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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1410 on: October 19, 2022, 01:06:52 pm »
Wednesday 19th October 2022

Posterior shoulder achey from yesterday, will cut down the volume a bit next time.

Right lower sartorius and plantaris area randomly hurting everytime I loaded and bent my right leg into a 1/4 squat position.
Should not have squatted today in hindsight.

Achilles feeling good out of bed.

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, dislocates

Soft tissue work for lower body, and some upper

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 12 - day 2

Bodyweight with shoes - 91.1kg

BBall dribbling and ball control drills: - 5 mins - kinda meh

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 90 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs
Front plank hold: x 35 secs
Glute bridge hold x35secs
Side plank, legs bent, with abduction: x 35 secs

Split squat - slow tempo 2x6
Reverse hyper - BW 2x15
Heel touch downs, single leg, off 7 inch step: - slow eccentric - x10
Lateral squat - alternating sides: BW x12
Half kneeling Kettlebell weight shift: - 10kg x60 Seconds (10 sec hold each rep)

Safety bar Squat - Oly shoes - controlled slow eccentric - 30kg x10, 50kg x8, 70kg x6, belt on 90kg x5, 110kg x3, 125kg x3,

belt, controlled eccentric
135kg x2 @ RPE 8.5 - puts e1RM at 147kg

76% of e1RM - 112kg x3
110kg 3x3

Felt terrible, and hard, first bad squat session in a while. Strength well down.
Right lower sartorius area randomly hurting everytime in the 1/4 squat position didn't help either.
Autoregulated loads down.

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB or weighted Bent knee Calf Raise - single leg - oly shoes, 3 secs up and down, to  floor with 15mm elevation  - 20kg x6, 30kg x8, 40kg 2x8 @ RPE 8
B) SSB or weighted single leg Calf raise -  oly shoes, 3 secs up and down, to  floor with 15mm elevation -   20kg x6, 30kg x8, 40kg 2x8 @ RPE 8

40kg felt good for the most part, just some ache on the first rep of the 40kg sets when lifting off the floor on the right side.
Right knee, sartorius felt better after the bent knee calf raise, the hold.

B) Tibilias Wall raise - against side of car, in oly shoes - BW x 10
Dip belt +15kg x10, 8, 7 @ RPE 9/8/8 

Big decrease from last time

C) Dumbbell press, rotating grip: - inline with ears - 15lbs x12, 25lbs x10
35lbs x15, x15, x15 @ RPE 6.5/7/8  (+2 repa on third set)

Finally all sets with 15 reps across. Will go up in weight next time, maybe to 40lbs

A) High angle rows -  Elbows out, to upper abs - 20kg x12, 40kg x10, belt 60kg x8
70kg x10 , x9 , x8 @RPE 8/8/8.5

harder than usual due to shoulder fatigue from presses before.

B) Close grip triangle push up: On bench BW x12, floor x 15,
backpack +10kg x17, x15 @ RPE 7/8

C) Leg Curl - single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - toes pointed, explosive - 15kg x10
20kg x8, 7, 6 @ RPE 8

A) Overhead, arms straight, side bend: - 3 secs hold each rep, each side back to back - plate in hands - 5kg x5, 10kg 2x5 - hard

B) Reverse hyper - ghetto -  BW x20
Monster mini jump stretch band + mini band - 26kg 2x12 @ RPE 7/8

posterior chain felt smoked doing these after leg curls.


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1411 on: October 21, 2022, 03:54:50 am »
Thursday 20th October 2022

Moderate soreness all over. Not feeling to bad

Random pains when bending in lower sartorius area in both legs still present when bending in the 1/4 range, worse on the right side.
Even in light loads, so likely not tendionpathy. I think irritated Pes Anserine bursitis.
Sartorius is pretty sore and irritated as well so maybe swollen lower tendon causing rubbing and impingement there

Outer, upper right calf pain in the same 1/4 squat rnage, also rather random. Most likely plantaris msucle.
Which tendon runs down to the inner left side of the right achilles, where I feel some discomfort when cold walking... so it just might be all related...
It helps flex the ankle and knee joint by extending from the outside back of the femur, but I get no pain there when doing calf raises etc.
Only when quarter squatting with hips going back, so when all ankle, knee and hip joint are loaded, even very lightly
But do sometimes feel discomfort there on the eccentric of leg extensions right at the bottom, when the pad compresses into the back of the calf.
The ankle is somewhat under load

On the positive side, my right hand feels better already after just one session of the offset broom hold ISOs, where weeks of "rest" did nothing


Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, disolcates

Rotating sets - 30 secs to 1 mins rest

Peroneal foot rotation ISO : - 3x 45 secs

Single leg, kneeling quad push into couch ISO: - 90 degree knee angle at 70% effort - 4x45 secs

Copenhagen semi plank ISO, torso lying on floor: - 4x 30 secs - moderately hard

Palms up, offset, forearm hold ISO : holding broom at the middle, broom head on working side -  0.7kg 3x45secs -  Moderately hard

Sartorius straight leg externally rotated ISO, lying on back - resisting bodyweight 3x 45secs

Couch stretch
Calf stretch
« Last Edit: October 21, 2022, 03:56:43 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1412 on: October 21, 2022, 02:55:36 pm »
Friday 21st  October 2022

Still sore all over, erectors the most.

Right leg feeling better, but lower sartorius area and upper outer calf still randomly hurting when bent to 1/4 squat position, especially when walking downstairs with toes pointed.

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches, dislocates
Soft tissue work for lower body

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 12 - day 3

Bodyweight with shoes - 92.4kg 

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 35 secs
Front plank hold: x 35 secs
Glute bridge hold x35 secs
Side plank, legs bent: x 35 secs
Reverse hyper - BW x20

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

Copenhagen semi plank ISO, torso lying on floor: - 4x 30 secs - moderately hard
Sartorius ISO push against opposite leg :- at 70% effort - 3x 45 secs

Seated calf Raise ISO push, single leg - tie down strap around towel/leg and under wood plank - 80% effort x45 secs

Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches -
lifted up with help of arm, 15 sec hold at top, 30 sec hold at 60 degrees, no eccentric -  x15kg, 20kg, 25kg
45 sec hold at 60 degrees, no eccentric - x30kg, 30kg - hard

Hammer curl ISO - mid range, free floating elbow - 5kg plate - 3x45 secs - hard

SSB or weighted single leg Calf raise ISO: - 2 hands supported, held at slightly above neutral -  45secs x 30kg, 45kg, 47.5kg

Not too hard, and no pain. Will move up to 50kg next time.
SSB seems to subjectively feel easier than when using the dip belt. You just don't notice the weight hanging down from you.

Olys - Clean high pull: 20kg x6, 40kg x3, 60kg x3
Plus a few Power cleans on 20kg, 40kg, 60kg sets

Low Bar Squats - oly shoes, slow eccentric - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, 60kg 2x5, 75kg 2x5, 90kg 3x5
belt, normal tempo -
100kg x15 @RPE 6.5

controlled eccentric  - 100kg x6

Some random twinges from both lower Sartorius, worst for right leg, and right outer calf area when at 1/4 squat depth, which went away by 100kg
Low bar squat feeling better today, had bar too low on the back the last few times, now back above the rear delts.
Was only planning to stop at 100kg x5, but last minute repped it out instead.

First 100kg set was piston like, fast and smooth. VMO started burning pretty bad by rep 14, so stopped there.
Might be able to hit 19 reps straight without resting.
Since I haven't done high reps on squats in a while, like nothing above 6 reps with >100kg, this should be a pretty accurate reflection of where my strength levels are.
Somewhere around a 190kg e1RM for low bar squats


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1413 on: October 23, 2022, 07:57:55 am »
Saturday 22nd October 2022

Moderately sore all over, glutes and upper back the most.
I think from just tensioning and holding the bar in low bar squats, since I didn't work them directly.

Was worried squatting yesterday would make things worse, but both Sartorius and right plantaris muscle feeling better

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, dislocates

Rotating sets - 30 secs to 1 mins rest

Peroneal foot rotation ISO : - 3x 45 secs

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: - 80 degree knee angle - 3x45 secs

Copenhagen semi plank ISO, torso lying on floor: - 3x45 secs - moderately hard

Sartorius bent leg ISO pull against opposite leg - 3 x 45secs
basically a manual resistance version of this

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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1414 on: October 23, 2022, 09:18:47 am »
Sunday 23rd October 2022

Still achey all over. Hips especially
Achilles felt good out of bed, both sides, best it's felt so far.

Wasn't sure if I was going to BBall today, since it was supposed to rain, but it was clear, and I  wanted to get my upper body stuff done.
Dropped most of the lower body stuff.

Went OK, but my left foot plantar fasciitis flared up again, when I was back at home

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches
Soft tissue work on whole body

BBall practise session at WLC outdoor courts - 50 mins

Bodyweight without shoes -  90.5kg

At the courts
Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: x 45secs

Dribbling drills - 15 mins
shot around for 30 minutes.

two casual, scared, 1 step jumps, touching around 9'8". Right Sartorius ached a little upon landing so shut it down.
A few standing dunks, and 1 single leg dunk on 8 feet netball rims

Slight twinge from both Sartorius earlier in the session on cuts, but fine after

Pull Ups - on netball ring, close grip - scapular shrugs x 20
dead hang, paused to sternum - BW x1, x1

Jogs - a few short easy jogs on balls of feet

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Pogo hops - low/mid intensity x20,
x40 - a few side to side swivel reps
x60 - rotating on the spot alternating directions each full rotation

No pain or discomfort, so small increase in intensity

B) Skips - 3 series of short sets of track and field style skips, prime times and lateral skips

C) L hang pull up - on netball ring, close grip, to sternum - BW x4, x4 @ RPE 8
BW x4 - last rep, sternum 3 inches from bar

Same as last week, but to sternum now, as opposed to chin.
Doing them first up, before inverted rows made me feel much stronger.
Just powered them up on the first two sets.
All I need to do is swing forward and a muscle up should be had, as I'm already high enough over the bar.

Pike push up: - elbows in, 24 inches between hands and feet - BW x3, x5
BW x10 @ RPE 7
Feet elevated 22 inches - BW x10, x8 @ RPE 8   - these looked more like regular foot elevated pushups...

A1) Inverted rows - reverse grip - BW x3
reverse grip - BW x11, x11 @ RPE 7
BW x9 @ RPE 9

Wide, thumbless grip - BW x15, x10 @ RPE 8/6

B) Straight Bar dips - BW x3
down to upper abs
BW x13, x10 @ RPE 8/7

L-Sit - on bench - BW x10 secs, 2x15 secs

+5 secs set 2 and 3
getting easier



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1415 on: October 24, 2022, 06:17:35 am »
Monday 24th October 2022

Fat loss cycle 3 - Week 22
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 89.8kg, 198lbs

waist - 35.5 inches
hip = 42 1/8
upper thigh = 27 1/8
Right calf = 16 (-1/8)
Neck = 15 7/8
Chest = 42.5 
Right Arm (flexed) = 15.5
Wrist = 6 5/8

Tanita scale bodyfat % = 23.9% (-0.3 )

Total loss so far - weight -0.0kg Waist 2 5/8 inches BF% Tanita -2.2%

Phone app TDEE Calculator is at 2690 calories
Averaged 2330 calories over the week, 159g protein, 186g carbs,  96g fat.

Calories down a bit, mostly from eating less fat, from raw macadamias, my addiction...
Still no major change, but I think I'm just a bit heavier today from food and water weight, as I was mostly around low 89kg during the week

Mild to moderate aches all over, mild beat up feeling.
Mid upper back, traps and neck the most stiff and sore feeling.
Followed by upper hamstrings, due to the skips and prime times most likely, something new.

Both achilles felt good out of bed. Tolerating the loads pretty good now.
Especially the right side.
I'll just slowly increment up the loads on the ISOs and slow calf raises, and intensity on the pogos and skips, bounds and running each week, and they should be back to full function soon.
By the end of the year, but you can never tell for sure with tendons, just very slow recovery...
It appears that overdosing on vitamin C, and adding in Whey around training time may be a factor.
I take 1g of Vitamin C and whey before training, and then 5g of Vit C in my workout drink :)

On the bad side, my left foot plantar fasciitis hurting again, so walking around is painful.
More toe curls and long 1+ min calf and soleus wall stretches with feet flat on the floor

Waking mobility work

Single leg, kneeling quad push into floor ISO: 90 degrees - 3x45 secs

Toe curl ISO : 3 x 45 secs

Wall sit, single leg: 1/4 squat depth - 2 x 45secs

Wall sit, single leg. heels off the floor : 1/4 squat depth -  3x45secs  - feels pretty hard

Lying on side, single leg lateral push into floor: 2x 45secs

Sartorius bent leg ISO pull against opposite leg : 2x 45secs

« Last Edit: October 24, 2022, 08:02:17 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1416 on: October 25, 2022, 05:55:13 pm »
Tuesday 25th October 2022

Still feeling achey and slightly beat up

Right lower sartorius still bugging me, random pain hits in the 1/4 squat range.
I don't know whether to rest it or continue doing ISOs for it

Left foot feeling better once again, so the Toe curls and calf stretches are effective

Didn't feeling like loading up on the ISOs, so just did manual resistance variants

While lying in bed - rotating sets

External rotation ISO - manual resistance from opposite arm : stretch range 3x45secs
Subscapularis ISO push, hand into chest, lying on back :  3x45secs

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, disolcates

Toe Curl ISO 3x 45secs
Palms up, offset, forearm hold ISO : holding broom at the middle, broom head on working side -  0.7kg 3x45secs -  Moderately hard

Rotating sets - 30 secs to 1 mins rest

Calf raise ISO push against wall. Single leg: 4 x45secs
Seated calf Raise ISO push, single leg - strap around towel/thigh and under wood plank - 80% effort 4x45 secs

Seated single leg push into floor. heel off the floor : - 90 degrees - 4x 45secs

Sartorius bent leg ISO pull against opposite leg : 3x 45secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1417 on: October 26, 2022, 02:34:45 pm »
Wednesday 26th September 2022

Still achey, especially erectors.

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches
Soft tissue work for whole body

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 13 - day 1

Bodyweight with shoes - 90.7kg 

general mobility drills
BBall dribbling and ball control drills: - 10 mins - good

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 35 secs
Front plank hold: x 35 secs
Glute bridge hold x45 secs
Side plank, legs bent: x 35 secs

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 6 inch step: - slow eccentric - x10

A) Sartorius ISO push against opposite leg :- at 70% effort - 3x 45 secs
B) Peroneal foot rotation ISO - 70% effort - 3x 35secs

Half kneeling Kettlebell weight shift: - 10kg x60 Seconds (10 sec hold each rep)
Chin grip lat stretch, feet supported - 5 x 30secs

Rotating sets -

Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 15 sec hold at top, 30 sec hold at 70 degrees, no eccentric - 15kg, 20kg, 25kg, 30kg

45 sec hold at 70 degrees, no eccentric x 30kg, 35kg

Olys - Clean high pull: 20kg x6, 40kg x4, 60kg x4, 80kg x4, 80kg x3
Plus a few Power cleans on 20kg, 40kg, 60kg sets

Squats - did one set of front squat, Low bar then a set of high bar as I ramped up - 1 min between each. Then High bar squat, low bar squat > 105kg with 3 mins rest

Front squat
20kg x5, 40kg x3, 60kg x3, 75kg x3

Stretching the lats helped a lot, able to full grip the bar and keep elbows higher

Low Bar Squat - oly shoes, slow eccentric - 20kg x10, 40kg x5, 60kg x3, 75kg x3, 90kg x3, belt on 105kg x3, 125kg x3, 140kg x1
140kg x5 @ RPE 7 - after the high bar 140kg x5 set

High bar squat - oly shoes, slow eccentric - 20kg x10, 40kg x5, 60kg x3, 75kg x3, 90kg x3, belt on  105kg x3, 125kg x2 , 140kg x1

belt, controlled eccentric
140kg x5 @ RPE 7.5 -- puts e1RM at 170kg 

73% of e1RM - 125kg 2x4  (hard)

Top sets felt good, strong and solid feeling, but right lower sartorius twinges on earlier warm up sets in the 1/4 squat range, as well as outter, upper calf area

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB Good Morning: - oly shoes - 30kg x10, belt on 50kg x10, 70kg x10, 
80kg x7, x8 @ RPE 7/8.5

B) Dumbbell press, rotating grip: - inline with ears - 15lbs x12, 25lbs x8, 35lbs x6
40lbs x10, x9, x8 @ RPE 8  (PR!! +10lbs, -5reps)

C) Single leg split stance  tibialis raise, in oly shoes: BW x6
+5kg x8, x8, x8 @RPE 7/8/9

D) SSB single leg bent knee Calf raise -  3 sec down, 2 secs up, in oly shoes, 15mm elevated - 30kg x6, 50kg x8, x8 @ RPE 8
E) SSB single leg Calf raise -  3 sec down, 3 secs up, olys shoes, on floor -  30kg x6, 50kg x8, x8 @ RPE 8

+10kg on these, felt good, only slight discomfort on right inner lower achilles area, which may be the plantaris tendon

A) High angle barbell rows -  Elbows out, to upper abs - 20kg x12, 40kg x10, 60kg x8
70kg x11 , x9 @RPE 8  (+1 rep on first set)

B) Leg Curl - single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - toes pointed, explosive - 15kg x10
20kg x8, 7 @RPE 9
should have stopped at 7 and 6 reps

C) Single arm dumbbell row, head supported : - controlled eccentric - 40lbs x10, 70lbs x6
80lbs 2x8 @ RPE 8/8.5   (+5lbs, - 4 reps)

D) Overhead, arms straight, side bend: - 3 secs hold each rep, each side - plate in hands - 5kg x5, 10kg 2x6 (+1 rep, hard)
« Last Edit: October 26, 2022, 07:34:03 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1418 on: October 27, 2022, 01:44:00 pm »
Thursday 27th October 2022

Mild tired feeling. Moderate aches all over

current problem areas not feeling worse after yesterday

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, disolcates

Lower body stretches


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1419 on: October 28, 2022, 05:00:20 pm »
Friday 28th  October 2022

mild aches all over

While lying in bed - rotating sets

External rotation ISO - manual resistance from opposite arm : stretch range 3x45secs
Subscapularis ISO push, hand into chest, lying on back :  3x45secs

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches, dislocates

Toe Curl ISO 3x 45secs

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 13 - day 2

Bodyweight with shoes - 90.8kg 

general mobility drills

A) Sartorius ISO push against opposite leg :- at 70% effort - 3x 45 secs
B) Peroneal foot rotation ISO - 70% effort - 3x 35secs

Dancing - 5mins
BBall dribbling and ball control drills: - 3 mins - ok

Palms up, offset, forearm hold ISO : holding broom at the middle, broom head on working side -  0.7kg 3x45secs -  Moderately hard

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs
Front plank hold: x 35 secs
Glute bridge hold x35 secs
Side plank, legs bent: x 35 secs
Reverse hyper - BW x15, x10

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

Copenhagen semi plank ISO, torso lying on floor: - 3x 45 secs - hard

Seated calf Raise ISO push, single leg - tie down strap around towel/leg and under wood plank - 80% effort 3x45 secs

Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 8 inches -
lifted up with help of arm, 25 sec hold at top, 20 sec hold at 45 degrees, no eccentric -  x15kg, 20kg, 25kg
45 sec hold at 45 degrees, no eccentric - x30kg - hard

Hammer curl ISO - stretch range, elbow on troso - 7kg dumbbell - 3x45 secs - hard

SSB single leg Calf raise ISO: - 2 hands supported, held at slightly above neutral -  45secs x 30kg, 50kg, 50kg, 50kg

Moderately hard, no pain

Elbow supported dumbbell external rotation - to front of body - 3 secs up and down - 5lbs 2x12

Low Bar Squats - oly shoes, slow eccentric - 20kg x10, 40kg x10, 60kg x5, 75kg x5, belt on 90kg x5, x2, 105kg x2, 115kg x2

belt, controlled eccentric
115kg x12 @RPE 7   --> puts e1RM at 188kg

Paused reps  - 115kg x3

Felt kinda hard, but still piston like and fast. Quite the glute burn on 12th rep, but quads were still hit pretty hard as well
Just working up to a single top set with, 3 reps in the tank. second paused reps set was a throwaway set.
Keeping fatigue low, so the body has enough resources to recover, and then go above current baseline, as opposed to just having only enough to recover back to baseline and no more.
Plus I seem to not be able to do squat backoff sets all too well, or lots of sets across, they just feel terrible.
So I think for me, it's better to do more sets on the way up.

Low bar squat not bothering my right lower sartorius, at least for the main sets, some twinges on the lighter sets. in 1/4 squat position on the way down.
The closer the movement is to walking downstairs on the balls of your feet, the more it hurts.

camera angles can be so deceiving - from the back it looks shallow, but from the side, below parallel

Bar hang, leg raise holds: -  5 sec bent knee, 5 sec straight leg, 5 sec bent knee, 5 sec straight leg
20secs x 3 sets

Quite the lat stretch, kill two birds with one stone. Plus the thick squat rack cross member works the grip as well.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2022, 05:06:54 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1420 on: October 29, 2022, 02:43:52 pm »
Saturday 29th October 2022

Moderate tired feeling and soreness all over.
Glutes and hamstrings feel hammered

Right lower sartorius and upper right calf issue feels much better

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, disolcates

Lower body stretches


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1421 on: October 30, 2022, 01:01:57 pm »
Sunday 30th October 2022

Legs and hips were pretty achey before heading to bed, much better after sleeping, but still fairly sore.

Right lower sartorius and upper right calf felt much better.
So whatever I'm doing is working, even with the squats.

No sign of my Left foot plantar fasciitis today.
Did do some toe towel curls before heading to the court

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches
Soft tissue work on whole body - brief session

BBall practise session at WLC outdoor courts - 40 mins

Bodyweight without shoes -  ?

At the courts
Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: x 45secs
Sartorius bent leg ISO pull against opposite leg : x 45 Seconds

Dribbling drills - 15 mins
shot around for 25 minutes, along with dunks on 8 feet Netball rims.

Busy, all courts taken, so I did all my stuff on the nearby netball courts, which have an 8 feet rim stuck on the back of the 10 feet one.
Sore legs and hips, so did not feel too explosive, but still decent intensity.
Quite a few single leg dunks, and no discomfort was felt in left patella tendon, foot or achilles.

Did 15 or so jumps of all types later on, some against a BBall rim.
Highest measured jump was 9'9" touch off 1 step.
Running jump is pretty bad right now, not much higher than 1 step, but was able to pull off a fluid right left plant, my off plant.

No issues with Sartorius today, nor my right plantaris, either on jumping or landing.
Felt nice and floaty on the jogs after the BBall here and there, on the balls of my feet. Both achilles felt fine.

Pull Ups - on netball ring, close grip - scapular shrugs x 20
dead hang, paused to sternum - BW x1, x1

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Pogo hops - low/mid intensity x20,
x40 - A few side to side swivel and rotating reps
x60 - A few side to side swivel and rotating reps
x60 - A few side to side swivel and rotating reps

No achilles pain or discomfort

B) Skips - 3 series of short sets of track and field A skips, prime times and lateral skips - all at low/mid intensity

C) L hang pull up - on netball ring, close grip, to sternum - BW x4, x4, x4 @ RPE 8/9/9.5    (+3 inches on last rep from last week)

All reps to sternum this week, +1 rep from last week

D) Box Jump, Depth Drop combo - 20 inch wall - jump from 2 feet away, landing ontop with straight legs 3x3
Mild twinge from left patella tendon on first drop, but fine after. Felt kinda hard
I can tell that depth jumps off this height is a no go right now, no wonder my running jump is so bad now compared to before.

E) Pike push up: - elbows in, 24 inches between hands and feet - BW x3
BW x10, x8 @ RPE 8

3 step jump practice -  3x3 with each plant

Muscle up, leg assisted - leg drive from ground on playground monkey bars
6 reps, 10 secs rest between each - right elbow hurt...

L hang pulls up tired me too much.
Made 4 of my reps, but right elbow hurt... so it looks like muscles up are not for me right now...

A) Step up jumps. Single leg, arm supported : 6 inch step - each leg  2x5

big right toe felt discomfort on these

B) Inverted rows - reverse grip - BW x3
reverse grip - BW x12, x10 @ RPE 10/8.5
Wide, thumbless grip - BW x15, x11 @ RPE 8

C) Straight Bar dips - BW x3
BW x12, x10 @ RPE 9/8

L-Sit - on bench - BW x20 secs, 20 secs, 15 secs  (+5 secs set 1 and 2)

« Last Edit: October 30, 2022, 01:17:33 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1422 on: October 31, 2022, 12:21:12 am »
Monday 31st October 2022

Fat loss cycle 3 - Week 22
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 89.2kg (-0.7kg), 196.7lbs

waist - 35.25 inches (-0.25)
hip = 42 1/8
upper thigh = 27 (-1/8)
Right calf = 16 (-1/8)
Neck = 15.75 (-1/8)
Chest = 42.5 
Right Arm (flexed) = 15 3/8 (-1/8)
Wrist = 6 5/8

Tanita scale bodyfat % = 23.7% (-0.5 )

Total loss so far - weight -0.7kg Waist 2 7/8 inches BF% Tanita -2.4%

Phone app TDEE Calculator is at 2715 calories
Averaged 2167 calories over the week, 167g protein, 129g carbs,  97g fat.

Stepping up the fat loss this week

Moderately beat up feeling.
Soleus pretty sore, along with quads, hamstrings and biceps.

Right elbow, painful.
Both Achilles decent.
Left patella tendon a little achey, along with both lower Sartorius, but better than past weeks.

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches, disolocates

Recovery ISOs

Rotating sets - 30 secs rest

Wall sit, heels off the floor - 1min
Wall Sit  1min x 2

Butchers block, thoracic lat loaded stretch: - dumbbell in hands 10kg - 3x 1min

Calf raise ISO, Single leg: - mid range - 1min x 3

Sartorius bent leg ISO pull against opposite leg : 3x 45secs

Single rear leg, bent knee, calf raise ISO - front leg on bench: - 3x 1min
new variant, hammers the soleus hard, and with good stability

Tricep press down ISO : - short medium Rogue band - 45secs x 3 (medium effort)

Back bridge against wall: 10secs x 5

« Last Edit: October 31, 2022, 08:40:59 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1423 on: November 01, 2022, 01:09:01 am »
I received my TYR L1 lifting shoes from WODLife Australia today, much cheaper than getting it directly from TYR, along with a discount on top of that. Otherwise they are normally more expensive than the rest of the shoes...

My feet measure 26cm, and I have paddle shaped feet on the wider side at over 4 inches wide. I wear size 10US for all my athletic shoes, but some barefoot style shoes in size 10.5 for a looser fit.

Straight away, they have shot to the top of the list of all the shoes I own.
Even without breaking them in they already feel good and comfortable all over.
Size 10 is perfect fit for me.

It feels flat, with a natural feeling taper from the heel to front of the shoe. Plenty of room up front to splay the toes, while still having the side of my foot hugging the shoe.
The right mix of flexibility and stiffness at the front, they feel as pliable as the Legacy Lifter 2 up front, but somehow more secure feeling.
There are no pressure areas on the shoe, unlike the others, and the arch area is moderate feeling.
They just feel more athletic than the other shoes for me. Like an extension of my foot, with good grip.
The upper around the ankle feels exactly like the Romaleos 2 with the soft padded fabric.

The only negative is the straps feel and look a bit more cheap than the others with the plastic loops and rubber ends. But they feel durable enough and are stitched, unlike the Romaleos 4's straps which are only glued together And tighten up well with no discomfort

They are the only shoe I have where you do have to loosen the laces to get my feet into, but probably also the reason they have no heel slip!
The Romaleos 4 has the worse heel slip, followed by the Romaleos 2. The Legacy Lifter 2 has a some heel slip even size down half a size.
Also for that reason, it's why I haven't felt the need to pull the straps tight on the TYR L1, as the shoe feels snug and secure as is. All the other shoes, especially the Romaleos 4 I've had to pull the straps tight.

My Nike Romaleos 2 is size 10.5, which I bought second hand for $20 :)
But they are still in good condition.
I find the front area around the strap there a bit uncomfortable for me and pulling that tight just feels bad, without actually make the shoe feel more secure.
I just don't see the hype for this shoe

I did have to size down to 9.5 on Reebok Legacy Lifter 2 as it's a longer shoe compared to the rest. Not as narrow as the Romaleos 4, but still pretty snug at the front.
The front to back slope of the heel is pretty steep and aggressive, so it feels a bit unnatural.
There is pressure around midfoot arch area, and frontal top of the foot.
And the insole makes a lot of squeaking noises eventually!
Front of shoe feels a touch too flexible.

Romaleos 4 feels the most rigid when leaning back into the heel.
Quite stiff and clunky, boot like compared to the other shoes.
The shoe feels uneven, with the toe spring. It does not sit flat.
I do not feel confident and stable in them with heavy loads.
They are quite narrow up front and push against my outer toes.
Heel slip means I tend to pull the straps tight.
The straps are also only glued together, so they will split eventually.
I feel more pressure around the arch area and the top of the foot, and general unevenness vs the TYR L1
Ankles also feel exposed and less supported... no locked down feeling...maybe another reason for the heel slip...

Maybe time to sell off some unwanted lifting shoes :)

Vs Romaleos 4

vs Romaloes 2

vs Legacy Lifter 2
« Last Edit: November 01, 2022, 04:11:37 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1424 on: November 01, 2022, 09:27:34 am »
Tuesday 1st October 2022

Still pretty moderately sore all over.
Been walking down stairs backwards since last week, tried normal way today and no pain from lower Sartorius and right outer calf region (plantaris muscle)

Right elbow, feeling better

Was keen to test out the TYR L1 shoes on squats, but I just felt drowsy and still too sore, so better off waiting till tomorrow.

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches, dislocates

Recovery and tendon rehab ISOs

Rotating sets - 30 secs rest

Calf raise ISO push against wall. Single leg: - braced with forearms and top of head - 3x 45secs
Sitting on floor, back on wall, single leg press ISO push through ball of foot against wall: - 60 degree knee angle - 3x45secs
Bent knee calf raise ISO push against wall, single leg, sitting on floor, back against opposite wall: 3x45secs

Sartorius bent leg ISO pull against opposite leg : 3x 45secs

Tricep press down ISO : - short medium Rogue band - 45secs x 3 (medium effort)
Palms up, offset, forearm hold ISO : holding broom at the middle, broom head on working side -  0.7kg 3x45secs -  Moderately hard

Glutes feeling smashed from the wall based calf and leg press pushes