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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1380 on: September 27, 2022, 02:38:50 pm »
Tuesday 27th September 2022

Still fairly sore all over, my lats and pecs more sore today.
left glute medius still beat up.

I wasn't planning to do a main session today, but it somehow kinda happened anyway.
Wasn't feeling too bad, so it went OK

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, dislocates

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 9 - day 2 - Lower

Bodyweight with shoes, semi winter clothing - 91kg

BBall ball control and dribbling - 5 mins - ok

Reverse hyper - ghetto - BW x 15, 15kg x5, 16kg x5, 18kg x5, 12.5kg x5, 22.5kg x5, 22.5kg x5

I was testing out my new reverse hyper setup, in various ways.
Seems to work with using that wood plank, tie down straps running through a spinlock dumbbell.
Put the dip handles of my rack at the front to hold onto

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 90 degrees knee angle - x 30 secs

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Sartorius bent leg ISO push against opposite leg : At 70% effort - 3 x40secs

B) Hammer curl ISO - dumbbell, elbow on body, stretched range - 15lbs 3 x40 secs - hard

C) Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 8 inches - 10 sec concentric, 10 sec hold at top. 30 sec hold at 60 degrees  - 15kg, 20kg, 25kg

3 sec Concentric to 60 degrees strap, pushing at 70% effort, no eccentric - 45 secs x 27.5kg, 30kg, 30kg

D) SSB or weighted Bent knee Calf Raise - single leg - 3 secs up and down, mid range ROM  - 20kg 3x10 @ RPE 8
E) SSB or weighted single leg Calf raise - 3 secs up and down, mid range ROM -  20kg 3x10 @ RPE 8

Peroneal rotation ISO : - right side only - 3x 45secs
I stopped doing these, but my right peroneal started aching again on the concentric of the squat today, so back to it, and the pain went after the first set....

A) Safety bar Squat - Oly shoes - controlled eccentric - 30kg x10, 50kg x8, 70kg x5, x3, belt on 90kg x3, x1, x3, 110kg x3, 120kg x3,
130kg x3 @ RPE 6.5
135kg x3 @ RPE 7.5  (PR!!! +5kg)  -- puts e1RM at 158kg

72% of e1RM - 113kg 4x3
110kg x 4

Did not plan to squat today, was supposed to be tomorrow, but it just happened after I finished all my other stuff, and it went OK
Was supposed to do 3x4 with 72% after the top set, but I messed up...

These feel so hard and brutal with heavy weights, upper mid back getting worked super hard and rounding over, I never thought 140kg was going to be used by me any time soon, but here we are almost there!

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

Overhead sideways band QL stretched hold, hip pushed away from band: - light Jump Stretch band 3x 30 secs  - hard

Reverse hyper - ghetto
22.5kg x10 Dumbbell
32.5kg x15 Dumbbell
16kg x15 Monster mini jump stretch band
26kg x12 Monster mini jump stretch band + mini band

I still prefer using bands, as the swinging of weights is annoying.
Once you use heavier loads, or band tension, the amount of work your upper back and arms get surprised me.. it felt like doing heavy rows.
It feels pretty tiring in a whole body way.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2022, 10:43:01 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1381 on: September 29, 2022, 10:48:42 pm »
Wednesday 28th September 2022

Mild drained feeling, really sore quads, whole back top to bottom, posterior chain and calves

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, dislocates

Rotating sets 1 mins rest

Single leg, kneeling quad push into couch ISO: - at 70% effort - 4x45 secs

Sartorius bent leg ISO push against opposite leg : At 70% effort - 3x 45secs

Peroneal rotation ISO : right leg only - 3x 45secs

Hammer curl ISO, elbow on body, stretched range 15lbs x 35 secs, 2x 40 secs - hard

Calf raise ISO, single leg: - hold at mid range - first half bent leg, then straight leg - 1.5 mins x dip belt+20kg x 3 sets


Single leg, kneeling quad push into couch ISO: - at 70% effort - 4x45 secs
« Last Edit: October 01, 2022, 09:28:51 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1382 on: September 30, 2022, 11:56:54 am »
Thursday 29th September 2022

Big drop in soreness but erectors are still moderately sore

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches, disolcates
Soft tissue work for lower body and some upper

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 9 - day 3

Bodyweight with shoes, in winter clothing - 91kg 

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 30 secs
Front plank hold: x 30 secs
Glute bridge hold x30 secs
Side plank, legs bent: x 30 secs

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 7 inch step: - slow eccentric - x10
Reverse hyper - on padded bar - BW x15

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Sartorius ISO push against opposite leg :- at 70% effort - 4x 45 secs
B) Peroneal foot rotation ISO - 70% effort, right leg only - 4x45secs

C) Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 3 sec Concentric, 10 sec hold at top, 30 sec hold at 60 degrees, slow eccentric - 15kg, 20kg, 25kg, 30kg
3 sec Concentric, 30 sec push at 60 degrees strap , no eccentric - x 35kg, 35kg

D) Seated calf Raise ISO push, single leg - dip belt around leg and under wood plank - 70% effort 4x45 secs

Got smart and used my dip belt to do this, adjusted the chain length to suit, and under a wood plank
Now I can do Soleus/Achilles ISOs anytime I want, and push as hard as I want with no discomfort

SSB or weighted single leg Calf raise ISO: - 2 hands supported, held at top -  45 secs x dip belt+20kg, 22.5kg

Olys - Clean high pull: 20kg x6, 40kg x3, 60kg x3, 80kg x3, 90kg, 100kg x3, 110kg x3
Plus a few Power cleans on 20kg, 40kg, 60kg sets

First 2 reps of 110kg were power clean height, third felt slower

Half kneeling Kettlebell weight shift: - 10kg x60 Seconds (10 sec hold each rep)

Low Bars Squats - oly shoes - 20kg x10, 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 75kg x5, 90kg x5, belt on 105kg x4, 120kg x3, 135kg x2
155kg x1 @RPE 6
165kg x1 @RPE 7 -- puts e1RM at 180kg
80% of e1RM - 145kg x2 -- felt too hard so stopped after 2 reps, instead of doing 3
75% of e1RM - 135kg x3

Haven't done low bar squats in a while, so the rack felt hard and sketchy, than the actual squatting was.
Decided to bail before finishing all my main volume sets

High bar squat - oly shoes - belt 120kg x3, 100kg x3, 100kg x5
No belt 80kg x7

Doing high bar squat with the way I have been recently holding the bar on my back felt pretty unstable, contrasting it to the low bar squats just before.
So I spent a few sets getting back a more locked down rack position, with arms closer in and traps more popped up.
Felt so much easier. See how it translates the next time I do them

Sumo Deadlifts - lowered under control - Oly shoes,  hook grip - 60kg x5, belt on 100kg x5, 120kg x5, 140kg x5

felt Ok in oly shoes

Romanian Deadlift - Oly shoes - belt, straps - deadlifted off the floor - 140kg x5 @ RPE 5 (PR!!!)

Decided to try RDL 140kg for shits and giggles, and was shocked how easy it felt!
The last time I did an RDL was 6 months, and 120kg felt harder than 140kg did today.
So I guess Sumo deadlifts and good mornings have beefed up my posterior since then.

Looks like 2x Bodyweight x10 for RDLs is not far off once I get this fat off me

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Dumbbell press, rotating grip: - inline with ears - 15lbs x12, 25lbs x10
35lbs x15, x14, x12 @ RPE 7.5/8/8  (+2 reps on second set)

B) Single arm dumbbell row, head supported : - controlled eccentric - 55lbs x10,
75lbs x11, x10 @ RPE 8   (+1 rep each set)

Lower right brachialis no longer hurting that much, ISO hammer curls working.

C) Single leg split stance  tibialis raise, in oly shoes: BW x7
5kg x10, x11, x9 @RPE 8

D) Leg curl, single leg : - Toes pointed, explosive - 10kg x10,
15kg x12 @ RPE 7
17.5kg x10 @8

will go up to 17.5kg next time.

Overhead sideways band QL stretched hold, hip pushed away from band: - mini Jump Stretch band 2x30 secs - hard

Reverse hyper - ghetto - BW 2x20,

« Last Edit: October 01, 2022, 09:29:07 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1383 on: September 30, 2022, 11:58:11 am »
PR dump from this week - SSB and RDL

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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1384 on: October 01, 2022, 09:27:59 am »
Friday 30th September 2022

Really sore quads, erectors, upper hammies and glutes

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

while lying in bed -
Internal leg rotation stretched ISO, lying on back- 3x 45secs

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: BW x 45 Seconds, Dip belt+20kg, 25kg
Sartorius bent leg ISO push against opposite leg : At 70% effort - 3x 45secs
Peroneal foot rotation ISO : right leg only - 3x 45secs

Seated calf Raise ISO push, single leg - dip belt around leg and under wood plank - 70% effort 3x45 secs
Noticed that this does also contract the quads quite hard as well

Single leg, kneeling rear quad push into 6 inch step ISO: - at 70% effort - 3x45 secs

Hammer curl ISO, elbow on body, stretched range 5kg plate - 3x45 secs - hard

Bent knee single leg Calf Raise - 3 secs up and down, mid range ROM  - Dip Belt+25kg 2x8 @ RPE 8
single leg Calf raise - 3 secs up and down, mid range ROM -  Dip Belt+25kg 2x8 @ RPE 8


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1385 on: October 02, 2022, 07:55:22 am »
Saturday 1st October 2022

Still moderately sore all over
Erectors, up the whole back, more noticeable sore.

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, disolcates

Rotating sets 1 mins rest

Sartorius bent leg ISO push against opposite leg : At 70% effort - 3x 45secs
Peroneal foot rotation ISO : - 3x 45secs

Ball circles at wall - Swiss Ball 3x24 (12 each direction)
Lateral ball circles at wall - Swiss Ball 3x24 (12 each direction)

Seated calf Raise ISO push, single leg - dip belt around leg and under wood plank - 70% effort 4x45 secs

Hammer curl ISO, elbow on body, stretched range 5kg plate - 3x45 secs - hard

Reverse hyper: - ISO -  BW 2x 45secs - hard
Posterior chain as well as upperback/traps getting worked hard

Single leg, rear quad push into 6 inch step ISO: - at 70% effort - 3x45 secs
Kinda like a sissy squat


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1386 on: October 02, 2022, 08:01:44 am »
Sunday 2nd October 2022

Fat loss cycle 3 - Week 19
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed -  89.9kg (-0.7 ), 198lbs

waist - 35 3/8 inches (-1/8)
hip = 42 1/8 (+1/8)
upper thigh = 27 1/8 (+1/8)
Right calf = 16
Neck = 15 7/8
Chest = 42.5 
Right Arm (flexed) = 15 3/8
Wrist = 6 5/8

Tanita scale bodyfat % = 24.8% (-0.5 )

Total loss so far - weight -0.8kg Waist 2.75  inches BF% Tanita -1.3%

Phone app TDEE Calculator is at 2784 calories
Averaged 2439 calories over the week, 184g protein, 145g carbs,  119g fat.

Should be lighter, but weight is up.
Looks to have gained some lower body muscle


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1387 on: October 02, 2022, 08:25:03 am »
Sunday 2nd October 2022

Quads, hips and whole back is still pretty sore

Didn't feel like heading to BBall courts today, but the Sun came up, and I'm not too fussed with performance right now

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches
Soft tissue work for lower body - briefly

BBall practise session at WLC outdoor courts - 45 mins

Bodyweight with shoes - ?

At the courts
Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: x 45secs

Dribbling drills - 15 mins
shot around for 25 minutes.

Then 15 or so jumps of all types, but mostly standing and off a 1 step
Slightly lower than last week, felt too tired, and legs/hips too sore and bloated feeling.

Playing around with different techniques, I jump higher when I only dip quickly and shallow, at least on the 1 step jumps.
Any lower than 1/4 squat and I'm 2 inches lower.
I also do not seem to lose much jump height only bending down to 1/8 squat depth

No pain or any discomfort on jumps or landings today.
And achilles felt fine, even on the slow jogs and skips, on the balls of my feet, going after the ball

Pull Ups - on netball ring, close grip - scapular shrugs x 15
dead hang, paused to sternum - BW x1

Rotating sets - 1mins rest
A) Pogo hops - low intensity x20, x30,
x40 - rotating on the spot alternating directions each full rotation

B) Straight Bar dips - Dip shrugs x 15, BW x3
3x15 @ RPE 6/7/8  (+3 reps per set)

C) Altitude drop, single leg: -alternating legs - off 6 inch step x10
off 12 inches (2 steps) - x10, x12 

Moved to 12 inches, and all sets felt good and no pain. Off 2 steps, so some forward velocity.
Body was scared to land on right leg at first, but that went away after 2 reps.

D) Inverted rows BW x3
reverse grip - BW 2x13 @ RPE 7/8

E) Step up jumps. Single leg, arm supported : 6 inch step - each leg  x8, x7, x6

L hang pull up -  BW 2x4 @ RPE 9/9.5

L-Sit - 3x5 secs
trying to pull my legs up higher caused my right rectus femoris to ache pretty bad


First session since I started again with my both of achilles insertion area not feeling sore post workout, even though they are still not fully healed yet.
See how it feels tomorrow morning


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1388 on: October 03, 2022, 10:56:33 am »
Monday 3rd October 2022

Mild Aches all over, but no major soreness, big decrease in DOMs since a month ago.

Both Achilles feel decent straight out of bed, right ankle is a little more sore if I rotate it around.
Feels more ankle sprainey, old ankle injury, than Achilles though

Looks like seated calf raise overcoming ISOs, in the mid range to avoid stretch/compression, might be the missing link for me to build the needed capacity.
The achilles is made of 4 parts twisted together so you may or may not need to work all 4 parts to heal the right ones.

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, disolcates

Rotating sets 1 mins rest

Lying on back in bed, single leg press push against wall ISO: - 90 degree leg angle at 70% effort - 4x45 secs
Just experimenting :)
Quite the quad burn

Seated calf Raise ISO push, single leg - dip belt around leg and under wood plank - 70% effort 4x45 secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1389 on: October 03, 2022, 11:02:13 am »
Got some inspiartion for a ghetto seated calf raise setup using a landmine and a plank of wood :)
Can also do it one legged with the landmine sideways to your working leg, with a lock jaw style collar, holding a dip belt and a tie down strap

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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1390 on: October 04, 2022, 04:15:00 pm »
Tuesday 4th October 2022

Still a little beat up feeling

Probably should have waited till tomorrow to train again, but I felt strong today.
Skipped upper body stuff, will do it later

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, disolcates

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 10 - Lower day 1

Bodyweight with shoes, semi-winter clothing - 92.5kg

general mobility drills

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 90 degrees knee angle - x 30 secs
Front plank hold: x 30secs
Glute bridge hold, with knees pushed inwards x30 secs
Side plank, legs bent, upper leg abducted: x 30 secs

Reverse Hyper - BW 2x15
Heel touch downs, single leg, off 7 inch step: - slow eccentric - x10

Rotating sets 1 mins rest

A) Sartorius leg lift ISO, while pressing foot against wall - 70% effort 4x30 secs

B) Peroneal external foot rotation ISO : x45, 40, 40 secs

C) Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 5 sec Concentric, 10 sec hold at top, 30 sec at 60 degrees, slow eccentric - 15kg, 20kg, 25kg, 30kg
3 sec Concentric, 40 sec hold at 60 degrees, no eccentric x 35kg, 35kg - hard

Half kneeling weight shift: - 10kg plate 6x10 secs

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Front Squat - oly shoes, clean grip - slow tempo - 20kg x10, 40kg x5, 60kg x3

C) High bar squat: - oly shoes, slow eccentric - 20kg x10, 40kg x10, 60kg x8, 75kg x5, belt on 90kg x3, x2, 105kg x3, 120kg x3 , 135kg x2, 145kg x1
belt, controlled eccentric

155kg x1 @ RPE 7 ---- puts e1RM at 170kg 

80% of e1RM - 136kg x3
122kg x3 (misload)
75% of e1RM - 127kg 4x3

Everything from 120kg and under felt easier today, so I knew strength was up, but it could be also due to me using a better rack position with closer grip and traps popped up more, and back held tight and hard.
Although this did strain my right brachialis... unloading the 20kg plates after my sets was damn painful!

I also bought an ATX squat rack brace, which is not meant for my squat stands, but they fit.
To improve stability and stop the uprights caving in when I set up my ghetto reverse hyper with heavier loads.
Also another place to do pull ups, chins etc.

This made the rack set up wider, and I kept hitting the plates when I was unracking and walking out.
Plus the Rogue Ohio power bar has a thinner collar area, where the plates butt up against the bar, so they sit an inch closer to the rack as well.
Had to relearn how to unrack properly, using a narrow stance, step directly backwards and then move into squat stance.
Still haven't quite mastered it yet... I could also space out the plates further by putting a collar on the bar first.

Rotating sets 1-2 mins rest

A) SSB Good Morning: - oly shoes - 30kg x10, belt on 50kg x10, 70kg x5,  80kg x5, 90kg x5
100kg x5 @ RPE 6
105kg x4 @ RPE 7  (PR!! +5kg)
72% of e1RM - 90kg 2x4

B) Tibilias Wall raise - against side of car, in oly shoes - BW x 10
Dip belt +10kg x15 @ RPE 8   (+3 reps)
+15kg x10, x12 @ RPE 7/8

Felt way easier for some reason

C1) Weighted single leg bent knee Calf raise -  3 sec down, 3 secs up, mid range ROM - dip belt+10kg x8, 25kg x8, 30kg 2x8 @ RPE 8
C2) Weighted single leg Calf raise -  3 sec down, 3 secs up, mid range ROM -  dip belt+10kg x8, 25kg x8, 30kg 2x8 @ RPE 8

Leg Curl - single leg - end of unit elevated 8 inches - toes pointed, explosive - 10kg x10
17.5kg x10, 10, 9 @ REP 8

Reverse hyper - ghetto - plank of wood across safety arms, with rubber - BW 2x20


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1391 on: October 06, 2022, 05:05:47 am »
Wednesday 5th October 2022

Mild drained feeling, mild to moderate aches all over.
Outter glutes the most sore

Achilles feeling good
Left foot has some plantar fasciitis pain.... which I did notice yesterday on the concentric of the tib raises, stretching it out I guess.
Might have happened on the squats walkouts, but it's been a thing that comes and goes for me... sigh

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, dislocates

Rotating sets 1 mins rest

Sartorius bent leg ISO push against opposite leg : At 70% effort - 4x45secs
Peroneal foot rotation ISO : - 4x45secs

Seated calf Raise ISO push, single leg - dip belt around leg and under wood plank - 70% effort 4x45 secs

Hammer curl ISO, elbow on body, stretched range - dumbbell 10kg  - 3x45 secs - really hard

Single leg, kneeling quad push into couch ISO: - at 70% effort - 4x45 secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1392 on: October 06, 2022, 01:00:30 pm »
Thursday 6th October 2022

Still achey, feeling ok, but I figure an extra days rest will do me good
Plus it will be raining on Sunday, so targeting Monday for BBall/jumps

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, dislocates

While lying in bed

Rotating sets 1 mins rest

Internal leg rotation stretched ISO, lying on back- 3x45secs
Sartorius bent leg ISO push against opposite leg : At 70% effort - 4x45secs

External rotation ISO, on side, sleeper stretch position - stretch range - 30 secs + 3 manual resistance, 6 sec up and down, mid range reps x 3 sets
Subscapularis ISO push, on side, sleeper stretch position - stretch range - 2x 45 secs
1x 30 Seconds + 3 manual resistance, 6 sec up and down, mid range reps


Seated calf Raise ISO push, single leg - dip belt around leg and under wood plank - 70% effort 4x45 secs
Peroneal foot rotation ISO : - 3x45secs

Hammer curl ISO, elbow on body, stretched range - dumbbell 10kg  - 3x45 secs - really hard

Single leg, kneeling quad push into couch ISO: - at 70% effort - 3x45 secs

Sitting on floor, back on wall, single leg press ISO push - through ball of foot against wall, heel on floor - 80 degree knee angle at 70% effort - 3x45secs
Testing this out.
Good load and tension on patella tendon and quads, but then I noticed how hard my glutes were worked as well.
Glutes feeling smashed a few hours post session!


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1393 on: October 07, 2022, 12:24:06 am »
Dude, what the hell. I was looking to delve a bit into some of DB Hammer's work and I saw your name dropped in one of the first pages that came up about it. This post is...... from 2005. Didn't realize you were an athleticism online OG of sorts. Pretty cool.


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1394 on: October 07, 2022, 04:05:32 pm »
Dude, what the hell. I was looking to delve a bit into some of DB Hammer's work and I saw your name dropped in one of the first pages that came up about it. This post is...... from 2005. Didn't realize you were an athleticism online OG of sorts. Pretty cool.

Ahh yes, I was really into it back then, but got derailed by left patella tendon issues. I wish could go back in time knowing what I knew now!