Thursday 22nd April 2021

Pretty sore calves and posterior shoulder

Achilles tendon insertions feel improved out of bed. Dorsiflexion in bed, pain is zero on left, down to 2/10 on right
Right glute medius tendon better
Quad tendon about the same or slightly worse

morning mobility work
upper body stretches and shoulder dislocate stretch

knee over toes heel elevated split squat - rear leg straight at 60 degrees - x 1min


Tendon health - rehab

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW x45 secs

rotating sets

A1) Patella tendon - Single leg Extension ISO - both sides back to back - 60 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 65lbs x2 sets

Glute Medius tendon - 
A2-1) side plank with leg abduction - arm on 20 inch bench - 2x 45 secs
A2-2) Lying side leg raise ISO - Right side only, left leg bent - IronEdge XXheavy+medium band around knee 3x 45 secs - near failure

Quad tendon -
A3-1) Single leg wall sit - doorway -  - 90 degree leg angle, active leg push at 70+% effort - 2x45 secs
A3-2) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against nylon strap, lying back, 90 degree leg angle at 70+% effort - 2x45secs
A3-3) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 8 inch steps - support leg on floor - x 45secs

1 min rest between each
B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO at neutral -  dip belt x 45secs -  35kg, 40kg x 2 sets
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO at neutral -  -  dip belt x 45secs -  35kg, 40kg x 2 sets

increased loads once again and 40kg felt good and pain free, as 35kg felt too easy

release rectus femoris and TFL with 20kg barbell
stretch, except for left quad

52 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 35 degree sloped path x 3 mins
towards end of walk - Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

17 hour fast
2500+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 1800


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #812 on: April 23, 2021, 07:20:15 am »
Friday 23rd April 2021

Calves still pretty sore

Achilles tendon even better than yesterday, cold out of bed. Dorsiflexion in bed, pain free on both sides.... Finally some light at the end of the tunnel!
Right glute medius tendon slightly worse, so will cut out the wall sits, and stick with leg extensions and sissy squats where the hit is locked when near 90 degree knee angle
Quad tendon feeling better

morning mobility work
upper body stretches and shoulder dislocate stretch

knee over toes heel elevated split squat - rear leg straight at 60 degrees - x 1min


Tendon health - rehab

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW x45 secs

rotating sets

A1) Patella tendon - Single leg Extension ISO - both sides back to back - 60 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 65lbs x2 sets, 67.5lbs
will go up to 70lbs next time

Glute Medius tendon - 
A2-1) side plank with leg abduction Right side - arm on 20 inch bench - 2x 45 secs
A2-2) Lying side leg raise ISO - Right side - IronEdge XXheavy+medium band around knee 2x 45 secs - near failure

Quad tendon -
A3-1) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against nylon strap, lying back, 90 degree leg angle at 70+% effort - 2x40secs
A3-2) Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO - 6 inch step - support leg on floor - 70+%  push 50-55kg force - 2x 40secs

I put an old spring scale on the working leg, left side around 55kg, while the right leg was around 50kg.
So left leg is stronger, makes sense as it's my takeoff leg for single leg jump, and my block foot for 2 legged L-R jump... but I tend to dunk planting the opposite... go figure!

Glute Medius tendon - 
A4-1) side plank with leg abduction Left side - arm on 20 inch bench - 2x 45 secs
A4-2) Lying side leg raise ISO - Left side - IronEdge XXheavy+medium band around knee 2x 45 secs - near failure

Achilles insertion -
1 min rest between each
B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO at neutral -  dip belt x 45secs -  40kg, 45kg x 2 sets
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO at neutral -  -  dip belt x 45secs -  40kg, 45 x 2 sets

40kg felt easy, so I increased to 45kg, which also felt fine and painfree

release rectus femoris and TFL with 20kg barbell
stretch, except for left quad

45 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 35 degree sloped path x 3 mins
towards end of walk - Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

18 hour fast
2800 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
plan to eat 2000+


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #813 on: April 25, 2021, 06:57:39 am »
Saturday 24th April 2021

Achey glutes and calves, not that fresh

morning mobility work

bodyweight at home without shoes = 83 kg

Soft tissue work - lower body, traps, pecs, front delt and cuffs

BBall practice session at NS outdoor courts - 48 mins

1) 12 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) medium to high intensity moves, shots, layups, threes, drills vs cones
3) jumps at the 35 min mark, and a few dunks on 8 feet netball rim
4) A few sets of easy pogo jumps, and speed hops inbetween jumps and after

Went to a different court as usual one was overtaken by Netball games

Mostly single leg jumps and a few low to medium effort 2 legged ones, standing and 1 step - most of these dunking on the 8 feet netball rim.
Hard to tell how much better I'm jumping as this rim is higher than the one I usually test on.
Look to be about 6 inches under rim off 1 leg... I jump 6 inches higher off 2 legs usually, when healthy

Single leg jump felt fine, but some slight twinges from my right glute medius tendon when doing Euro Step layups
Patella tendon felt fine, slight ache on quad tendon on the 2 legged jumps. Landings felt ok.
Sting in my right achilles insertion appears to be completely gone.


Pullups to sternum - Hang and 20 scap shrugs to warmup - Netball rim-  BW x 1, x2, x3
Dead hang/paused - 2.5 inch Bar 1x4 @ RPE 9
L hang pull up x 4 @ RPE 10 - first rep to sternum, second to upper chest, third to base of neck, last middle of neck

Used the proper pull up bar in the calisthenic outdoor gym this park has, which feels harder than the Netball rims I have been using
I think due to the thicker bar and angle of the hands and grip width

20 inch feet elevated pushup - BW 3x12 explosive (+1 rep) @ RPE 8

Front lever hold 2 x 10 sec L-Sit holds to warmup
BW 10secs x 2

Inverted rows explosive BW x12, x12 @ RPE 8

Straight bar dip explosive  BW x11, x10 @ RPE 9

Hanging leg raise, fat bar, feet to hands, BW x7, x6 @ RPE 9
finally added a rep to first set

Single arm pushup 20 inch Parallel handles - 2 sets of a few reps alternating sides each rep
Just messing around on the calisthenic outdoor gym - not too hard, even though I haven't done them in a while.

stretch upper


40 min walk
backwards walking 15 degree sloped path - 1+ mins x 2


6+ hours later

Hip Hitch ISO BW 2x 45secs, 5kg plate on opposite hand 3 x 45secs

Trying out this exercise as this is what is used for Glute Meidus tendonpathy, and has one of the highest activation based on research.
Added a 5kg plate for more resistance, but still too light to load the tendon
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

14 hour fast - broke with raw veges, cheese slice, handful of raw pistachio nuts before BBall

3100 calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3
Ate 3100
« Last Edit: April 25, 2021, 07:03:50 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #814 on: April 25, 2021, 07:10:01 am »
Sunday 25th April 2021

Fatloss cycle 2 - Week 9

Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 82.6kg (-0.1kg), 182lbs

waist - 33 5/8 inches (-1/8)
hip =  39 5/8 (-1/8)
upper thigh = 25 (-1/8)
Right calf = 15.5 
Neck = 15 3/8  (-1/8)
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 21.1% (-0.9)

Total loss so far - weight -4.9kg Waist  3.5 inches Tanita BF% -1.1%

Did a bit of diet break this week, but still some deficit


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #815 on: April 25, 2021, 07:29:31 am »
Sunday 25th April 2021

Sore calves, achey posterior chain and upperback and a bit of abs.

Tendons feel about the same, or slightly worse at most, so yesterday did not flare up anything

morning mobility work
upper body stretches and shoulder dislocate stretch


Tendon health - rehab

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW x45 secs

rotating sets

A1) Patella tendon - Single leg Extension ISO - both sides back to back - 60 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 70lbs x3 sets
legs shaking a bit, so will go back down 67.5lbs

Glute Medius tendon - 
A2-1) side plank with leg abduction Right side - arm on 20 inch bench - 2x 45 secs
A2-2)  Hip Hitch ISO - working leg on bumper plate - Right side - 10kg on opposite arm x 45 secs, SSB 30kg x45 secs, 45kg x 45secs, 50kg x 45 secs, 60kg x 45 secs

I think the best way to load these is to hold a dumbbell on the opposite side like your doing side bends,  but not too keen to hold heavy dumbbells everyday...
SSB with 60kg started to feel kinda hard, so will start  around there next time.
Glute medius definitely felt working.
Single arm dumbbell split squat and step ups of all types should do the same thing

Quad tendon -
A3) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against nylon strap, lying back, 90 degree leg angle at 70+% effort - 3x40secs

Glute Medius tendon - 
A4-1) side plank with leg abduction Left side - arm on 20 inch bench - 2x 45 secs
A4-2) Hip Hitch ISO - Left side - 10kg on opposite arm x 45 secs, SSB 30kg x45 secs, 45kg x 45secs, 50kg x 45 secs, 60kg x 45 secs

Achilles insertion -
1 min rest between each
B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO at neutral -  45kg, 50kg x 2 sets
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO at neutral - 45kg, 50kg x 2 sets

50kg starting to feel hard'ish, but no major pain from right achilles insertion, so will stay here for a bit


split squat ISO - rear leg straight, hamstring at parallel x 1+ min

release rectus femoris and TFL with 20kg barbell
stretch, except for left quad

50 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 35 degree sloped path x 3 mins
towards end of walk - Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

16 hour fast
2700 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 2400+
« Last Edit: April 26, 2021, 09:28:35 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #816 on: April 26, 2021, 09:28:21 am »
Monday 26th April 2021

Moderately sore calves, glutes and upper back

Achilles tendons about the same, or slightly better.
Quad tendon, can't tell but still achey, but not when I squatted out of bed this morning.
Big improvement in glute medius tendon, no sign of any discomfort when I squatted out of bed

I did 5 x 45 secs partial side plank holds against the kitchen bench top last night.
Didn't think there would be enough load, but damn it was quite hard.
Seems to have worked and big glute medius tendon improvement.

morning mobility work
upper body stretches


Tendon health - rehab

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW x45 secs

rotating sets

A1) Patella tendon - Single leg Extension ISO - both sides back to back - 60 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 67.5lbs x3 sets

Glute Medius tendon - 
A2-1) side plank with leg abduction Right side - arm on 20 inch bench - 2x 45 secs
A2-2)  Hip Hitch ISO - working leg on bumper plate - Right side - SSB 30kg x45 secs, 60kg x 45 secs, 70kg x 45 secs

Quad tendon -
A3) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against velcro strap, lying back, 90 degree leg angle at 70+% effort - 3x45secs

Used a new velcro strap , so was able to adjust the length an inch longer to reduce pain in the left quad tendon
But will likely get a 2 inch wide double D ring nylon strap webbing which can be adjusted better
got the idea from this video

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Glute Medius tendon - 
A4-1) side plank with leg abduction Left side - arm on 20 inch bench - 2x 45 secs
A4-2) Hip Hitch ISO - Left side -  SSB 30kg x45 secs, 60kg x 45 secs, 70kg x 45 secs

Achilles insertion -
1 min rest between each
B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO at neutral -  50kg, 55kg x 2 sets
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO at neutral - 50kg, 55kg x 2 sets

50kg was not as hard today, so upped to 55kg and was OK, borderline hard, with some minor shake, and discomfort in my right achilles

B3) Shoulder/cuff health routine

Loaded torso drop - using wall - 3x15
Cross to Overhead - Rogue light band - 2x13
loaded cross sweep -  Rogue light band - 2x13
Wall Vee - very slow - 2x6
High speed band pull apart  - Rogue light band - 3x5


split squat ISO - rear leg straight, hamstring at parallel x 1 min 10 secs

release rectus femoris with 20kg barbell
stretch, except for left quad

47 min walk/hike
towards end of walk - Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

18 hour fast
2800 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 2200+


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #817 on: April 27, 2021, 12:52:51 pm »
Monday 28th April 2021

Didn't get much sleep as usual, but till felt OK
Calves and hips pretty achey

bodyweight at without shoes = 84 kg

Morning mobility work

Afternoon - home

Soft tissue work - lower body

Tendon health and rehab - Heavier session

Spanish squat x 45 secs
Side plank with abduction on bench x 45 secs
Glute bridge x 45 secs
Plank - x 45 secs

BBall control drills and dribbling - about 5 mins worth

Powersnatch and power clean complex  x 20kg bar
1/2 Overhead squat 12kg bar x 5, 20kg x 10


All reps 3 sec eccentric, paused, to 18.5 inch bench

Did these before the back squat of the same load
Front Squat 20kg x5, 40kg x3, 60kg x3, 80kg x3
Belt - 100kg x3, 105kg x3

Low bar squat
Did these after high bar of the same load - 20kg x5, 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 80kg x5, 100kg x5, 110kg x5

High bar squat
minimal shoe/bare feet - Iron edge XXheavy band around the knee - 20kg x10, 40kg x5 , 60kg x5, 80kg x5, 100kg x5, 110kg x5 

Iron edge XXheavy band around the knee
117.5kg x5
125kg x6
130kg x6
135kg x6 @ RPE 7

Up 2.5kg from last week
Felt strong today, weights did not feel "heavy" on my back.
A little lower bench height, closer to half squat.
Right glute medius tendon a bit achey on the heaviest sets.

Pulls/Deadlifts - oly shoes and facing down slope of garage

Clean pull hook grip, lowered under control - 60kg x3
Clean high pull hook grip, lowered under control - 60kg 3x3
Clean deadlift hook grip, slow eccentric - 100kg x3, 110kg x3

3 sec eccentric, belt + straps - 120kg x6, 125kg x5 @ RPE 7

Felt solid. +1 rep with 120kg, and up 5kg on top set from last week

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest

A1) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - Olys shoes, 2 inch elevated 3 sec eccentric and concentric, top half of ROM only  - 30kg x5
both sides back to back - ISO 55kg x 45 secs, 55kg x11, 60kg x8 @ RPE 8

A2)SSB Tib raise - in oly shoes - SSB 30kg x 10, 55kg x 5
65kg 2x8, 60kg x8 @ RPE 8

A3) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise - arm supported -  Olys shoes, 2 inch elevated 3 sec eccentric and concentric, top half of ROM only  - 30kg x5
both sides back to back - ISO 55kg x 45 secs, 55kg x11, 60kg x8 @ RPE 8

B1) SSB side bends controlled, alternating sides - 60kg x16, 65kg 2x16 @ RPE 7 (+2.5kg)
I think these hit the glute medius as well

B2) Lying side leg raise  - leg angled in front of body - Powerblock dumbbell on foot - 3 sec eccentric and concentric - 10lbs 2x7  @ RPE 8

Hip hitch - 6 inch step - 50kg x15 + 6 stepups


Rectus femoris and TFL release with 20kg barbell in seated position

stretch except left quad

12 hour fast - broke with raw carrots, cheese slice, handful of raw pistachio nuts
2800 calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
plan to eat 2300+

« Last Edit: April 28, 2021, 12:54:41 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #818 on: April 28, 2021, 01:01:29 pm »
Wednesday 28th April 2021

Moderate soreness all over, calves and hamstrings the most.
No drained feeling, feeling surprisingly good.... sweet spot for volume/effort

Achilles tendons insertion felt the best ever straight out of bed - pain down to a 2/10 when walking with cold and stiff ankles
glute medius tendon a bit flared up, so will have to go back to a higher squat depth...

morning mobility work
upper body stretches


Tendon health - rehab

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW x45 secs

rotating sets

Glute Medius tendon - 
A1-1) side plank with leg abduction Right side - arm on 20 inch bench - x 45 secs
A1-2)  Lying lateral leg abduction ISO - veclro strap around knees - pushing at 70+% effort - right side only 45secs x 4

even though I'm doing right side only, the other side is contracting as well.
Once reason why I like these over bands and weights. Plus the leg does not move around.
And fatigue auto regulates the tension

A2) Patella tendon - Single leg Extension ISO - both sides back to back - 60 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 67.5lbs x2 sets

Quad tendon -
A3) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against velcro strap, lying back, 90 degree leg angle at 70+% effort - 4x45secs

Glute Medius tendon - 
A4) side plank with leg abduction Left side - arm on 20 inch bench - x 45 secs

Achilles insertion -
1 min rest between each
B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO at neutral -  55kg, 60 x 2 sets
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO at neutral - 55kg, 60kg x 2 sets

Upped the weights again to 60kg, semi-hard, with no pain, small signs of shake.


release rectus femoris with 20kg barbell
stretch, except for left quad

56 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 35 degree sloped path x 3 mins
towards end of walk - Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

7 hours later

Lying lateral leg abduction ISO - veclro strap around knees - pushing at 70+% effort - right side only 45secs x 4

20 hour fast
2600+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 1700+


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #819 on: April 29, 2021, 08:15:52 am »
Thursday 29th April 2021

Whole body is achey

Waking stretches and mobility work
knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - x 1min

Bodyweight without shoes - ?

trained fasted

Tendon health Light session - at home

BBall control drills and dribbling - about 10 mins worth
Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW x45 secs
Lateral plank with leg abduction - arm on 20 inch bench - BW x45 secs
Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against velcro strap, lying back, 90 degree leg angle at 70+% effort - 2x45secs

Rotating sets - 1 min between
A1) band pull apart complex - 20 secs rest between- high to low, palms up + diagonal left+ diagonal right - Jumpstretch light band 2x12
A2) Sled drag - tyre+25kg on grass - reverse drag x 40 secs + forward x 25 secs  - 3 sets
upper load 5kg, might go up another 5kg next time.

A3) Band dislocates light jumpstetch band 3x15
Monster band lateral walk Alternating sides, 3 steps each -  XXHeavy + Xheavy band 3x18 @ RPE 8


Rotating sets between each - one lower, then one upper

B1) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 2 inch elevated - both sides back to back -
3 sec up and down, down to slightly below neutral  - 50kg x11, 60kg 2x8 @ RPE 8

B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf - arm supported - flat on floor - both sides back to back - ISO 45 secs x 30kg, 35kg
3 sec up and down, hold at top, down to slightly below neutral  - 50kg x11, 60kg 2x8 @ RPE 8

B3) Glute bridge, slider leg curl BW x6 eccentrics + 1 rep
BW 3x8 @ RPE 8

B4) PowerBlock dumbbell single leg extension, on 40 degree incline bench - 3 secs up and down - 65lbs 2x8 @ RPE 8

C1) Jefferson curl - 20kg x10, 27.5kg x10, 32.5kg x10 @ RPE 6   (+2.5kg)

C2) SSB Split Squat ISO - 2 hands supported - at 90 degree leg angle, rear leg straight - 1min rest between sides- 30kg x40 secs, 50kg x 45 secs, 60kg 2x45secs @ RPE 8

Left quad tendon ached in a good way. Quads and Glutes smoked, plus glute medius felt pumped as well.


B1) High Angle rows - 20kg x 12, 40kg x8,
controlled - 60kg 3x11 @ RPE 8 on last set (+1 rep)

C1) barbell curl - controlled 20kg x8, 27.5kg 3x9  @ RPE 9 on last set  (+1 rep)

release rectus femoris with 20kg barbell


18 hour fast
2700+ calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
plan to eat 2200


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #820 on: April 30, 2021, 12:36:09 pm »
Friday 30th April 2021

Quads and glutes feel swole and sore, calves and hamstrings next most sore, upper a bit but not that much

Achilles tendons about the same or slightly better
right glute medius tendon felt better
Left quad tendon - not sure

morning mobility work
upper body stretches


Tendon health - rehab

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW x45 secs

rotating sets - 1 lower and then 1 upper

Glute Medius tendon - 
A1-1) side plank with leg abduction Right side - arm on 20 inch bench - 2x 45 secs
A1-2)  Lying lateral leg abduction ISO - veclro strap around knees - pushing at 70+% effort - right side only 3x 45secs

A2-1) Patella tendon - Single leg Extension ISO - both sides back to back - 60 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 65lbs, 70lbs
A2-2) Single leg sissy squat ISO x 45 secs

Quad tendon -
A3-1) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against velcro strap, lying back, 90 degree leg angle at 70+% effort - 2x45secs
A3-2) Peterson Step up/Sissy squat hybrid - 8 inch step - x 45 secs
left quad tendon still aches a lot on this

Glute Medius tendon - 
A4) side plank with leg abduction Left side - arm on 20 inch bench - 2 x 45 secs

Achilles insertion -
1 min rest between each
B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO at neutral -  60kg, 65kg x 2 sets
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO at neutral - 60kg, 65kg x 2 sets

Upped the weights again to 65kg, semi-hard, with minimal pain for a few secs, small signs of shake.


rotating sets

wrist curl - hold at top - 20kg x8, 25kg 3x15 @ RPE 8 (+2 reps)
Reverse wrist curl- hold at top - 10kg x8, 15kg 3x11 @ RPE 9 (+1 rep)

Ivanko super gripper 77lbs x 5
77lbs 3x15 @ RPE 8 - right arm (+1 rep)
77lbs 3x15 @ RPE 10 - left arm

time to go up to the next spring setting

Plate pinch grip holds 2 hands 10kg bumper - x30secs
single hand 10kg bumper plate -
left hand x25secs (+2 secs), x22 secs, x 21 secs
right hand x28 secs (+3 secs), x25 secs, x 23 secs

hands are starting to even up, but right hand still feels more solid

Shoulder/cuff health routine

Loaded torso drop - using wall - 2x15
Cross to Overhead - Rogue light band - 2x12
loaded cross sweep -  Rogue light band - 2x12
Wall Vee - slow-  2x6
High speed band pull apart  - Rogue light band - 3x6


stretch, except for left quad

55 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 35 degree sloped path x 3 mins
towards end of walk - Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

16 hour fast
2800+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 3600+
« Last Edit: May 02, 2021, 07:56:21 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #821 on: May 02, 2021, 08:13:52 am »
Saturday 1st May 2021

Lower body achey and stiff

Rushed late afternoon session, and then walk/hike in the dark

morning mobility work
upper body stretches


Tendon health - rehab

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW x45 secs

rotating sets - 1 lower and then 1 upper

Glute Medius tendon - 
A1)  Lying lateral leg abduction ISO - veclro strap around knees - pushing at 70+% effort - right side only 4x45secs

Patella tendon -
A2) Single leg sissy squat ISO 2 x 45 secs

Quad tendon -
A3) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against velcro strap, lying back, 90 degree leg angle at 70+% effort - 4x45secs

Achilles insertion -
1 min rest between each
B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO at neutral -  45 secs x 65kg, 70kg x 2 sets
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO at neutral - 45 secs x 65kg, 70kg x 2 sets

Upped the weights again to 70kg, starting to feel harder, but can probably do more, as I can hold it for longer than 45 secs

stretch, except for left quad

45 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 35 degree sloped path x 3 mins
towards end of walk - Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

14 hour fast
2600+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 3400+


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #822 on: May 02, 2021, 08:19:40 am »
Sunday 2nd May 2021

Fatloss cycle 2 - Week 10

Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 83.3kg (+0.7kg), 183.6lbs

waist - 34.5 inches (+7/8)
hip =  39.75 (+1/8)
upper thigh = 25 1/8 (+1/8)
Right calf = 15.5 
Neck = 15 3/8 
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 21.3% (+0.2)

Total loss so far - weight -4.2kg Waist  2 5/8 inches Tanita BF% -0.9%

Bloated from the pigging out the last 2 days


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #823 on: May 02, 2021, 08:33:00 am »
Sunday 2nd May 2021

Calves and hips sore and stiff
Tendons love the daily ISO, but my muscles not so much

Achilles about the same
Right Glute medius tendon felt good this morning, so discomfort squatting out of bed
Left patella pretty good, left quad tendon still sore but improving

morning mobility work

bodyweight at home without shoes = 84+ kg

Soft tissue work - mainly calves and glutes

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts - 60 mins

1) 12 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) medium to high intensity moves, shots, layups, threes, drills vs cones
3) jumps at the 40 min mark, and  dunks on 8 feet netball rim
4) A few sets of easy pogo jumps, and speed hops inbetween jumps and after

I attempted a few 80-90% effort jumps of all types today and it was pain free!
Right Glute medius tendon felt good, no twinges.
Left quad tendon didn't hurt while jumping or landing, but it felt more sore afterwards.
Fatigued and achey so jumps weren't good, especially my standing jumps are way down....

Even the few high step ups I did onto my stool to do the pull ups later, felt good.


Pullups to sternum - Hang and 20 scap shrugs to warmup - Netball rim- 
Dead hang/paused BW x 1, x2, x3, x4, x5 @ RPE 9

20 inch feet elevated pushup - BW 3x14 explosive (+2 reps) @ RPE 9 on last set

Front lever hold 2 x 10 sec L-Sit holds to warmup
BW x 5 secs, x 8 secs - tuff today

based on my L-sits, my hip flexors feel so much stronger, especially my upper rectus femoris.
I can pull my legs much higher now. I think the ISO leg extensions where I lie back, have helped here.

Inverted rows explosive BW x12 @ RPE 9
Straight bar dip explosive  BW x6 @ RPE 9
tired from the pushups

Hanging leg raise, fat bar, feet to hands, BW x7, x6 @ RPE 9

stretch upper


45 min walk/hike - moderately steep trail
backwards walking 20-25 degree sloped path - 2+ mins x 2

14 hour fast - broke with raw veges, cheese slice, handful of raw pistachio nuts before BBall

3300+ calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3
plan to eat 2200+


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #824 on: May 03, 2021, 01:34:23 pm »
Monday 3rd May 2021

Slightly beat up feeling, but not drained.

Left quad tendon is inflamed, so did too much yesterday.
Right glute medius tendon a little as well.
Right achilles tendon slightly worse, but not too bad.

I bought some 4.5m cam buckle tie down straps today from the local hardware store - and these work great in place of my velcro straps for the ISO work.
With 300kg lashing capacity they plenty strong and doesn't stretch.
Easy to adjust the length, and pull apart. Might even use it for my sled dragging instead of the rock climbing straps.

I tried doing calf raise ISO with it, looping it over my shoulder, carry bag style, with a folded towel for padding, and then under a block of wood.
Worked ok, but puts a lot of stress on the back... still it does allow you to do them without weights.

Could probably use them for safeties if I had a power rack, hanging down from the top. Or for doing suspended partials etc

morning mobility work
upper body stretches


Tendon health - rehab

split squat ISO, rear leg straight at 90 degrees - x 1 min

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins,  vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap, 90 degree leg angle - BW x45 secs

rotating sets - 1 lower and then 1 upper

Glute Medius tendon - 
A1-1) Side plank with leg abduction -  Right side - arm on 20 inch bench - 3x 45 secs
starting to feel easier, so eventually will move down to the floor
A1-2)  Lying lateral leg abduction ISO - strap around knees - pushing at 70+% effort - right side only 3x45secs

Patella tendon -
A3) Single leg Extension ISO -  incline bench at 40 degrees, both sides back to back, 60 degree leg angle - 3x45secs

Quad tendon -
A3) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against tie down strap, lying back, 90 degree leg angle at 70+% effort - 3x45secs

A4) Side plank with leg abduction -  left side - arm on 20 inch bench - 3x 45 secs

Achilles insertion -
1 min rest between each
B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO at neutral -  45 secs x 70kg, 75kg x 2 sets
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO at neutral - 45 secs x 70kg, 75kg x 2 sets

Went up another 5kg, not too bad, can go up again tomorrow if things feel ok


stretch, except for left quad

45 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 25-30 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins

7 hours later

rotating sets
A1) Lying lateral leg abduction ISO - strap around knees - pushing at 70+% effort - right side only 45secs x 4 sets

A2) Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against tie down strap, 90 degree leg angle at 70+% effort - 4x45secs

I put my new tie down strap around all 4 legs of a chair, sat in the chair sideways so the back rest doesn't get in the way, with 2 sets of short flat bands for padding, and it worked well for the leg extension ISO.

14 hour fast
2600+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 2000+
« Last Edit: May 03, 2021, 01:50:41 pm by CoolColJ »