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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #435 on: May 27, 2020, 09:44:08 am »
Wednesday 27th May 2020

Lower body still sore, and upper back/traps as well from swings/cleans

Soft tissue work - just feet, calves and subscapularis - didn't have much time

bodyweight at home without shoes = 81.5kg                   

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts -  48 mins

1) A few footwork movement efficiency drills - star pattern hops, line hops etc,  pretty easy and fast for me
2) 10 mins dribble drills,
3) 10 mins shooting drills
4) medium intensity moves, shots, layups
5) After 35 mins - a few jumps

legs feeling heavy, swole and sore.
So hops are down, paused vertical down 2+ inches.
Left heel a little achey while running around earlier in the session, but felt better later on.

Sit in bottom of narrow stance squat for 1min
Wall tibialis raise -  low intensity BW x30
Knee over toes soleus calf raise double leg BW x120+  2 mins straight.
backwards walking up 35 degree slope 2mins x 2

stretched lower body


Resistance at the outdoor courts

3 level ext rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum + star drill combo - light rogue band  - dual strands x 10 each, 20 secs rest between each axis
band curls x12 to warmup forearm tendons
Light jump stretch band, curl grip  rows x12

alternating sets - 2 mins rest
Dip shrugs - straight bar - BW x20 @RPE 8
inverted rows - undergrip - explosive - BW+5kg 2x7, 1x9 @RPE 8
Pushups to upper abs - closegrip triangle - explosive - BW x10 on bench, 6 inch of step - BWx10
6 inch step - BW+15kg 2x18 @RPE 8  (+3 reps)

stretched pecs, lats and triceps


Back at home

Rotating sets between each exercise - 2 mins
A1) High angle rows to ribcage  - slight pause at bottom, explosive - barbell 20kg x12, 40kg x6,  50kg x2
52.5kg 2x9 @RPE 9 (+1 rep)
45kg x10 @ RPE 9 (+1 rep)

A2) vertical wall ab wheel roll outs - pulling handles apart 2x30 with hold at top

Rotating sets between each exercise - 2 mins
B1) Barbell curl explosive - 20kg x6, 25kg x2,
30kg 2x9 @ RPE 9.5 (+2 reps)

Dang, overdid it, pushed 1 extra rep too much or just gained more strength than usual :)

B2) Prone trap front raise 45 degree incline, hold at top, controlled eccentric, with 3 count hold at top -  plates 1.25kg x6,
 2.5kg x6, 3.5kg 2x10 @ RPE 8

Single arm overhead press - max extension - neutral grip 5kg plate held at bottom handle for max instability - 3 count hold at top x17
45 degree incline - reverse grip dumbbell bench 3.5kg x 10, 6kg x20

left side a bit wobbly

Elbow on knee external rotation alternating arms/sets without rest - 2.5kg x5, 3.5kg 2x18  - harder for left side

Pullover stretched ISO hold across bench - straight armed - 2.5kg plates x 1min
Incline flye stretched ISO hold 45 degrees, straight armed - 2.5kg plates x 1min



I get bigger, and so I get stronger, or is it the other way around?  No neural adaption for me...

12 hour fast - broke fast before BBall - a bit of raw carrot/beetroot and a slice of cheese, and nuts

3100 calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
plan to eat 2600-2700
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 09:46:44 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #436 on: May 28, 2020, 09:23:27 am »
Thursday 28th May 2020

The usual upper body aches - biceps and upper back, posterior shoulder
But my lower back, glutes and upper hammies are unusually sore.... I think from the rows and barbell curls - your posterior chain is basically doing an ISO back extension on these.
And maybe when deadlifting up the bar as well.

back of left heel achey, but improving.

mobility work upon waking
Mobility work pre walk

BBall control drills - 15 mins

57 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins


18 hour fast
2800 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 2400-2700


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #437 on: May 28, 2020, 10:58:57 pm »
Been looking for a cheap option to strap weights/dumbbell handles to your shoes to do tib raises and ankle circles
And I believe this is it - heavy duty velcro cinch strap tie downs

24x 2 inch seems about the right size - using two should keep a good weight on the feet secure

Also might grab a longer set for my yoga mat - keep it rolled up :)
And they seem useful for other things, training wise - like weighted leg raises etc.
Maybe even as a Nordic curl strap for a bench.... although you might need the ones used to strap down cargo on cars etc

I also thought about retrofitting some old Jump Soles for the same job :D
Or attach my spare dumbbell handle onto some old shoes, and then just load up plates on the top side of the dumbbell only

« Last Edit: May 28, 2020, 11:04:03 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #439 on: May 29, 2020, 06:43:19 am »
Friday 29th May 2020

Lower back and abs still achey, upper body and calves as well.

Cold wet dreary day, so no BBall/jumping today.
Tomorrow will be dry, warmer and I'll be more recovered - so hoping for a good session, first in a couple of weeks....

Took it easy today. No backwards walking so my quads can be a bit fresher
Noticed my outer lower quad tendon has gotten much thicker!
Ready to put out and take in more force

mobility work upon waking

Mobility work pre walk, and  released feet and calves

55 min walk/hike

pullover stretched hold over foam roller x 5kg plate
pec stretch lying inline with foam roller.

More release work, for pec minor and lower body - felt so nice and loose after
then hip flexor and couch stretch

17 hour fast
2700 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 2300
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 06:46:20 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #440 on: May 30, 2020, 06:53:29 am »
Saturday 30th May 2020

even with the extra days rest, I still feel a bit achey...and not all that fresh... but still better than lately

Soft tissue work - skipped no time

bodyweight at home without shoes = 80+kg

BBall practice and jump training session at WLC outdoor courts - 1h 48 mins

17 mins dribble drills

then jumps against 8 feet netbball rim and random backboards/rims

rotated sets between first 4, 1-2 mins rest

1) Band assisted jumps light jump stretch band 4x5
2) Continuous single leg jumps off a few steps - alternating legs x6  - 3 sets
3) Continuous approach jumps - max effort - alternating plants x 8 -  3 sets
5) Backwards run intervals to 90% speed - walk back to start recovery -  half court x 7
6) Sprint intervals 90% speed - walk back to start recovery - full court x 3

15 mins worth of shooting and moves against netball rim...  bigger ball vs smaller rim = more accuracy needed!

Cooldown - backwards walking up 35 degree slope - 2 mins, 2.5 mins

Courts were busy today so had no full time access to a rim, so mostly jumped against the 8 feet netball rims, and random backboards and rims.
Legs still felt kinda heavy, and lots of quad action
Did appear to be jumping a bit higher - touched the 9'10" rim, but I jumped from too far out and arm was at an angle, so probably could have gotten my fingers over it.
So that would be around a 32 inch approach jump.
Got both my wrists on a 2 handed jump to 9 feet, so that would mean I should be able to touch 10 feet now, so again a 32 inch jump.

The band assisted jumps felt pretty quad heavy, since your so upright it's like a jumping front squat.
Felt springy on them... but I snapped my band after the 4th set... I should have used the larger average band as this light band needed to be stretched a bit..
But the band is quite old and brittle now.
I wrapped the band on the 8 feet netball rims.

Cut the sprints short as my left heel still too achey to do them.

‘Are the bands just helping you jump higher?’

The mistake is looking at the flair and not the floor. The key is what is happening during the landing phase of each jump you will experience a greater stimulus for increased forces and thereby passive eccentric loading and in turn increased velocities as the bands spring you back up.

‘How much of an assist should the bands give?’

I’ve used usually a Maximum -10-30% Body Weight Reduction, but I’ve gone as high as 40%.

‘Why just not do normal jumps?’

Do both! This overspeed movement gives us access to enhanced nervous system firing rates and increased intramuscular coordination qualities..

12 hour fast - broke fast before BBall, with raw carrot/beetroot, slice of cheese

3200 calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor turned off
Plan to eat 2600-2700
« Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 07:08:24 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #441 on: May 31, 2020, 07:21:49 am »
Sunday 31st May 2020

Week 41
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 80.9kg(+0.9 ) 178.4lbs

waist - 32.25 inches
hip = 38.5
upper thigh = 24 5/8 (-1/8)
Right calf = 15 3/8
Neck = 15 3/8 
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 20% (+0.7)

Total loss so far - weight  23.3kg 51.4lbs  Waist 11.25 inches  BF% Tanita 11.3%

Averaged 3000+ calories this week, against a TDEE of 2800-2900
And so ended up around maintenance.
No major changes lower body wise.....but my upper body blew up, added 0.25 inch on my arms :)


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #442 on: May 31, 2020, 08:08:15 am »
Sunday 31st May 2020

Mild tired feeling that wenta way by afternoon and not too sore muscle wise.
Sore back of heels, especially the left side.

bodyweight without shoes = 81.1kg

Soft tissue work for lower body

at home - Week 6 - Lower body A - Heavy session

facing down slope of garage

peterson setups BW x12
supported ATG split squat BW x10

High hang power cleans + front squats
Done in between early squat warm up sets
clean complex 20kg x8,
first rep power cleaned from floor  x4 + 3 front squats 40kg, 50kg
first rep power cleaned from floor  x3 + 3 front squats 55kg
power clean + 3 front squats - 60kg

front squats felt good, surprisingly easy compared to the last time I did em months ago, and no left knee pain.
Much better form, pretty upright even without oly shoes.
I think SSB squats have helped here.

barefeet - socks
Safety Squat Bar (Verve Elite SSB) squat - (28kg bar+2kg) x 10, 50kg x8, 70kg x5, 80kg x3, 90kg x2, 100kg x2, 110kg x1, 120kg x1

Sub-maximal explosive squats -
82.5% of e1RM - 4+ mins rest
112.5kg/248lbs 3x3

rest 7 mins
AMRAP 112.5kg/248lbs x6 @RPE 9 PR!!
100kg/220lbs x10 @RPE 9

Everything felt hard and heavy, I think due to 6 days off and fatigue from yesterday
Didn't think I'd get over 5 reps with 112.5kg but I did.
Looks like my quads are getting stronger as I'm not shifting the load onto my posterior as much when the sets get hard, so I'm "cheating" much less now.

I can't believe how much easier front squats feel compared to the SSB!
Apart from my wrists exploding on front squats, SSB feel so much more unstable
The quad stress is very similar, but SSB  taxes the upper back more, along with the abs and upper hamstrings.
The general rep feel of the SSB feels crazy hard vs the front squat, but you can still do higher reps on it.

I found I can high bar squat again using a talon grip without my left shoulder complaining.
So I might start doing it again so I can compare it to the SSB

Alternating sets 2 mins rest
A1) Front squat - in mininmal trail running shoe
60kg x5, 80kg/176lbs x6

was going for 10 reps, on 80kg, was not hard for my legs or upper back, but my wrists were exploding!

B2) Kettlebell swing onto toes 24kg 2x10

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest
B1) SSB Good Morning onto toes - explosive, down to near parallel
70kg x12 - progessively lower to warm up
75kg 2x10 @RPE 9 +5kg
B2) Wall tib raise - body at 40 degree angle - in oly shoes BW x1, x1, 2x13 @RPE 9.5
B3) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - both sides back to back
1.5 inch elevation - controlled eccentric, 70kg x6, 90kg x15, x14  @RPE9

Left achilles was achey during these

single leg SSB Knee over toes soleus calf raise -  1 inch elevated - oly shoes 55kg x20 @ RPE 9  +5kg

C1) Sissy squat - toes pointed putward reverse Nordic stretch x 30secs, 50% ROM x 10, down to 6 inch pad - BW x10, 10kg x 13 @ RPE 9
You can tell when your quads are about to fail on these, when you can't get the hips punched forward.
Crazy VMO pump and burn when you load these and go near failure!
Looks like 15kg might be my current limit on these for a good set at the end of the session.

C2) Nordic curl - natural GHR Torso elevated by 8 inch Aerobic step + rolled yoga mat
resisted eccentric to 40%, hands assisted  - BW 2x8

SSB Peterson step ups - 6 inch elevated -  - left side first, both sides back to back
55kg x10

"+" = 15 secs rest
On back, leg raise - lower back pressed against hands controlled eccentric -  BW x22 +5+5+5 @ RPE 8  +4 reps
Single leg kneeling deadlift BW x10
Jefferson curl - 10kg x 3, 25kg x 10 with hold at bottom

Stretched ISO holds
Straight arm pullover across 8 inch aerobic step 5kg x1 min
snatch position chest flye  1.25kg x 1min
pancake stretch - 5kg plate on upper back x 30 secs, then 10kg x  1min
butterfly stretch - 10kg plate on each knee x 1 min


12 hour fast - Broke fast before weights with a raw carrot and a slice of cheese, handful of pistachios and macadamias

2900 calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
plan to eat around 2800-3000


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #443 on: June 01, 2020, 07:40:08 am »
Monday 1st June 2020

Hmm don't feel drained, nor all that sore, like I expected based on past heavy day workouts... just some mild aches
And I did a lot more yesterday than I have been doing

My legs actually feel quite fresh for the amount of stuff I did yesterday, plus the day before that,  a certain snappy feeling while walking today, and the backwards walk up a slope was not that tiring.

morning mobility work
Mobility work pre walk

BBall control drills and some dribbling - 17 mins   

55 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins


14 hour fast
2700+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 1900-2000


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #444 on: June 01, 2020, 07:42:17 am »
Thinking of getting a new Barbell, to replace my cheap ass bar that seems to have some bends already from just general use....
Something decent like an ATX or Rogue Ohio

And a 30kg weight vest

Also been tempted to try out a flywheel device like a the Kbox4 , but $$$$$$
There is an athlete style gym around here that has one, might pay them a visit one day
The high eccentric forces of these look good on paper for vert training
« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 07:51:17 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #445 on: June 02, 2020, 07:24:51 am »
Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Whole body is moderately sore, especially my calves and erectors.

Soft tissue work - just feet, calves and subscapularis - didn't have much time

bodyweight at home without shoes = ?                   

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts -  72 mins

1) 17 mins dribble and ball control drills
2) 10 mins shooting drills
3) medium intensity moves, shots, layups

Kept it easy today, as my legs have no lift.
Just practiced a lot of moves and ran only on my heels.
Ball split my skin on my fingers on both hands :/

Sit in bottom of narrow stance squat for 1min
Wall tibialis raise -  low intensity BW 2x25
Knee over toes soleus calf raise double leg BW x50, single leg 2x25
Sissy squat - 50% ROM 2x25

backwards walking up 35 degree slope 2mins

stretched lower body


Resistance at the outdoor courts

3 level ext rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum + star drill combo - light rogue band  - dual strands x 10 each, 20 secs rest between each axis
band curls x12 to warmup forearm tendons
Light jump stretch band, curl grip  rows x12

alternating sets - 2 mins rest
Dip shrugs - straight bar - BW x20 @RPE 8
inverted rows - undergrip - explosive - BW+5kg 2x7, 1x10 @RPE 8 (+1 rep)
Pushups to upper abs - closegrip triangle - explosive - BW x10 on bench, floor BWx10
floor  BW+15kg x16 @RPE 8  (+1 rep)
BW +15kg x 11 @ RPE 9

So pushups felt pain free on the floor and more stable, so recent changes and external rotations seem to be helping

Split skin sore on left hand middle finger made the rows painful! Arggh dry winter skin, moisturizer doesn't help much :/


Back at home

Rotating sets between each exercise - 2 mins
A1) High angle rows to ribcage  - slight pause at bottom, explosive - barbell 20kg x12, 40kg x7,  50kg x3
52.5kg 2x10 @RPE 9 (+1 rep)
45kg x12 @ RPE 9 (+2 reps)

time for weight increase

A2) vertical wall ab wheel roll outs - pulling handles apart 2x30 with hold at top

Rotating sets between each exercise - 2 mins
B1) Barbell curl explosive - 20kg x7, 25kg x3,
30kg 2x10 @ RPE 9/9.5 (+1 rep)

B2) Prone trap front raise 45 degree incline, hold at top, controlled eccentric, with 3 count hold at top -  plates 1.25kg x6,
 2.5kg x6, 3.5kg x5, x12 @ RPE 8

Single arm overhead press - max extension - neutral grip 5kg plate held at bottom handle for max instability - 3 count hold at top x16
45 degree incline - reverse grip dumbbell bench 3.5kg x 10, 8.5kg x20

Feeling much more stable, on left side

Elbow on knee external rotation alternating arms/sets without rest - 2.5kg x5, 3.5kg x25 (+7 reps!)
5kg x15 @ RPE 9

Not only did the left side feel much better, and closer to right side strength/stability, but I gained a ton of strength here

Front neck raise - BW x20, 1.25kg plate x20
To help fix my slight head forward posture, weak and lengthened frontal neck muscles vs rear

Pullover stretched ISO hold across bench - straight armed - 5kg plate x 1min
Incline flye stretched ISO hold 45 degrees, straight armed - 2.5kg plates x 1min


12 hour fast - broke fast before BBall - a bit of raw carrot/beetroot and a slice of cheese, and nuts

3100 calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
plan to eat 2600-2700
« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 06:03:38 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #446 on: June 02, 2020, 07:55:48 am »
I used to jump similar to this, and I thought this was considered bad technique... but maybe it isn't,...

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

The ELASTIC Approach .

👉🏻Characterized by a more compact, choppy stride and overall taller body posture. This athlete is highly reactive in nature and as such utilizes a less exaggerated approach. That being said, we still see a “push” through the penultimate and a smooth slow-fast approach rhythm. The contact of the plant & block feet are closer in position and timing as the ground contact times are quicker, due to the elastic capacity of the athlete. .


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #447 on: June 03, 2020, 06:12:46 am »
Wednesday 3rd June 2020

Sore all over - calves, glutes, biceps and cuss the most
Front of neck a bit sore front the neck raises I did at the end of yesterday - to help fix my slight neck forward posture... weak and lengthened frontal neck muscles vs rear

Waking mobility work
Mobility work pre walk

70 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins


later at night - 1 min ISOs - for tendon health - left lower patella tendon and both heels/achilles
knee forward split squat hip flexor stretch
50% ROM 2 legged knee over toes calf raise
50% ROM sissy squat
single leg knee over toes calf raise - stretched position

Hopefully these won't fatigue me for tomorrow's jump session... got a bit of a burn in my VMO

17 hour fast
2600 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 1900-2000

« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 06:34:29 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #448 on: June 04, 2020, 03:21:00 am »
Thursday  4th June  2020

Still feeling achey in my lower body, and upper body off course
Did some more ISOs straight out of bed

Soft tissue work - just feet, calves, tibs and glutes

bodyweight at home without shoes = ?

BBall practice and jump training session at WLC outdoor courts - 60 mins

12 mins dribble drills
10 shooting drills
Then moves, shots and layups etc
after 35 mins jumps and a few trick dunks on 8 feet netball rims

Cooldown - backwards walking up 35 degree slope - 2 mins


Ehh no hops today - still not recovered from last session.  Don't think the ISO are to blame.
Had no spark as well.
So just cut the session short and skipped all my usual jump stuff.

Deloading next week for 15 days, so should see my peak jumps emerge soon.

11 hour fast - broke fast before BBall, with raw carrot/beetroot, slice of cheese

2900 calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor turned off
Plan to eat 2500


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #449 on: June 05, 2020, 09:52:13 am »
Friday 5th June 2020

Achey from yesterday, mostly in my calves/feet, but feel decent otherwise.

Soft tissue work - lower body

bodyweight at home without shoes = 82.5kg in winter clothing

Home - Week 6 - Lower body B - LIGHT session

1+ min ISO holds
single leg stand
shallow knee forward split squat
single leg knee over toes calf raise - stretched position
single leg calf raise
pushup against table, stretched range
RDL, curl grip row combo x10kg

5 min Walk, and some backwards walking to warmup.

peterson setups BW x12
supported ATG split squat BW x10+ 40 sec hold at bottom
Goblet squat 10kg x 12 paused

Power cleans
Done inbetween early squat warm up sets
clean complex 20kg x8,

Power clean + 3 high hang power cleans + 2 paused front squats x 40kg
Power clean + 2 high hang power cleans + 2 paused front squats x 50kg, 55kg
Power clean + 2 paused front squats x 60kg, 70kg

facing down slope of garage, barefeet/socks
Safety Squat Bar (Verve Elite SSB) squat - PAUSED, explosive (28kg bar+2kg)  x 8, 50kg x8, 70kg x5, 85kg x3, 95kg x2, 105kg x1, 115kg x1

125kg x1 @RPE 8.5 PR! +5kg

72.5% of e1RM - 5+ mins rest
controlled down, PAUSED, Explosive - 100kg/221lbs 2x5

rest 7+ mins
AMRAP - paused - 100kg/221lbs x9 @ RPE9.5   PR! = 130kg e1RM

based on the 125kg single, my 1RM is around 135kg
Cut down the volume to allow for front and high bar squat

Front Squat + High Bar squat - oly shoes

Frontsquat 100kg x1 @ RPE 8.5

High Bar squat - talon grip - 60kg x3, 80kg x3, 100kg x3
115kg/253lbs x4 @ RPE9.5

Based on how the 100kg front squat felt, my 1Rm is around 110kg, so not far off 1.5x bodyweight. Eventual goal is 2x BW
Felt harder than SSB at the same weight, so front squats are hard when its heavy and easier than SSB under 80% :)
Plus I haven't done them much in a few months

The high bar felt strange first time doing since months ago, and using the Talon grip, pinkies under the bar, with a close grip.
No shoulder issues, but the naked metal bar on the upper traps, felt a bit a scary compared to the SSB pad, along with the talon grip.
But it didn't feel crazy heavy or unstable.
Your definitely leaned over more compared to the SSB, despite wearing oly shoes vs bare feet. SSB feels way more natural.
But the repp'ing is far smoother on High Bar vs SSB.
115kg x4, with fatigue is not bad, puts 1RM around 125kg, but should go up soon enough once I get more practice under my belt.
Even then not as much difference between my SSB and high bar squat... high bar should be easier, eventually, but no more than 5% more for me, by the looks of it.

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest

A1) Kettlebell swing onto toes 24kg x6 low effort, 2x12
A2) Wall tib raise - body at 40 degree angle - in oly shoes BWx2, 2x15, x13 @RPE 9 
finally moving up and feeling easier
A3) RDL - to mid shin - hook gripped same loads as main squat - deadlifted off floor - 60kg x5, 80kg x3, 100kg explosive 3x10 @ RPE 8
A4) SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - both sides back to back - 1 inch elevation - 70kg x3, 90kg x16, x14 @RPE9
Achilles/heels felt OK today. Maybe time to increase the weight

SSB Peterson step ups - 6 inch elevated -  left side first, both sides back to back - 30kg x5, 45kg x5, 70kg x15
SSB Knee over toes soleus calf raise - 1 inch elevated - oly shoes 60kg x15 @ RPE 9

B1) Single Leg kneeling Deadlift - BW x 10, 10kg x10
B2) AB wheel rollouts - on feet, straight legs - 5 feet from wall - BW x10, BW x4 + legs bent x10 @RPE 9
crazy hard, and big upper rectus femoris burn
facing up slope of garage
B3) Nordic curl - natural GHR - 8 inch aerobic step + rolled yoga mat on hip - controlled eccentric BW x 4 unassisted + 3 assisted x 2 sets
finally getting some unassisted reps! Elevated though.
B4) Sissy squat reverse Nordic stretch x 30secs, 50% ROM x 10, down to 6 inch pad - BW x10, x 15

Jefferson curl 10kg x3, 20kg x3, 25kg x 12 with 5 sec hold, and 10 sec hold on last rep
crazy burn on forearms...

Stretched ISO holds
Pullover across 8 inch aerobic step - straight arms 5kg plate x1 min, bent arms x 30 secs
low incline snatch position chest flye 2.5kg x 1min
pancake stretch - 10kg plate on upper back x 1.5 mins - can get elbows down to floor now
butterfly stretch - 10kg plate on each knee x 1 min


12 hour fast - Broke fast before weights with raw carrot/beetroot, slice of cheese and a handful of pistachio nuts

2700+ calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
Plan to eat over 3000...
« Last Edit: June 06, 2020, 12:12:44 am by CoolColJ »