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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #795 on: April 09, 2021, 06:50:47 am »
Friday 9th April 2021

Low level muscle aches
Left patella/quad tendon, and right glute medius tendon sore from the few max effort two legged jumps yesterday... will have to stop them for a bit


morning mobility work
knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - x 1 min

upper body stretches and shoulder dislocate stretch, narrowing the grip a bit further

Tendon health

rotating sets

SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO above neutral x 45 secs - 30kg, 50kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg x 2
SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO above neutral x 45 secs -  65kg, 70kg x 2

60kg didn't feel hard enough so bumped it up to 70kg. May go higher next session to test the waters.
For bent knee, I initially tried a barbell with pad on my knee, lifted off safety pins as a test, but once I got to 80kg that put a lot of pressure on my left quad

Lying side leg raise ISO - leg angled in front of body - Iron Edge XXheavy+Light band around knee - 2x45secs
Powerblock 15lb dumbbell on foot - 45secs x 3  --> close to failure

Spanish squat - nylon strap  x 45 secs
Bottom of Peterson step up/sissy squat ISO - no support leg - BW x 45 secs

Single leg Extension ISO - 30 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 40lbs, 60lbs, 65lbs, 67.5lbs, 70lbs

Well I maxed out the Powerblock dumbbell set today, and 70lbs feels about right, but I might go higher next time.

release rectus femoris with 20kg barbell

42 min walk


6 hours later

Lying side leg raise ISO - leg angled in front of body - Iron Edge XXheavy+Light band around knee - 5x45secs
Single leg sissy squat ISO - at around 60-90 degree knee angle - BW  5x45 secs

would like to do the calves/achilles as well, but the single leg sissy squat loads up that area a bit as well

20  hour fast
2700+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 1800
« Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 10:05:41 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #796 on: April 09, 2021, 11:28:12 am »
Thinking about getting a pair of these - would open up a ton of new exercises at home!
Can hold up to 160lbs

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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #797 on: April 10, 2021, 10:06:27 am »
Saturday 9th April 2021

Muscles felt good, but I feel some fatigue
Noticeable improvement in my injured tendons


morning mobility work

upper body stretches and shoulder dislocate stretch, narrowing the grip a bit further

Tendon health - rehab

rotating sets

Spanish squat - nylon strap  x 45 secs

Single leg Extension ISO -
A1) Left leg - 30 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 50lbs, 70lbs x4
A3) Right leg - 30 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 50lbs, 70lbs x4

A2) Lying side leg raise ISO - leg angled in front of body - Iron Edge XXheavy+Medium band around knee - 2x45secs
Powerblock 15lb dumbbell on foot - 45secs x 3  --> close to failure

B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO above neutral x 45 secs - 30kg, 50kg, 70kg x 2
B2) Single straight arm, on knees plank - hands on slider discs - draw letters of alphabet x 2 sets
B3) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO above neutral x 45 secs -  30kg, 50kg, 70kg, 75kg

tested 75kg out, will likely go up to that next time.

release rectus femoris with 20kg barbell

knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees, rear leg straight - x 1 min

63 min walk
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 35 degree sloped path x 3 mins
towards end of walk - Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

6 hours later

Lying side leg raise ISO - leg angled in front of body - Iron Edge XXheavy+Medium band around knee - 5x45secs
Single leg sissy squat ISO - at around 60-80 degree knee angle - BW  5x45 secs

sissy squat felt much easier, went deeper

20  hour fast
3000 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 1800
« Last Edit: April 10, 2021, 10:18:04 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #798 on: April 10, 2021, 11:35:02 pm »
Sunday 11th April 2021

Fatloss cycle 2 - Week 7

Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 82kg (-1.5kg), 181lbs

waist - 34 inches (-5/8)
hip =  39 7/8 (-3/8)
upper thigh = 25 1/8  (-0.25)
Right calf = 15.5 (-1/8)
Neck = 15.5 (-1/8)
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 21.7% (+0.5)

Total loss so far - weight -5.4kg Waist  2 7/8 inches Tanita BF% -0.5%

Well ahead of schedule this week!
Ugh Tanita BF% going up again... I did register at 20% exactly during the week... so dependent of water levels in my legs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #799 on: April 11, 2021, 08:38:04 am »
Sunday 11th April 2021

Felt a bit crappy, but got on with things all the same.
Low level aches all over

bodyweight at home without shoes = 82.8 kg

Morning mobility work


Soft tissue work - lower body

Tendon health - Heavier session

BBall control drills and dribbling - about 10 mins worth

Spanish squat x 45 secs
Lying lateral leg raise ISO, Iron edge XXheavy + medium band around  knee - x40secs

Sled drag - tyre+20kg plate - reverse drag x 45 secs + forward x 40 secs, x3 sets with 2 mins rest

Plank - x 40 secs
Side plank - x 40secs

Powersnatch and power clean complex  x 20kg bar
Overhead squat 12kg bar x 5, 20kg x 10


All reps 2-3 sec eccentric, paused, to 23 inch bench

Did these before the back squat of the same load
Front Squat 20kg x10, 40kg x8, 60kg x5, 80kg x5,
Belt - 80kgx 5, 90kg x5, 100kg x5

Low bar squat
Did these after high bar of the same load - 20kg x10, 40kg x8, 60kg x6, 80kg x6, 90kg x6, 100kg x6,

High bar squat
bare feet 20kg x10, 40kg x8 , 60kg x6, 80kg x6 
Oly shoes + belt - 90kg x6, 100kg x6, 100kg x3, x3

Iron edge Xheavy band around the knee
110kg x6
120kg x6
125kg x7
130kg x7

increased bench height a bit, as any lower makes my right glute medius tendon ache
so closer to a quarter squat now

Pulls/Deadlifts - oly shoes and facing down slope of garage

Clean pull hook grip, lowered under control - 60kg x3, 100kg x2, 100kg 2x3
Clean deadlift hook grip, slow eccentric - 60kg x5,
belt + straps 110kg x5, 115kg x4 @ RPE 7

deadlifts feeling easier this week

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest

A1) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - Olys shoes, 15mm elevated controlled, 3 sec eccentric  - BW x 10, 30kg x5
both sides back to back
70kg x6, 75kg x8, 80kg x8 @ RPE 8

Just the top half of the ROM, so that the stretch doesn't aggravate my right achilles insertion

A2)SSB Tib raise - in oly shoes - BW x5, SSB 30kg x 5, 50kg x5, 60kg x5,
70kg x8, 75kg x8, 80kg x10 @ RPE 8

A3) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise - arm supported -  - Olys shoes, 15mm elevated   controlled, 3 sec eccentric   - BW x 10, 30kg x5
both sides back to back
70kg x6, 75kg x8, 80kg x8 @ RPE 8

B1) SSB side bends alternating sides - 50kg x14, 55kg x14, 60kg x 14 @ RPE 8
B2) PowerBlock dumbbell single leg extension controlled, slow eccentric, hold at top - 40lbs x6,
50lbs x12, 60lbs x8 @ RPE8
B3) Lying side leg raise  - leg angled in front of body - Powerblock dumbbell on foot
15lbs x6, x6, 10lbs x 6  @ RPE 8


Rectus femoris release with 20kg barbell in seated position


14 hour fast - broke with raw carrots, cheese slice, handful of raw pistachio nuts
2800+ calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
eating 2500+


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #800 on: April 12, 2021, 11:35:29 am »
Monday 13th April 2021

Mild drained feeling and moderately sore all over
Left Lower patella tendon insertion feels much improved, way less pain when pressing directly against it, from 7/10 to 2/10
I've come to expect it to flare up more after a squat session.

Leg extensions seems to work well for that area, but not sure if it's doing much for my left quad tendon, which I seem to feel it more with split squats

Released and stretched the hell out of my TFL last night


morning mobility work

upper body stretches and shoulder dislocate stretch

Tendon health - rehab

rotating sets

Spanish squat - nylon strap  x 45 secs

A1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO above neutral x 45 secs - 50kg, 70kg, 75kg, 80kg
80kg is fairly hard

A2) Lying side leg raise ISO - leg angled in front of body - Iron Edge XXheavy+Medium band around knee - x45secs
Powerblock 10lb dumbbell on foot - 40 secs x 4 sets --> close to failure

A3) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO above neutral x 45 secs -  50kg, 70kg, 75kg, 80kg

Single leg Extension ISO -
A4) Left leg - 30 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 50lbs, 70lbs x4 sets
A5) Right leg - 30 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 50lbs, 70lbs x4 sets

B1) SSB Step down/Sissy squat hybrid ISO - on 3 inch step - arm supported - 80kg 45 secs x 2 sets
Tried this out and even with near my bodyweight on the bar and holding with knee maxed out forward, knees felt fine and not that hard
Will elevate the heel next time, with oly shoe and a plate, to load the patella/quad tendon more.
Trying to find another exercise other than leg extensions that can load my quad tendon better.

release rectus femoris with 20kg barbell

knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees, rear leg straight - x 1 min

50 min walk
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 35 degree sloped path x 3 mins
towards end of walk - Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

6 hours later

lateral leg drive against wall ISO x 45 secs
Single leg wall sit to warmup x 45 secs

Lying on back, leg abduction ISO - Iron Edge XXheavy+Medium band around knee - 4x45secs
Single leg sissy squat ISO - at around 60-80 degree knee angle - BW  4x45 secs

A bit achey and beat up, but felt much better after that. Just bodyweight and band ISO, seems to refresh me even though the effort is high.
You get the blood flow and the post exercise rush, without the having to support heavy weight loads

Band tension on the lying abduction was pretty heavy, smashed the glute medius on both legs.
So I have replaced the lying single leg lateral adduction with this.

19  hour fast
2800+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 1900+
« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 11:39:23 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #801 on: April 13, 2021, 08:42:10 am »
Tuesday 13th April 2021

Still sore all over, especially my calves.

Waking stretches and mobility work
knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - x 1min

Bodyweight without shoes - 82.8kg

trained fasted

Tendon health 2 session - at home

Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap vertical shins, hamstrings at parallel, vertical torso, pushing knees out against the strap - BW x40secs, +10kg plate x 40 secs
Glute bridge hold x 45 secs
straight arm, lateral plank with adduction - on bench 2x40 secs - this is hard! Also smokes the glute medius

Rotating sets between each - one lower, then one upper

SSB Split squat - slow eccentric - 30kg x6, 50kg x6, 60kg x6, 70kg x6, 75kg x6, 80kg x10
well this definitely loads my quad tendons more, but a bit too much...and my right glute medius tendon gets compressed... so back to two legged squats for now

SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - flat on floor - controlled, 3 sec eccentric  - BW x 10, 50kg x5, 60kg x5
both sides back to back
70kg x6, 75kg x8, 80kg x10 @ RPE 8

SSB single leg bent knee calf - arm supported - flat on floor - controlled, 3 sec eccentric  - BW x 10, 50kg x5, 60kg x5
both sides back to back
70kg x6, 75kg x8, 80kg x10 @ RPE 8

Wall tibialis raise in oly shoes - BW x5, x11, x12 @ RPE 7


band pull apart, palms up - high to low, diagonal left, diagonal right  - Jumpstretch light band 2x10
Band dislocates light jumpstetch band 2x15

High Angle rows - 20kg x 15, 40kg x8, 60kg x5, 72.5kg x1
72.5kg 2x9 @ RPE 9 (+1 rep)
60kg x10 @ RPE 8

tweaked my right neck/trap area on first set... main sets are getting quite hard, so will likely drop down and build back up

barbell curl - controlled 20kg x8, 25kg 3x13 (+1 rep) @ RPE 10 on last set, time to go up to 27.5kg next session
wrist curl - hold at top - 20kg x8, 25kg 3x13 @ RPE 8 (+1 rep)
Reverse wrist curl- hold at top - 10kg x8, 15kg 2x10 @ RPE 9

Single arm rotating press 5lbs x10, 10lbs x10, 15lbs x10 @ RPE 6
45 degree Scarecrow into press - 2.5lbs x 10, 5lbs x10, 7.5lbs 2x9 @ RPE 8


rotating sets

Ivanko super gripper 70lbs x 6
77lbs 3x13 @ RPE 8 - right arm
77lbs x13, x11, x12 @ RPE 10 - left arm

left hand much weaker today, probably due to the high angle rows I added

Glute bridge, slider leg curl BW x6 eccentrics + 1 rep
BW x10, x10 @ RPE 8

AB wheel on knees - down to floor, slow and controlled, paused x12 @ RPE 7

Plate pinch grip holds 2 hands 10kg bumper - x30secs
single hand 10kg bumper plate - right hand x26 secs (+4 secs), x20 secs, x 19 secs
left hand x20secs (+4 secs), x15 secs, x 14 secs

Monster band lateral walk Alternating sides-  Ironedge XXHeavy + medium band around knee - x8
XXHeavy + heavy band x 14
XXHeavy + Xheavy band 2x14 @ RPE 8

2 hand plate hold in front draw big circles and figure 8s - 2.5kg, 5kg
lost track of reps.. smokes my cuffs

Jefferson curl 20kg x6, 30kg x10, 32.5kg x10 @ RPE 5

release rectus femoris with 20kg barbell



30 min walk

20 hour fast
3000 calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
plan to eat 2500+


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #802 on: April 15, 2021, 07:17:52 am »
Wednesday 14th April 2021

Stale feeling. Aches all over.
Left glute medius tendon feeling a bit worse after yesterday


morning mobility work
upper body stretches and shoulder dislocate stretch

Tendon health - rehab

Spanish squat - nylon strap  x 40 secs, +10kg x 40 secs
straight arm, side plank with abduction on bench x 40 secs

Decreased loads across the board to a point where the leg shake is on the minimal side.
leg shake + tendon under load = probably not good for tendon health when it's damaged....

Also started using a Metronome app on my phone tapping out tones over my music, while I'm holding the ISO
Supposed to help neurally, with tendinopathy. Reduce the brain shutting down the muscle attached to the tendon
And it gives me a time reference, as I set the tone to 60 bpm, and and an accent every 10 secs

When there is tendon disease, there are changes to how a part of the brain (the motor cortex) modulates pain. Auditory cues have been shown to be beneficial for the initiation of changes in the brain which take place following tendon injury (also known as neuroplasticity).

rotating sets

A1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO above neutral x 40 secs - 30kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg

A2) Lying side leg raise ISO - leg angled in front of body - Iron Edge XXheavy+Medium band around knee - x40secs
Powerblock 10lb dumbbell on foot - 40 secs x 4 sets --> close to failure

A3) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO above neutral x 45 secs -  30kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg

Single leg Extension ISO -
A4) Left leg - 30 degree leg angle  x 40 secs - 50lbs, 60lbs, 65lbs x2 sets
A5) Right leg - 30 degree leg angle  x 40 secs - 50lbs, 60lbs, 65lbs x2 sets

B1) SSB single leg 1/4 ISO - arm supported - 70kg 40 secs x 2 sets

release rectus femoris and TFL with 20kg barbell

37 min walk

7 hours later

Single leg wall sit to warmup x 45 secs

lateral leg drive against wall ISO  4x40 secs
tried it out as main glute medius ISO and I didn't like it

Single leg sissy squat ISO - at around 60-80 degree knee angle - BW  4x40 secs

19  hour fast
2700+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 2500+
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 10:22:42 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #803 on: April 15, 2021, 07:34:09 am »
Thursday 15th April 2021

Starting to freshen up.
BBall tomorrow

left patella/quad tendon and right glute medius tendon feeling better.
While right achilles/heel feels a bit worse...

morning mobility work
upper body stretches and shoulder dislocate stretch
knee over toes heel elevated split squat - rear leg straight at 60 degrees - x 1min


soft tissue work on -  feet, glute medius and TFL

Tendon health - rehab

10 mins BBALL control and dribbling drills

Spanish squat - nylon strap  x 40 secs, +20kg x 40 secs
even with 20kg still not feeling like there is enough load on the legs/tendons

straight arm, side plank with abduction on floor x 40 secs
right side fine, left side/left arm unstable!

rotating sets

Single leg Extension ISO -
A1) Left leg - 30 degree leg angle  x 40 secs - 50lbs, 60lbs, 65lbs x2 sets
A2) Right leg - 30 degree leg angle  x 40 secs - 50lbs, 60lbs, 65lbs x2 sets

A3-1)Seated slight bent leg abduction ISO -  Iron Edge XXheavy+Medium band around knee - 40secs  x 3 sets
A3-2) Lying side leg raise ISO Powerblock 10lb dumbbell on foot - 40 secs x 2 sets --> close to failure

1 min rest between each
B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO above neutral x 40 secs - 60kg, 70kg, 70kg
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO above neutral x 40 secs -  60kg, 70kg, 70kg

Might drop back to 60-65kg next time.


release rectus femoris and TFL with 20kg barbell
stretch, except for left quad

70 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 35 degree sloped path x 3 mins
towards end of walk - Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

left knee tendons and right glute medius tendon felt good on the downhill parts of the trail
7 hours later

Lying on back clam ISO -  Iron Edge XXheavy+Medium band around knee  5x40 secs

Single leg extension ISO - at around 30 degree knee angle - Bed 4x40 secs
used bed with chair for resistance :)

17 hour fast
2900+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
plan to eat 2000
« Last Edit: April 15, 2021, 11:52:10 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #804 on: April 16, 2021, 09:25:48 am »
Friday 16th April 2021

crap sleep, and a bit achey in my glutes/hips
Upper back has taken a bit of beating from supporting the SSB for long durations

morning mobility work

knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees -  x 1 min 

bodyweight at home without shoes = 83 kg

Soft tissue work - feet, glute medius and TFL

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts - 55 mins

Spanish squat ISO - 2x40 secs
Right leg lateral ISO - 2x 40secs

1) 15 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) medium to high intensity moves, shots, layups, threes, drills vs cones
3) jumps at the 45 min mark, and a few dunks on 8 feet netball rim
4) A few sets of easy pogo jumps, and speed hops inbetween jumps and after

5) rotated sets with the stuff below -
Box Jumps, with a reset, landing with straight legs, 20 inch wall - minimal knee/hip bend - 4x3

Mostly single leg jumps and a few low effort 2 legged ones, standing or off a few steps
Tendons felt OK while doing them, but after I cooled down they did ache a bit...
Had no hops in any case.


Netball rim pullups to sternum - Hang and 20 scap shrugs to warmup, BW x 1, x2
Dead hang/paused -
1x7 @ RPE 10  (last rep 2-3 inches short off chest)
1x4 @ RPE 9

L hang pull up  x 4 @ RPE 10 - first rep to sternum, second to upper chest, third to base of neck, last middle of neck

20 inch feet elevated pushup - BW 3x11 explosive (+1 rep) @ RPE 8

Front lever hold BW x5 secs, x8 secs, x3 secs

Inverted rows explosive BW x11, x10 @ RPE 8

Straight bar dip explosive  BW x11, x10 @ RPE 9

Hanging leg raise, fat bar, feet to hands, BW x6, x6 @ RPE 10
last reps not quite feet to hands

stretch upper


53 min walk/hike - moderately steep trail
backwards walking 30-35 degree sloped path - 2.5 mins x 2

14 hour fast - broke with raw veges, cheese slice, handful of raw pistachio nuts before BBall

3300+ calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3
Ate 2800


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #805 on: April 17, 2021, 10:36:59 am »
Saturday 17th April 2021

10 hours of pure sleep !
No drained feeling, cutting back on max effort jumps helps.

Right glute medius tendon felt worse than yesterday, while left patella/quad tendon about the same or slightly worse.
Right achilles/heel feels about the same, good.
So I need to cut back on the loading I did yesterday. The low effort 2 legged jumps and box jumps seem to be the most obvious

morning mobility work
upper body stretches and shoulder dislocate stretch

knee over toes heel elevated split squat - rear leg straight at 60 degrees - x 1min


Tendon health - rehab

Spanish squat - nylon strap  x 40 secs, +16kg x 40 secs
side plank with abduction on bench x 40 secs

rotating sets

Single leg Extension ISO -
A1) Left leg - 30 degree leg angle  x 40 secs - 50lbs, 65lbs x3 sets
A2) Right leg - 30 degree leg angle  x 40 secs - 50lbs, 65lbs x3 sets
borderline tough, maybe drop back to 60lbs next time depending on how the tendon behaves tommorrow

A3-1)Lying on back clam ISO -  Iron Edge XXheavy+Medium band around knee - 40secs  x2 sets
A3-2) Lying side leg raise ISO Powerblock 7.5lb dumbbell on foot - 40 secs x 3 sets -  reduced the weight 2.5lbs, feels about right now

1 min rest between each
B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO above neutral - weight vest 16kg x 40 secs, 20kg 2x40 secs
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  SO above neutral - weight vest 16kg x 40 secs, 20kg 2x40 secs

regressed loads back to 20kg, since I feel >60kg is a bit too much right now. Tendon is not responding positively and it aches a bit while doing the ISO.
See how I feel tomorrow morning getting out of bed, if things feel the same or better, then I'll work up towards the empty 30kg SSB 


release rectus femoris and TFL with 20kg barbell
stretch, except for left quad

60 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 35 degree sloped path x 3 mins
towards end of walk - Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

7 hours later

A1-1) Single leg extension ISO - tried 3 x 45 secs of bands, didn't work well....
A1-2) Single leg sissy squat ISO 60-80 degree knee angle 3x 45secs

A2) Lying side leg raise ISO Powerblock 7.5lb dumbbell on foot - 40 secs x 4 sets

B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO above neutral - weight vest 20kg 3x45 secs
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  SO above neutral - weight vest  20kg 3x45 secs

20 hour fast
2900 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 3900
« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 06:37:19 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #806 on: April 18, 2021, 06:47:00 am »
Sunday 18th April 2021

Fatloss cycle 2 - Week 8

Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 82.6kg (+0.6kg), 182lbs

waist - 33.75 inches (-0.25)
hip =  39.75 (-1/8)
upper thigh = 25 1/8 
Right calf = 15.5 
Neck = 15.5
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 22% (+0.3)

Total loss so far - weight -4.8kg Waist  3 1/8 inches Tanita BF% -0.2%

Pigged out last night, hence bodywieght gain, food and water weight, but still leaner than last week.


As I figured, quad tendon rehab needs a deeper knee bend angle around 90 degrees, vs shallower for patella tendon.
Since I have both on my left knee, I will add 90 degree angle manual resistance leg extensions, and bring back my Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO on steps back as these make my quad tendon scream.
What I'm already doing with the 30 degree angle leg extensions, and single leg sissy squats is working well for my left patella tendon

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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #807 on: April 18, 2021, 07:51:35 am »
Sunday 18th April 2021

traps a bit sore from the weight vest last night....
Some posterior chain aches

Achilles tendon insertion pain much better, only aches and no inflamed feeling
Straight out of bed pain improved from left 4/10, right 6/10 to 2/10, 4/10
So dropping back to 20kg Cal raise ISO did the trick

Left Patella tendon feeling pretty good now, squatting out of the bed. Quad tendon still some ache
Right glute medius tendon pain down to 2/10

morning mobility work
upper body stretches and shoulder dislocate stretch

knee over toes heel elevated split squat - rear leg straight at 60 degrees - x 1min


Tendon health - rehab

Spanish squat - nylon strap  at 90 degree leg angle and leaning back - 2x 45 secs
side plank with abduction on bench x 45 secs

rotating sets

A1) Patella tendon - Single leg Extension ISO - both sides back to back - 30 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 50lbs, 60lbs x3 sets
felt ok, but extra fatigue from the new moves made it harder

A2) Glute Medius tendon -  Lying side leg raise ISO Right side only, left leg bent - Powerblock 7.5lb dumbbell on foot - 4 x45 secs , 10lbs x 45 secs
Will go back up to 10lbs

Quad tendon -
A3-1) Single leg wall sit - doorway - 90 degree leg angle, active leg push x 45 secs
just trying it out, crazy whole leg pump
A3-2)Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against nylon strap, 90 degree leg angle - 2x45secs
A3-3)Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO on 8 inch steps - support leg on floor - 2x 45secs

1 min rest between each
B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO above neutral - weight vest 20kg 2x45 secs, 25kg (chain dip belt + 24kg kettlebell) x 45secs
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  SO above neutral - weight vest 20kg 2x45 secs, 25kg (chain dip belt + 24kg kettlebell) x 45secs

used a dip belt + 24kg kettlebell on last set and it felt much better, takes the load off my shoulders.
I have a loading pin that I was going to use for hip belt squats, which should work well for up to 7x5kg plates
Been also thinking of getting an Iron Mind hip belt that can attach a barbell to, which would be easy to load up heavier

Tried a heel raised barbell hack squat with just the 20kg bar for 8 reps, and it felt good down to parallel, no aches.
Lots of VMO burn.

release rectus femoris and TFL with 20kg barbell
stretch, except for left quad

50 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 35 degree sloped path x 3 mins
towards end of walk - Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

All the quad tendon ISO work made walking down the steeper slopes feel completely ache free

After dinner

Shoulder/cuff/scapular health band routine - Rogue light band

Loaded torso drop 2x15
Cross to Overhead 2x10
loaded cross sweep 1x10
Wall Vee 2x10
High speed band pull apart 2x5

Damn posterior shoulder/scaps are smoked!
Will replace my current shoulder stuff with this routine, a few times a week.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

7 hours later

Single leg wall sit at 90 degrees to warmup x 40 secs

A1) Patella tendon - Single leg Extension ISO - both sides back to back - 60 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 60lbs x3 sets

A2) Glute Medius tendon -  Lying side leg raise ISO Right side only, left leg bent - Ironedge XXheavy+medium band around knee x 45 secs,
Powerblock 10lb dumbbell on foot - 3 x45 secs

Quad tendon -
A3-1)Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against nylon strap, 90 degree leg angle - 2x 45secs
A3-3)Peterson step up/sissy squat hybrid ISO on 8 inch steps - support leg on floor - 2x 45secs

1 min rest between each
B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO above neutral - (chain dip belt + 24kg kettlebell) 25kg 3x 45secs
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO above neutral - (chain dip belt + 24kg kettlebell) 25kg 3x 45secs

20 hour fast
2900 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 2300+
« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 11:56:15 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #808 on: April 20, 2021, 12:02:09 am »
Monday 19th April 2021

Posterior shoulder pretty sore from that light band work last night!
Low level aches all over

bodyweight at without shoes = 83 kg

Morning mobility work

Afternoon - home

Soft tissue work - lower body

Tendon health and rehab - Heavier session

Spanish squat x 45 secs
Single leg doorway wall sit at 90 degrees, while actively pushing leg down - x 40 secs
Side plank with abduction on bench x 40 secs
Glute bridge x 40 secs
Plank - x 40 secs

Sled drag - tyre+20kg plate on grass - reverse drag x 1 min + forward x 50 secs

BBall control drills and dribbling - about 5 mins worth

Powersnatch and power clean complex  x 20kg bar
1/4 Overhead squat 12kg bar x 5, 20kg x 10


All reps 3 sec eccentric, paused, controlled up, to 20 inch bench

Did these before the back squat of the same load
Front Squat 20kg x5, 40kg x3, 60kg x3, 80kg x3, 100kg x 3
Belt - 102.5kg x3

Low bar squat
Did these after high bar of the same load - 20kg x5, 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 80kg x3, 100kg x3

High bar squat
minimal shoe/bare feet - 20kg x10, 40kg x5 , 60kg x5, 80kg x5, 100kg x5, 102.5kg x5 

Iron edge XXheavy band around the knee
112.5kg x5
122.5kg x6
127.5kg x6
132.5kg x6 @ RPE 7

Up 2.5kg from last week
Flat minimal shoe/barefeet, is lower, so decreased bench height back down to 20 inches.
Felt ok, but did feel some twinge in my glute medius  tendon on a couple of reps on the heaviest set

Pulls/Deadlifts - oly shoes and facing down slope of garage

Clean pull hook grip, lowered under control - 60kg 2x3
Clean deadlift hook grip, slow eccentric - 100kg x3, 110kg x3
3 sec eccentric, belt + straps - 120kg x5 @ RPE 7

Up 5kg from last week

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest

A1) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - Olys shoes, 15mm elevated 3 sec eccentric and concentric, top half of ROM only  - 30kg x3
both sides back to back
30kg x10, 35kg x10, 45kg x10 @ RPE 8

A2)SSB Tib raise - in oly shoes - SSB 30kg x 10, 35kg x10, 40kg x12
60kg 2x10 @ RPE 8

A3) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise - arm supported -  - Olys shoes, 15mm elevated  3 sec eccentric and concentric, top half of ROM only  - 30kg x3
both sides back to back
30kg x10, 35kg x10, 45kg x10 @ RPE 8

B1) SSB side bends alternating sides - 60kg 2x16 @ RPE 7

B3) Lying side leg raise  - leg angled in front of body - Powerblock dumbbell on foot - 3 sec eccentric and concentric - 10lbs 2x6  @ RPE 8


Rectus femoris and TFL release with 20kg barbell in seated position

stretch except left quad

12 hour fast - broke with raw carrots, cheese slice, handful of raw pistachio nuts
2800 calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
ate 4000

yes I went full retard and pigged out....


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #809 on: April 21, 2021, 12:44:36 am »
Tuesday 20th April 2021

Moderately sore quads, glutes, hamstrings and calves, calves the most.
Erectors and upper body less so

Achilles tendon insertion feels better, so load used yesterday were OK
Right glute medius tendon slightly worse
Left Patella tendon good. Quad tendon still some ache

morning mobility work
upper body stretches and shoulder dislocate stretch

knee over toes heel elevated split squat - rear leg straight at 60 degrees - x 1min


Tendon health - rehab

Single leg wall sit - doorway - 90 degree leg angle, active leg push x 45 secs
side plank with abduction on bench x 45 secs

rotating sets

A1) Patella tendon - Single leg Extension ISO - both sides back to back - 60 degree leg angle  x 45 secs - 60lbs x2 sets, 65lbs

A2) Glute Medius tendon -  Lying side leg raise ISO Right side only, left leg bent - IronEdge XXheavy+medium band around knee x 45 secs
Powerblock 10lb dumbbell on foot - 3 x45 secs

Quad tendon -
A3)Single leg Extension ISO -  both sides back to back - push against nylon strap, lying back, 90 degree leg angle - 3x45secs

1 min rest between each
B1) SSB single leg calf raise -  ISO at neutral -  25kg (chain dip belt + 24kg kettlebell) x 45secs, 30kg 2x45 secs
B2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO at neutral - w  25kg (chain dip belt + 24kg kettlebell) x 45secs, 30kg 2x45 secs

moved up to 30kg with an extra 5kg plate, felt good, so will have to move over to the SSB for loading eventually

release rectus femoris and TFL with 20kg barbell
stretch, except for left quad

45 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 35 degree sloped path x 3 mins
towards end of walk - Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

16 hour fast
2600 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
ate 2700+