Author Topic: Reboot - get lean, get hops  (Read 879511 times)

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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #360 on: April 11, 2020, 05:37:33 am »
Saturday 11th April 2020

Whole lower body still sore, upper body a bit as well

Soft tissue work for whole body

bodyweight at home without shoes = 81kg

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts -  66 mins

10 mins dribble drills, 10 mins shooting drills
then high intensity moves, shooting and layups
from 45 mins on - jumps, and trick dunks on 8 feet netball rims
Then lots of reps of LR and RL approach jumps against the 8 feet netball rim, about 80% effort
Did a few reps of backward depth jumps off 20+ inch wall and bouncing back up with minimal kneebend, landing with near straight legs.

Sore so not jumping the best, but I still felt pretty explosive, good energy, and legs/calves felt super strong and stable.

stretched lower body


Resistance at the outdoor courts

3 level ext rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum - light rogue band  - dual strands x 10 each
band curls x12 to warmup forearm tendons
Light jump stretch band, curl grip  rows x10

alternating sets - 2 mins rest
Dip shrugs - on corner of railing - BW x15 @RPE 7
inverted rows - undergrip - explosive - BW+5kg 3x6 @RPE 7
Straight bar dips - shoulder width grip to upper abs - explosive - BW+5kg 2x7 @RPE 7

"+" = 15-20 secs rest
Pushups on 12 inch step to upper abs - closegrip - explosive - BW+15kg x22 +5+3+3 @RPE 9 (+2)
Up 2 reps on initial set and I left a few reps in the tank!

stretched pecs, lats and triceps


Back at home

Rotating sets between each exercise - 2 mins

High angle rows to ribcage  - slight pause at bottom, explosive - barbell 20kg x12, 40kg x5, x2,  47.5kg x1
explosive 47.5kg 2x8 @RPE 8
40kg x14 +4+3+3 @RPE 8

vertical wall ab wheel roll outs - pulling handles apart 2x10, 2x20 with hold at top
straight arm side plank against wall, scapular sideways shrugs Body at 80 degrees -  2x20

W band pull aparts short Rogue light band 2x15
Barbell curl explosive - 20kg x6, 25kg x1, 25kg 2x8 @RPE 9

Upper body is definitely getting bigger :)



17 hour fast - broke fast before session back at home.

3200+ calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights

plan to eat 2300-2500
« Last Edit: April 11, 2020, 05:39:46 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #361 on: April 11, 2020, 11:20:30 pm »
Sunday 12th April 2020

Week 34
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 81.5kg(+0.3) 179.7lbs

waist - 32.25 inches
hip = 38.75
upper thigh = 24.75
Right calf = 15.25
Neck = 15.25
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 20.1 (+0.7)

Total loss so far - weight  22.6kg 49.8lbs  Waist 10.25 inches  BF% Tanita 11.2%

Another maintenance week for me, averaged 3100 calories. 6 week average TDEE according to spreadsheet sits at 2775
No changes in measurements, lower body wise but my arms blew up 0.25 inch :)
Looks you need to go closer to failure to get decent hypertropy.

Feeling fat, so I need to knuckle down


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #362 on: April 12, 2020, 10:29:14 pm »
Sunday 12th April 2020

Don't feel too bad, no drained feeling, considering how much back to back jumps I did.
Upper body not too sore as well.
Lower body still sore from last session, but thankfully my lower back is starting to feel robust.
Knees and back of heels a little inflamed, but not too bad.

morning mobility work
Mobility work pre walk, stretches post walk

67 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins

19 hour fast
2807 calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off

ate 2670


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #363 on: April 12, 2020, 10:31:05 pm »
Moving to a new setup and programming today.


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #364 on: April 13, 2020, 04:57:03 am »
Monday 13th April 2020

Upper body a bit sore and stiff from last session
Lower body, especially my calves and hammies still sore, but CNS wise I feel OK

Soft tissue work for lower body, much less than usual.

bodyweight at home without shoes = 81kg

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts - FASTED - 82 mins

10 mins dribble drills, 10 mins shooting drills
then high intensity moves, shooting and layups

Max effort Jump tests, and dunks on 8 feet netball rims after 35 mins
Lots of inbetween the leg layups off dribble and lob.

1) Continuous approach jumps - max effort - RL plant x3, rest 10 secs, LR plant x3 -  4 sets with 1 min rests  -> see link below
2) Continuous backboard tap jumps in place - 4 sets x3, 1 min rests. Touching 9'4"-9'6"

Cooldown - backwards walking up 35 degree slope - 1min 50secs x 2 sets


Achey, and not 100% explosive, but still able to jump at good effort.

Moving lower body weights to a separate day from BBall/jumps allows me to go ham on jump effort and volume.
Continuous jumps allow me to really drill form in a better way than just running and doing rim jumps - adding overload and reactivity all in one.
Will attempt  to periodize the volume and intensity in line with my weights - ie adding reps each week and then deload
Jumps all felt good, snappy, minimal ground contact. Honestly I felt pretty reactive and fast, not much knee bend... I just need more horsepower/torque...
Felt both VMO working hard!
Will add single leg jumping drill as well, next time.

Tentatively planning to do lower body weights tomorrow, using some programming based on Greg Knuckols' Average to Savage v2.0 reps in reserve setup - not all that different to the explosive stuff I have been doing...
Felt a little beat up afterwards, with the back of my heels aching, but the backwards walking has a restorative effect, felt pretty good after that. Knees felt fine.
See how I feel tomorrow, but I feel fine now, later at night.


15 hour fast -

3200+ calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor turned off

ate 3800...
« Last Edit: April 13, 2020, 10:49:47 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #365 on: April 14, 2020, 07:10:51 am »
Tuesday 14th April 2020

Expected to feel drained after all the jumping yesterday, but I'm not!
Legs aren't even that sore, and for some reason the back of my heels feel way better than they did yesterday morning…

So BBall, moderate amount of jumps and squats on the same day = drained.
BBall, with lots of jumps = fine. So even if I squat the next day, there is less stress fatigue as the stress is spread over 2 days, or so it seems.
Might explain why I have a hard time recovering from the previous set up.

bodyweight at home without shoes = 82kg

Back at home - Lower body B - LIGHT session

3min Walk, and some backwards walking to warmup.
Plus a couple of sets of high hang power cleans with bar

peterson setups BW x12
supported ATG split squat BW x10
Goblet squat 12kg x 10

facing down slope of garage, barefeet/socks
Safety Squat Bar (Verve SSB) squat - PAUSED, explosive (28kg bar+2kg)  x 8, 50kg x5, 70kg x3, 80kg, x2, 90kg x1, 100kg x1,
105kg x1 @RPE 8

60% of e1RM - 3+ mins rest
PAUSED, Explosive. Set goal = 5, with 5 reps in reserve on last set
67.5kg 4x7
67.5kg x15 @RPE 8.5
repped out, guessed at least 5 reps in reserve… got at least 15…

I figured my e1RM for paused SSB squats was around 115kg.
This session was harder than it looks on paper - weights are light, but the pause, max effort on reps, and moderate rep count made it quite tough

Wasn't supposed to rep out the last set, but I wanted see how many reps in reserve I had left, goal was 5 RIR.
Well I got 15 with 1-2 reps in the tank!

So I'm stronger than I think….
Well not having BBall before certainly helps as the warmups felt easier than usual. The 105kg single felt around 90% and felt good, so 115kg felt like a safe guess. It's probably closer to 120-125kg… and normal might be at 135-140kg…
Well this will bump up my training max on the spreadsheet for next time, since it's autoregulated.

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest

Kettlebell swing onto toes 24kg 2x10
Wall tib raise - body at 35 degree angle - in oly shoes BWx2, x6 @RPE 9, 40 degree angle 2x6 @RPE 9
RDL - to mid shin - hook gripped 60kg x3, 75kg explosive 3x7 @ RPE 6
SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - both sides back to back - on 1 inch elevation - controlled eccentric, 70kg x3, 80kg x14, x12 @RPE9

facing down slope of garage
SSB split squat - front foot elevated 6 inches - same side hand on rack oly shoes, 1min rest between each side - 30kg x5, 50kg x10 @ RPE 6
AB wheel rollouts - knees bent BW x12 @RPE 9
On back, leg lowering ab move - lower back pressed against hands controlled eccentric -  BW x12 @ RPE 9
straight arm walking plank BW x2 - ouch!

SSB Peterson stepups, calf raise combo - 6 inch elevated lower down to bottom, soleus calf raise, back up
50kg 2x10 - 1min rest between each side.
Talk about quad burn at the pause/calf raise!

facing up slope of garage
Nordic curl - natural GHR hands assisted -  free fall BW 2x8


Session felt good for the next day after tons of jumping.
Didn't feel fatigued at all and much better than when I did it after BBall.
Although that squat rep out sure tired me out a bit….

A bit of a mixed bag of exercises as my setup is in flux, some will go onto my next heavy session, and not this one.


12 hour fast - Broke fast before weights

3000 calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
Plan to eat 2800


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #366 on: April 14, 2020, 07:11:55 am »
So this is the new setup I settled on

Day 1- BBall high intensity, jumps
Day 2 - Lower body heavy or light
Day 3 - rest, walk
Day 4 - BBall medium intensity, less jumps, upper body
Day 5 - rest, walk

Then either repeat or rest/walk on day 6, but for now I'll try the 5 day cycle.


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #367 on: April 15, 2020, 05:44:00 am »
Wednesday 15th April 2020

I feel fatigued, but not drained, nice.
Achey all over, but thankfully my calves and hamstrings don't feel as torched as it have been lately.
My quads felt hammered last night, but not too bad today. Maybe sleeping in 2XU compression pants helped :)

Looking forward to next BBall session - itching to jump and be explosive again

morning mobility work
Mobility work pre walk, stretches post walk

60 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins

backwards walk up hill  felt way easier, like it used it. A good sign for a day after lower body weights.

16 hour fast
2700+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off

plan to eat 1800-2000


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #368 on: April 16, 2020, 05:23:03 am »
Thursday 16th April 2020

Whole lower body still sore, upper body as well from the planks and kettlebell swings a day ago...

Soft tissue work for whole body

bodyweight at home without shoes = 81.5kg

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts -  60 mins

1) 10 mins dribble drills, 10 mins shooting drills, then high intensity moves, shooting and layups
2) from 35 mins on - max effort jumps, and a few trick dunks on 8 feet netball rims

3) Continuous approach jumps - max effort - RL plant x3, rest 10 secs, LR plant x3 -  2 sets with 1 min rests 
4) Continuous single leg jumps off a few steps - alternating legs x2, x2 sets
5) 3 box jumps onto 26+inch block landing ontop with straights legs, easy. Then one backward depth jump the same, using mostly calves, not much knee bend - easy

Considering the soreness and slight heaviness in my legs, this is the best I've jumped in a few weeks!
Finally got some jump gains across the board, felt explosive, and had good work capacity as my jumps did not drop off much.

Easy touches on the 9'10" rim off a few steps. Within an inch off a small step - big gain.
Touched 9'6" off a paused vertical jump = 26 inches.
Touching head on Blacknet, even higher now, feels like 4 inches off the bottom

All the organized sets of jumps I did last session really help.
Legs feeling so strong and stable, and knees feel so robust

I should be fresher in 2 days time, and should jump higher, we shall see!
Might video my jumps then, haven't done that in a while

stretched lower body


Resistance at the outdoor courts

3 level ext rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum - light rogue band  - dual strands x 10 each
band curls x12 to warmup forearm tendons
Light jump stretch band, curl grip  rows x10

alternating sets - 2 mins rest
Dip shrugs - on corner of railing - BW x16 @RPE 7
inverted rows - undergrip - explosive - BW+5kg 3x6 @RPE 7
Straight bar dips - shoulder width grip to upper abs - explosive - BW+5kg 2x7 @RPE 7

still bothers my left shoulder, so will drop it next session

Pushups on step to upper abs - closegrip - explosive
12inch step, BW+15kg x12 @RPE 6
6inch step, BW+15kg x12 @RPE 9

stretched pecs, lats and triceps
backwards walking up 35 degree slope - 2 sets = 2mins, 2.5 mins


Back at home

Rotating sets between each exercise - 2 mins

High angle rows to ribcage  - slight pause at bottom, explosive - barbell 20kg x12, 40kg x5, x1,  47.5kg x1
47.5kg 2x9 @RPE 9 (+1 rep each set)
40kg x12 @RPE 8

vertical wall ab wheel roll outs - pulling handles apart 2x10, 2x30 with hold at top
straight arm side plank against wall, scapular sideways shrugs Body at 80 degrees -  3x20

W band pull aparts short Rogue light band 2x16
Barbell curl explosive - 20kg x5, 25kg x1, 25kg 2x9 @RPE 9  (+1 rep each set, felt kinda easy)



17 hour fast - broke fast before session back at home.

3400+ calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights

plan to eat 2300-2500
« Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 07:14:17 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #369 on: April 17, 2020, 06:59:13 am »
Friday 15th April 2020

Feeling tired, and my feet/heels are a little beat up.
In hindsight considering the upper body session after BBall, I should not have done the sets of jumps.
Soreness in legs/hips is well down though.
Upper body feels not too bad. Since I dropped the myo-reps, my pecs are not as sore.

morning mobility work
Mobility work pre walk, stretches post walk

60 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins

18 hour fast
2700+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off

plan to eat 1800-2000


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #370 on: April 18, 2020, 07:29:53 am »
Saturday 18th April 2020

Posterior chain still a bit sore...

Soft tissue work for whole body, less for upper

bodyweight at home without shoes = 80.7kg

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts - 1h 38mins

10 mins dribble drills, 10 mins shooting drills
then high intensity moves, shooting and layups

Max effort Jump tests, and trick dunks on 8 feet netball rims after 35 mins

1) Continuous single leg jumps off a few steps - 4 reps left leg, rest 10 secs, 4 reps right leg, x3 sets. 1-2 mins rest
2) Continuous approach jumps - max effort - RL plant x4, rest 10 secs, LR plant x4 -  4 sets. 1-2 min rests
3) Continuous backboard tap jumps in place - 4 sets x3, 1 min rests. Touching 9'4"-9'6"

Cooldown - backwards walking up 35 degree slope - 2 mins, 2.5 mins

Didn't feel that great, but decent enough.
Improved my running jump another inch from last session, touching top of 9'10" rim fairly easy and consistently with minimal drop off for a few jumps.
So that's about a 30+ inch jump.
3-4 inch head touch on 8'1" Blacknet - 5'9.5" in shoes = 30.5- 31.5 inch running jump as well
Paused vertical was 26 inch again, and vertical 27-28 inches.

slight drop in weight since 2 days ago helped a bit :)

Video of jumps - running jump form could use work, but I've jumped like that since forever, hard to change it now.
Still don't carry enough speed into the jump, and penultimate step could be much harder and longer.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


14 hour fast - broke fast before BBall

3100+ calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, with HR monitor turned off

plan to eat 2300-2500
« Last Edit: April 18, 2020, 07:42:15 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #371 on: April 18, 2020, 11:51:50 pm »
Sunday 19th April 2020

Week 35
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 80.7kg(-0.8 ) 177.9lbs

waist - 33 (-0.25) inches
hip = 38.5 (-0.25)
upper thigh = 24.5 (-0.25)
Right calf = 15.25
Neck = 15.25
Wrist = 6.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 19.5(-0.6)

Total loss so far - weight  23.4kg 51.6lbs  Waist 10.5 inches  BF% Tanita 11.8%

Averaged 2600+ calories this week, and so the weight drops, but only about 0.3kg of fat, the rest is water and food weight drops
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 08:06:22 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #372 on: April 19, 2020, 09:08:48 am »
Sunday 19th April 2020

Legs were sore last night but not too bad today, probably due to sleeping in 2XU compression pants, maybe :)
Do feel beat up in my lower left VMO area.

bodyweight without shoes = 80.5kg

at home - Lower body - Heavy session

facing down slope of garage

peterson setups BW x12
supported ATG split squat BW x10
Goblet squat 12kg x 10

barefeet - socks
Safety Squat Bar (Verve SSB) squat - (28kg bar+2kg) x 10, 50kg x8, 70kg x5, 85kg, x3, x1, 95kg x2, 105kg x1, 115kg x1

120kg @ RPE 8  PR by default - 1.5x BW

Sub-maximal explosive squats - Set goal = 5, with 5 reps in reserve
75% of e1RM - 4+ mins rest

100kg x 4 -- felt too heavy/slow
97.5kg x 4
95kg x 4 -- felt quite a lot lighter and faster
100kg x4 -- mild strain on last rep

97.5kg x9 @ RPE 9 -- repped out to check reps in reserve

Both VMO, lower insertions were aching a lot during the warmups which made going explosive a bit uncomfortable, but it did feel better later on.

120kg single in warmup felt OK, not too hard, could maybe 2 more reps. So 1RM has to be at least 130kg, 1.6x bodyweight or so.
Getting stronger.
So based on that 100kg, should have been my work weight but it felt too heavy/slow.
Repped out the last set again to check RIR - which was about right with 97.5kg

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

This group in Oly shoes - alternating sets 2 mins rest

Kettlebell swing onto toes 24kg 2x10
Wall tib raise - body at 40 degree angle - in oly shoes BWx2, x9, x8 @RPE 10
Split leg RDL - rear leg out to side - explosive, touching plates on floor - stopping each set when bar speed slowed, and first hint of straining - circa 50% of rep max
20kg x5, 50kg 2x8 each side (1 min rest inbetween)
SSB single leg calf raise - arm supported - both sides back to back - on 1.5 inch elevation - controlled eccentric, 70kg x3, 85kg x1, 2x10 @RPE8
up 5kg

"+" = 15 secs rest
On back, leg raise - lower back pressed against hands controlled eccentric -  BW x12 +5+5+5 @ RPE 8

SSB Peterson step ups, calf raise combo - 6 inch elevated lower down to bottom, soleus calf raise, back up
60kg 2x10 - 1min rest between each side.

facing up slope of garage
Nordic curl - natural GHR - rolled up yoga mat under shins free fall, hands assisted -  BW 2x8
I use a rolled up memory foam yoga mat under my shins so the knee cap is off the floor, make is a little easier, but also stops you grinding the patella!


Long ass workout today...

12 hour fast - Broke fast before weights with a raw carrot and nuts

2900+ calorie burn for today, according to Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
ate 3600+
« Last Edit: April 20, 2020, 06:31:30 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #373 on: April 20, 2020, 06:35:42 am »
Monday 20th April 2020

Left hip and VMO beat up, but overall don't feel too bad, and not as much DOMS overall compared to previous workouts

morning mobility work
Mobility work pre walk, stretches post walk

68 min walk/hike
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2.5+ mins

16 hour fast
3000+ calorie burn according to Fitbit Charge 3 - with heart rate monitor off

plan to eat 2000-2200


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #374 on: April 21, 2020, 05:06:23 am »
Tuesday 21st April 2020

Guess I spoke too soon, as I'm more sore today than yesterday!
Legs, calves and posterior chain. Upper and biceps as well.

Soft tissue work for whole body

bodyweight at home without shoes = 80.8kg

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts -  67 mins

1) 10 mins dribble drills, 10 mins shooting drills, then high intensity moves, shooting and layups
2) from 40 mins on - max effort jumps, and a few trick dunks on 8 feet netball rims

No hops today, well down, about 4 inches lower.
Lower body still recovering from weights 2 days ago - most likely due to that rep out squat set
Did lots of inbetween leg dunk attempts on 8 feet netball rim - getting clsoer to landing it. I can plant and jump fine, but can't control the ball on the way up.

stretched lower body


Resistance at the outdoor courts

3 level ext rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum + star drill combo - light rogue band  - dual strands x 10 each, 10 secs rest between each axis
band curls x12 to warmup forearm tendons
Light jump stretch band, curl grip  rows x10

alternating sets - 2 mins rest
Dip shrugs - on corner of railing - BW x16 @RPE 7
inverted rows - undergrip - explosive - BW+5kg 3x6 @RPE 6
Straight bar dips - shoulder width grip to upper abs - explosive - BW+5kg 2x7 @RPE 7

rows felt easier, may move up to sets of 7 next time.
hmmm no left shoulder pain today on dips...

Pushups on step to upper abs - closegrip - explosive
6 inch step, BW+15kg x12 @RPE 7
floor, BW+15kg x11 @RPE 9

Pushups on floor used to bother my left shoulder, now it doesn't, making progress!
The side planks against the wall with scapular protraction/retraction seem to help me the most.

stretched pecs, lats and triceps

backwards walking up 35 degree slope - 2 sets = 2mins, 2.5 mins
was supposed to do these, forgot...!


Back at home

Rotating sets between each exercise - 2 mins

High angle rows to ribcage  - slight pause at bottom, explosive - barbell 20kg x12, 40kg x5,  47.5kg x1
47.5kg 2x10 @RPE 9 (+1 rep each set)

time to increase the weight

vertical wall ab wheel roll outs - pulling handles apart 2x12, 2x30 with hold at top
straight arm side plank, with scapular protraction/retraction
against wall Body at 80 degrees -  1x20
on low object - body at 45 degrees - 2x20

These make my cuffs burn, and has helped my left shoulder the most.
last week these did make my left shoulder ache a bit, but not today.

W band pull aparts short Rogue light band 2x17
Barbell curl explosive - 20kg x5, 25kg x1, 25kg 2x10 @RPE 9  (+1 rep each set, felt kinda easy again!)


upper body is definitely getting bigger and stronger all round.
very noticeable when I move my squat stands into place every lower day.


12 hour fast - broke fast before BBall.

3000+ calorie burn - according to Fitbit Charge 3, not including weights
ate 3900
« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 08:36:16 am by CoolColJ »