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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1350 on: September 03, 2022, 12:34:55 pm »
Friday 2nd September 2022

Still fairly sore

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, dislocates

Shoulder Health and tendon rehab

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: x 45 Seconds

Sartorius bent leg ISO push against opposite leg - 3x 45secs
Out of all the variants I've tried this one really hits Sartorius while still feeling stable

Wall sit, single leg - 3x45 secs
Bent Knee Calf raise ISO push against wall/pad- 70% effort 3x45 secs

Subscapularis ISO push: 3x 45secs
stretched behind the back external rotation ISO push : 3x 45 secs

Ball circles at wall - Swiss Ball 2x24 (12 each direction)
Lateral ball circles at wall - Swiss Ball 2x24 (12 each direction)


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1351 on: September 03, 2022, 12:44:53 pm »
Saturday 3rd September 2022

Still sore... but also some new soreness in my posterior chain and upper back from yesterday

Achilles feeling good

I hesitated on getting that Rogue Scout hyper and now it's sold today :/
Was still unsure to devote the cash on something that take up room and that can done in other ways

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: x 45 Seconds

Wall sit, single leg - 4x45 secs
Bent Knee Calf raise ISO push against wall/pad- 70% effort 2x45 secs

Calf raise ISO push against wall/pad Single leg: knee slightly bent - 70% effort 3x45 secs

Previously I did these by driving into the wall supported by my head and forearms.
Which was quite tiring on my serratus and having to do each leg... and you couldn't push super hard
I got smart today, and used a pad against a side of a wall corner, using one trap/shoulder, driving the opposite leg against it
like your pushing in a Rugby scrum.
Much better, more stable, and you can push far harder.
Did get some red marks on my traps though....

next time I'll use a foam roller in place of the pad and release my traps at the same time :)

Sartorius bent leg ISO push against opposite leg - 4x 45secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1352 on: September 04, 2022, 03:27:27 pm »
Sunday 4th September 2022

Fat loss cycle 3 - Week 16
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed -  88.6kg (-1 ), 195.3lbs

waist - 35 5/8 inches (-1/8)
hip = 42
upper thigh = 27 1/8
Right calf = 16 (-1/8)
Neck = 15.75 (-1/8)
Chest = 42.5 (-0.5)
Right Arm (flexed) = 15.5
Wrist = 6 5/8

Tanita scale bodyfat % = 25.3% (+1.3 )

Total loss so far - weight -2.1kg Waist 2.5 inches BF% Tanita -0.8%

Phone app TDEE Calculator is at 2712 calories
Averaged 3005 calories over the week, 204g protein, 179g carbs,  153g fat.

Pleasantly surprised at the fat loss despite eating more, the drop in weight with increase in Tanita bodyfat% means I dropped a bunch of water weight

Still pretty sore all over, decided to rest more

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

Seated, single leg push into floor ISO heel off the floor, 90 degree knee angle - 70% effort 4x45 secs

Calf raise ISO push against wall corner/pad Single leg: knee slightly bent - 70% effort 3x45 secs

single leg eccentric squat: 5 sec eccentric, down to chair, alternating legs - BW x 6


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1353 on: September 06, 2022, 09:54:25 am »
Monday 5th September 2022

Soreness still present, but much less, and I have that certain crisp feeling return, so it's time to train again

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches
Soft tissue work for whole body

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 7 - day 3

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 92kg 

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 7 mins - good

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 30 secs
Front plank hold: x 30secs
Glute bridge hold x30secs
Side plank, legs bent: x 30 secs

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 7 inch step: - slow eccentric - x10
Half kneeling weight shift: - 10kg plate 5x10 secs

Reverse hyper on incline bench - BW 2x15

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

Sartorius ISO push against opposite leg :

A1) Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 3 sec Concentric, 10 sec hold at top, 30 sec hold at 60 degrees, slow eccentric - 15kg, 20kg, 25kg
3 sec Concentric, 25 sec hold at top, 30 sec at 60 degrees - 30kg x 3 sets

B) Sartorius ISO push against opposite leg :- at 70% effort - 3x 45 secs

C)SSB single leg bent knee calf raise ISO: - Stretched range - 45 secs x BW, 30kg, 40kg, 40kg, 40kg

1/10 right Achilles insertion area pain on first 40kg set, so stayed there, even though pain subsided on later sets

Olys - Clean high pull: 20kg x6, 40kg x3, 60kg x3, 80kg x3, 100kg x3
Plus a few Power cleans on 20kg, 40kg, 60kg sets

100kg clean high pull, much higher on all reps, all to sternum, so power clean height

Sumo Deadlifts - lowered under control to soft touch - hook grip - 60kg x5, 80kg x5, belt 100kg x5, 120kg x5, 140kg x5
Belt straps
155kg x5
165kgx5 @ RPE 7  --> puts e1RM at 205kg

Late night so all lowered to soft touch. Thought about going for 175kg x5 @ RPE 8, but didn't want to risk lowering it slowly or dropping it, making a lot of noise, so stopped there.

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) SSB split squat: 2 hand supported, oly shoes - 3 sec down, 2 sec up - BW x12, 30kg x8, 40kg x8
2 min rest between sides
50kg 3x8 - 2/10 left patella tendon pain in first few reps of first set

Stopped at 50kg even though, pain free on later sets. In past sessions I would continue going up to 80kg or more and then my left patella tendon would feel achey the next day.

B) Dumbbell press, rotating grip: - inline with ears - 15lbs x10, 25lbs x10
35lbs x14, x13, x12 @ RPE  8

+2 reps each set

C) SSB calf raise - single leg: - 3 secs down, 1 sec up, 3/4 ROM - BW x8, 30kg x8, 40kg 2x8

D) Single arm dumbbell row, head supported : - controlled eccentric - 45lbs x10,
70lbs x12, x11, x10 @ RPE 8   (+2 reps)

Lower right brachialis still hurting after weeks. I think tendon injury from when I did those preacher hammer curls..
So more ISOs there

Power Block tibialis raise: 5lbs x15, 15lbs x12, 25lbs x10 @ RPE 9

Discovered you can do Tb raises on a power block dumbbell, by sticking your foot into it, which also loads up all tendons around ankle pretty good.
So a third tib raise variant to use

High bar squat: - Oly shoes - controlled eccentric - 20kg x10, 40kg x10,
60kg x10 - plus a few paused reps
70kg x7  a few paused reps

Back to a wider stance. Suits my hip structure better.
I can get so much lower like this, with my butt like 8 inches off the floor
I also found I can sit at the bottom completely relaxed like this, whereas with narrower stances, my body starts to dorsiflex the ankle to stay balanced


« Last Edit: September 06, 2022, 01:46:09 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1354 on: September 07, 2022, 11:46:46 am »
Tuesday 6th September 2022

Moderately sore all over, no tired feeling

Tendons feel positive, yesterday's loading and volume appears to be just the right amount

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

Hammer curl ISO, elbow on bed, stretched range -  3x 45 secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1355 on: September 07, 2022, 12:51:09 pm »
Wednesday 7th September 2022

Most soreness well down

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, dislocates

Shoulder Health and tendon rehab

Internal leg rotation stretched ISO, lying on back- 3x 45secs
Hammer curl ISO, elbow on bed, stretched range - 3x 45secs
Subscapularis ISO push, lying on back : - 3x 45secs
External rotation ISO, scapular retracted and depressed : 3x 45secs

Bicep curl ISO, stretched range: 3x 45 secs
Tricep extension ISO : close grip, stretched range - 3x 45secs

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 45 Seconds

Seated leg push into floor. Single leg, heel off the floor : - 3x45 secs
Calf raise ISO push against wall corner/foam roller, slight bent knee, single leg:- 70% effort 3x45 secs
Bent knee into wall/foam roller, calf ISO push : 2x 45 secs

Single leg squat, down to chair - slow tempo x5 alternating legs  - no pain
Reverse hyper: BW x15, x20, x20

Ball circles at wall - Swiss Ball 3x24 (12 each direction)
Lateral ball circles at wall - Swiss Ball 3x24 (12 each direction)

Super set
Lying face down, arms straight out to sides, Palms down raises: 2kg 2x20
Lying face down, Palms up, arms by sides raises: 2kg 2x20


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1356 on: September 08, 2022, 01:46:53 pm »
Thursday 8th September 2022

Feel ok. Took a nap and woke up real late, so skipped main session

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches, dislocates

Internal leg rotation stretched ISO, lying on back- 3x 45secs
Hammer curl ISO, elbow on bed, stretched range - 3x 45secs
Subscapularis ISO, in side lying sleeper stretch position : - 3x 45secs
External rotation ISO, in side lying sleeper stretch position : 3x 45secs
Sartorius straight leg ISO hold. Lying on back : - 2 x 45 secs

Bicep curl ISO, stretched range: 2x 45 secs
Tricep extension ISO : close grip, stretched range - 2x 45secs

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 45 Seconds
Seated leg push into floor. Single leg - 3 sets heel off the floor - 5x45 secs

Bent knee into wall/foam roller, calf ISO push : 3x 45 secs
Seated calf raise ISO push: - against kitchen bench top - 2x 45secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1357 on: September 10, 2022, 05:51:38 pm »
Friday 8th September 2022

Felt more achey today than yesterday, especially my erectors and right QL
Right side QL felt beat up for some reason. Spent some time warming it up, and it felt Ok during squats, and fine on the Good mornings

Warmup/mobility drills at start of session felt sluggish.
Strength well down today on squat as well, definitely correlates
But other stuff was OK
Poor sleep I guess

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

Soft tissue work - for whole body

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 8 - day 1

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 92kg

general mobility drills - sluggish feeling

BBall control and dribbling drills: - 10 mins - decent

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 90 degrees knee angle - x 30 secs
Front plank hold: x 30secs
Glute bridge hold, with knees pushed inwards x30 secs
Side plank, legs bent, upper leg abducted: x 30 secs

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 7 inch step: - slow eccentric - x10

Suitcase carry, unilateral, marches in place: - 35lbs 2x10
warm up core and QL

Half kneeling weight shift: - 10kg plate 6x10 secs

Rotating sets 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 3 sec Concentric, 20 sec hold at top, and at 60 degrees, no eccentric - 15kg, 20kg, 25kg, 25kg

1/10 dull ache on left patella tendon at the top on 25kg sets

B) Sartorius leg lift ISO, while pressing foot against wall - 70% effort 3x45 secs
Left adductor achey on first set, pain decreasing each set

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Front Squat - oly shoes, clean grip - slow tempo - 20kg x10, 40kg x10, 60kg x3, 75kg x3

Tried these the last few session, and 60kg felt scary heavy across the shoulders, and only down to 1/4 squat depth as left patella tendon spooked me.
But it felt easy and completely pain free today up to 75kg....

B) High bar squat: - slow eccentric - 20kg x10, 40kg x10, belt on 60kg x10, 75kg x5, 90kg x5, 105kg x3, 120kg x2 
belt, controlled eccentric
130kg x3 @ RPE 7
140kg x1 @ RPE 8 - puts e1RM at 145-150kg 

75% of e1RM - 115kg x3
73% of e1RM - 110kg 2x3
105kg 3x3

Squat strength well down today. 140kg single felt like a 2-3 rep max, whereas last week it was more like a 7 rep max...
Oh well, autoregulated loads downwards and still got the work done.
Main work sets felt horrible though!

So front squats and high bar squats do not load the patella much, even in oly shoes and facing down the slight slope of my garage.
I get no discomfort at all, unlike on split squats.... not a bad thing though I suppose....

Flag press, 2 handed: - scapular retracted and depressed: plates 5kg x15

Rotating sets 1-2 mins rest

A) SSB Good Morning: - oly shoes - 30kg x10, belt on 50kg x80, 70kg x8,  80kg x4, 90kg x4
100kg x4 @ RPE 7  PR!!  - puts e1RM at 125kg 
72% of e1RM - 88kg x4

100kg felt surprisingly not that hard. I also think lower reps like 4, suits good mornings much better.
I've done more in the past with low bar, but SSB is quite a bit harder. Longer lever, with the bar on your neck,
and the camber pushing the weights in front.
Plus I used a close stance, minimal knee bend and good depth

B) Close grip triangle push up: - BW x10 on bench, BW x10
10kg in backpack  x12
15kg x17 @ RPE 7 (PR!! +1 rep)
15kg x15 @7

C1) SSB or weighted single leg Calf raise ISO: - 20 secs legs straight, 20 secs bent leg x BW, 30kg, 50kg, 50kg
C2) SSB or weighted single leg Calf raise -  3 sec down, 2 secs up, 1 sec hold at top - 30kg x10, 40kg x8 @ RPE 8
3/10 right achilles insertion pain
C3) SSB or weighted single leg Calf raise -  3 sec down, 2 secs up, 1 sec hold at top - 3/4 ROM - 40kg 2x8 @ RPE 7/8

D) Tibilias Wall raise - against side of car, in oly shoes - BW x 10
+10kg plate in hands 3x10 @ RPE7/8/9

gained reps on each set

Rotating sets 2 mins rest

A) High angle rows - 20kg x12, 40kg x10, belt 60kg x8
70kg x8 @RPE 8
65kg 2x8 @7

B) Leg Curl - single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - toes pointed, explosive - 10kg x10
15kg x10 @ REP 7
17.5kg x12, x10 @RPE 8

C) ATG SSB split squat: - 2 hand supported - 3 secs down, 2 secs up - BWx12, dumbbell in opposite hand 10kg x8, 20kg x6
30kg x6
40kg x7 -- A few 3/10 left patella tendon twinges

Squats don't load my left patella that much, but these do
« Last Edit: September 10, 2022, 06:06:44 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1358 on: September 11, 2022, 11:21:36 pm »
Saturday 10th September 2022

Mild tired feeling and moderately sore all over

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

rest day


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1359 on: September 11, 2022, 11:39:48 pm »
Sunday 11th September 2022

Fat loss cycle 3 - Week 17
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed -  88.9kg (+0.3 ), 196lbs

waist - 35.5 inches (-1/8)
hip = 42
upper thigh = 27 (-1/8)
Right calf = 16
Neck = 15.75
Chest = 42.5 
Right Arm (flexed) = 15 3/8 (-1/8)
Wrist = 6 5/8

Tanita scale bodyfat % = 23.7 5.3% (-1.6 )

Total loss so far - weight -1.8kg Waist 2 5/8 inches BF% Tanita -2.4%

Phone app TDEE Calculator is at 2893 calories
Averaged 2674 calories over the week, 180g protein, 150g carbs,  137g fat.

still fairly sore, but feeling ok

Right achilles insertion didn't like the last session, a bit more achey

BBall practise session at WLC outdoor courts - 40 mins

Bodyweight without shoes ?

At the courts
Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: x 30secs

Dribbling drills - 30 mins

Step up jumps. Single leg, arm supported : 5 inch step - 3x 10 each leg


courts were busy so mostly dribbling and ball control drills.
Then I did a few shots on the netball rims, which are much smaller than a BBall rim.
Right achilles did hurt this time on a few layups :/

The step up jumps felt OK


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1360 on: September 12, 2022, 06:01:16 pm »
Monday 12th September 2022

Moderately sore all over. Lower body especially.

Right achilles insertion is fairy sore when walking :(
But doesn't hurt when loading it with calf raises etc

rest and let things settle down

Did some Calf raise ISOs, holding at the top, later at night, 3x 50 secs and the pain went away.

TYR, big swim wear company is moving into the crossfit world and they have some crossfit and oly lifting shoes coming out.

Pretty keen on these L1 Lifter, first oly shoe with a wide toe box.
Toe box is like my Merrell barefoot style shoes

Dude from Squat University has been plugging them..
Maybe I will finally be happy! :)

Like the black and gold colour way, but the Camo one is sweet


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1361 on: September 12, 2022, 06:07:26 pm »
Compare them to my toe squishing Nike Romaloes 4 in size 10.
The black Romaloes 2 is size 10.5, which I bought second hand for $20... is not too bad, but it's a bit long

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« Last Edit: September 12, 2022, 06:23:58 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1362 on: September 13, 2022, 02:30:11 pm »
Tuesday 13th September 2022

Still fairly sore all over - Damn BBall practise creates some DOMs

Right Achilles insertion still achey when cold walking, but better

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

Shoulder Health and tendon rehab

Internal leg rotation stretched ISO, lying on back- 3x 45secs
Hammer curl ISO, elbow on bed, stretched range - 3x 45secs
Subscapularis ISO push, lying on back : - 3x 45secs
External rotation ISO, scapular retracted and depressed : 3x 45secs

Sartorius ISO push against opposite leg :- at 70% effort - 3x 45 secs

Bicep curl ISO, stretched range: 3x 45 secs
Tricep extension ISO : close grip, stretched range - 3x 45secs

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 45 Seconds
Single leg, kneeling quad push into floor ISO: - 3x45 secs

Calf raise ISO, single leg:- hold at top,  3x45 secs
Calf raise ISO, bent knee, single leg:- hold at top,  3x45 secs

Ball circles at wall - Swiss Ball 3x24 (12 each direction)
Lateral ball circles at wall - Swiss Ball 3x24 (12 each direction)

Side bend, hip supported, staggered stance, hands behind head : 3 sec hold at bottom - 2x10

Reverse hyper ISO : BW 2x 30secs - this is quite hard
Reverse hyper: BW  2x20
« Last Edit: September 14, 2022, 10:07:17 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1363 on: September 15, 2022, 12:22:31 am »
Wednesday 14th August 2022

DOMs decreasing, feeling better

Achilles back to a pain free cold walking state.
It does seem holding the calf raise ISOs at the top is loading the insertion area better for me.
The calf is definitely working harder here

Side bend holds also having my right QL feeling much better
It does feel tight/weak from leaning towards that side when sitting on the computer using the mouse etc

Dropped upper body stuff today, will do it later in the week.
Workout felt too long, so maybe going back to lower/upper split

Posterior chain blitz today!
Just trying out stuff

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Soft tissue work for whole body

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 8 - day 2 - Lower

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 93.3kg  - damn heavy today!

BBall ball control and dribbling - 5 mins - ok

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 90 degrees knee angle - x 35 secs
Front plank hold: x 35 secs
Glute bridge hold x35secs
Side plank, legs bent, with abduction: x 35 secs

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 7 inch step: - slow eccentric - x10

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 3 sec concentric, 20 sec hold at top. 20 sec hold at 60 degrees  - 15kg, 20kg, 25kg
Hold at 60 degrees - 45 secs x 30kg, 35kg

1/10 left patella tendon twinges on way up on 35kg set

B) SSB or weighted single leg Calf raise ISO: - at top - BW x 15 secs
45 secs x 5kg, 10kg, 10kg, 30kg

C) SSB bent knee Calf Raise ISO - single leg - at top - 45 secs x BW, 5kg, 10kg, 10kg

ATG split squat: - 3 secs down and up - BWx8
Half kneeling weight shift: - 10kg plate 6x10 secs

Rotating sets - 2 mins rest

A) Safety bar Squat - Oly shoes - controlled eccentric - 30kg x10, 50kg x8, 70kg x5, x2, belt on 90kg x3, 110kg x3, x1
120kg x3
130kg x3 @ RPE 7  (PR!!!)

72% of e1RM - 108kg 2x4

Felt like I had 135kg x3 at same RPE, but decided not to be greedy, as 130kg is still the heaviest weight I have ever squatted on SSB.
What a difference a week makes, last week 140kg x1 on high bar squat was hard, and today, SSB which is harder than high bar squat, 130kg x3 with reps in the tank.

B) Pull-up Scapular shrugs: - BW x12 Wide grip BW x12

C) Single leg split stance tibialis raise, in oly shoes - BW x10
+5kg 2x10 @ RPE 8/8.5

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) ATG SSB split squat: - 2 hands supported - 3 secs up and down - BW x8, 5kg x8,
30kg x6 -- 2/10 left patella tendon pain
30kg x6 -- 1/10 left patella tendon pain

B) SSB Calf Raise - single leg - 3 sec down and 2 sec up, 1 sec hold at top -  down to neutral BW x8
30kg x6

Bent knee  -  30kg x6

C) Split leg Romanian Deadlift - 20kg x6, 40kg x6, x8

Overhead sideways band QL stretched hold, hip pushed away from band: - light Jump Stretch band 3x 30 secs

This is quite hard. Also stretches the outside lat of the outer arm

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Reverse hyper - ghetto - on padded barbell - BW x15, 10kg 2x15

I used a squat pad on a barbell, and dip belt hanging the plates down, and hooking my legs under the plates :)
Kinda worked, but the plates do move up and down, and it's not that comfortable, but the real thing is also not that comfortable either.
First 2 reps do feel harder, but then it gets way easier on the rest, due to the swing and stretch reflex I think.
Will try using bands next time.
Also have a loading pin which might better, attaching it to the bar via my rock climb nylon straps, and then using a nylon belt from ankles to the strap

Jefferson curl, single dumbbell, 3 position - alternating to front, left and right - 25lbs x7, 35lbs x10

« Last Edit: September 15, 2022, 12:38:01 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1364 on: September 16, 2022, 06:49:30 pm »
Thursday 15th September 2022

Pretty damn sore all over, even my upper body and biceps.....
Quads, glutes,  calves and upper hamstrings, right under the glute the most sore

Achilles feel positive

When I woke up, my right calf decided to cramp up! Spent some time stretching and releasing it while in bed, with the handle of a roller, and then fine after.

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

Shoulder Health and tendon rehab - later at night

Internal leg rotation stretched ISO, lying on back- 3x 45secs
Sartorius ISO push against opposite leg :- at 70% effort - 3x 45 secs

Hammer curl ISO, elbow on bed, stretched range - 3x 45secs
Tricep extension ISO : close grip, stretched range - 3x 45secs

Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 2x 45 Seconds

Push up ISO : On bench top - 3x 35secs

Reverse hyper ISO : BW 2x 30secs - this is quite hard

Calf raise ISO, single leg:- hold at top,  3x45 secs
Calf raise ISO, bent knee, single leg:- hold at top,  3x45 secs

Side bend ISO, hip supported, staggered stance, hands behind head : 3x 35 secs

Single leg, kneeling quad push into floor ISO: - 3x45 secs