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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #630 on: October 17, 2020, 12:21:58 pm »
Saturday 17th September 2020

Upper traps and biceps still fairly stiff and sore.
Calves and abs a bit as well.

Will likely rain tomorrow, so did some stuff today and will rest up tomorrow, and BBall/jump Monday

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk

Slow eccentric step downs 2x20

externally rotated high to low band pull apart - Light rogue band - 20 with a hold, and 20 sec hold on last rep x dual strand
band dislocates and stretch x 20
band whippet x15

60 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
3 laps around football field, with backward walking on end goal side each lap  x 3
backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins


18 hour fast
2800 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
Plan to eat 2000

Damn Amazon Prime are quick and deliver on Saturdays - so I got my Tribit Xsound Go bluetooth speaker so now I can blast some music in my garage gym :)
The sound is decent for the price and goes quite loud, $44AUD

After reading Greg Nuckol's belt article and seeing how people are 5-10% stronger with a belt due to the hip extensors firing harder, as well as the increase mid section pressure.
That has to add up over time in terms of strength and hypertrophy

Reading around an Element 26 belt was recommended by an ex crossfitter and now master oly lifter who has squatted and deadliifted over 600lbs in it, and clean and jerked 400lbs, and prefers it to his $500 custom leather belt. He says it's the best belt money can buy... :)

So I decided to get this one, since it's pretty cheap at $50AUD as well from Amazon Prime.
It has a locking mechanism on the buckle so it stays tight even without using the velcro, so the velcro won't come loose as it never takes any pressure.
And a lifetime warranty
Similar buckle as the 2Pood belts that the official USAW teams uses, but those cost 2x as much but it is thicker, and they have so many different art styles!

I guess this is more a crossfit style belt, flexible and low profile so oly lifts won't catch on it

Trying it out on bodyweight box squat and Bulgarian split squat I can feel a big difference in stability and force transfer
It seems I have not been bracing properly beltless, by pushing my air into the belly and tensing it like it happens with a belt automatically.
Even then with the belt on, there is still more pressure.

Will try it out on my next squat session when I will AMRAP 115kg, which I should get around 10-11 reps.
If I hit 12+ they I know it's due to the belt :)

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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #631 on: October 18, 2020, 08:30:53 am »
Sunday 18th October 2020

Week 61
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 84.7kg (+0.3kg), 186.7lbs

waist - 33.5 inches (-1/8)
hip = 40.5 (+0.25)
upper thigh = 25 7/8 (+1/8)
Right calf = 15.5
Neck = 15 5/8 (+1/8) 
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 21.8% (-0.3)

Total loss so far - weight  20.3kg 44.7lbs  Waist 10 inches  BF% Tanita 10.2%

Averaged 2609 calories this week, against a TDEE of 2590 - so around maintenance despite some big calorie days.
Gained weight and muscle mass though.
Neck size increase indicates the top of my traps blew up


Still feeling a stiff and achey in my traps and biceps. Legs strating to feel good, but hips and adductors are still achey.

Total rest day - just some minor mobility work and soft tissue work on my lower body.

18 hour fast
2300 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
Ate 1870


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #632 on: October 19, 2020, 09:58:59 am »
Monday 19th October 2020

Traps, biceps, adductors and calves sore, but everything else is not too bad

Crap sleep last night, tried to go to sleep early but just lay in bed for hours without falling asleep.... then got up and pigged out, and went back to sleep but then got woke up by next door childare centre...

Soft tissue work - just feet, tibs and adductors mainly

bodyweight at home without shoes = 86kg - heavy as hell from pig out

BBall practice session at WLC school outdoor courts -  85 mins

1) 15 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) medium to high intensity moves, shots, layups, threes
3) movement efficiency drills - 2 sets each - star drill, 2 legged side to side speed hops, 2 legged forward and back speed hops.
4) Jumps at the 42 min mark, and dunks on 8 feet netball rim -  30 mins worth
5) intervals - halfcourt - all to 60% effort x 2
foewards and backwards running combo
side ways sprint bound x alternating sides

No hops today, but felt fairly explosive. Crap sleep and bodyweight I guess.
Did more right left plants today as right hip was feeling a little achey when planting left right.
Did a few single leg jumps off left foot and they felt good and quite decent even despitethe weight gain foot felt strong.

Starting to run on the balls of my foot today on the intervals, heel/achilles is getting there.


Sit in bottom of narrow stance squat for 2 mins


at home - Juggernaut Squats  - Cycle 1 - Week 7 - 8s Wave - day 1 Realization

Was not planning to workout after BBall, but I didn't feel too tired from BBAll/jumps.
And I was keen to try the new ATX Bulls bearing bar and Element 26 belt, so what the hell, lets roll.


Spanish squat 2x 45 secs holds
Peterson setups 5 inch x12, Patrick step up 6 inch x12
supported ATG split squat BW x12


Did these before the back squat of the same load
Front Squat 40kg x3, 60kg x3

High bar squat - belted -  bare feet - 40kg and 60kg x pause with 10 deep breaths, 60kg x10. Oly shoes - 60kg x5, 80kg x5, 100kg x3, 110kg x2
75% of training max 142.5kg

AMRAP 115kg, 253lbs x12 @ RPE 9.5 (+4 reps)  = e1Rm 165kg, 363lbs

Added 4 reps to the 115kg x8 I did 7 weeks ago
Form was solid and stable, upper back solid - thank you Zercher carries and long duration front squat holds and pauses :)
Might have had another rep in me, but I started to see stars on the last rep, so racked it
The belt probably gave me 2 extra reps, but the fatigue from BBall/jumps balancing it out, so who knows!

Even with the belt, all sets felt hard due to BBall/jump fatigue, but I felt a lot of power coming out of the hole, from the better belt bracing.

Just need to get back down below 80kg bodyweight and I'll be at 2xBW!

Training max is now at 152.5kg, up from 132.5kg 7 weeks ago when I started the training cycle.
Going up 10kg every 4 weeks so far, squatting once a week, with a  deload every 4 weeks

Front Squat - belted 3 secs down, paused - 80kg x 5 @ RPE 8
80kg - 10 sec hold at top, 3 sec down,  3 sec pause  x 2

Even with the belt I found it hard to brace and put pressure into my abs, as keeping your chest up to support the bar, makes it hard to do so.
But there is probably a way to do it...

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest
"+" = 20-30 secs rest

A1) RDL - to mid shin - facing down slope of garage, hook gripped -  clean deadlifted off the floor - 60kg x5, 80kg x5
belt - 105kg x11 @ RPE 8 --> grip slipped on 8th rep, had to deadlift bar again
no belt, grip hooks - 105kg x 11 @ RPE 9
belt - 105kg x5 @ RPE 7

much easier than last week, but the belt might have helped a bit.
Lower back felt so much better on the belted sets.
I found it hard to brace quite the same without the belt and lower back feels so much more beat up, despite using grip hooks

A2) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported 4 sec eccentric, explode up - BW x 5, 30kg x5, 50kg x 5
70kg x9, x8 @ RPE 8

A3) Wall tib raise - body at 40 degree angle - in oly shoes BW x5, 2x12 @ RPE9

Nordic curl - natural GHR - 6 inch aerobic step + rolled yoga mat on hip.
5 tiny partial reps and 2 assisted reps to warmup
BW slow eccentric x8 assisted

Single leg kneeling deadlift BW x10 each side
30kg x 8

Lateral squat - BW x10

Side Lying Hip Abduction working leg angled in front of body - 2x20 each side

Glute bridge slider leg curl - BW x 9 (+1 rep)

Standing lateral leg raise 7.5kg band to the front x 15

Jefferson curl 20kg x10, 35kg x10 with a hold, and 30 sec hold on last rep

Rectus femoris release with 20kg barbell in seated position, each side - damn, super painful from mid thigh up to hip


16 hour fast - BBall'ed and trained fasted

4900+ calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor on - ugh left HR monitor on... massive inflation
Plan to eat 2500+
« Last Edit: October 20, 2020, 01:09:50 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #633 on: October 20, 2020, 10:58:28 am »
Tuesday 20th October 2020

Mild drained feeling, light to moderate DOMS all over. Upper traps  and lats pretty sore, surprising....
Calves by far the most sore.
Nice overall medium soreness in my Quads, especially in VMO, but yet still feel light and small, as opposed to heavy and swollen.
Erectors and hamstrings don't feel trashed, good.

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

ISOs - tendon health
hip thrust hold 2x40secs
split squat on balls of foot - rear leg glute tensed to stretch hip flexor  x 2 mins 15 secs
Single leg unsupported RDL hold in bottom position x 1min

dropped the calf raise holds as the >70% intensity eccentric emphasized SSB ones I do on my workouts work better, the stretching is key, and my achilles has reached a certain threshold where I no longer need em I think.

74 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
3 laps around football field, with backward walking on end goal side each lap  x 3
backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins


18 hour fast
2860+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
Plan to eat 2000


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #634 on: October 21, 2020, 08:55:22 am »
Wednesday 21st October 2020

Achey all over, only slightly less then yesterday

Heel/achilles feeling better and better, way less pain when pressing hard against the heel/tendon attachment

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

Side Lying clams - short light rogue band 2x10

Standing side  angled to rear lateral leg raise 2x10
Side Lying, angled to front lateral leg raise - short light rogue band 2x 10
Hip drops BW 2x15 each side

externally rotated high to low band pull apart - Light rogue band - 20 with a hold, and 20 sec hold on last rep x dual strand
straight arm band pull downs out to side x 15
band dislocates and stretch x 20, stronger band x 20
band whippet x15

86 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
3 laps around football field, with backward walking on end goal side each lap  x 3
backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins


19 hour fast - first 16 hours dry fasted
2900+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
Plan to eat 2000
« Last Edit: October 25, 2020, 07:24:51 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #635 on: October 22, 2020, 01:17:35 am »
Gonna try this out the next leg session - belt squat without the hassle!
Probably the best way to load  a lateral squat

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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #636 on: October 22, 2020, 08:40:54 am »
Thursday 22nd October 2020

mild to mdoerate aches all over

bodyweight at home without shoes = 84.5kg

40 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins

Resistance at the Home

decent session, felt fairly strong/explosive
tried some new stuff at the end, and they felt good and promising

Used velcro straps to lock down the bar on the inverted rows and straight bar dips today, felt better, more stable
But I am thinking of getting some Element 26 bar belts to fully lock down the bar from moving

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externally rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum + star drill combo - light rogue band  - dual strands x 10 each, 20 secs rest between each axis
band rows x 15
Yates rows 20kg bar x 15

Dip shrugs - BW x20 @RPE 6
Bench dip BWx10
Vertical wall ab wheel roll outs - pulling handles apart with hold at top x20

Rotating sets between each exercise 2-3 mins
A1) inverted rows - undergrip - explosive - legs bent BW x8, BW x8

explosive +10kg x 9,  x8 @RPE 8  (+2 reps on first set)

feet elevated 18 inches - explosive - BW x8, @ RPE 8

A2) Pushups to upper abs - Close grip triangle - explosive - BW x10, feet elevated 18 inches x3
BW x12 @ RPE 6 (+1 rep)

Straight bar dip - BW x3, BW x13 @ RPE 7 (+1 rep)

AB1) High angle rows to ribcage  - slight pause at bottom, explosive - barbell 20kg x15, 40kg x5, 60kg x3
65kg 2x7 @RPE 7  (+1rep)

B2) Bench - shoulder width 14 inch grip - 1 inch incline 20kg x10, 40kg x8,
60kg x 10 @ RPE 7 (+2 reps)
72.5kg x8 @ RPE 8.5 (+2.5kg, -3 reps)

Added a slight incline, about an inch.
Was on a slight decline before due to garage slope, so putting a 10kg bumper plate under the bench makes it a slight incline, hence a bit harder with the 2 inch change.

Single arm pushup - both side back to back
bar at 5th hole, 20 inches - x8 @ RPE 9 

C1) single leg SSB Knee over toes soleus calf raise 4.5 inch elevation - Explode up, 3 sec eccentric -  70kg 2x12 @ RPE9

C2) Zercher carries - with rolled towel 60kg x 5 secs, 70kg x 5 secs
50 sec carry x 80kg x 2 (+5kg)

felt pretty hard, but still some in the tank

CD1)Muscle clean and press - no hip drive, elbows tucked 10kg x8, 20kg x8, 27.5kg x12 @ RPE8

D2) AB wheel rollouts - legs bent x 12, leg straight x3
on feet, straight legs - 85% ROM - 3 count pause - BW x7 @RPE 9  (+1 rep)

D3) Barbell curl explosive - 20kg x10, 25kg x3,
27.5kg x12 @ RPE 9 (+2 reps)

E2) Scarecrow into press - 40 degree chest supported- 1.25kg plates x5, 3.5kg x13 @RPE 8 (+2 reps)

Stretched ISO holds
hang from bar, partially 1 leg supported - x20 scap shrugs + 20 sec bent knee leg raise hold
hang from bar, with bent knee leg raise hold - x20 scap shrugs + 20 sec hang with L-sit hold

Miscellaneous stuff
bent knee leg raise pull up x3 + rest 30 secs + L-hang pull x 3 , both to base of neck

pike pushup, on feet x8  - nice whole shoulder, cuffs and upper pec pump

W scare crow external rotations - 2.5kg plates x 30

Jumpstretch monster mini band dislocate + stretch x a few

release rectus femoris with olympic bar


14 hour fast - broke fast before BBall - a bit of raw carrot/beetroot and a slice of cheese

2900+ calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor off,  not including weights
plan to eat 2500-3000
« Last Edit: October 22, 2020, 09:31:55 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #637 on: October 22, 2020, 02:20:06 pm »
Might score a second hand set of Powerblock Urethane 5-70lb adjustable dumbbells and stand for a good price 8)
Finally the pain of spinlock dumbbells for heavier stuff can be put to rest!

« Last Edit: October 23, 2020, 10:03:03 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #638 on: October 23, 2020, 12:20:31 pm »
Friday 23rd October 2020

Achey all over, mostly upper back and pecs

Seems like my right hip impingement has been fixed, haven't noticed anything the last 2 days.
The combo of the rectus femoris release with a barbell, deep into my glutes using the edge of my bathtub and some of the exercises in this article

Now I just need to do some of the stage 3 exercises to keep it that way - subtitute lateral squat for sumo squat

Might have started from me doing tons of inbetween the leg dunk attempts and layups using my right leg, and other stuff, causing an imbalance and tightness/knots between my hip flexors and glute medius maybe...

Waking mobility work

Mobility work pre walk - thoracic, ankle tib/calf rocking, side of ankle rocking and walks

80 min walk/hike
middle of the walk -
backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2.5 mins


18 hour fast
2600+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
ate 2500


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #639 on: October 25, 2020, 07:22:56 am »
Sunday 25th October 2020

Week 62
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 84.6kg (-0.1kg), 186.6lbs

waist - 33.5 inches
hip = 40.5
upper thigh = 25 7/8
Right calf = 15 5/8 (+1/8)
Neck = 15 5/8
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 21.5% (-0.3)

Total loss so far - weight  20.4kg 44.8lbs  Waist 10 inches  BF% Tanita 10.5%

Averaged 2839 calories this week, against a TDEE of 2790 - so around maintenance despite some big calorie days.

Thought my calves looked bigger and they are, now back in symmetry with my neck, only arms are lagging.... :)
The change in calf training setup this week is the cause, split up the SSB gastroc and soleus calf raise variants to separate days, and emphasized the eccentric to heal my achilles.

Total rest day yesterday so didn't log

Still a tiny bit achey

20 hour fast
2800 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 2000


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #640 on: October 25, 2020, 08:25:32 am »
Sunday 25th October 2020

Right hamstring felt a little strained today

Raining today so no BBall, and likely none tomorrow either until Tuesday afternoon....
Lots of rain this week, so if it doesn't dry out, I'll just have to skip BBall...Deload a bit this week

Waking mobility work


Did end up getting a fair bit of exercise today anyway - picked up my stuff
Lucky I have a base of strength, or else today would have been 3x more taxing
And then unload and clean them etc, then figure how to pack them into my garage with all my stuff

Picked up my second hand Powerblock U90 stage 2 dumbbells and stand.
Adjustable from 5 to 70lbs each, and they look and feel good. The stand is pretty flimsy, thin metal top and plastic base, but does the job.
Lack of storage space underneath is a bummer!

70lbs feels like a decent amount of weight per dumbbell, just carrying them, and should serve me well for most of my upper body and single leg work.
If I need anything heavier, my 2 spin lock dumbbells can go up to 62.5kg each... maxed out...I have only ever done 2xdumbbell deadlifts with that much weight on em
Just nice to be able to go from 5 to 70lbs in 2.5lb increments quickly now, especially for my upper body stuff.

I don't mind the bars around the handle, adds forearm support when doing heavy external rotations, one reason why I stopped doing them on my spinlocks.
And I might be able to use them to do tib raises

pic from the seller - 5 to 70lbs in this much space is nice!

Then I went to pick up a second hand Ironmaster Super Bench with the chin and dip attachments, has a bit of rust on it, but not too bad.
One of the few inclinable benches that has no gap.
The chin and dip attachments are not super stable but work well. I did a rep of each at the guys place, felt pain free, and nice to be able to get the bar high enough so I can let my legs out straight.
Only issue is the chin bar has the parallel handles that don't allow you pull all the way up to your sternum.. muscle up progressions...will need to use my rack and bar for that stuff

And the bench is a few inches higher than standard so benching with leg drive will need some blocks or bumper plates.
But the extra height is useful for other stuff like chest supported rows etc

This one as the wider and firmer hybrid pad added - so better for benching.
I also took the original pad, will use for my GHR/Nordic and as another floor pad I guess :D

and unlike my current adjustable bench, you can do ghetto reverse hypers by inclining and grabbing onto the seat  :)

He also threw in an adjustable kettlebell, that goes from 10 to 40lbs - nice progression to my current 24kg kettlebell

I also got a 30kg weight vest from him, was missing the belt so I got it cheap. Will use my nylon velcro weightlifting belt with it I guess.
Finally can load up my inverted rows and pushups a bit, keeping one side of it unloaded to keep the ROM.
And loaded jumps

This one - I see it sells for $200AUD, but only $50 from him

I'm pretty much set as far as stuff I need to workout well at home, I think....  :p

« Last Edit: October 25, 2020, 08:42:58 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #641 on: October 25, 2020, 06:20:06 pm »
Man I'm so jealous of all that equipment. I'm in Vic and that stuff would be going for thousands down here.
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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #642 on: October 26, 2020, 04:12:20 am »
Man I'm so jealous of all that equipment. I'm in Vic and that stuff would be going for thousands down here.

man I have spent a lot of money these last few days, even despite the savings of second hand gear....  :huh:
But I really do enjoy training at home now, can't imagine going back to a gym anymore.

Being able to do whatever I want, training when ever I want, plus blast my own music, take my time and lift without any ego or shame :)
And have some outdoor access and training to boot - via the garage
I can't stand air conditioned gyms, which are usually set far too cold!


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #643 on: October 26, 2020, 08:01:04 am »
Man I'm so jealous of all that equipment. I'm in Vic and that stuff would be going for thousands down here.

Lockdown finally over!!!
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It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #644 on: October 26, 2020, 02:06:48 pm »
Monday 26th October 2020

Sore glutes and biceps from yesterday... and my hamstrings a bit as well, especially my right side...

Still raining, so didn't do much
Bought a shelving unit and set that up, plus rearrange my garage gym..
Last few days has really messed up my schedule :/

18 hour fast
2500 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
ate 2000