Author Topic: Reboot - get lean, get hops  (Read 879319 times)

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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #210 on: December 27, 2019, 08:29:05 pm »
Sweet - some dude is selling all of this

Going over tomorrow morning and grabbing these -
in $AUD

20kg IronEdge Comp Bar $100
5kg Bumper Plates pair $30
10kg Plates pair $20
5kg Plates pair $10
2.5kg Plate pair $5
1.25kg Plates pair $5
EZ curl bar $20
Spring collar pair $5
Olympic collar pair $5
(2) IronEdge soft low plyo boxes $20 -  maybe these 2 need to see in person first, thinking the could be useful for various things as they are foam based, so nicely padded. Like foot rest for Bulgarian split squats, or pad for natural GHR etc

I know the bar is worth over $400 brand new and probably a lot better than my current bar, so keen to get another bar so I can have two exercises setup - ie squat and deadlift etc
Plus the EZ curl bar for doing other exercise for when an oly bar is just too big.
More plates so I can setup two bars

Will also grab 4x 20kg plates, with handle holes, second hand as well from another guy, useful for warming up when I'm too lazy to strip one of my dumbbells, plus extra plates for the second bar

Then just 2x10kg plates, and maybe a Safety Squat Bar and I'm set  :strong:

The squat stands are tempting as well, can handle 500kg load and going for half price, but $400 is still a lot...

sick! gr8 find!


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #211 on: December 28, 2019, 03:08:19 am »
Dammit - I screwed up. thought it was Friday today, and told the guy I was coming Saturday morning, which is actually today :(

so it looks like he sold it to someone, well hopefully he doesn't show up and he will text me back

arghhhhhh  :uhhhfacepalm:

G'damn, this was so perfect for me....  :-X
« Last Edit: December 28, 2019, 03:09:54 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #212 on: December 28, 2019, 03:22:11 am »
Saturday 28th December 2019

Legs/hips felt suprisnigly good already


bodyweight without shoes - 85+kg

soft tissue work at home for whole body

BBall practice session - WLC outdoor courts - 55 mins

band pull apart star drill - low tension x8 reps each direction
band dislocates x 15

dribble, shooting practice, and intense dribble and moves.
A few jumps at the end

Felt surprisingly crisp for 2 days after squats, legs/hips wise, but my shoulders felt stiff so shooting felt dumpster tier
Jumps were OK, fairly easy 25 inch verticals today, 1 knuckle over 9'4" backboard.
Still 3 inches away from all the rims around here, off a running L-R jump.

Wall tib raise - x25
stretched lower body

Resistance at the outdoor courts

3 level ext rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum   low tension x 10 each

+ = 30secs rest

alternating sets - 2 mins rest
Dips - forward leaning - on corner of fence - dip shrugs BW x10, BWx2 warmup
BW explosive 3x10 @RPE 8.5 on last set

inverted row on stair railing - undergrip - explosive - BW 2x7, 2x8 @RPE 8
Pushups - feet elevated 20 inches - 6 inch hand width - explosive - BW x12 @RPE 8.5

I think I will go into maintenance mode on these to allow my cuffs to catch up in strength


Back at home

High angle single arm rows to ribcage - elbow out - 12kg x10, 22kg dumbbell x 5
27kg Dumbbell - slight pause and explosive - x12 +4+4+4 @RPE9

3 axis lateral wall slide for cuffs lightest band - controlled, dual strand 2x8 each axis/side
vertical wall slide for serratus activation lightest band hooked around back to hands x 10
W pull apart lightest band, single strand - controlled 2x10



20 hour fast

3500 calorie burn
ate 2100 calories
« Last Edit: December 28, 2019, 07:56:07 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #213 on: December 28, 2019, 11:43:04 am »
Dammit - I screwed up. thought it was Friday today, and told the guy I was coming Saturday morning, which is actually today :(

so it looks like he sold it to someone, well hopefully he doesn't show up and he will text me back

arghhhhhh  :uhhhfacepalm:

G'damn, this was so perfect for me....  :-X

eek. that sux man lmao. :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm:


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #214 on: December 28, 2019, 06:53:44 pm »
Dammit - I screwed up. thought it was Friday today, and told the guy I was coming Saturday morning, which is actually today :(

so it looks like he sold it to someone, well hopefully he doesn't show up and he will text me back

arghhhhhh  :uhhhfacepalm:

G'damn, this was so perfect for me....  :-X

eek. that sux man lmao. :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm: :uhhhfacepalm:

tell me about it! I feel gutted  >:(

Oh well, I picked up 2x rubber coated 20kg plates with handles from another person this morning for $80AUD, wanted 4, but he already sold 2.
The handles make such a big difference compared to my bumper plates which are a pain.
Allows me to use them as a dumbbell/kettlebell thing.

Although my OCD is triggered by the fact that one plate has white lettering and the other one doesn't  :huh:


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #215 on: December 28, 2019, 07:59:49 pm »
Sunday 29th December 2019

Week 19
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 84.8kg(+0.3 ) 187lbs
waist - 34 inches
hip = 40 1/8 (+1/8)
upper thigh = 25.5  (+0.25)

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 21.1 (-0.4)

Total loss so far - weight  18.3kg 40.4lbs  Waist 8 7/8 inches  BF% Tanita 11.2%

No loss this week as expected from the 5k calorie xmas meal, but I may have recomped instead.
Seemed to have gained muscle on my legs and hips. Calves as well


Mild drained feeling.
Pretty darn sore cuff muscles.
Posterior chain, core and calves as well!
I think the single arm rows I do against the wall hammer my core and posterior chain.


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #216 on: December 30, 2019, 04:05:13 am »
Sunday 29th December 2019

band pull apart star drill - low tension x10 reps each of the 3 axis directions
band dislocates 1x20
dislocate broom stick stretch x 1+min
soft tissue work on subscapularis
various thoracic mobility work


57 min walk/hike

mid way through walk
backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2+ mins

20 hour fast
2800+ calorie burn

ate 2300 calories


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #217 on: December 30, 2019, 05:07:21 am »
Monday 30th December 2019

soft tissue work and release session at home
Banded ankle work at home

bodyweight without shoes -  85+ kg

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts - 60 mins

band pull apart star drill - 10 reps each axis
band dislocates x15

dribble, shooting practice, high intensity moves and layups
A few jumps and dunks on 8 feet netball rim at the end.

Shooting has been average since I split off my upper body stuff to another day, too much upper body fatigue :/
On the other hand jumping was good today, felt explosive, and pretty glute dominant on my jumps now, in a good way.

Highest jumps of the day were 0.5 inch higher than my current bests.
vertical is just about 26 inches, 1.5 knuckles over 9'4" backboard and 3/4 of hand on 9 feet.
Drop step an inch better than vertical.

1.5 inches away from 9'10" rim off a few steps.
Getting down to 80kg should add 2 inches, and 2 more from leg strength increase, means should be able to grab it fairly soon...

back at home - Lower body

supported ATG split squat BW x10

facing down garage slope, in socks/barefeet

rotating sets between the squats
front squat Bar x5, 40kg x5, 60kg x5

High bar squat - Bar x 8, 40kg x5, 50kg x 5, 60kg x5, 80kg x3, 90kg x2, 100kg x2

65% of e1RM - 3 mins rests - explosive - 87.5kg 3x7, x6, x7

Squats felt all over the place today, and some sets bothered my left shoulder, so I moved the bar back up right against the neck.
Tried all kinds of stance width, form variants to try and make it click - well I had plenty of sets to do it  :ibsquatting:

Kettbell swing onto toes 10kg plate x7, 24kg KB 2x10
clean grip deadlift + RDL combo barefeet - deadlift, lowered to knee, RDL back up, then lowered under control RDL style back to floor - 100kg x 6 combos -  3 reps normal, 3 reps hooked grip
front squat support - walkout and 1/8 squat pulses 80kg x5, 100kg x16
Good morning onto toes 40kgx5, 50kg x13

50kg GMs too light, going up next time.

Rotating between each exercise - 1.5+ mins rest
+ = 30secs rest
Wall tib raise - body at 45 degree angle - in oly shoes BW x11, x8 @RPE 10
single leg calf raise - on 1 inch elevation - controlled eccentric, 27kg dumbbell x18

Standing single leg raise - light Jumpstretch band - explosive - straight legs x14 @RPE 9
Lateral squat - BW x10, 35kg bar x 8 @RPE 8 each side, continuous
ATG split squat - front foot elevated 5 inches 14kg bar x8, each side back to back
ATG Cossack squat - BW x10, each side, continuous


+5kg on lateral squat, brutal but doable.
Added Cossack squats, similar to lateral squats, but ATG, with one feet pointed up at the bottom, deep stretch!
Stepping stone to doing side splits :)


16 hour fast - Broke fast just before weights with 2 cherries,3 macadamias and 10 pistachios

3700+ calorie burn for today, not including weights
ate 2700 calories


Grabbed some more rubber coated weights today from local Plus Fitness 24 hour gym - $2AUD per kg
So 4x10kg plates, and 2x20kg.
Really pleased with the extra flexibility the extra 10kg plates added to my workout today.
Might go back tomorrow and grab 4x 5kg plates.

I have around 300kg 660lbs worth of weights now, more than enough for my goals, plus my rack is only rated for $200kg :)
Once I reach 70-75kg, a 200kg 440lbs e1RM squat and 230kg 506lbs deadlift will be more than enough for my goals.

They are not quite round, but no issue with the 5kg and 10kg plates, and the 20kg plate I have is no big deal on squats.

Getting more keen on a Safety Squat bar, even if I don't squat with it, it's useful for Calf raises, Good Mornings, hand supported Split squats and even hip thrusts :)
So missing out on that deal the other day might be a blessing in disguise as I can put the money from that $100 bar towards the SSB.

Won't be needing 2 oly bars if I have an SSB.
Deciding between the Iron Edge SSB, the ATX one, and the Verve Elite SSB (has removable handles), a clone of the Titan Fitness V2 SSB (which is a clone the EliteFTS one)
Iron Edge sell replacement pads for their bar, so it's a plus, and it's cheaper than the others

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

And the weird thing about a SSB squat is that even though your more upright, there is less forward knee travel than a high bar squat!

see 4:15
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
« Last Edit: December 31, 2019, 06:16:35 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #218 on: December 31, 2019, 06:15:07 am »
Tuesday 31st December 2019

Feel moderately drained, and sore all over

soft tissue work on subscapularis
various thoracic mobility work


58 min walk/hike

mid way through walk
backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2+ mins

20 hour fast
2600+ calorie burn

ate 2000 calories
« Last Edit: January 01, 2020, 04:34:05 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #219 on: January 01, 2020, 04:33:37 am »
Wednesday 1st January 2020

Still feeling a little beat up from last workout

First training session of the new year - will I dunk by December this year?
Gonna need a 40 inch vertical minimum with my short arms....


bodyweight without shoes - 84.1kg

soft tissue work at home for whole body

BBall practice session - WLC outdoor courts - 72 mins

dribble, shooting practice, and intense dribble and moves.
A few jumps after 50 mins and then drink dunks on 8 feet Netball rim till end.

Felt lackluster all around. No hops today.

stretched lower body

Resistance at the outdoor courts

3 level ext rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum   low tension x 10 each
band curls x10 to warmup forearm tendons

+ = 30secs rest

alternating sets - 2 mins rest
Dips - forward leaning - on corner of fence - dip shrugs BW x10, BWx2 warmup
BW explosive 2x12 @RPE 9 on last set

inverted row on stair railing - undergrip - explosive - BW x12, x9 @RPE 9
Overhand grip with bent legs x10
Pushups - feet elevated 20 inches - triangle, hand touching - explosive - BW x10 @RPE 9

Pushups still bothering my left shoulder, so will change things up.


Back at home

High angle rows to ribcage - elbow out - 12kg x10, 24kg Kettlebell  2x3
barbell 20kg x10,  40kg x12 +5+5 @RPE9

3 axis lateral wall slide for cuffs short Rogue light band - controlled, dual strand x7 each axis/side
Band partial pull apart row into snatch grip front raise light Rogue band, single strand  2x10



20 hour fast

3200 calorie burn, not including weights
ate 1700 calories
« Last Edit: January 01, 2020, 07:08:24 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #220 on: January 02, 2020, 04:36:03 am »
Thursday 2nd January 2020

Posterior chain quite sore :o

band pull apart star drill - low tension x10 reps each of the 3 axis directions
band dislocates 1x20
dislocate broom stick stretch x 1+min
soft tissue work on subscapularis, left glute and feet
various thoracic mobility work


66 min walk/hike

mid way through walk
backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2+ mins

21 hour fast
2700 calorie burn

ate 2400 calories


Wow weighed 83.5kg this morning and now 84kg after dinner - finally away from 85kg!
I'm normally around 86-87kg after dinner, so that's a big drop.
And I look it physically, visually a lot slimmer.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2020, 05:17:32 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #221 on: January 03, 2020, 05:44:53 am »
Monday 3rd January 2019

soft tissue work and release session at home, lower body and pec minor/subscapularus
Noticed my left serratus are smaller than my right, could be a one factor my left shoulder impingement

bodyweight without shoes -  83.8 kg

BBall practice session at WLC outdoor courts - 58 mins

dribble, shooting practice, high intensity moves and layups
A few jumps and dunks on 8 feet netball rim at the end.

Jumps very explosive today and up again!
First jump I did off a few steps was quite low, but I then did a 1 step vertical, and got the base of my fingers to the 9'4" backboard, + 1inch
Then did a standing vertical, and got 2 knuckles on that backboard.
Did a few approach jumps, and the first 3 step jump I touched the 9'10" rim!
Next jump bottom of the thick part at the back, and then dropped off to 1 inch below....

So vertical is just about 26.5 inches, 2 knuckles over 9'4" backboard and wrist 1.5 inches below 9 feet.
One step vertical = 27.5 inches
approach L-R jump = 30 inches.

Finally a member of the 30 inch club :)
Just feels like a big increase from last week, where I was 1.5 inches under that 9'10" rim!

back at home - Lower body

supported ATG split squat BW x10, and Peterson stepups BW x5

facing down garage slope, in socks/barefeet

rotating sets between the squats
front squat Bar x5, 40kg x5, 60kg x5

High bar squat - Bar x 8, 40kg x5, 50kg x 5, 60kg x5, 80kg x3, x2, 90kg x2, 100kg x2, 105kg x1

70% of e1RM - 3 mins rests - explosive - 95kg 3x5, 2x4 @RPE7

Squats felt quite hard today, I think from fatigue from BBall and jumps.
I alternated sets with the bar against my neck and an inch lower on the meat of the traps - quite a difference in feel for that one inch!
I prefer the lower position, feels more balanced between quads and glutes, and you can sit back better, plus more bar padding.
The higher position feels like a front squat and more knee stress, but no pain just more patella tendon stretch and stress

Kettbell swing onto toes 10kg plate x7, 24kg KB 2x10
clean grip deadlift + RDL combo barefeet - deadlift, lowered to knee, RDL back up, then lowered under control RDL style back to floor - 100kg x 6 combos -  3 reps normal, 3 reps hooked grip

Rotating between each exercise - 1.5+ mins rest
This group in Oly shoes
front squat support - walkout and 1/8 squat pulses 80kg x5, 90kg x5, 100kg x20
Good morning onto toes 40kgx5, 50kg x2, 60kg x8
Wall tib raise - body at 45 degree angle - in oly shoes BW x12, x8 @RPE 10
single leg calf raise - on 1 inch elevation - controlled eccentric, 30kg dumbbell x14

front squat pulses hammered my mid thoracic erectors, felt all cramped and strained afterwards for quite some time.

Standing single leg raise - light Jumpstretch band - explosive - straight legs x15 @RPE 8.5
Lateral squat - BW x10, 35kg bar x 10 @RPE 8 each side, continuous
ATG split squat - front foot elevated 5 inches -  barbell 20kg x8, 30kg x10 each side back to back
ATG Cossack squat - 5kg plate in front  x10, each side, continuous

3 axis lateral wall slide for cuffs - short Rogue light band - controlled, dual strand x10 each axis/side


Right hamstring felt strained - see how it feels tomorrow
Workout was long and draining but I gutted through it, as I know I'll have a ice reward in 4 days time :)
But yeah 2.5 hours after BBall is not ideal, but it's hard to figure what I can cut out :(


16 hour fast - Broke fast just before weights with a handful of blue berries, 3 macadamias and 10 pistachios

3000 calorie burn for today, not including weights
plan to eat 2000 calories

82.8kg bodyweight before shower :0


ordered my Iron Edge safety squat bar today - should receive it by next Monday in time for my next squat session.
Looking forward to doing calf raises and split squats with it!
« Last Edit: January 03, 2020, 08:24:55 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #222 on: January 03, 2020, 10:11:52 pm »
I just figured out what caused the fat loss plateau a couple of weeks back.

It was my Fitbit One - I had been keeping it in my shorts pocket when the hip clip broke, which I know now inflates the calorie count quite a bit!
This week I received my replacement clips, and it's back clipped on my shorts waist, and noticed a drop in calorie burn.

Instead of 3500-3700 calorie burn on training days, it's now down to 3000-3200
so my metabolism hasn't slowed down by 400-500, I was just measuring it wrong for the last 5 months...


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #223 on: January 04, 2020, 12:51:32 am »
I just figured out what caused the fat loss plateau a couple of weeks back.

It was my Fitbit One - I had been keeping it in my shorts pocket when the hip clip broke, which I know now inflates the calorie count quite a bit!
This week I received my replacement clips, and it's back clipped on my shorts waist, and noticed a drop in calorie burn.

Instead of 3500-3700 calorie burn on training days, it's now down to 3000-3200
so my metabolism hasn't slowed down by 400-500, I was just measuring it wrong for the last 5 months...

eek lol.

sounds like a software bug i occasionally try to track down, lmao.

good that you figd it out.


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #224 on: January 04, 2020, 03:33:50 am »
I just figured out what caused the fat loss plateau a couple of weeks back.

It was my Fitbit One - I had been keeping it in my shorts pocket when the hip clip broke, which I know now inflates the calorie count quite a bit!
This week I received my replacement clips, and it's back clipped on my shorts waist, and noticed a drop in calorie burn.

Instead of 3500-3700 calorie burn on training days, it's now down to 3000-3200
so my metabolism hasn't slowed down by 400-500, I was just measuring it wrong for the last 5 months...

eek lol.

sounds like a software bug i occasionally try to track down, lmao.

good that you figd it out.

No I think having it in the pocket/leg registers more false movements as the leg swings back and forwards while walking or if you tap your legs while sitting etc