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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #405 on: May 09, 2020, 11:29:42 pm »
Sunday 10th May 2020

Week 38
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 79.6kg(-0.3 ) 175.5lbs

waist - 32 3/8 (-0.25) inches
hip = 38.5
upper thigh = 24.5
Right calf = 15.25
Neck = 15 3/8 
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 20

Total loss so far - weight  24.6kg 54.2lbs  Waist 11 1/8 inches  BF% Tanita 11.3%

My TDEE this week according to my Phone app and spreadsheets shot up to the 2900-3000 calorie burn this week.
Averaged 2500+ calories this week, so lost about a pound of fat, while gaining some muscle by the look of things.
Navy formula has me at 15% Bodyfat


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #406 on: May 10, 2020, 05:41:41 am »
Sunday 10th May 2020

Woke up early and felt my whole lower body on fire!
dozed back to sleep here and there and woke up feeling much better, but still fairly sore all over
That extra hour or so of sleep where I had 2 distinct dreams, so it must be fairly deep, sure improved my recovery by a lot.
Hammies especially not feeling toasted from GM and Nordics.

just by how my legs feel, I'm quietly confident I'll jump decent tomorrow, but we shall see....
Not feeling drained and leg heavy despite the AMRAP squat set, and the 3 hour training session
The body can be so unpredictable :)

morning mobility work
Mobility work pre walk

Ball control drills - 17 mins

60 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins
stretches post walk

pullover stretched ISO hold on swissball - 10kg dumbbell x 1min

16 hour fast
2700 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 2000-2200
« Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 05:43:37 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #407 on: May 11, 2020, 05:38:47 am »
Monday 11th May 2020

Achey all over

Soft tissue work - upper body, and briefly for lower

bodyweight at home without shoes = 80.8kg                       

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts -  75 mins

1) 15 mins dribble drills, 10 mins shooting drills, then high intensity moves, shooting and layups
2) a few max effort jumps, and trick dunks on 8 feet netball rims
3) practised threes
4) 10 max effort R-L jumps

Sore and stiff so still fatigued, as per usual when I do AMRAP squats
Couldn't even touch 9'4" backboard off a paused vertical.... down 3 inches
At first I couldn't even touch the 9'10" rim off an approach jump as well....
But at the end I dialed in my form got it with 7 out of 10 attempts - more approach steps, faster speed, and longer and smoother penultimate step

So in 2 days time if I can recover by then I should be able to get base of fingers or higher on it!

Sit in bottom of narrow stance squat for 1min
reverse nordic type stretch - low enough to get torso/hips in a line
Sissy squat - down to BBall 2x20, and a few free standing reps at full ROM
Wall tibialis raise - BW 2x20
Single leg, maxed knee over toes soleus calf raise 5kg BW 2x25
Single leg calf raise 5kg x20

backwards walking up 35 degree slope +5kg in backpack x 2 sets = 2mins, 2.5 mins

soleus calf raises getting comfortable, going up to 10kg next time
Also go up to 10kg on backward slope walks next time, VMO was screaming today!

stretched lower body


Resistance at the outdoor courts

3 level ext rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum + star drill combo - light rogue band  - dual strands x 10 each, 15-20 secs rest between each axis
band curls x12 to warmup forearm tendons
Light jump stretch band, curl grip  rows x12

alternating sets - 2 mins rest
Dip shrugs - on corner of railing - BW x15 @RPE 8
inverted rows - undergrip - explosive - BW+5kg 3x7 @RPE 8
Straight bar dips - shoulder width grip to upper abs - explosive - BW+5kg 2x8 @RPE 8

dips  felt Ok today on left shoulder, so back on the menu...

Pushups to upper abs - closegrip triangle - explosive
5 inch step, BW+5kg x6
floor, BW+15kg x15 @RPE 9

stretched pecs, lats and triceps


Back at home

Rotating sets between each exercise - 2 mins
High angle rows to ribcage  - slight pause at bottom, explosive - barbell 20kg x12, 40kg x6,  50kg x1
50kg 2x9 @RPE 9 (+1 rep)

vertical wall ab wheel roll outs - pulling handles apart 2x20 with hold at top
straight arm side plank, with scapular protraction/retraction
against object, Body at 45 degrees - x5
on 24 inch object - body at 30 degrees - x23

Rotating sets between each exercise - 2 mins
Barbell curl explosive - 20kg x6, 25kg x1, 25kg x14, x13 @RPE 9.5  (+1 rep on first set)
Prone trap front raise 45 degree incline, hold at top, controlled eccentric - plates 1.25kg x10,
with 3 count hold at top - 2.5kg x15, 5kg x10

Plank scapular pushup - externally rotated arms BW x40

Single arm overhead press - max extension - neutral grip
5kg plate held at bottom handle for max instability - 3 count hold at top x15
7kg dumbbell - 3 count hold at top x10

easy for right shoulder, hard for left
insane shoulder and cuff burn!

W band pull aparts short light Rogue band with a hold x21


12 hour fast - broke fast before BBall - a bit of raw carrot/beetroot and a slice of cheese, and nuts

3300+ calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
ate 3000
« Last Edit: May 12, 2020, 07:44:50 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #408 on: May 12, 2020, 07:49:34 am »
Tuesday 12th May 2020

Woke up early and could not get back to deep sleep :(
Whole body has deep down aches, but not like the usual DOMs.
Upper back, abs, calves, VMO and hips especially

Thankfully I don't feel drained.

morning mobility work
Mobility work pre walk

Ball control drills - 17 mins

60 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins
stretches post walk

pullover stretched ISO hold on swissball - 5kg plate x 1min

16 hour fast
3100 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 2000-2200


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #409 on: May 13, 2020, 04:14:15 am »
Wednesday 13th May 2020

Feeling better than yesterday, much less soreness, but could use another day of recovery
Also woke up early again :/

Soft tissue work for lower body

bodyweight at home without shoes = 79.6kg

BBall practice and jump training session at WLC outdoor courts - 1h 30 mins

12 mins dribble drills, 10 mins shooting drills
then high intensity moves, shooting and layups

Max effort Jump tests, and trick dunks on 8 feet netball rims after 40 mins

rotated sets between first 4, 2 mins rest
1) Continuous single leg jumps off a few steps - alternating legs x4  x 2 sets
2) Continuous approach jumps - max effort - alternating RL and LR plants x3 -  2 sets
3) Continuous backboard tap jumps in place - 2x4
4) Pogos 2x5

6) Backwards run intervals to 90% speed - walk back to start recovery - - halfcourt x 5
7) Sprint intervals 90% speed - walk back to start recovery - full court x 5

Sissy squat - down to 5 inch step  x20
Single leg, bent knee over toes, soleus calf raise BW x25

Cooldown - backwards walking up 35 degree slope - 2 mins, 2.5 mins

Disappointed in my running jump today, still only touching 9'10" rim :/
Small half inch gains on paused and standing vertical though, 27.5 and 28.5 inches

Big gain on running 1 leg jump off left - 9'6+" touch = 27 inches +3 inches
Just about the same as my paused vertical.
Since I rarely practice it at max effort, I'll put it down to being a little lighter/leaner, stronger feet/calves and the recently introduced Nordic curl :)
It sometimes hurts my left knee, but no issues today.

Didn't have much energy left by the time I got to the organized jumps and sprints.
So only 2 sets of each. Quality and effort was not good.

back of both heels and bottom of right foot started to ache - need more foot and calf strength

12 hour fast - broke fast before BBall, with raw carrot/beetroot, slice of cheese and handful of nuts

3100+ calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor turned off
ate 4900...
« Last Edit: May 13, 2020, 11:44:32 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #410 on: May 14, 2020, 09:02:16 am »
Thursday 14th May 2020

Slightly tired from yesterday. Achey but no major DOMs.
Back of left heel sore when walking.

bodyweight at home without shoes = 81kg in winter clothing

Home - Week 4 - Lower body B - LIGHT session

5 min Walk, and some backwards walking to warmup.

peterson setups BW x12
supported ATG split squat BW x10
Goblet squat 12kg x 10

High hang Power cleans
Done inbetween early squat warm up sets
clean complex 20kg x8,

first rep power cleaned from floor - 40kg x4, 50kg 2x4, 55kg x4, 50kg x4

55kg feels a little bit too heavy after the 3rd rep.

facing down slope of garage, barefeet/socks
Safety Squat Bar (Verve Elite SSB) squat - PAUSED, explosive (28kg bar+2kg)  x 8, 50kg x8, 70kg x5, 85kg x3, 95kg x1, 105kg x1, 115kg x1

117.5kg x1 @RPE 8 PR! +2.5kg

67.5% of e1RM - 4+ mins rest
controlled down, PAUSED, Explosive 82.5kg 2x7

rest 7 mins
AMRAP - regular repped - 110kg x6 @ RPE9.5   = 130+kg e1RM
AMRAP - paused - 82.5kg x 14 @RPE 9

115kg single felt easy, so I tried 117.5kg and it felt the same!
Should have jumped to 120kg straight away, oh well, next time I will.

Upper back rounded quite a bit on the last 2 reps of the 110kg x6 set - just SSB things when fatigue sets in

By the way the two sets with 82.5kg felt, there is no way I can get over 10 reps, but once again it shows how hard it is to judge reps in reserve with squats.... I got 14 reps with it and that's after repping out 110kg!
paused AMRAP with 82.5kg x14, suggests a 125kg paused e1RM...

Anyway it's time to get my legs bigger and stronger - goal is 150kg x8 on SSB
To get from where I am to there, I'm gonna need to get my legs at least an inch bigger of fast twitch fiber growth
I just don't see neural adaption getting me there...

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest

Wall tib raise - body at 40 degree angle - in oly shoes BWx2, x12 @RPE 10, x9 @RPE 9
RDL - to mid shin - hook gripped same loads and reps as main squat - 60kg x5, 82.5kg explosive 2x10 @ RPE 8
SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - both sides back to back -
1 inch elevation - 70kg x3, 90kg x11 @RPE9
4 inch elevation - maxed ROM - 55kg x10 @RPE9

facing down slope of garage
SSB split squat - front foot elevated 3 inches - same side hand on rack oly shoes, 2min rest between each side -
40kg x10, 50kg x5, 60kg x3
paused - 70kg x10 @ RPE 9

starting to feel dangerous at these loads, so I might change to another single leg exercise

SSB Knee over toes soleus calf raise - oly shoes 40kg x16 @ RPE 9
AB wheel rollouts - on feet, straight legs
partial range to wall - BW 2x8 @RPE 9

using a wall to stop the wheel when my torso and arm position is in the top pushup position - reversing is the hardest part so this helps make it a big easier

facing up slope of garage
Nordic curl - natural GHR hands assisted -  resisting eccentric until 50%, non assisted in top third BW x7 x6
Jefferson curl 5kg plate x10

14 hour fast - Broke fast before weights with raw carrot/beetroot, slice of cheese and a handful of pistachio nuts

3000 calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
plan to eat 2600-2700
« Last Edit: May 14, 2020, 10:01:34 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #411 on: May 15, 2020, 01:39:05 am »
dang, I was just thinking... since I train in my garage... why don't I use my car to hook my feet under to do Nordic Curls...!!

Can probably also rig up bands under the front bonnet for assistance as well

ok this will save me so much time, as setting up a barbell to do it takes quite a bit of time


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #412 on: May 15, 2020, 07:03:21 am »
Friday 15th May 2020

Achey all over, but seems less than usual for post lower.
Glutes way more sore than before.
Plus calves, VMO and abs the next more noticable.

left heel feels a lot better, and even better after my knee over toes calf raises today

morning mobility work
Mobility work pre walk

Ball control drills - skipped due to rain

single leg Knee over toes soleus calf raise 2x20

56 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins
stretches post walk

pullover stretched ISO hold on swissball - 5kg plate x 1min

16 hour fast
2700 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
ate 2300
« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 10:45:53 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #413 on: May 16, 2020, 07:42:44 am »
Saturday 16th May 2020

Whooo - glutes and lower quads feel blow torched in a deep down bruised way!
Calves not far behind, but achey all over.
Quads feel so swole and dense...

Soft tissue work - upper body, and lower

bodyweight at home without shoes = ?                     

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts -  75 mins

1) 10 mins dribble drills
2) a few max effort jumps, and trick dunks on 8 feet netball rims for 30 or so mins
3) general shooting and layups with a few backboard tap power moves

Court was busy so my regular setup was jumbled.
WTF so many people now, all of the sudden, due to the virus I suspect...
Spent more time doing 8 feet rim dunks and jumping against various hoops/backboards

Hops are down as expected, but not too bad. Easy 9'9" touch off a small step and casual jump.
Left heal achey when running, but not when jumping.

Sit in bottom of narrow stance squat for 1min
reverse nordic type stretch - low enough to get torso/hips in a line
Sissy squat - down to 5 inch step -  2x20
Wall tibialis raise - BW 2x25
Single leg, maxed knee over toes soleus calf raise +10kg BW 2x25

backwards walking up 35 degree slope +10kg in backpack x 2 sets = 2mins, 2.5 mins

soleus calf raises still fairly easy with +10kg, might go up to 15kg next time.

stretched lower body


Resistance at the outdoor courts

3 level ext rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum + star drill combo - light rogue band  - dual strands x 10 each, 15-20 secs rest between each axis
band curls x12 to warmup forearm tendons
Light jump stretch band, curl grip  rows x12

alternating sets - 2 mins rest
Dip shrugs - on corner of railing - BW x15 @RPE 8
inverted rows - undergrip - explosive - BW+5kg 2x7, 1x8 @RPE 8
Straight bar dips - shoulder width grip to upper abs - explosive - BW+5kg x8, x9 @RPE 8

Pushups to upper abs - closegrip triangle - explosive
BW x3
floor, BW+15kg x16 @RPE 9 +1 rep

ugh these bothered my left shoulder.... :(

stretched pecs, lats and triceps


Back at home

Rotating sets between each exercise - 2 mins
High angle rows to ribcage  - slight pause at bottom, explosive - barbell 20kg x12, 40kg x6,  50kg x1
50kg 2x10 @RPE 9 (+1 rep)   - time to increase the weight

vertical wall ab wheel roll outs - pulling handles apart x20 with hold at top
straight arm side plank, with scapular protraction/retraction
against object, Body at 45 degrees - x5
on 24 inch object - body at 30 degrees - x27
45 degrees x23

Rotating sets between each exercise - 2 mins
Barbell curl explosive - 20kg x6, 25kg x1, 25kg x15, x14 @RPE 9.5  (+1 rep on first set)

Wooo, goal achieved, now onto 50% bodyweight for 10 reps! :)
Hard to believe a few weeks back 25kg was heavy and hard, and now it's "nuthing but a peanut", and it's quite noticeable in everyday life and other movements when picking things.
So my current setup is surfing the SRA curve perfectly.
And yeah my biceps have gotten bigger :p

Prone trap front raise 45 degree incline, hold at top, controlled eccentric - plates 1.25kg x10,
with 3 count hold at top - 2.5kg 2x12 @ RPE 8

Plank scapular pushup - externally rotated arms BW x42

Single arm overhead press - max extension - neutral grip
5kg plate held at bottom handle for max instability - 3 count hold at top x15
7kg dumbbell - 3 count hold at top x10

I might start doing a 5kg plate more often and maybe it might help my left shoulder like backwards walking up a slope did for my left knee.
Strengthening and pumping blood in there.
7kg feels a bit dicey on the left side, but easy for the right.

W band pull aparts short light Rogue band with a hold x22
Pullover stretched ISO hold across bench - straight armed - 5kg plate x 1min
Incline flye stretched ISO hold 45 degrees, straight armed - 2.5kg plate x 1min

Incline bench - reverse grip 2hands holding 7kg dumbbell x 25
nice pec pump and no shoulder pain


12 hour fast - broke fast before BBall - a bit of raw carrot/beetroot and a slice of cheese, and nuts

3500 calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
Plan to eat 2600
« Last Edit: May 16, 2020, 07:44:45 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #414 on: May 17, 2020, 04:23:37 am »
Sunday 17th May 2020

Week 39
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 80.4kg(+0.8 ) 177.3lbs

waist - 32 3/8 inches
hip = 38 5/8 (+1/8)
upper thigh = 24 5/8 (+1/8)
Right calf = 15 3/8 (+1/8)
Neck = 15 3/8 
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 19.7% (-0.3)

Total loss so far - weight  23.8kg 52.5lbs  Waist 11 1/8 inches  BF% Tanita 11.6%

Ate 3k calories this week average, due to 2 big splurge days.....which is about where my TDEE is, and so bodyfat remained the same, but I gained muscle.
Thought my legs looked bigger especially the front part, rectus femoris, and so the measurements back that up.


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #415 on: May 17, 2020, 04:49:16 am »
Sunday 17th May 2020

Much less soreness than yesterday, and upper body not as sore as expected - still beat up a bit all over though
Top of rectus femoris/hip flexor feels strained while walking, probably due to inbetween legs stuff I did and sissy squats

left heel continues to feel better

morning mobility work
Mobility work pre walk

Ball control drills - skipped due to skin split sore in index finger from dry winter skin, want to let it heal a bit...

single leg Knee over toes soleus calf raise 2x20

64 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins
stretches post walk

pullover stretched ISO hold on swissball - 5kg plate x 1min
incline flye stretched ISo hold on swissball - dumbbell handles x 1 min

16 hour fast
2700+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 2000


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #416 on: May 18, 2020, 04:18:55 am »
Monday 18th May 2020

Still a bit sore in lower body, upper body the usual post workout, a bit achey, but mostly in shoulder and biceps
Ran after the BBall as it rolled towards the road during BBall control drills and felt my left achilles ache :/

I opened the garage door about to go BBall/jump and saw it started to sprinkle....
Aghhh, so no BBall today. I Will shift everything back one day
This will allow me to see if a 6 day cycle with an extra days rest would work.
I suspect I will jump my best in a while tomorrow, so will take some vids  ;)

morning mobility work
Soft tissue work for lower body
Mobility work pre walk
Two leg Knee over toes soleus calf raise x30
single leg Knee over toes soleus calf raise x25

60 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins

Ball control drills - 16 mins


pullover stretched ISO hold on swissball - 5kg plate x 1min
incline flye stretched ISo hold on swissball - dumbbell handles x 1 min

13 hour fast
3200 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 2200


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #417 on: May 19, 2020, 07:14:33 am »
Tuesday 19th May 2020

Woke up early and had disturbed sleep... I have no idea why :(
Still don't really feel all that fresh.

Soft tissue work - just feet and calves

bodyweight at home without shoes = 80.6kg

BBall practice and jump training session at WLC outdoor courts - 1h 40 mins

8 mins dribble drills, 10 mins shooting drills
then high intensity moves, shooting and layups

Max effort Jump tests, and trick dunks on 8 feet netball rims after 30 mins

rotated sets between first 4, 1-2 mins rest
1) Continuous single leg jumps off a few steps - alternating legs x4  x 2 sets
2) Continuous backboard tap jumps in place - 2x4
3) Depth jumps off 20+ inches x 5 - 2 sets
4) Continuous approach jumps - max effort - LR plants x4 -  2 sets

5) Backwards run intervals to 90% speed - walk back to start recovery -  full court x 5
6) Sprint intervals 90% speed - walk back to start recovery - full court x 7

Sissy squat - down to 5 inch step  2x20
Single leg, bent knee over toes, soleus calf raise BW 2x30

Cooldown - backwards walking up 35 degree slope - 2 mins, 2.5 mins


Ugh hops still down, all jumps down 1-2 inches
Left heel hurt on sprints, so will stop them for a while

12 hour fast - broke fast before BBall, with raw carrot/beetroot, slice of cheese and handful of nuts

3100 calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor turned off
Plan to eat 2600-2700
« Last Edit: May 19, 2020, 08:58:54 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #418 on: May 20, 2020, 07:11:12 am »
Wednesday 20th May 2020

Moderately tired feeling from yesterday and achey hammies.
Sore back of heels, especially the left side.

bodyweight without shoes = 80.3kg

Soft tissue work for lower body

at home - Week 5 - Lower body A - Heavy session

facing down slope of garage

peterson setups BW x12
supported ATG split squat BW x10
Goblet squat 12kg x 10

High hang power cleans
Done in between early squat warm up sets
clean complex 20kg x8,
first rep power cleaned from floor - 40kg x4, 50kg 2x4, 55kg 2x3

barefeet - socks
Safety Squat Bar (Verve Elite SSB) squat - (28kg bar+2kg) x 10, 50kg x8, 70kg x5, 82.5kg x2, 95kg x2, 105kg x1, 115kg x1

Sub-maximal explosive squats -
77.5% of e1RM - 4+ mins rest
105kg 2x4

rest 7 mins
AMRAP 105kg x9 @RPE 9 PR by default for this bar
100kg x8 @RPE 8

Weights felt heavy on my back so I stopped at 115kg for the warmup singles.
And overall squats were hard today, probably due to fatigue from yesterday

Still 105kg x9 is stronger than the 110kg x6 I did last session, and with maybe a rep in the tank.
So I'm likely good for at least 110kg x7, and probably closer to 8.

105kg x9 @RPE 9 = 135+kg e1RM
Hopefully by the time I hit a 150kg e1RM I will be grabbing the 9'10" rim off vertical...

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest
Kettlebell swing onto toes 24kg 2x10
Wall tib raise - body at 40 degree angle - in oly shoes BW x1, x1, x13, x10 @RPE 9.5
SSB Good Morning onto toes - explosive, down to near parallel
70kg x10 - progessively lower to warm up
70kg 2x10 @RPE 8
SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - both sides back to back
1.5 inch elevation - controlled eccentric, 70kg x3, 90kg x13, x12  @RPE9

Left achilles was achey during these

SSB Peterson step ups, calf raise combo - 6 inch elevated, lower down to bottom, soleus calf raise, back up
 - left side first, both sides back to back
40kg x5, 55kg x5, 70kg x10

single leg SSB Knee over toes soleus calf raise - oly shoes 50kg x25 @ RPE 9

Nordic curl - natural GHR Torso elevated by 8 inch Aerobic step + rolled yoga mat
resisted eccentric to 40%, hands assisted  - BW x8, x7

definitely getting stronger on these, eccentric going down much slower now.

"+" = 15 secs rest
On back, leg raise - lower back pressed against hands controlled eccentric -  BW x18 +5+5+5 @ RPE 8

Jefferson curl - 10kg x 12

Stretched ISO holds
Straight arm pullover across 8 inch aerobic step 5kg x1 min
chest flye 2.5kg x1 min
snatch position chest flye  2.5kg x 1min
pancake stretch - 5kg on upper back x 1min, then 10kg x 30 secs
butterfly stretch - 5kg on each knee x 1 min


15 hour fast - Broke fast before weights with a raw carrot and a slice of cheese, handful of pistachios and macadamias

2900 calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
plan to eat 2600-2800

« Last Edit: May 20, 2020, 07:24:25 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #419 on: May 21, 2020, 06:36:05 am »
Thursday 21st May 2020

Moderately drained from yesterday.
Achey all over but no major DOMS, surprising...

My lower back had been beat up the last few times, which I thought was due to the Kettlebell Swings, so I stopped them for one session, and still got it.
Redid them yesterday and no lower back issues, hmm... I'm hoping Jefferson curls will help here as well.
As you did round your back a lot during BBall and jumping in general, and landing in unbalanced positions while doing trick dunks etc

Both heels achey, but much better than last night.
Knee over toe calf raises certainly help.

morning mobility work
Soft tissue work for lower body
Mobility work pre walk
50% ROM sissy squat x 20
Two leg Knee over toes soleus calf raise x50
single leg Knee over toes soleus calf raise x30
Single arm neutral grip press with hold - BW x 30

BBall control drills - 16 mins    >getting better and better at these

60 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins


stretched ISO holds
Straight arm pullover across 8 inch aerobic step - 5kg plate x1 min, wider grip with dumbbell handles x 1 min
chest flye 2.5kg x1 min
snatch position chest flye  2.5kg x 1min

These have improved my overhead shoulder mobility a lot, mainly loosing up pecs and lats.
Finally able to touch thumbs against wall, overhead, when standing back against wall!

14 hour fast
2700 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off
plan to eat 2000