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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1725 on: July 10, 2024, 03:25:06 pm »
Wednesday 10th July 2024

Felt strong today, despite still feeling achey.

Reboot - Week 30, Day 3 - Lower weights

Body Weight: 89.4kg with shoes, in winter clothing

snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocate stretch with broom x 1 min

Sartorius bent leg ISO pull against opposite leg : 3x 35 secs
External foot rotation ISO against floor - slight bend in knee - 2x 35 secs
Internal foot rotation ISO against floor - slight bend in knee - 2x 35 secs

A. Front plank hold: 35secs
B. Side plank, legs bent and abducted - opposite hand in air-  35secs
C. Glute bridge hold: 35secs

Leg Extension ISO - single leg - front of unit elevated 5 inches, plates moved towards end of arm -
Leaning back, slow up, 15 sec hold at top, slow down, 15 sec hold at 60 degrees - x 5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 17.5kg, 17.5kg

Heel touch downs, single leg, off step: BW x 12

Rotating sets

Power clean:
20kg x10 - 5 low hang, 5 high hang
40kg x 6 - 2 floor, 2 knee hang, 2 high hang
40kg x 3 - floor, knee hang, high hang
40kg x 3 - floor, knee hang, high hang

Felt trash, will probably drop these, feels like a waste of time...

High Bar squat - Flat shoes (Avancus Apex Power v2) - Staying as upright as possible, no good morning allowed

Slow - 20kg x6, 40kg x6, 60kg x6, 80kg x5,
4 sec eccentric 100kg x2
Belt, 4 sec eccentric - 110kg x1 - much easier and upright compared to last week

belt -
1) 100kg x8 @RPE 7.5 (+2 reps)

6 mins rest
2) 1-2 inches above parallel - 75kg x26 @7.5 - FAST, continuous, 58 sec set time  (+5kg, +1 repCalf Pump!

8 mins rest
3) 100kg x8 @8

Did a good job of staying upright, but I can feel that hip dominant tendency still creeping in
Felt a mixture of quad and glute pump.

Heart rate and breathing was still elevated after that rapid 26 rep set, even after 8 mins rest :)
And quite a bit of calf pump on that set!

rotating sets

Tibilias Wall raise - standing warmup in oly shoes - BW x10
against side of car, in oly shoes - hold at top - BW x6

Myorep. "+" = 15 secs rest, 9 deep breaths
Dip belt+10kg x 18↓ @RPE 9 +4+3+3+2  (+1 rep on initial set)

45 degree back extension: - unit elevated 8 inches - collar to collar snatch grip, full 90 degree ROM - BW x10, 20kg x5
1) FAST - 2.5kg (plate behind head) x28 @RPE 7 - 45 sec set time (+2.5kg, +1 rep)

5 mins rest
2) 30kg x10 @9 - Toes out

5 mins rest
3) 30kg x8 @9 - Toes out

Not feeling as tough on the hamstrings now

Rotating sets

Calf Raise, single leg - using Dip Belt - Full range stretched
3  sec hold at bottom, slow up, 3 sec hold at top, slow down
BW x5
10kg 2x8 @RPE 8

Bent Knee - controlled, pause at bottom
10kg x8 @8

45 degree QL side raise: - controlled - BW x6

dumbbell hanging down - controlled, paused
10lbs x9, x10 @RPE 9

Hammer curl ISO, single arm : - Dumbbell
2.5kg x15 Seconds
10kg 2x30secs @8 

Leg curl, single leg : - front lifted up 5 inches, Plates shifted to end of arm - Controlled - 7.5kg x8, 12.5kg x9 @RPE 9 (+1.25kg, -3 reps)

Belt Squat - lever arm - lever arm (25kg) + plate weight. 60% felt load when it hits my feet
2 hands supported -
25kg x10,
65kg x18 - SLOW, 5 half squat, 13 x 1/4 squat with 3 sec hold - 39kg felt load

Jefferson curl: - Controlled - 7.5kg x8
20kg x20 @RPE 8

« Last Edit: July 10, 2024, 03:41:37 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1726 on: July 11, 2024, 02:40:21 pm »
Thursday 11th July 2024

Pins and needley types aches and DOMs all over, but mostly quads, erectors, glutes and calves.
Since I cut back on the heavy squats I have been feeling better and more energetic.

Left quad tendon, has gotten worse since I banged it with the belt squat lever arm....
It should be just a bruise, but it's starting to act like tendinopathy

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Leg extension ISO push into floor. on balls of foot: pushing into floor at 60-70% effort
90 degrees -  4x45secs -  Left quad tendon ache when relaxing

Walking - 36 mins - With 3 mins backwards walk up 20 degree slope half way through

5 hours later

Single leg wall sit - 1/4 squat depth - 4x 45secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1727 on: July 13, 2024, 12:05:54 pm »
Friday 12th July 2024

Some DOms all over. Upper body does not feel all that recovered.

Left Quad tendon is pretty sore. Hurts when pressed.
Even hurts when flexing the quad with a straight leg.

Reboot - Week 30, Day 4 - Upper weights

Body Weight: 90.2kg with shoes, in winter clothing

Ball circles at wall:- 12 each direction - front 2x24 , side 2x24
BBall overhead single arm plank againt wall: 2x45 secs

Front plank hold - 35 secs
Side plank hold Bent knee abducted, top left straight, opposite arm in the air - 35secs
glute bridge hold x 35secs

Sartorius, lying on back, cable pull: - SLOW, with hold at end of ROM - 5kg x6, 10kg x5
12.5kg 2x10 @RPE 8/9

Band external rotation activation: - 5 sec hold at shoulder height on first rep, while slow overhead pressing -  Light band x3, x4, x4
done between warm up sets of the press and chin

rotating sets - 2-3 mins between

Dumbbell press, standing, rotating grip: 10lbs x10, 15lbs x10, 25lbs x8, 35lbs x6, 45lbs x5
50lbs x11  @RPE 9  (+1 rep)
6 mins rest
50lbs x11 @9.5

These feel tough, and the stimulus to fatigue ratio is not that great, now that the weights are getting up there.
Might change things up.

Chin up - Pullup and chin hang and 10 scap shrugs each to warm up -
Heavy green Jump Stretch band assisted x 8
BW x3

Straight legs, raised - slight L Sit posture
+5kg - 3x3,
+5kg - paused 2x3  (+1 rep on 5th set)

first cycle completed, will do an AMRAP next time and see where I'm at

Leg Extension ISO - single leg - front of unit elevated 5 inches, plates moved towards end of arm -
Leaning back, slow up, 10 sec hold at top, slow down, 10 sec hold at 60 degrees, 20 sec hold at 90 degrees, slow down - x 5kg, 7.5kg, 10kg
Same - but no concentric - 12.5kg, 15kg, 17.5kg, 20kg

About 1-2/10 pain scale from left quad tendon

rotating sets - 2-3 mins between

High angle barbell row: - controlled - 20kg x10, 40kg x8, 50kg x5

Myorep. "+" = 15 secs rest (9 deep breaths)
50kg x21↓ @RPE 9 +4+4+3+3  (+2 reps on initial set)

Surprised in the gain in reps as it didn't feel any easier on lighter on the earlier reps.
1/10 right brachialis pain on later reps. Pain is there but lower.

Deficit push up: - Using dip handles, feet on bench, elevating feet 5 inches above parallel
Rocking climbing chest harness + loading pin on mid thoracic (1kg) + light band across loading pin to stop swinging -  BW x5, 5kg x5, 20kg x5, 30kg x5

+35kg x8 @RPE 10  (+2.5kg, -2 reps )
7 mins rest
+35kg x9  @10  (+2.5kg, -1 rep ) - 10th rep stuck near lockout.

Reduced slight band tension from stabilizer band on second set and gained a rep.
I fail right near lockout, so the slight band tension from the band to stop the loading pin swinging, makes a difference :)
Means my triceps are weak compared to my pecs.

My set up

Face Pull into press, cable pulley - strap handle, neutral grip - with hold -  5kg x10,

Seated with slight incline
7.5kg x12 @RPE 8
7.5kg x14 @9

Changed to seated, less posterior chain activation, but my erectors were still firing hard.

Subscapularis pulls, cable -  single arm -  7.5kg x20 @6, 10kg x20 @7

Internal rotors are so much stronger than my externals...

Ab Wheel - - against wall x10, On knees, with hold at bottom x10
Straight legs, Partial ROM 5 feet - 2x10 @ RPE 8/9  (+0.5 feet ROM)

Getting hard. Arms at about 45 degree angle at the reversal point
Stretched abs post sets, but still got ab cramps later at night after a sneeze!
Stretched again, and it was fine after that.

Calf Raise ISO, single leg - using Belt squat - belt squat (25kg) + plate weight. 60% felt load when it hits my feet

12 secs straight, toes out, toes in - with no rest -
25kg x36 Seconds
65kg x36 Seconds - Felt load 40kg
105kg x36 Seconds - 64kg
145kg x36 Seconds - 88kg
160kg x36 Seconds - 96kg @RPE 9

straight only
165kg x20 Seconds - 100kg @RPE 8  (+5kg)

Changing position really loads up the glutes at the heavier loads.

Better pic from the side -
From hinge to belt is 47 inches, from belt to weights is 19 inches - simple division = 0.6 or 60% felt load.
Confirmed with a scale
After standing up I just reach down and move the car jack out of the way

Donkey calf raise: - Using lever arm belt squat. 60% felt load

weight/felt load
165kg/100kg x10 - Flat on floor. @5

just tried these out, still rather easy with two legs.
But no pain or discomfort from feet/achilles.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 12:30:55 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1728 on: July 13, 2024, 12:19:04 pm »
Saturday 13th July 2024

DOMs all over .
Even my quads and posterior chain are rather sore from yesterday
Rectus femoris especially, from the weighted pushups and ab wheels

Left quad tendon feels better, but still aches

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

A whole bunch of random Quad ISOs

Messed around in my garage gym, cleaning/oiling plates, and trying to see if I can hook up bands to my belt squat.
Didn't seem worth the effort

Walking - 22 mins
« Last Edit: July 13, 2024, 01:36:49 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1729 on: July 14, 2024, 06:23:08 am »
Sunday 14th July 2024

Fatloss cycle 1 - Week 14

Height = 5'8.5"
Weighed = 87.6kg (+0.6 )    Macrofactor app trend weight - 86.9kg (+0.2)
Waist = 35 inches (+0.25)
Hip = 41 1/8 inches (+1/8)
Upper thigh = 26 1/8 inches 

Total loss so far - weight  -0.3kg  Waist -1 3/8 inches 

Animal based diet - averaged 3427 calories for the week - 231g protein, 169g fat, 252g carbs

Highest calorie intake yet....
Knuckling back down this week. metabolic rate should be peaked now.

Whole body still 4/10 sore
Left Quad tendon feels dramaticly better, almost back to normal

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Wall sit: -  pushing into floor at 70% effort - half squat depth - heels off the ground x 45secs
Wall sit, single leg. heels off the floor : x 30secs, x 45secs

Sartorius bent leg ISO pull against opposite leg : - 70% effort -  2 x45 secs

Hammer curl overcoming ISO: - using opposite arm, 70% effort - 2x 45 Secs

Single leg, kneeling quad push into couch ISO: - 80-90 degrees, pushing at 70% effort - 2x 45secs
Like the rear stance leg of a reverse lunge, but with whole lower leg flat against couch, toes pointed, tibs stretched

Peterson step down - 6 inch step -  4 secs down and 4 secs up - 2x4 
1/10 left quad tendon pain

« Last Edit: July 14, 2024, 06:27:06 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1730 on: July 16, 2024, 01:29:47 pm »
Monday 15th July 2024

Still feeling achey, and mood not great, so complete Rest day

Left quad tendon feels back to normal again.
So quick, so I suspect this is not tendinopathy, but I could be wrong...

Tuesday 16th July 2024

Woke up early, so sleep not great today
But body body felt decent enough

BBall, Jumps at outdoor courts - Reboot, Week 31, day 1

Bodyweight with shoes - 90.7kg in semi winter clothing

General warmup and limb swings
BBall overhead single arm plank against wall: 2x30 secs

Dribbling and ball control drills - 17 mins
Practice moves and shooting- 25 mins, medium effort

Tendon work superset

60% effort/speed x 3 rounds

. Pogo:  x30
. Scissor hops star pattern : 12 axis
. tempo run - full court
. Backward run - full court
. Carioca run - full court each side

Slight bump in intensity. All felt fine - achilles, feet, ankles

Jumps - in rotation with the plyos.

1) 3 jumps -  Light 8 feet standing rim jumps -  1 left. 1 right. 2 handed
2) 3 jumps - Light 8 feet standing rim jumps -  1 left. 1 right. 2 handed
3) 7 jumps - Medium 8 feet standing rim jumps -  1 left. 1 right. 2 handed.  2 moving single leg jumps off each leg against 8 feet rim
4) 7 jumps - Medium 8 feet standing rim jumps -  1 left. 1 right. 2 handed.  2 moving single leg jumps off each leg against 8 feet rim
5) 11 jumps - Medium 8 feet standing rim jumps -  1 left. 1 right. 2 handed.  2 moving single leg jumps off each leg. 2 moving jumps off each plant
6) 15 jumps - as above. Plus a few medium hard moving jumps off 2 legs.

No pain or discomfort today


Back at home - Chins and Dips

Normally would do this session tomorrow, but had to squeeze it in today, as my schedule is a bit messed up

Bodyweight with shoes - 90.5kg in winter clothing/shoes

Tricep bench dip: paused x6

Rotating sets - 2 mins between

Band external rotation activation: - into reverse grip press, 5 sec hold at shoulder level on first rep -  Light band x4 x 3sets
done between warm up sets of the chin/dip

Tricep bench dip: - 6 Slow, paused

Chin Up: Hangs, pull up grip scap shrugs x10, chin grip scap shrugs x10,
Green Heavy Jumpstretch band assisted x6, 
BW x3,
+5kg x1

legs straight, elevated, partial L-Sit posture -  Belt +5kg  2x5, 1x4 @RPE 8 (+1 rep on second set)

Dips: - Squat rack dip attachment - 10 dip shrugs, BW x10 leg assisted, BW x8, x3

Dip belt +7.5kg x3, +15kg x3, +20kg x3

6 mins rest -
+22.5kg x12 @ RPE 8 (+2.5kg, and lower RPE)
FAST - BW x20 @RPE 9  (+2 reps)
+22.5kg x10 @9.5

Significant improvement over last time.

Face down Y raise into W press: - 45 degree incline -
3lbs x8
4lbs x15 @RPE 8
5lbs x15 @8 (+1lb, +3 reps)

« Last Edit: July 19, 2024, 04:21:47 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1731 on: July 19, 2024, 04:21:02 pm »
"Rested" the last 2 days, was busy selling some off my older rubber coated weight plates.
Body was still working somewhat hard moving heavy things around....

And upgrading to some new Poly Urethane plates and few other bits.
Had to go drive a long way to pick them up from a warehouse. Was worth it though
Some place was selling some of the weights and gear for ridiculously low prices like a $600 barbell for $60, and a pair 20kg plates going from $200+ down to $80!  :o

Friday 19th July 2024

Reboot - Week 31, Day 3 - Lower weights

Body Weight: 90.5kg with shoes, in winter clothing

snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocate stretch with broom x 1 min

Sartorius bent leg ISO pull against opposite leg : 3x 35 secs

A. Front plank hold: 35secs
B. Side plank, legs bent and abducted - opposite hand in air-  35secs
C. Glute bridge hold: 35secs

Leg Extension ISO - single leg - front of unit elevated 5 inches, plates moved towards end of arm -
Leaning back, slow up, 10 sec hold at top, slow down, 10 sec hold at 60 degrees, 10 sec hold at 90 degrees - x 5kg, 10kg, 15kg, 20kg, 25kg @RPE 8

25kg heaviest weight used on these in a while.

Heel touch downs, single leg, off step: - controlled - BW x 10

Rotating sets

Power clean:
20kg x10 - 5 low hang, 5 high hang
30kg x 7 - 1 floor, 3 knee hang, 3 high hang
40kg x 7 - 1 floor, 3 knee hang, 3 high hang
50kg x 5 - 1 floor, 2 high hang, 2 knee hang

Actually felt decent for once...

High Bar squat - Flat shoes (Avancus Apex Power v2) - Staying as upright as possible, no good morning allowed

Slow - 20kg x6, 40kg x6, 60kg x6, 80kg x6,
4 sec eccentric 100kg x2
Belt, 4 sec eccentric - 110kg x1, 120kg x1 @RPE 6

belt -
1) 100kg x12 @RPE 8 (+4 reps)

6 mins rest
2) 1-2 inches above parallel - 80kg x26 @8 - FAST, continuous, 50 sec set time  (+5kg

I last squatted 9 days ago, so not a surprise everything above 100kg felt heavy on my back going up.
But once I pyramided down, it felt fine, and my performance increase surprised me
Starting to feel like I was throwing around 100kg
Will move main set to 110kg next week

Quads pumped to oblivion on the 26 rep set!

rotating sets

Tibilias Wall raise - standing warmup in oly shoes - BW x10
against side of car, in oly shoes - hold at top - BW x6

Myorep. "+" = 15 secs rest, 9 deep breaths
Dip belt+10kg x 19↓ @RPE 9 +4+4+3+3  (+1 rep on initial set)

45 degree back extension - partial glute ham raise at the top - unit elevated 8 inches - collar to collar snatch grip, full 90 degree ROM, toes pointed out - BW x10, 20kg x5
1) FAST - 5kg (plate behind head) x24 @RPE 7 (+2.5kg, -4 reps)

5 mins rest
2) 30kg x7 @9 - barbell hitting handles when doing the GHR at the top

5 mins rest
3) 11kg x5 @9 - dumbbell held behind head

Added the GHR at the top, that made it a harder, but also limited performance to my hamstrings.
So will go back to normal next week.

Rotating sets

Belt Squat - lever arm - lever arm (25kg) + plate weight. 60% felt load when it hits my feet
BW x 10

Weight / felt load
65 /40kg x8
105 /52kg x8
125 /64kg x10 @RPE 7
135 /81kg x12 @8
145 /87kg x10 @10 - plates hit the floor on 11th rep, failed half way up

My quads wanted to cramp up a few hours after the session.
So I was pushing them a bit too hard on these...

45 degree QL side raise: - controlled - BW x10

dumbbell hanging down - controlled, paused
15lbs 2x10 @RPE 8/8.5 (+5lbs)

Hammer curl - Dumbbell - Slow, 5 sec hold at mid point - 2.5kg x3, 7kg x3
Hammer reverse curl, Super EZ curl bar: - Slow, 5 sec hold at mid point - 10kg x5,  12.5kg x3 @8

Calf Raise, single leg - using Dip Belt - Full range stretched
3  sec hold at bottom, slow up, hold at top, slow down
BW x10
+15kg 2x8 @RPE 8/8.5   (+5kg)

Bent Knee - controlled, pause at bottom
+15kg x8 @9

Leg curl, single leg : - front lifted up 5 inches, Plates shifted to end of arm - Controlled - 7.5kg x6, 12.5kg x10 @RPE 9.5 (+1 rep)

« Last Edit: July 19, 2024, 04:27:14 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1732 on: July 20, 2024, 02:49:41 pm »
Saturday 20th July 2024

Woke feeling decent, wondering why my legs are not even that sore, but hamstrings, erectors and abs,QL were sore.
Then a few hours later, the quad and glute DOMS kicked in!

right achilles insertion some aches...

Total rest day


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1733 on: July 21, 2024, 10:32:48 am »
Sunday 21st July 2024

Still fairly sore all over
Took another day off

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Calf raise ISO push against wall, sitting on floor, back against wall: - 70% effort
35 Seconds Straight
35 Seconds Toes out
35 Seconds Toes in
35 Seconds Straight

Wall sit: -  pushing into floor at 70% effort - half squat depth - heels off the ground x 35secs
Wall sit, single leg. heels off the floor : x 35secs

Sartorius bent leg ISO pull against opposite leg : - 70% effort -  2 x35 secs

Peterson step down - 6 inch step -  6 secs down and 6 secs up - 2x5 

Walking/Hike: with backpack + 5kg - 40 mins
With 3 mins backwards walk up 30 degree slope halfway through

traps and upper back feeling it a bit here, plus cardio is more elevated
« Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 12:43:46 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1734 on: July 23, 2024, 08:27:31 am »
Sunday 21st July 2024

Fatloss cycle 1 - Week 15

Height = 5'8.5"
Weighed = 88.5kg (+0.9 )    Macrofactor app trend weight - 87.5kg (+0.6)
Waist = 35 1/8 inches (+1/8)
Hip = 41.25 inches (+1/8)
Upper thigh = 26.25 inches (+1/8)

Total loss so far - weight  +0.6kg  Waist -1.25  inches 

Animal based diet - averaged 3251 calories for the week - 211g protein, 166g fat, 210g carbs

Another week of too much food...


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1735 on: July 23, 2024, 09:01:39 am »
Monday 22nd July 2024

Quads and glutes a bit achey from yesterday

Big jump in weight today, which didn't help with the chins..

Reboot - Week 31, Day 4 - Upper weights

Body Weight: 92.5kg with shoes, in winter clothing

Ball circles at wall:- 12 each direction - front x24 , side x24
BBall overhead single arm plank againt wall: x35 secs

Front plank hold - 35 secs
Side plank hold Bent knee abducted, top left straight, opposite arm in the air - 35secs
glute bridge hold x 35secs

Sartorius, lying on back, cable pull: - SLOW, 5 sec hold at mid point - 5kg x4, 10kg x3
12.5kg x4 @RPE 8/9

Band external rotation activation: - 5 sec hold at shoulder height on first rep, while slow overhead pressing -  Light band x4, x5, x5
done between warm up sets of the press and chin

rotating sets - 2-3 mins between

Dumbbell press, standing, rotating grip: 10lbs x10, 15lbs x10, 25lbs x8

Left shoulder hurt, so stopped there

Chin up - Pullup and chin hang and 10 scap shrugs each to warm up -
Heavy green Jump Stretch band assisted x 8
BW x3

Straight legs, raised - slight L Sit posture
+5kg x2
BW x2
+7.5kg  x1
+7.5kg x7 @RPE 9.5
+10kg x5 @9.5

Tested where I was at, but the gain of 2kg in bodyweight didn't exactly help...
But not far off where I was the last time I trained these hard, and with a harder slight L-Sit form
Will use +10kg for next cycle

I'll test how many I can do with just bodyweight next time.

Deficit push up: - Using dip handles, feet on bench, elevating feet 5 inches above parallel
Rocking climbing chest harness + loading pin on mid thoracic (1kg) + light band across loading pin to stop swinging -  BW x5, 5kg x5, 15kg x3, 25kg x3, 32.5kg x1

+35kg x11 @RPE 9  (+2 reps, -1 RPE )

6 mins rest
FAST +5kg x30 @9  - 33 sec set time
+35kg x8  @8.5

Not doing presses helped, but still nice gains.

High angle barbell row: - controlled - 20kg x10, 40kg x8, 50kg x5

Myorep. "+" = 15 secs rest (9 deep breaths)
50kg x22↓ @RPE 9 +4+4+3+3  (+1 rep on initial set)

1/10 right brachialis pain on later reps, but feeling better each week

Face Pull into press, cable pulley - strap handle, neutral grip - with hold -  5kg x10,

Seated, suported with slight incline
7.5kg x15 @RPE 8
10kg x12 @8  (+2.5kg)

Subscapularis pulls, cable -  10kg x15, 12.5kg x15 @8

rotating sets - 2-3 mins between

Belt squat, loading pin: - 2 arms supported. pauses/deloaded on floor at parallel.
controlled - 10 x 60kg, 70kg, 80kg
90kg x12 @RPE 7
100kg x12 @8.5

Tried out Belt squats with a loading pin.
Feels a bit sketchy setting up, as I rushed and didn't set up things properly, but it feels better than the lever arm version.
The weight is hanging straight down, rather than moving in an arc, so it doesn't have that sheering at the knee from the forward pull of the lever arm at the bottom.
But your forced to use a wide stance

Also the weight is 100% 1:1 with no mechanical advantage from a lever.
Still I was surprised to hit 100kg for 12 reps relatively easily, and with deload on the floor
Quad strength has improved quickly

Ab Wheel - - against wall x10, On knees, with hold at bottom x10
Straight legs, Partial ROM 5.5 feet - x10, x6 @ RPE 9/10  (+0.5 feet ROM)

Almost full ROM, but the last few inches near the floor gets exponentially hard!
Abs were fried, but lucklily no cramps later when sneezing, but the fear was there...

SSB Calf Raise ISO, single leg - 12 secs straight, toes out, toes in no rest - between each x50kg, x70kg, x90kg
Straight only - 100kg x35 Seconds  (+15secs)

Was too lazy to set up the Lever arm belt squat attachment after playing around with the loading pin variant.
So just used the SSB to load these, which fried my upper back by the time I hit 100kg
« Last Edit: July 23, 2024, 09:08:15 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1736 on: July 24, 2024, 06:42:30 am »
Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Lower body moderately sore, more sore than upper body.
Abs very sore.
Plantaris tendons achey

Sold my 120kg adjustable spinlock dumbbell set. Just haven't used it in a while
So more heavy lifting, moving things.
Then cleaned and rearranged my garage gym a bit with the extra space freed up.

So posterior chain feeling hammered this week

Walking - 20 mins

« Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 07:14:07 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1737 on: July 25, 2024, 10:47:47 am »
Wednesday 24th July 2024

Plantaris tendons still achey,. Looks like 100kg singlke leg calf raise ISO holds are just too much for them right now.

Then my left knee, upper patella, quad tendon area started to hurt today!
Hurts just flexing the quad with a straight leg
Pretty sure it's not tendinopathy though, like last time.
I think it happened when I was cleaning and moving stuff around in my garage gym yesterday.

total rest day

Thursday 25th July 2024

Upper back still deep down achey from 4 days ago.... might need to dial things down
Plus my legs are still sore... belt squatting last session was not a good idea.
Plantaris tendons feeling better
Left knee still sore but better.

crap sleep last night

Felt like spring today at 23 C degrees, so back into shorts.
pretty heavy at 89+kg though

BBall, Jumps at outdoor courts - Reboot, Week 32, day 1

Bodyweight with shoes - 89.2kg in shoes

General warmup and limb swings
BBall overhead single arm plank against wall: x45 secs

Dribbling and ball control drills - 17 mins
Practice moves and shooting- 33 mins, medium effort

Tendon work superset

50% effort/speed x 2.5 rounds

. Pogo:  x30
. Scissor hops star pattern : 12 axis
. tempo run - full court
. Backward run - full court
. Carioca run - full court each side

plantris tendons minor aches on first round, but fine after

jumped up and hung on the 8 feet netball rims to stretch.
Let go and seemed to have strained my right calf muscle on landing somehow.... FML!

4/10 right calf pain on 3rd round, so had to cut it off there...

Jumps - in rotation with the plyos.

1) 3 jumps -  Light 8 feet standing rim jumps -  1 left. 1 right. 2 handed  x 2 sets

Left knee felt OK, didn't push it though

« Last Edit: July 25, 2024, 11:06:17 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1738 on: July 27, 2024, 01:28:38 pm »
Friday 26th July 2024

Minor aches all over and a slight beat up feeling.
Mild Achilles/plantaris tendon aches
Left knee feeling better, but still hurts near lockout when flexing quad

More rearranging and cleaning in garage gym

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

A whole bunch of 1/4 squats and ISOs with bodyweight
A few Sets of 20 etc, and 45 sec ISOs

Calf raise ISO, single leg  3x45secs

Wood chop ISO push : 50% effort 3x45secs

Left QL still lingering aches. Much better after these
I thoguht sidebends would eventually heal it, but it hasn't improved much.
So will ride these for a bit and see what happens

Hammer curl overcoming ISO, single arm using opposite arm - 2x35secs
« Last Edit: July 27, 2024, 01:33:25 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1739 on: July 27, 2024, 01:49:12 pm »
Saturday 27th July 2024

Upper body a little achey from yesterday, but left knee feels much.
Pain when flexing quad down to a 2/10 and walking downstairs felt OK
Right QL also feeling better
Achilles/plantaris tendons back to usual baseline

Chins and Dips - Reboot, Week 32, day 2

Bodyweight with shoes - 91.2kg in winter clothing/shoes

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 2x45secs
Calf raise ISO push against wall, sitting on floor, back against wall: 70% effort - 3x45secs straight, toes out, toes in

Tricep bench dip: - 6 Slow, paused

Rotating sets - 2.5 to 3 mins between

Band external rotation activation: - into reverse grip press, 5 sec hold at shoulder level on first rep -  Light band 2x5
done between warm up sets of the chin/dip

Chin Up: Hangs, pull up grip scap shrugs x10, chin grip scap shrugs x10,
Green Heavy Jumpstretch band assisted x5, 
BW x3,
+5kg x1

Legs straight, elevated, partial L-Sit posture -  Belt +5kg  3x5 @RPE 9 (+1 rep on third set)

cycle 1 finished. Move to +10kg next time

Dips: - Squat rack dip attachment - 10 dip shrugs, BW x10 leg assisted, BW x8, x5
Belt +7.5kg x3, +15kg x3, +22.5kg x3

+25kg x12 @ RPE 10 (+2.5kg)

FAST - BW x22 @RPE 9.5  (+2 reps)

Tough. I suppose the extra 2kg I gained has blunted things

Rotating sets

Inverted row, neutral grip: - Dip height handles, feet on 20 inch bench, Posterior chain relaxed.
FAST BW x15 @RPE 8

Posterior relaxed, so body was bent at the bottom, and straight at the top

Face down Y raise into W press: - 45 degree incline -
3lbs x10
5lbs x15 @RPE 7
7.5lbs x10 @8 (+2.5lbs, -5 reps)

Hammer curl Super EZ bar - reverse curl biased - Slow, 5 sec hold at mid point
10kg x5 @RPE 7
12.5kg x5 @8

Wood Chop ISO push : 70% effort 2x35secs
