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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1620 on: March 11, 2024, 09:54:40 am »
Sunday 10th March 2024

Fat loss has stalled the last couple of weeks, no change in waist size.
Since the increase in fat/butter intake, been eating 100-120g of it everyday.
That's like an extra 800 calories.... and even though on Carnivore calories aren't the focus and act differently, high energy intake still has impact.
Calories went from 1400-2100 to 2400-3000 range.
I strangely do not feel any different, still feel full and satisfied in either case.

Will dial things back down this week.
Just keep it for when I eat lean meat like chicken to keep fat levels up for energy.
Also cutting out eggs, and just eat meat only from now on.
I suspect I may be allergic to eggs, shame... as I do love em...

At Home

Semi sissy squat ISO, single leg staggered stance, other leg straight in front: 3x45 secs
Calf raise ISO push against wall, sitting on floor, back against wall:
Leg curl ISO against floor, single leg: 4x45 secs
Wall sit: Pushing into floor @7 - 3x45 secs

BBall, upper Calisthenics at WLC outdoor courts - Reboot, Week 14, day 1
Bodyweight with shoes -  91.5kg

Dribbling and ball control drills - 15 mins
Shoot around and practice moves - 40 mins, light

Small increase in session length and didn't feel too gassed.
Lower Sartorius tendons still hurting quite a bit on small jumps.

Achilless felt OK, and on a few short jogs and hops I did after

rotating sets

Tricep bench dip warmup -  BW x10

Inverted row: - Leg at 90 degrees, supported inverted row - BW x10,
regular - BW x5
BW x11 @7
BW x13 @9

Straight bar dips: BW x10 leg suported, BW x5
BW x18 @ RPE 8 (+2 reps)
BW x17 @9

Gained two reps last week, and again this week!

Hanging pike leg raises: feet to hands - x1
x9 @9.5 (+1 rep)
x6 @10. last rep 6 inches short

making great gains on these, started at 5 a few weeks back.

Dips: on corner of fence railing. Controlled  -  BW x12 @9 (+1 rep)
L sit: - 5 Seconds Bent legs
L hang hold: - 10 Seconds @10

Chin up - thick bar BW x3 @9

Walking: 12 mins
with 2.5 minutes backwards walk up 30 degree slope

« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 09:56:17 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1621 on: March 13, 2024, 10:26:58 am »
Monday 11th March 2024

Both achilles OK, but both plantaris tendons (to inner side of achilles) are a bit achey upon waking.
Something in my right lower VMO area is sore as well, either tendon or cartiledge.

Lower back, erectors and right QL pretty beat up

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Calf raise ISO - mid upper position - 2 legs x45secs, single leg 3x45secs

Tuesday 12th March 2024

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

Hammer curl overcoming ISO: using opposite arm, right side only - 3x 45 secs
Calf raise ISO - Leg press style against wall - 70% intensity 4x 45secs
Wall sit, pushing into floor @70% 2x 45secs
Single leg wall sit - 1/4 squat depth 3x 45secs

Sartorius, bent leg, forward push against opposite leg - 3x 45secs

Single leg reverse hyper hold - torso on stair railing - 2x 45secs
x20 raises each side

Evening 6 hours later
Calf raise ISO - Leg press style against wall - 70% intensity 4x 45secs
Wall sit, pushing into floor @70% 2x 45secs
Single leg wall sit - 1/4 squat depth 3x 45secs
Sartorius, bent leg, forward push against opposite leg - 3x 45secs
« Last Edit: March 13, 2024, 10:48:27 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1622 on: March 13, 2024, 11:17:02 am »
Wednesday 13th March 2024

Lower back still sore, but was no issue during training today.

Bodyweight up a bit today, but waist is still 36.75 inches
Looking and feeling bigger so probably lots of muscle gain.

My calves and posterior chain felt so hammered and achey after this session!

Reboot - Week 14, Day 2 - Lower weights

Body Weight: 92.3kg with shoes

snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocate stretch with broom x 1.5 mins

Sartorius ISO -  bent knee forward push against opposite leg @70% - 3x45 secs
Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 3 x 45 secs
Leg curl ISO - against floor, single leg: @60% effort 3x 45secs

Wall sit - pushing into floor @60% -  3x 45secs

A. Front plank hold: 30secs
B. Side plank, legs bent: 30secs
C. Glute bridge hold: 30sewcs

Reverse hyper- BW x15
Heel touch downs, single leg, off 8 inch step: slow tempo - BW x10
Low bar good morning - 20kg x10

High Bar squat -
Reebok Nano
5 secs down, paused, and controlled up - BW x10,  20kg x5,
5 secs down, 10 sec paused - 40kg x3
5 secs down, 5 sec paused - 60kg x2
5 secs down, 3 sec paused - 80kg x2

Oly shoes
5 secs down, 3 sec paused 90kg x1, 100kg x1

100kg x10 @RPE 8.5 (+2 reps)
7 mins rest

belt - 110kg x8@ RPE 8.5  (+10kg, -2 reps)

Damn, big increase in strength.
Progress has increased sharply since increasing the fat intake
110kg didn't feel too heavy on my back today

Puts e1RM around 140kg

rotating sets

Calf raise - single leg - staggered stance - elevated, down to neutral
Slow with hold at top
BW x8
chain dip belt + 10kg x10 @ RPE 8
+10kg x8 @RPE 8

Tibilias Wall raise - standing warmup in oly shoes BW x10
against side of car, in oly shoes - hold at top
BW x11 @RPE 9
BW x14 @9  (+1 rep)

for some reason the second set always feels easier.... need better warmup

Romanian Deadlift - 20kg x10. 40kg x10
60kg x10 @6
hookgrip - 60kg x15 @7

Leg extension, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches -
slow, 3 sec hold at top - 10kg x3
15kg x8 @9
16.25kg x6 @9 - 3/10 right lower VMO pain

SSB Good Morning: - belt - 30kg x10,
40kg x10 @6
50kg x12 @7

40kg felt a lot easier, so went up to 50kg

Single leg, kneeling deadlift: single dumbbell on opposite side of working leg, supported
45lbs x10 @7

Single leg, Romanian deadlift, RDL: single dumbbell on opposite side of working leg, supported
45lbs x10 @8

Leg curl, single leg : 10kg x6
explode up, controlled down
16.25kg x9 @8  (+1.25kg, -3 reps)
16.25kg x8 @8

Reverse hyper- BW x20

« Last Edit: March 20, 2024, 10:28:33 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1623 on: March 16, 2024, 05:16:01 am »
Friday 15th March 2024

Did my usual ISOs yesterday

Reboot - Week 14, Day 3 - Upper weights

Body Weight: 92kg with shoes

Leg curl ISO - against floor, single leg: @70% effort 3x 45secs
Sartorius ISO bent knee push against opposite leg : @70% effort 4x45secs
Calf raise ISO -  push against wall sitting on floor, back against wall @ 70% - 4x 45secs - neutral, toes in, toes out x2 sets

BBall overhead single arm plank againt wall: x30 Secs, x40 secs
Ball circles at wall: front x 20 - 10 each direction, side x20 - 10 each direction

BBall ball control drills 5 mins

Front plank hold - 33 secs @ RPE 7
Side plank hold staggered stance, opposite hand in air: x 33secs @ RPE 8   - finally feeling a little easier
glute bridge hold x 33secs @6

rotating sets

Single leg calf raise - staggered stance, elevated, lower down to neutral, slow, hold at top - BW x10
chain dip belt +5kg x6
+10kg x10 @6
+12.5kg x10 @7

Leg extension ISO - single leg: no concentric/eccentric - hold at top - 45 secs x10kg, x12.5kg
30 sec hold at top, 20 sec hold at 30 degrees - 15kg x 3 sets

Could feel it load my lower Sartorius tendons, lets see if it will help heal them

Dumbbell press, rotating grip: 10lbs x10, 15lbs x10, 25lbs x7, 35lbs x5
37.5lbs 2x12 @ RPE 8/9  (+1 rep)

moving up to 40lb dumbbells next week

Rotating sets

High angle barbell row: - SLOW, hold at top -  20kg x10
27.5kg x8 - Slow, hold at top. @RPE 8  (+2.5kg, -4 reps)    3/10 right lower bicep area pain
27.5kg x7 - Slow, hold at top. @RPE 9   2/10 right lower bicep area pain on last 2 reps

Deficit push up: On floor, paused x5
Feet elevated 20 inches - BW x16 @RPE 8 (+1 rep)

rotating sets

Single arm dumbbell row, head supported : Elbows out, slow, 3 sec hold at top - 27.5lbs x10 @8  (+2.5lbs)

Side bend: 35lbs 2x12 @5/6  (+5lbs)

Overhead carry single arm: 20lbs 2x45 secs @8/9 (+5lbs)
Shoulder height carry single arm: 20lbs  2x45secs @8/9 (+5lbs)

bumped both up 5lbs, felt much harder!

External rotation, band: reps at waist, shoulder height, diagonals each axis.
Light band x10 each axis @7
medium band x7 each axis @9



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1624 on: March 18, 2024, 04:59:00 am »
Sunday 17th March 2024

Achilles felt sore yesterday. Total rest day

Last 3 weeks no fat loss, ate much more fat, but no change in waist size, and gained some muscle.
Small increase in measurements all over, except waist.
Bigger muscles = much stronger

Cutting back down this week.

165g protein, 120g fat, <20g carbs, 1600-1700 calories on rest days
185g+ protein, 150g fat, <20g carbs, 2100-2200 calories on training days

At Home

Semi sissy squat ISO, single leg staggered stance, other leg straight in front: 3x45 secs
Calf raise ISO push against wall, sitting on floor, back against wall: 3x45secs --> neutral, toes out, toes in
Leg curl ISO against floor, single leg: 3x45 secs

Leg Extension ISO- single leg - lifted up to top, no eccentric
40 sec hold top, 20 sec at 30 degrees x 10kg, x12.5kg, x12.5kg  @7

BBall, upper Calisthenics at WLC outdoor courts - Reboot, Week 15, day 1
Bodyweight with shoes -  91.8kg

Dribbling and ball control drills - 15 mins
Shoot around and practice moves - 20 mins, light

Shot on the netball rims. No rapid movements

rotating sets

Tricep bench dip warmup -  BW x5

Inverted row: - Leg at 90 degrees, supported inverted row - BW x6,
regular - BW x5
BW x15 @RPE 8.5 (+1 rep)
BW x14 @9

Straight bar dips: BW x10 leg supported, BW x5
BW x20 @ RPE 8 (+2 reps)
BW x18 @9

+2 reps each week for the last 3 weeks!

Hanging pike leg raises: feet to hands - x1
x10 @9 (+1 rep)
x7 @9 last rep 4 inches short

Dips: on corner of fence railing. Controlled  -  BW x14 @9 (+2 reps)

L sit: with Bent knee single leg raises x 10secs

Chin up - thick bar BW x4 @9.5 (+1 rep)

L hang hold: - 12 Seconds @9  (+2 secs)

Walking: 12 mins
with 2.5 minutes backwards walk up 30 degree slope



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1625 on: March 19, 2024, 06:28:37 am »
Monday 18th March 2024

Left Achilles a little achey from yesterday

Tendon Rehab -

Semi sissy squat ISO, single leg staggered stance, other leg straight in front: 3x45 secs
Calf raise ISO - single leg 3x45secs --> neutral, toes out, toes in

Tuesday 19th March 2024

Tendon Rehab -

Calf raise ISO - single leg 3x90secs  --> toes out x2, toes in
Dip belt+10kg 2x60secs toes out/in

Semi sissy squat ISO, single leg staggered stance, other leg straight in front: 2x45 secs

Leg Extension ISO - single leg - lifted up to top, no eccentric
45 sec hold top, 20 sec at 30 degrees x 10kg, 12.5kg x 2  @8

Leg curl ISO against floor, single leg: 2x45 secs
Preacher Hammer curl ISO. single arm: 2.5kg plate 2x 45secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1626 on: March 20, 2024, 10:44:51 am »
Wednesday 20th March 2024

Achilles feeling much better upon waking this morning, so the stuff I did yesterday has helped.

So on Sunday I ate 2200 calories, 185g protein, 153g fat, 15g carbs
Monday 1830 calories, 178g protein, 121g fat, 5g carbs
But yesterday, on Tuesday 3757 calories, 329g protein, 262g fat, 10g carbs

I was ravenous! Clearly my body was crying out for nutrients, so I had no choice to eat big
But I have noticed that calories in, does not always correlate with calories out on Carnivore.
Digesting protein is heavy, and also converting protein to glycogen is also hard work for the body.
Was hot all night

I don't seem to get fatter when I eat this much on Carnivore, it seems to go to repairing my body's past metabolic damage, refueling and making my muscles bigger.
Some how my bodyweight was down to 89.5kg this morning, when I was 90kg on Sunday....

Seemed to have helped my strength today :)

Reboot - Week 15, Day 2 - Lower weights

Body Weight: 91.8kg with shoes

snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocate stretch with broom x 1.5 mins

Split squat ISO, rear leg straight: x 45 secs
single leg Calf raise ISO: x45 Seconds Toes out, x45 Seconds Toes in
Dip belt+10kg x45 Secs Toes out
Dip belt+10kg x45 Secs Toes in

Wall sit - x 45secs
Leg Extension ISO - single leg - lifted up to top, no eccentric - 10kg 2x45 secs

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 8 inch step: slow tempo - BW x10

A. Front plank hold: 30secs
B. Side plank, legs bent: 30secs
C. Glute bridge hold: 30secs

Low bar good morning - 20kg x10

High Bar squat -
Reebok Nano
6 secs down, paused, and controlled up - BW x10,  20kg x3
6 secs down, 10 sec paused - 40kg x3
6 secs down, 5 sec paused - 60kg x2
6 secs down, 3 sec paused - 80kg x2

Oly shoes
5 secs down, paused 90kg x1, 100kg x1, 110kg x1

110kg x9 @RPE 8.5 (+10kg, -1 rep)
8 mins rest

belt - 110kg x12@ RPE 9.5  (+4 reps)

Holy shit, huge increase from last week!
All that protein from yesterday must have done something...

I can't believe how much stronger I am with a belt.
Even the weight feels lighter on my shoulders.
That has to add up over time, when you can push 3 extra reps over beltless.

Puts e1RM around 160kg, up 20kg from last week  :o

rotating sets

Calf raise - single leg - staggered stance - oly shoes, no elevation on floor
BW x10
chain dip belt + 10kg x10 @ RPE 5
+10kg x8 @RPE 6

Tibilias Wall raise - standing warmup in oly shoes - BW x5
against side of car, in oly shoes - hold at top - BW x3
BW x14 @RPE 9
BW x11 @9

Romanian Deadlift - 20kg x10. 40kg x10
60kg x12 @6
hookgrip - 65kg x12 @6

Will have to start using straps, as I can go heavier

Leg extension, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches -
slow tempo
10kg x5
15kg x12 @8
16.25kg x9 @8

SSB Good Morning: - belt - 30kg x10, 40kg x10
50kg x12 @6
55kg x10 @7  (+5kg)

Leg curl, single leg : 10kg x6, 16.25kg x1
explode up, controlled down
16.25kg x10 @8  (+1 rep)
16.25kg x9 @8

Single leg, kneeling deadlift: single dumbbell on opposite side of working leg, supported
50lbs x10 @8  (+5lbs)

Single leg, Romanian deadlift, RDL: single dumbbell on opposite side of working leg, supported
50lbs x10 @8  (+5lbs)

Preacher Hammer curl ISO. single arm: 15lbs 2x45 Seconds @8

« Last Edit: March 22, 2024, 09:45:27 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1627 on: March 22, 2024, 09:44:31 am »
Thursday 21st March 2024

Whole body sore from yesterday
Rest day

Felt ravenous and ate a ton of food.

Friday 22nd March 2024

Sartorius lower tendons feeling better and better.

Reboot - Week 15, Day 3 - Upper weights

Body Weight: 92.1kg with shoes

Ball circles at wall: front x 30 - 15 each direction, side x30 - 15 each direction

Semi sissy squat ISO, single leg staggered stance, other leg in front: 3x45secs

BBall overhead single arm plank againt wall: 2x45 secs

BBall ball control drills 5 mins

Front plank hold - 33 secs @ RPE 7
Side plank hold staggered stance, opposite hand in air: x 33secs @ RPE 8
glute bridge hold x 33secs @6

rotating sets

Single leg calf raise ISO - BW x 45secs toes out, x45secs toes in
chain dip belt +10kg 2x45secs toes out/in
+12.5kg 2x45secs toes out/in  (+2.5kg)

Leg curl ISO - against floor, single leg: @70% effort 4x45secs

Leg extension ISO - single leg: 30 sec hold at top, 20 sec hold at 30 degrees x 5kg

Plates moved towards end of loading arm with collars - 45 sec hold at top, 30 sec at 30 degrees x10kg,
x12.5kg, 12.5kg, 15kg @RPE 7/7/8

Moved the plates towards the end of the loading arm on this Ironmaster plate loaded leg extension bench attachment.
Using two Rogue OSO collars.
Doing this moves the strength curve from hardest at the top, towards the middle of the ROM.

Dumbbell press, rotating grip: 10lbs x10, 15lbs x10, 25lbs x7, 35lbs x5, 40lbs x1
40lbs 2x10 @ RPE 8/9  (+2.5lbs, -2 reps)

moving up to 40lb dumbbells next week

Rotating sets

High angle barbell row: - SLOW, hold at top -  20kg x5
27.5kg x10 - Slow, hold at top. @RPE 8  (+2 reps)  3/10 right lower bicep area pain
27.5kg x10 - Slow, hold at top. @RPE 9  2/10 right lower bicep area pain

Deficit push up: On floor, paused x5
Feet elevated 20 inches - BW x17 @RPE 8 (+1 rep)

might have gotten 18 reps, but I wasn't sure on the rep counting

rotating sets

Single arm dumbbell row, head supported : Elbows out, slow, 3 sec hold at top - 30lbs x10 @8  (+2.5lbs)

Side bend: 40lbs 2x12 @6/7  (+5lbs)

Overhead carry single arm: 20lbs 2x45 secs @8/9
Shoulder height carry single arm: 20lbs  2x45secs @8/9

rotating sets

External and internal rotation, band complex: external rotation reps at waist, shoulder height, diagonals each axis, subscap row
medium band x7 each axis @9
medium band x6 each axis @9

Shoulder rotations against wall, straight arm, towel between hand and wall: 2x12

Chest supported, incline, external and internal rotations: 2.5kg 2x15 @ 5/6



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1628 on: March 24, 2024, 07:49:44 pm »
Saturday 23rd March 2024

Walk- 24 mins

Achilles felt fine during walk, but some minor aches later that night....

Later that night
Calf raise ISO - two legs 2x 2mins
single leg -2x1min

Sunday 24th March 2024

Averaged 2611 calories,  230g protein, 206g fat, 9g carbs for the week, Carnivore.

This would normally make me get fatter, if I was eating carbs
Yet somehow my waist went down 1/8 inch to 36 5/8 inches

No major change in bodyweight though - 90.3kg this morning
Must be recomping, as I am getting stronger every session.

I will continue the same this week, just follow my hunger and eat till satisfied.
Pile on butter as needed to keep fat levels high.

At Home

QL seated side crunch ISO : 3x 45secs
Jefferson curl: 2.5kg 2x15 slow
Semi sissy squat ISO, single leg staggered stance, other leg straight in front: 3x45 secs

single leg Calf raise ISO:
chain dip belt+10kg x60 Seconds Toes out
+10kg x60 Seconds Toes in
+15kg x60 Seconds Toes out  @6
+15kg x60 Seconds Toes in  @7

Leg curl ISO against floor, single leg: 3x45 secs

Leg Extension ISO- single leg - Plates moved towards end of loading arm with collars - 45 sec hold at top, 30 sec at 30 degrees  x 10kg, 12.5kg, 12.5kg

BBall, upper Calisthenics at WLC outdoor courts - Reboot, Week 16, day 1
Bodyweight with shoes -  92.2kg

Dribbling and ball control drills - 17 mins
Shoot around and practice moves - 30 mins, light

No rapid movements or jumps.

rotating sets

Tricep bench dip warmup -  BW x5 slow, paused

Inverted row: - Leg at 90 degrees, supported inverted row - BW x6,
regular - BW x5
BW x17 @RPE 8 (+2 reps)
BW x14 @10

This matches my current all time PR, should surpass it next week :)

Straight bar dips: BW x10 leg supported, BW x5
BW x22 @ RPE 8 (+2 reps:personal-record:
BW x19 @9

Another 2 reps added!
Will continue going up to 30 reps before adding weight

Hanging pike leg raises: feet to hands - x1
x11 @9 (+1 rep:personal-record:
x5 @9

damn big drop off on second set

Dips: on corner of fence railing. Controlled  -  BW x1, x11 @9

L sit: with Bent knee alternating single leg raises x 10secs

Chin up - thick bar BW x5 @10 (+1 rep) last rep 3 inches short

L hang hold: - 10 Seconds @9
« Last Edit: March 24, 2024, 07:56:17 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1629 on: March 27, 2024, 02:47:04 pm »
Monday 25th March 2024

Both plantaris tendons achey

Tuesday 26th March 2024

Tendon Rehab -

Calf raise ISO - single leg 2x60secs  --> toes out, toes in
Dip belt+10kg x60secs toes out
+15kg 3x45 Seconds --> Toes in,out,in

High angle row ISO : 10kg 3x 45secs - 2/10 right lower brachialis pain

Semi sissy squat ISO, single leg staggered stance, other leg straight in front: 3x45 secs

Leg curl ISO against floor, single leg: 3x45 secs

Leg Extension ISO - single leg - lifted up to top, no eccentric
45 sec hold top, 30 sec at 45 degrees x 10kg, 12.5kg x 2  @8/8.5


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1630 on: March 27, 2024, 03:06:58 pm »
Wednesday 27th March 2024

Plantaris tendons still achey when cold out of bed, but OK when warmed up.

Reboot - Week 16, Day 2 - Lower weights

Body Weight: 91.4kg with shoes

snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocate stretch with broom x 1 min

Lateral squat ISO:1/4 squat depth 2x45secs
Split squat ISO, rear leg straight: x 45 secs
Calf raise ISO push against wall, sitting on floor, back against wall: @70% 3x45secs

Wall sit - x 45secs
Leg Extension ISO - single leg - lifted up to top, no eccentric - 10kg 2x45 secs @7
Reverse hyper: BW x15

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 8 inch step: slow tempo - BW x10

A. Front plank hold: 30secs
B. Side plank, legs bent: 30secs
C. Glute bridge hold: 30secs

Low bar good morning - 20kg x10

High Bar squat -
Reebok Nano
6 secs down, paused, and controlled up - BW x10
6 secs down, 10 sec paused - 20kg x3, 40kg x2
6 secs down, 5 sec paused - 60kg x2
6 secs down, 3 sec paused - 80kg x2

Oly shoes
5 secs down,  3 sec paused 90kg x1, 100kg x1, 110kg x1

110kg x8 @RPE 8
8 mins rest
belt - 120kg x8 @RPE8.5  (+10kg, -4 reps)
100kg x6 @7

Squats felt much harder today. Regressed a bit
Either bad day, or lack of recovery from the introduction of the leg extension ISOs

rotating sets

Calf raise - single leg - staggered stance - no elevation on floor, SLOW
BW x10
chain dip belt + 10kg x12 @ RPE 5
+15kg x15 @RPE 6
+17.5kg x15 @6

Tibilias Wall raise - standing warmup in oly shoes - BW x5
against side of car, in oly shoes - hold at top - BW x3
BW x15 @RPE 9 (+1 rep)
BW x14 @9

Romanian Deadlift - 20kg x10. 40kg x10
60kg x10 @5
hookgrip - 65kg x15 @6

Leg extension, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - Plates shifted to end of arm
slow tempo
10kg x5
12.5kg x9 @8.5
12.5kg x8 @8

Shifting the plates to end of loading arm makes the whole range of motion feel harder, instead of just the top.
Big reduction in load and reps

Rotating sets

SSB Good Morning: - belt - 30kg x10, 40kg x10
50kg x10 @6
60kg x11 @7  (+5kg)

Went up another 5kg and it felt OK. Using 50% of Squat main set feels about right

Leg curl, single leg : - Plates shifted to end of arm - 10kg x5 (Warm up)
explode up, controlled down

Plates shifted to end of arm - 12.5kg x3, x10 @9
normal - 16.25kg x10 @8.5

Single leg, kneeling deadlift: single dumbbell on opposite side of working leg, supported
50lbs x10 @7

Single leg, Romanian deadlift, RDL: single dumbbell on opposite side of working leg, supported
50lbs x10 @8

Jefferson Curl - controlled 15kg x15 @6



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1631 on: March 29, 2024, 11:36:07 am »
Thursday 28th March 2024

Not as sore as I usually am from yesterday's session. Erectors and right QL pretty sore though.

Achilles feeling improved after yesterday's session.
So the combined leg press style calf raise pushes against wall, and regular calf raises seems to be working well
There is no more inflammation around the heel on either side of the achilles, when pressed with my fingers.

Current change has been to add a days rest between each heavy tendon session, and it appears to be working better.

I tried stretching my calves on a step, but still keeping most of my weight on the other leg.
And it was pain free, so did 2x1min stretches.
Already been doing bent knee ones, on regular floor, which do not bother the achilles insertion.

Friday 29th March 2024

Achilles feeling good after yesterday's stretches
So advanced things into full range stretched calf raises today.
Kept it to two legs, and it was pain free.
Will advance to single leg ones in time.

Reboot - Week 16, Day 3 - Upper weights

Body Weight: 91.4kg with shoes

Ball circles at wall: front x 30 - 15 each direction, side x30 - 15 each direction
BBall overhead single arm plank againt wall: 2x45 secs
BBall ball control drills 5 mins

Calf raise ISO push against wall, sitting on floor, back against wall: 70% effort 
45 Seconds Toes out
45 Seconds Toes in
45 Seconds Toes out
45 Seconds Toes in

Semi sissy squat ISO, single leg staggered stance, other leg in front: 3x45secs
Leg curl ISO - against floor, single leg: @70% effort 4x45secs

Front plank hold - 33 secs @ RPE 7
Side plank hold staggered stance, opposite hand in air: x 33secs @ RPE 8
glute bridge hold x 33secs @6

rotating sets

Leg extension ISO - Plates moved towards end of loading arm with collars -
feet rotated outwards
45 sec hold at top, 30 sec at 45 degrees x 5kg, 10kg, 11.25kg, 11.25kg @ RPE 7

Rotated feet outwards for the top hold, seems to load the sartorius better and feels harder

Dumbbell press, rotating grip: 10lbs x10, 15lbs x10, 25lbs x9, 35lbs x6, 40lbs x1
40lbs 2x11 @ RPE 8.5/9  (+1 rep)

Calf raise- full range stretched, slow BW x12
chain dip belt +5kg x12

Felt good, and not too hard. Was tempted to use 10kg, but will be patient and see how the achilles feel tomorrow.

Rotating sets

High angle barbell row: - SLOW, hold at top -  20kg x8
27.5kg x11 - Slow, hold at top. @RPE 8.5  (+1 rep)  3/10 right brachialis pain on last 2 reps
27.5kg x11 - Slow, hold at top. @RPE 9  2/10 brachialis pain on last 2 reps

Improving, pain only came in on last few reps.

Deficit push up: On floor, paused x5
Feet elevated 20 inches - BW x18 @RPE 8 (+1 rep)

That was brutal, the burn on the last 3 reps!

rotating sets

Incline bench, Chest supported dumbbell rows Elbows out, slow, - 35lbs x1, x12 @9

Side bend: 45lbs 2x12 @7  (+5lbs)

Overhead carry single arm: 20lbs x45 secs, 17.5lbs x 45 secs  @9
Waiters carry single arm: 17.5lbs  2x45secs @8/9

rotating sets

External and internal rotation, band complex: external rotation reps at waist, shoulder height, diagonals each axis, subscap row
medium band x8 each axis @9

Chest supported, incline, external and internal rotations: 5kg x15 @8

Sit in bottom of full squat: 2 mins -  1 min narrow heels off floor, 1min wide relaxed

Jefferson curl:- controlled - 10kg x20 @5


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1632 on: March 31, 2024, 02:51:04 pm »
Saturday 30th March 2024

Posterior chain was on fire last night from the Jefferson curls, but much better today
Achilles feeling good.
First time in 2 years completely pain free cold out of bed.
It's like the chicken and egg thing - stretching the inflamed tendon insertion causes pain so you avoid stretching it.
But then tight calf muscle causes pain due to pulling on the tendon.
That explains why it hurts when getting out of bed or after sitting for a while, when muscle get cold, short and stiff, and then fine after standing for a bit.

Did more calf stretches

Sunday 32st March 2024

Erectors and right QL feel finally feel good.
I think due to the side bends and Jefferson curls.
Good mornings and RDLs didn't help, I think due to the spine not flexing...

Achilles felt good today, even post session, especially after getting out of the car back at home.

Things finally turning around, now to to wait for the Sartorius tendons to heal....

At Home

Semi sissy squat ISO, single leg staggered stance, other leg straight in front: 3x45 secs

Calf raise ISO push against wall, sitting on floor, back against wall: 70% effort
45 Seconds Toes out
45 Seconds Toes in
45 Seconds Toes out
45 Seconds Toes in

Sartorius lying on back, single leg ISO pull, against opposite foot: 70% effort - 3x45 secs

Leg Extension ISO- single leg - Plates moved towards end of loading arm with collars - hold at top, toes turned out - 45secs  x 10kg, 11.25kg, 12.5kg, 13.75kg

BBall, upper Calisthenics at WLC outdoor courts - Reboot, Week 17, day 1
Bodyweight with shoes -  91.6kg

Dribbling and ball control drills - 15 mins
Shoot around and practice moves - 30 mins, light to medium
 - Some easy single leg jump form practice, on both left and right legs

Sit in bottom of full squat: 2 mins

Went harder today, and even a single accidental jump landing on the balls of my feet - no pain from patella or achilles, unlike how I felt 17 weeks ago.
Even Sartorius lower insertions did not twinge.

I also did some gentle single leg jump practice.
Up till now I have always planted my takeoff leg, straight ahead and slightly bent.
This puts a ton of force on the patella tendon...
Today I used the form John Evans shows below - where you plant the leg, toes outwards, with the leg going across the mid line, and straight.
This puts the tension on VMO and hips, much stronger. Like using a Pole Vault
Should allow much faster approach and takeoff speeds

See 10:40
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

rotating sets

Tricep bench dip warmup -  BW x5 slow, paused

Inverted row: - Leg at 90 degrees, supported inverted row - BW x6,
regular - BW x5
BW x19 @RPE 8.5 (+2 reps:personal-record:
BW x16 @10


Straight bar dips: BW x10 leg supported, BW x5
BW x24 @ RPE 9.5 (+2 reps:personal-record:
BW x20 @9

Once I get to 30 reps, then my bodyweight is like 30% of 1RM :)

Backward walk - 1 minute x 4 sets

Hanging pike leg raises: feet to hands - x1
x12 @9.5 (+1 rep:personal-record:
x6 @10

Still with the big drop off on second set

Dips: on corner of fence railing. Controlled  -  BW x1, x12 @9

L sit: in Bent knee leg raise position, alternating single leg extensions x 10secs

Chin up - thick bar BW x5 @10  (+3 inches on last rep)

L hang hold: - 10 Seconds @10

Walking: 12 mins - with 2.5 min backwards walk up 30 degree slope

« Last Edit: March 31, 2024, 02:52:47 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1633 on: April 02, 2024, 06:18:21 am »
Monday 1st April 2024

A little beat up feeling all over
Mild aches on plantaris tendons.
Right achilles fine, left side some ache when pressed

Tendon Rehab - Recovery

QL seated side crunch ISO : x30secs, 2x45secs

Wall Sit 3x45secs - Sartorius insertion aches

Calf raise ISO push against wall, sitting on floor, back against wall:
45 Seconds Toes out
45 Seconds Toes in
45 Seconds Toes out
45 Seconds Toes in

High angle row ISO : 10kg x 45secs,
20kg 2x45secs, x55secs - 2/10 right brachialis pain

Last week 10kg hurt a bit, no pain this week, so doubled load, and it was OK till last set 
So improving

Calf raise ISO - single leg Dip belt+10kg x 45secs
+10kg x45secs toes out
+15kg 2x45 Seconds --> Toes in,out

Sartorius lying on back, single leg ISO pull against opposite foot: 3x45secs

Leg Extension ISO - single leg - lifted up to top, no eccentric - 45secs x 5kg, 10kg, 12.5kg, 15kg @RPE 8

Tuesday 2nd April 2024

Feeling a lot better

stretches for whole body

Sartorius lying on back, single leg ISO pull against opposite foot: 3x45secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1634 on: April 04, 2024, 07:40:51 am »
Wednesday 3rd April 2024

Reboot - Week 17, Day 2 - Lower weights

Body Weight: 91.6kg with shoes

snatch grip behind the neck press + dislocate stretch with broom x 1 min

Split squat ISO, rear leg straight: x 45 secs

A. Front plank hold: 30secs
B. Side plank, legs bent: 30secs
C. Glute bridge hold: 30secs

Calf raise ISO push against wall, sitting on floor, back against wall: @70% 3x45secs

Bird Dog - x 10 each side
Heel touch downs, single leg, off 8 inch step: slow tempo - BW x10

Leg Extension ISO - single leg - lifted up to top, no eccentric - 45secs x 10kg, 12.5kg, 12.5kg @7

Hang power clean - 20kg 2x5

Low bar good morning - 20kg x10

High Bar squat -
Reebok Nano
6 secs down, paused, and controlled up - BW x10
6 secs down, 10 sec paused - 20kg x3
6 secs down, 5 sec paused - 40kg x2, Normal - 40kg x3
4 secs down, paused - 60kg x2, Normal 60g x3
Slow, paused first rep - 75kg x3

Oly shoes
Slow, paused first rep - 90kg x3
4 sec down - 100kg x2, x1, 110kg x1

110kg x10 @RPE 9 (+1 rep)
8 mins rest
belt - 110kg x9 @RPE 8.5 
6 mins rest
90kg x12 @9

I don't know what is going on with my squats, but it felt hard again like last week.
2 weeks ago I did 110kg x12 with a belt and it felt so much easier.
Couldn't even improve on my beltless set today

rotating sets

Calf raise - single leg - staggered stance - full range stretched, SLOW
BW x12 @ REP 8
chain dip belt + 5kg x10, x10 @ RPE 8/9

Tibilias Wall raise - standing warmup in oly shoes - BW x5
against side of car, in oly shoes - hold at top - BW x5
BW x15 @RPE 8
BW x15 @9

Romanian Deadlift - 20kg x10. 40kg x10
60kg x10 @5
hookgrip - 70kg x12 @7  (+5kg)

Leg extension, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - Plates shifted to end of arm
slow tempo
10kg x6
12.5kg x10 @8.5
15kg x10 @9

Rotating sets

SSB Good Morning: - belt - 30kg x13, 40kg x10, 50kg x10
60kg x10 @7

Leg curl, single leg : - 10kg x6, 15kg x5
explode up, controlled down

16.25kg x11, x11 @9/9.5

Single leg, kneeling deadlift: single dumbbell on opposite side of working leg, supported
55lbs x10 @7 (+5lbs)

Single leg, Romanian deadlift, RDL: single dumbbell on opposite side of working leg, supported
55lbs x10 @8  (+5lbs)

Jefferson Curl - controlled 7.5kg x6, 12.5kgx15 @7
Crazy erector and QL burn!

High angle row ISO : 20kg 3x45secs 1/10 right brachilias pain

Pain decreasing