Wednesday 20th November 2019soft tissue work and release session at home
Banded ankle work at home
bodyweight without shoes - 87 kg
BBall practice session - 64 mins
dribble, shooting practice, intense moves and layups
various jumps throughout
School kids had the courts for PE, so I mostly did dribbling drills and moves against my portable foldup chair.
Then jumps, and not much energy left after for some shooting when they left.
Jumps about the same as my current bests
Resistance at the outdoor courtsbanded elbow wall walk x 40 secs
+ = 30secs rest
Dips - forward leaning - on corner of fence - BW x 8 @RPE 8 + 4
alternating sets - 1.5 mins rest
pushups - feet elevated 24 inches - 6 inch hand width - BW x8 @RPE 6 +4
inverted row on stair railing - undergrip - BW x8 @REP 8, 3x5
back at homefacing down garage slope, in oly shoes
10kg bumper plate ATG goblet squat mobility drill
rotating sets between the squatsfront squat first rep paused - 40kg x3 , 60kg x3, 70kg x3
High bar squat all paused - 40kg x2 hold at bottom for 10 deep breaths each rep, 60kg x5, 80kg x2 ( second rep regular)
normal reps - 100kg x 1, 105kg x1
75% of e1RM - 3 mins rests - explosive - 90kg 3x4
5 mins rest - AMRAP 90kg x 10 @ RPE 9.5 felt so much better today - thanks to all the mobility work and stretching on my pecs, lats, thoracic spine and ankles.
Form looked better as well.
Could probably 90kg x 11 on that AMRAP set when fresh as the 10th rep went up quite fast, but I want to avoid grinders
Big jump from the 90kg x7 I did last time!
So e1RM is about 125kg now, 275lbs
Kettbell swing onto toes 24kg x12
clean grip deadlift + RDL combo - deadlift, lowered to knee, RDL back up, then lowered under control RDL style back to floor 92.5kg x 6 combos - 3 reps normal, 3 reps hooked grip
Good morning onto toes 42.5kg x10
front squat support 100kg x 40 secs
Rotating between each exercise - 1-2 mins rest
+ = 30secs rest
single leg kneeling deadlift 16kg x 12
single leg calf raise - +12kg x8@RPE 7 +4+4
Wall tib raise - body at 45 degree angle - to failure BW x17, x15
Standing single leg raise - lightest band I have - (straight legs x12 + bent leg x 8 ) + 3/3 +3/3
Peterson stepups - 5 inch +18kg 2x20
high angle single arm row, elbow out 24kg kettlebell - x8@RPE 7 +4+4+4
face pull into overhead press - lightest band I have - 2x12
leg lowering ab move - lower back pressed into floor - controlled - BW x8
One arm loaded carries 24kg kettlebell x 65 secs walk around front yards, each side
ATG splitsquat BWx10
released upper traps and triceps on loaded bar
This workout took almost 3 hours, not including the upper body stuff a tthe courts!
Need a few tweaks me thinks.... but nice for calorie burning
As you can see I'm using a new training model - anything above 65% will recruit all the largest and fastest muscle units from rep 1 if you move it fast, and once bar speed slows, they would have fatigued and dropped out.
And then till failure, only the slower, smaller and more fatigue resistant MU are being used.
So stopping the sets when speed slows focuses on the biggest and fastest MU, and it allows you to stay fresh, keep good form, and do way more volume.
I'm still doing the AMRAP set on squats for noe since my 1RM is changing so quickly that I need to know where it is
Even my Myorep sets use a form of this model.
3400 calorie burn for today, not including weights
ate 2200 calories