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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #750 on: March 06, 2021, 08:30:45 am »
Saturday 6th March 2021

Felt a bit crappy, thoguht about delaying session till tomorrow, but went ahead and it turned out ok.
Decent considering calorie deficit and drop in bodyweight.
Bodyweight continues to plummet!

bodyweight at home without shoes = 86+ kg

Morning mobility work


knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees -  x 1 min, x 40secs

single leg calf raise -  ISO x 1min, 40 secs, controlled eccentrics -  3x15
single leg bent knee calf raise - ISO x 1min, x 40secs, controlled eccentrics -  3x15

Bottom of Peterson step up ISO, both feet on floor,  8 inch step - 3x40 secs


Soft tissue work - lower body

at home - Lower Base building week 6

Bottom of Peterson step up ISO, both feet on floor,  8 inch step - 2x1min
Glute bridge hold x 40secs
ATG splitsquat BW x10, then hold in bottom position x 20secs

Powersnatch and power clean complex  x 20kg bar
Overhead squat 12kg bar x 5, 20kg x 5


Did these before the back squat of the same load
Front Squat20kg x5, 40kg x5, 60kg x5
supports 80kg, 115kg 

115kg not feeling too heavy across the chest
High bar squat
bare feet 20kg x10, 40kg x pause with 10 deep breaths + 10 reps, 60kg x10 
Oly shoes - 80kg x6, x3
belt - 100kg x3, x2, 110kg x2

6+ mins rest
Belted -
1) 115kg, 253lbs x8 @ RPE 8
2) 105kg, 231lbs 2x8 @ RPE 8
105kg x 7 - miscounted...
100kg x8 @ RPE 8
narrower stance, no belt, 100kg x6 @ RPE 7

Tiring but solid, cranked the reps fast on 105kg sets.
Moving to 6 reps phase next week

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest

A1) SSB Good Morning onto toes 30kg x8, 50kg x5, 70kg 2x8 @ RPE 8

A2) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 6 inch elevated controlled eccentric, explode up - BW x 10, 30kg x5, 50kg x 5
70kg 3x5 @ RPE 8
both sides back to back
A2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise - arm supported - 6 inch elevated  controlled eccentric, explode up - BW x 10, 30kg x5, 50kg x 5
70kg 3x5 @ RPE 8
both sides back to back, and alternated together with calf raise above

A3)Tib raise - in oly shoes - BW x5, SSB 30kg x 10, 50kg x8, 70kg 2x10
Wall tib raise - BW x14 @ RPE 9

B3) High Angle rows - 20kg x 15, 40kg x8, 60kg x5, 70kg x1
70kg 2x10 @ RPE 9 (+1 rep)

going up to 72.5kg next week and dropping reps down to 3x5, and building back up again 1 rep each week


B1) Split leg RDL - 20kg x5, 40kg x 8, 50kg 2x8 @ RPE 7

B2) AB wheel - on knees x 10
down to floor 2x12 @ RPE 8

B3) SSB side bends 40kg 2x16 - alternating sides

B4) Nordic curl - GHR - knees on 2cm pad
3 tiny partial reps and 2 assisted rep to warmup
BW slow eccentric x 8 assisted
BW slow eccentric x 7 assisted


seated single leg band side raise Iron Edge XXHeavy band around ankle - alternating sides 3x16
band Monster walks Iron Edge XXHeavy band 2x20 steps

Rectus femoris release with 20kg barbell in seated position


« Last Edit: March 06, 2021, 09:46:24 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #751 on: March 06, 2021, 09:45:38 pm »
Sunday 7th March 2021

Fatloss cycle 2 - Week 2
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 85.9kg 8 (-1.7kg), 189.4lbs

waist - 36 inches (-5/8)
hip = 41 (-0.5)
upper thigh = 26 (-0.25)
Right calf = 15.75 (-1/8)
Neck = 15.75  (-1/8)
Wrist = 6.5  (-1/8)

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 23% (+0.2)

Total loss so far - weight -1.5kg Waist 0.75 inches Tanita BF% +0.8%

Crazy progress this week. Probably the most waist size I have dropped in 1 week ever.
That waist size drop is about 1+Kg of fat loss, the rest is water weight
Even the difference in my face from last week to yesterday in my squat videos is pretty evident

Tanita BF% is weird though.... I would say I'm around 20%


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #752 on: March 07, 2021, 05:38:56 am »
Sunday 7th March 2021

Mild drained feeling, tired and achey all over.
Legs not as sore as previous weeks despite the squat volume jump this week, but posterior chain and adductors are roasted

Left quad tendon finally not aching on the split squat ISO when I initially ease into it

morning mobility work

Tendon health

knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - 2 x 1 min

Finger/forearm wrist curl right hand only - manual resistance eccentrics, using other arm, 3x15

single leg calf raise -  ISO 2x 1min
controlled eccentrics, 10kg weight vest -  3x15
single leg bent knee calf raise - ISO 2x 1min
controlled eccentrics, 10kg weight vest -  3x15

Bottom of Peterson step up ISO, both feet on floor,  8 inch step - 3x 1min
eccentrics, going down stairs - BW 4x15  (left leg only)

Lateral leg raise ISO - right leg only 1 x1min, 2x40 secs

Couch stretch, calf, and ankle/knee to wall stretch
various upper and lower body stretches

1 hour, 50 min walk/hike
start of walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins

explored a new section of the hiking trail - quite a bit of walking up and down some moderately steep sections
eccentric knee stress on the way down, glute smashing and cardio on the way up


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #753 on: March 08, 2021, 12:36:44 am »
Monday 8th March 2021

Glute, hamstrings and adductors heavy soreness

morning mobility work

Tendon health

knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - 2 x 1 min

single leg calf raise -  ISO 2x 1min
controlled eccentrics, 10kg weight vest -  3x15
single leg bent knee calf raise - ISO 2x 1min
controlled eccentrics, 10kg weight vest -  3x15

Bottom of Peterson step up ISO, both feet on floor,  8 inch step - 4x 1min
Heel elevated step down - 6 inch step eccentrics - BW 4x15

Lateral leg raise ISO - right leg only 1 x1min, 2x40 secs

Couch stretch, calf, and ankle/knee to wall stretch
various upper and lower body stretches

1 hour walk/hike
backward walking- 40 degree sloped path 1.5 mins x 3



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #754 on: March 09, 2021, 05:28:28 am »
Tuesday 9th March 2021

posterior chain and adductors still pretty sore, but a bit less so

Waking stretches and mobility work

Soft tissue work - feet , glutes, outer quads, traps

Bodyweight without shoes - 87kg

trained fasted

knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - 2 x 1min
single leg calf raise ISO - 1min, 40 secs
single leg bent knee calf raise ISO - 1 min, 40secs
glute bridge ISO hold - x1 min

pec/lat stretches and mobility work

Tendon health, light session - at home

Rotating sets between each - one lower, then one upper

Bottom of Peterson step up ISO , both feet on floor,  8 inch step - 3 x 1 min
side leg raise ISO - right leg only 4x 40secs

single leg calf raise controlled eccentrics  - SSB 30kg 3x15
single leg bent knee calf controlled eccentrics  - SSB 30kg 3x15

band pull apart, palms up - high to low, diagonal left, diagonal right  - Rogue light band  2x10 each direction
Band dislocates Rogue light band x 30, light jumpstetch band 2x 20

Heel elevated step down - 6 inch step eccentrics - BW 4x15

barbell curl - controlled 20kg x6, 22.5kg 3x13 @ RPE 7 (+1 rep)
wrist curl - hold at top - 20kg x12, 22.5kg 3x13 @ RPE 7 (+1 rep)

Chest supported Scarecrow into press - 45 degree angle - 2.5lbs x 10, 5lbs 3x11 @ RPE 8 (+1 rep)


rotating sets

Bear crawl max shoulder ROM - forward and backwards, front yard x 2

band lateral walks - Iron Edge XXHeavy  2x2 side trips of front yard

Ivanko super gripper 45lbs x 10, 70lbs x 5, 85lbs x 3... too hard
70lbs x 12, 77lbs 2x10 -- left hand failed on last set, RPE @7 for right hand
Left hand is quite a bit weaker

SSB Bulgarian split squat rear leg on 6 inch step - both sides back to back BW x6, 30kg x6, 50kg x5, 60kg x5
rest between sides 60kg x8 @ RPE 8

SSB squat facing down slope of garage, flat shoes - 30kg x 10, 50kg x 8, 60kg x8
70kg 2x8 @ RPE 7

Jefferson curl 20kg x10, 25kg 2x15 @ RPE 4

release rectus femoris with barbell



60 min walk/hike
start of walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins


3000 calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3
Eating 2000+


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #755 on: March 10, 2021, 03:03:04 am »
Wednesday 10th March 2021

Sore all over and a bit stale feeling
VMO, glutes and abs the most sore, but pecs are as well...

morning mobility work

Tendon health

knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - 2 x 1 min

single leg calf raise -  ISO 2x 1min
controlled eccentrics -  BW x15,  10kg weight vest -  3x15
single leg bent knee calf raise - ISO 2x 1min
controlled eccentrics -  BW x15,  10kg weight vest -  3x15

Bottom of Peterson step up ISO, both feet on floor,  8 inch step - 4x 1min
Peterson step down/sissy squat - 8 inch step eccentrics - BW 6x15 (left leg only)

Lateral leg raise ISO - right leg only 3 x 1min
Seated band lateral leg raise Iron Edge Xheavy band around ankle - ISO 3x 1min

Couch stretch, calf, and ankle/knee to wall stretch
various upper and lower body stretches

78 min walk/hike
start of walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins
Mid walk - backward walking - 3 mins rest - 40 degree sloped path 1.5 mins x 3

18 hour fast
2800+ calories burned accordng to Fitbit Charge 3
eating 1900+

Bodyweight down to 85+kg clothed at end of fast!
« Last Edit: March 10, 2021, 03:04:45 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #756 on: March 11, 2021, 05:00:26 am »
Thursday 11th March 2021

Feeling better, but still not that great yet. Effects of calorie deficit starting to show
Will rest up tomorrow, for BBall on Saturday.
Plus it will be raining, but I might do some ISOs

Changing up my protocols again after some recent reading on the net.

Also figured it was time to give my upper body the same treatment as my lower body, by adding in bear crawls.
And give my hamstrings the same treatment as my quads, who knows it just might enhance my single leg jump and make my hamstrings tougher...

My work capacity is better than I expected, didn't feel too tired after the walk

morning mobility work

Tendon health

knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - 2 x 1 min (left quad tendon barely aching now on the first 5 secs)

rotating sets
single leg calf raise -  ISO 45 secs x 4, 1 min
controlled slow reps -  BW  3x15
single leg bent knee calf raise - ISO 45 secs x 4, 1min
controlled slow reps -  BW  3x15

pretty painful burn by the end of each set!

Bottom of Peterson step up ISO both feet on floor,  8 inch step - 45 secs x 5
Peterson step down - 8 inch step, slow reps - BW 3x15   (right leg a bit less depth to not irritate my glute medius tendon)

Lateral leg raise ISO - right leg only 3 x 45 secs
Seated band lateral leg ISO Iron Edge Xheavy band around knee - ISO 3x 45secs
lying lateral leg raise - slow reps, right leg only - BW  2x15

Couch stretch, calf, and ankle/knee to wall stretch
various upper and lower body stretches

rotating sets
band pull apart, palms up - high to low  - Rogue light band  x10, Jumpstretch light band 2x15
Band dislocates Rogue light band x 20, light jumpstetch band 2x15
Bear crawl, max shoulder ROM - forward and backwards, 10m x 3

Broom dislocate stretch - same width as snatch all the way behind x 1min

90 min walk/hike
start of walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins

Mid walk - rotating sets 2 mins rest
backward walking - 40 degree sloped path 1.5 mins x 3
Straight leg, max ROM walk - 40 degree sloped path 1 min x 3
Bear crawl, max shoulder ROM 10m x 2

towards end of walk -
Straight leg, max ROM walk up 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

LOL a dog exercising at the park jumped on me while I was doing the bear crawl :)
Damn tiring it is, nice low impact cardio though.
Smokes my serratus when going backwards, and improves shoulder/scapular health and Lat ROM.

Straight leg walk, hamstrings feeling it now from them, but no eccentric on these, so should not get too sore.

21 hour fast
2900+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
eating 2100+

« Last Edit: March 11, 2021, 06:27:34 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #757 on: March 12, 2021, 05:39:22 am »
Friday 12th March 2021

Stuff I did yesterday did make me a bit sore, achey hamstrings, glutes and erectors, but different from the deep down DOMS of weights
Plus calves and quads.
Not sure why the calves are sore from bodyweight calf raises after all the heavy ones and eccentric reps I have done daily....
Maybe the concentric was a novel stress

Rest day, but I just had to walk

morning mobility work

Tendon health

knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - 2 x 1 min

single leg calf raise -  10kg weight vest, ISO 1 min x 5
single leg bent knee calf raise - ISO 1 min x 5
controlled eccentrics -  10kg weight vest, ISO 1 min x 5

Bottom of Peterson step up ISO, both feet on floor,  8 inch step - 45 secs x 5

Seated band lateral leg raise Iron Edge Xheavy band around ankle - ISO 45 secs x 5

Couch stretch, calf, and ankle/knee to wall stretch
various upper and lower body stretches

60 min walk/hike
start of walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

20hour fast
2700 calories burned accordng to Fitbit Charge 3
eating 2000+


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #758 on: March 13, 2021, 05:26:22 am »
Saturday 13th March 2021

Felt a bit light headed, calorie deficit effects I guess, a bit weak, but session went well today.
Cut all volume of resistance in about half, will build back up again over the next weeks.
Will make this the norm, volume cycling

Bodyweight down 1.5kg from last BBall session, 9 days ago,  that helped my hops for sure


morning mobility work
knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - 2 x 1 min

bodyweight at home without shoes = 85.8 kg

Soft tissue work - lower body and upper

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts -  60 mins

Bottom of Peterson step up ISO, both feet on floor,  8 inch step - 2x40 secs

1) 15 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) medium to high intensity moves, shots, layups, threes
3) jumps at the 35 min mark, and a few dunks on 8 feet netball rim
4) A few sets of easy pogo jumps, and speed hops inbetween jumps and after

5) rotated sets with the stuff below -
Box Jumps, with a reset, landing with straight legs, 20 inch wall - 3x3

Finally back to touching the 9'10" rim. Took a while to get there though, first 10 jumps were not there but then it just clicked.
Heaviest weight so far that I have been able to do so right now.
+2 inches on 2 legged jump, +3 inches on single leg jump from recent weeks.
Single leg jump 5 inches lower than double leg
Approach run also feel more fluid, from the strength gains and lower bodyweight.
Was still able to touch the rim even with the tired jumps at the end

Easy head touch on the Blacknet
Looking forward to grabbing the rim when I get back down to 80kg, and whole hand over the rim when down to 70kg..... circa 40+ inches

Left quad tendon was achey on warmup jumps but fine on main, max effort ones. Progressing well
Right hip/glute medius tendon was also fine, not a peep from it.
It stop hurting a few days ago when going down stairs, so I figured it should ok now - healed fast, the side leg raises and band ISO did the trick

Right achilles still achey but no more stinging aches when moving around and hopping.
Left side seems to be good now.


Sit in bottom of narrow stance squat for 2 mins


Netball rim pullups to sternum - Hang and 20 scap shrugs to warmup, BW x 2 singles
Dead hang/paused - x5 (chest one inch short of rim), 2x3 @ RPE 7

Stronger forearms/grip was noticeable from wrist curls and Ivanko Super Gripper

Close grip triangle pushup - BW 3x6 explosive
All reps airborne at full extension, 1-2 inches

Wall tib raise 3x6

Inverted rows explosive BW 3x7 @ RPE 6

Straight bar dip explosive  BW 3x7 @ RPE 6

L sit hold on hand railing 2x10secs, 1x30secs, x 20secs

Hanging leg raise, feet to hands BW x5
first few reps felt easy, but by the 5th rep started feeling it!


Bottom of Peterson step up ISO, both feet on floor,  8 inch step - 3x45 secs

single leg calf raise -  controlled BWx15
single leg bent knee calf raise - controlled BWx15

stretch upper

65 min walk/hike - moderately steep trail
backwards walking 30-35 degree sloped path - 2.5 mins x 2

stretched lower

14 hour fast - broke with raw carrots, cheese slice, handful of raw pistachio nuts before BBall

3400 calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3
Eating 2200+
« Last Edit: March 15, 2021, 11:17:20 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #759 on: March 13, 2021, 11:09:59 pm »
Sunday 14th March 2021

Fatloss cycle 2 - Week 3
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 85.5kg (-0.4kg), 188.5lbs

waist - 35 5/8 inches (-3/8)
hip = 41
upper thigh = 26
Right calf = 15 5/8 (-1/8)
Neck = 15 5/8  (-1/8)
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 22.4% (-0.6)

Total loss so far - weight -1.9kg Waist  1 1/8 inches Tanita BF% +0.2%

I dropped more fat than the 0.4kg difference would suggest, just heavier today.

Looks like I gained some size on my hips and legs this week, no change despite lots of fat dropped
Doesn't surprise me as they did a crap load of work

« Last Edit: March 13, 2021, 11:11:34 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #760 on: March 14, 2021, 07:29:50 am »
Sunday 14th March 2021

A little achey and beat up, and mild drained feeling
No major DOMs though

morning mobility work

Tendon health

knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - 2 x 1 min

single leg calf raise -  ISO 45 sec x 5, 10kg weight vest x 45 secs
controlled reps BW x15,  10kg weight vest -  2x12
single leg bent knee calf raise - ISO 45 sec x 5, 10kg weight vest x 45 secs
controlled reps -  BW x15,  10kg weight vest -  2x12

Bottom of Peterson step up ISO, both feet on floor,  8 inch step - 45secs x 5
Peterson step down/sissy squat - 8 inch step controlled reps - 10kg weight vest 2x12

Seated band lateral leg raise Iron Edge XXheavy band knee - ISO 3x 45secs
Lying Lateral leg raise ISO - right leg only - controlled BW x 15

Couch stretch, calf, and ankle/knee to wall stretch
various upper and lower body stretches

60 min walk/hike
start of walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

was raining, but I'm extremely motivated right now...

20 hour fast
2800 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
eating 2100


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #761 on: March 16, 2021, 12:35:06 am »
Monday 16th March 2021

Felt Ok today, but still feeling a bit tired from Jumps on Saturday, so will add an extra rest day next week and see how that goes.
Was not as strong as I should be today, and some aches

bodyweight at home without shoes = 85+ kg


Morning mobility work
knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees -  2x 1 min


Soft tissue work - lower body

at home - Lower Base building week 7

Bottom of Peterson step up ISO, both feet on floor,  8 inch step - 2x1min
Seated band lateral leg raise Iron Edge XXheavy band knee - ISO 2x 45secs
Glute bridge hold x 1 min
ATG splitsquat BW x10, then hold in bottom position x 20secs

Powersnatch and power clean complex  x 20kg bar
Overhead squat 12kg bar x 5, 20kg x 7

overhead squat getting quite easy now, thanks to better shoulder ROM


Did these before the back squat of the same load
Front Squat20kg x5, 40kg x5, 60kg x5
1/8 squat - 80kg, 100kg, 110kg 

High bar squat
bare feet 20kg x10, 40kg x pause with 10 deep breaths + 10 reps, 60kg x10 
Oly shoes - 80kg x6, x3
belt - 100kg x3, x2, 110kg x2

6+ mins rest
Belted -
1) 117.5kg, 259lbs x5 @ RPE 8  --> miscounted, was supposed to be 6 reps, but it felt hard anyway....
2) 107.5kg, 239lbs 2x6 @ RPE 8

Felt hard, and not great today, still fatigued from jumps

Low bar squat
Did these after high bar of the same load - 40kg x3, 60kg x3, 80kg x3, 100kg x2
107.5kg x5

Tried some low bar squats today.
Form is about the same as my high bar, but it feels more stable, smoother and natural to me.
Seems to hit my VMO much harder as well for some reason :)

Perhaps I have the bar way too high up on my high bar, will experiment with bar placement
But I also have a Safety Squat bar and that also feels better and more natural than my current high bar form which always feels awkward...

My form

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest

A1) SSB Good Morning onto toes 30kg x8, 50kg x5, 60kg x5, x8 @ RPE 7

stayed lighter today, wasn't feeling safe

A2) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - 6 inch elevated controlled eccentric, explode up - BW x 10, 30kg x5, ISO at neutral position 50kg x 45secs, 60kg x 45 secs
ISO at neutral position 50kg x 45secs, 60kg x 45 secs
controlled 60kg 2x6 @ RPE 8
both sides back to back

A2) SSB single leg bent knee calf raise - arm supported - 6 inch elevated  controlled eccentric, explode up - BW x 10, 30kg x5,
ISO at neutral position 50kg x 45secs, 60kg x 45 secs
controlled 60kg 2x6 @ RPE 8
both sides back to back, and alternated together with calf raise above

A3)Tib raise - in oly shoes - BW x5, SSB 30kg x 10, 50kg x8, 60kg x12, x11
Wall tib raise - BW x 8 @ RPE 9

B3) High Angle rows - 20kg x 15, 40kg x8, 60kg x5, 70kg x1
72.5kg 3x5 @ RPE 8

up from 70kg 2x10 last week, but dropping reps back down and added a set.
Building back up 1 rep each week


B1) Split leg RDL - 20kg x5, 40kg x 5,
first rep deadlifted off the floor in same position -  60kg 2x7 @ RPE 8

B2) AB wheel - on knees x 10
down to floor 2x10, x6 @ RPE 6

B3) SSB side bends alternating sides - 50kg x12, 52.5kg x12, 42.5kg x 12

B4) Nordic curl - GHR - knees on 2cm pad, 6 inch step and rolled yoga mat on hip
3 tiny partial reps and 2 assisted rep to warmup
BW slow eccentric x 6 assisted
BW slow eccentric x 5 assisted


seated single leg band side raise Iron Edge XXHeavy band around ankle - alternating sides 2x12
band Monster walks Iron Edge XXHeavy band 2x20 steps

Rectus femoris release with 20kg barbell in seated position



22 min walk

14 hour fast - broke with raw carrots, cheese slice

3000+ calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
Ate 2200+


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #762 on: March 16, 2021, 08:18:21 am »
Tuesday 16th March 2021

A bit sore all over but less than usual, due to lower rep counts I think.
Whole trap region pretty achey from the SSB calf raise ISOs

Right achilles feeling better... looks like the ISOs with bodyweight haven't been as effective due to not being heavy enough

morning mobility work
knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - 2 x 1 min

Tendon health

rotating sets

band pull apart, palms up - high to low, diagonal left, diagonal right  - Rogue light band  2x10 each direction
Band dislocates Rogue light band x 20, light jumpstretch band 3x15
broom dislocate + stretch, snatch grip width x 2 series

single leg calf raise -  SSB 30kg ISO x 45 sec x 3
controlled reps - SSB 30kg 2x10
single leg bent knee calf raise -  SSB 30kg ISO x 45 sec x 3
controlled reps - SSB 30kg 2x10

Bottom of Peterson step up ISO, both feet on floor,  6 inch step - 45secs x 5
Peterson step down/sissy squat - 6 inch step controlled reps - BW 3x15

Seated band lateral leg raise Iron Edge XXheavy band knee - ISO 3x 45secs
Lying Lateral leg raise right leg only - controlled BW  2x15

Couch stretch, calf, and ankle/knee to wall stretch
various upper and lower body stretches

56 min walk/hike
start of walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

16 hour fast
2900 calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
eating 1800+
« Last Edit: March 17, 2021, 08:24:26 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #763 on: March 17, 2021, 06:36:59 am »
Wednesday 17th March 2021

Still achey, all over.
Both Achilles feeling way better, left side feels pretty much healed, even pressing directly against the heel was way less pain then yesterday.
Doesn't even hurt anymore when loading it, but right one still hurts.

morning mobility work
knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - 2 x 1 min
broom dislocate + stretch

upper body stretches

Tendon health

rotating sets

single leg calf raise -  ISO  BW x45 secs, Weight vest 10kg x 45 secs, 20kg x 45secs, 25kg 2x45 secs
controlled reps - Weight vest 25kg 2x10
single leg bent knee calf raise -  ISO  BW x45 secs, Weight vest 10kg x 45 secs, 20kg x 45secs, 25kg 2x45 secs
controlled reps - Weight vest 25kg 2x10

Bottom of Peterson step up ISO, both feet on floor,  6 inch step - 45secs x 2, full body weight 2x45secs, 25kg weight vest partially supported x 45 secs
Peterson step down/sissy squat - 6 inch step controlled reps - BW x15, weightvest 25kg  2x15

Seated band lateral leg raise Iron Edge Xheavy band knee - ISO 3x 45secs
Standing side leg raise ISO right side only 2x 45secs
Lying Lateral leg raise right leg only - controlled Light band around knees  x15
Seated bent knee side leg raise/internal hip rotation combo - right leg only - light band around ankle x 15

Bear crawl -  forward and back 10m x 3

Couch stretch, calf, and ankle/knee to wall stretch
various upper and lower body stretches

67 min walk/hike
start of walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

more rain, damn rain for the next 10 days, don't know when I can go BBall/jump....

16 hour fast
3100+ calories burned according to Fitbit Charge 3
eating 1800+
« Last Edit: March 17, 2021, 08:25:12 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #764 on: March 18, 2021, 09:06:05 am »
Thursday 18th March 2021

Still sore, but starting to get that loseness back in my legs and hips based on the morning mobility session
Although my traps, hips/adductors  are pretty achey, and even more so now after today's session

Another rainy day, and also ran out of time to do some walking post workout...

Whats was supposed to be a short light session has gotten quite long now.... oh well more calories burned!

Waking stretches and mobility work
knee over toes heel elevated split squat at 60 degrees - 2 x 1min

Soft tissue work - feet , glutes, outer quads, traps

Bodyweight without shoes - 86+kg

trained fasted

pec/lat stretches and mobility work

Tendon health, light session - at home

glute bridge ISO hold - x1 min

Rotating sets between each - one lower, then one upper

Bottom of Peterson step up 6 inch step ISO both feet on floor  2x45 secs, Supporting full body weight 3x45 secs

side leg raise ISO - right leg only 3x 45secs

SSB single leg calf raise ISO 30kg 3x 45secs
controlled 30kg 2x10
SSB single leg bent knee calf ISO 30kg 3x 45secs
controlled 30kg 2x8

left calf is 2-3 reps weaker than the right, so rep caps were based on left leg

band pull apart, palms up - high to low, diagonal left, diagonal right  - Rogue light band  2x10 each direction, Jumpstretch light band 2x10
Band dislocates Rogue light band x 30, light jumpstetch band 3x15

SSB Heel elevated step down - 6 inch step, controlled  30kg 2x10

barbell curl - controlled 20kg x6, 25kg 3x10 @ RPE 7 (+ 2.5kg, -3 reps)
wrist curl - hold at top - 20kg x6, 25kg 3x10 @ RPE 7 (+ 2.5kg, -3 reps)

45 degree Scarecrow into press - 2.5lbs x 10, 5lbs 3x10 @ RPE 7
Single arm rotating press 5lbs 3x6 @ RPE 4

Glute bridge, slider leg curl BW 2x8 @ RPE 9

didn't feel too bad doing em, but man my hamstrings are feeling it now post workout!


rotating sets

Ivanko super gripper 70lbs x 6
77lbs 3x11 @ RPE 8 (+1 rep, +1 set)

Holding the gripper with the non working hand made it much more stable for my left hand, so that even things up.

SSB Bulgarian split squat rear leg, toes on 6 inch step - both sides back to back - controlled BW x6, 30kg x6, 40kg x6,
controlled 50kg x6 @ RPE 7

SSB squat facing down slope of garage, flat shoes - 30kg x 10, 40kg x 6, 50kg x6, 70kg x6
controlled 80kg 2x6 @ RPE 7

Jefferson curl 20kg x6, 27.5kg 2x15 @ RPE 5  (+2.5kg)

release rectus femoris with barbell



2660 calorie burn according Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
ate 2000+