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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1305 on: July 22, 2022, 10:38:11 am »
Friday 22nd July 2022

Still coughing out thick brown mucus...but feels more like regular cold now

Will likely get back to training tomorrow after a week off

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - 2 x 45 secs
Single leg squat ISO, front supported with hands - 60 degrees  - heel off the floor - 3 x 45secs

I found the Sartorius ISOs were making things worse, but stretching it made it feel much better.
So it's more a tightness and over active issue rather than tendinopathy


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1306 on: July 24, 2022, 05:43:11 am »
Saturday 23rd July 2022

Still with a heavy congestion and coughing, breathing is hard, but decided to get back into training after a week off from being sick

Other than that, body feels good though.
Both Achilles insertions feeling on the threshold of full recovery

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches - loads of lat and pec stretches
Soft tissue work for problem areas

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 4 - day 1

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 93kg

general mobility drills

BBall dribbling drills : 7 mins -  Very good, tight and crisp

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 90 degrees knee angle - x 30 secs
Front plank hold: x 30secs
Glute bridge hold, with knees pushed inwards x30secs
Side plank, legs bent: x 30 secs

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 7 inch step: - slow eccentric - x10

Suitcase carry, single arm, high knee marches in place:  35lbs x10
warmup QL and rectus femoris

Half kneeling weight shift: - 10kg plate 5x10 secs

Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 3 sec Concentric, 15 sec hold at top, 60 degrees, slow eccentric - 15kg, 20kg, 25kg, 30kg

SSB or weighted single leg Calf raise -  at neutral  - Dip belt x 45secs of 3 sec up and down reps to neutral x 10kg, 20kg
SSB 45 secs x 30kg, x32.5kg

All pain free

High bar squat: - Oly shoes - slow eccentrics - 20kg x10, 40kg x10, 60kg x8, 75kg x5, belt 90kg x3, 105kg x3, 115kg x2, 125kg x2
belt, slow eccentric -
135kg x2  @ RPE 7
145kg x2 @ RPE 9.5 - puts e1RM at 154kg  (-14kg from last week)

71% of e1RM - controlled down, explode up - 112.5kg x4, 110kg x4, 105kg 4x4

True high bar position. Felt harder either due to sickness or change in bar position and trying to stay as upright as possible
Felt like a front squat but with the bar on my back. Abs and upper back working much harder

So there might not be as much difference between this squat form and my SSB, maybe 5% difference at most
SSB e1RM from last week seems similar enough

Flag press, 2 handed: - scapular retracted and depressed: plates 5kg x10, 10kg x20 @ RPE 6

"+" = 15-20 secs rest
Close grip triangle push up: (Warm up) BW x12 on bench, BW x8
BW x28 @8  +4+4+4  (PR!! +3 reps)

Rotating sets 2 mins rest

A) SSB Good Morning: - belt, oly shoes - 30kg x10, 50kg x8, 70kg x6,
80kg x6 @ RPE 6
85kg x6 @ RPE 7 --> 113kg e1RM  PR!! +4kg from last week

70% of e1RM - 80kg 2x4

B) SSB tibialis raise - in oly shoes, Romaleos 2 - BW x12, 30kg x 10, 35kg 3x10 @ RPE 7/7.5/8 

Rotating sets 2 mins rest

A) High angle rows - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, belt 60kg x6
70kg 3x8 @RPE 7/8/8  (+1 set)

B) Leg Curl - single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - toes pointed, explosive - 10kg x10
20kg x10, x8 @8  (+2.5kg,  -1 rep )

Suitcase carry, single arm, high knee marches in place: 45lbs x20

Dumbbell Curl - 2 sec up, 3 secs down - 15lbs x3, 25lbs x10, x8 @ RPE 8/9

Left upper Bicep tendon didn't hurt/compress  so back to regular curls.



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1307 on: July 24, 2022, 06:03:03 am »
Sunday 24th July 2020

Fat loss cycle 3 - Week 11
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed -  89.6kg(-0.4 ), 197.5lbs

waist - 36 inches (-1/8)
hip = 42 (-1/8)
upper thigh = 27 (-1/8)
Right calf = 15.75  (-1/8)
Neck = 15.75  (-1/8)
Chest = 43 (-0.25)
Right Arm (flexed) = 15.5 (-1/8)
Wrist = 6 5/8

Tanita scale bodyfat % = 25.7% (-0.3)

Total loss so far - weight -1.1kg Waist 1 7/8 inches BF% Tanita -0.5%

Phone app TDEE Calculator is at 2877
Averaged 2928 calories over the week, 178g protein, 224g carbs,  139g fat.

Slight surplus, but still lost fat just from that lone training day yesterday putting me in a big deficit

Mild tired feeling. Really sore VMO, erectors, calves, abs, and upper glutes. Moderate overall soreness

Achilles feeling good

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

Walk - 32 mins


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1308 on: July 25, 2022, 10:08:38 am »
Monday 25th July 2022

Still feeling flu like, head cold, congestion and itchy throat coughing with mucus
So taking things easy for now

Moderate soreness all over, but less than yesterday
Achilles still feeling good after yesterday's walk

Will regress back to slow tempo 1/4 squats, as I feel like my left patella tendon is getting compressed with full depth for now

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

While in bed
External rotation ISO, elbow supported, scapular retracted and depressed - 70% effort 3x30 secs

Sartorius - stretch ISO combo - 3 x 45 secs

Wall sit, with heels off the floor, at 60 degrees knee angle - 3 x 45 secs
Single leg squat ISO, front rail supported with hands - 60 degrees  - heel off the floor - 2 x 45secs

« Last Edit: July 26, 2022, 03:18:42 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1309 on: July 26, 2022, 12:47:35 pm »
Tuesday 26th July 2022

Still under the effects of the flu, but feeling a little better each day.
More like a heavy cold now, as opposed to feeling sick, but coughing quite a bit
Morning mobility work and upper body stretches
Soft tissue work for whole body

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 4 - day 2

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 92.1kg

general mobility drills

BBall dribbling and control drills : 12 mins -  good
Also some minor dancing :)

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 90 degrees knee angle - x 30 secs
Front plank hold: x 30secs
Glute bridge hold, with knees pushed inwards x30secs
Side plank, legs bent: x 30 secs

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 7 inch step: - slow eccentric - x10
Half kneeling weight shift: - 10kg plate 5x10 secs

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 3 sec Concentric, 15 sec hold at top, 60 degrees, slow eccentric - 15kg, 20kg, 25kg, 30 kg

ISO at 60 degrees strap, 30 sec push at 70% effort - 35kg x 2sets
- 1 out of 10 left patella tendon pain on first set in the first few seconds

B) SSB Calf Raise - single leg - 3 sec down and 2 sec up, full range BW x10,
4 secs down 2 secs up :
DipBelt +15kg x6 
SSB - 6x 30kg, 32.5kg, 35kg

No pain on any set

Bar hangs: - Feet supported - narrow grip x 30secs, chin grip x 30 secs
Pull-up Scapular shrugs: - BW x12, Wide grip BW x12, Chin grip x10

Rotating sets - 2 mins rest

A) Chin up - leg assisted x8
controlled eccentric - BW (92kg) x3

chain belt
+5kg x3
+10kg x3
+15kg x3 @6
+17.5kg x3 @7  --> puts e1RM at 130kg total weight

73% of e1RM - +2.5kg 4x4, BW x5 -- all reps fast and shoulders to bar

B) Safety bar squat - 1/4 squat depth - Oly shoes - 3 secs down, paused, 3 secs up - 35kg x6, 50kg x6, 70kg x6
3 secs down, paused, 3 secs up - XHeavy band around upper shins, belt - 
90kg x6
100kg x6
110kg x6
120kg 2x6

2/10 Left Patella tendon pain on earlier warm up sets, but fine after 70kg.
Abs working very hard during these!

C) Single leg split stance tibialis raise, in oly shoes - BW x10 @ RPE 8
Dip belt+5kg x8 @8
BW x8 @8

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

Dip shrugs: BW x 20, Dip Belt+2.5kg x20
A) Offset, semi single arm pushup on bench: - 20 inch bench - BW x 9 @ RPE 9
BW 2x6 @ RPE 8

B) Suitcase carry, single arm, high knee marches in place: - 35 secs - 45lbs x24, 50lbs x 24

Lying face down, side butterfly raise: 1kg 2x10

Single arm over head tricep extension: - Controlled eccentric - 15lbs x10,
25lbs x10 @RPE 9
25lbs x7 @ RPE 8

Lying face down, Palms up, arms by sides raises: 1.6kg 2x20
Lying face down, straight out to sides, Palms down raises: 1.6kg x20, x15

« Last Edit: July 27, 2022, 04:50:43 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1310 on: July 27, 2022, 04:49:16 am »
Wednesday 27th July 2022

Not too sore from yesterday, but my abs, QL and lower back feels hammered - probably from a combo of the SSB and suitcase carries

Achilles appears to be fully healed - no pain or discomfort straight out of bed this morning, walking cold.
Even pressing around the back of my heel feels good.
Still going to be conservative, and ease back into things, but it has improved dramatically over the last 2 weeks ever since I got hit with the flu...

left patella tendon also feeling good, none of that lingering soreness when pressing into the upper left area near the knee cap.
The area where the tendon can compress against the lower part of the knee cap if it's swollen from injury at deeper knee angles.

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

Had planned to go for a walk, but I overslept.... body must be making up for when I was sick


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1311 on: July 28, 2022, 01:21:00 pm »
Thursday 28th July 2022

Cold and coughing with mucus still present

Light to moderate aches in upper body and erectors, QL

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

Upon waking
External rotation ISO, elbow supported, scapular retracted and depressed - 70% effort 3x30 secs
Bicep curl tricep extension overcoming ISO : lying in bed using finger tips - 70% effort 2x30secs


Sartorius leg lift ISO, while pressing side of foot against wall: 70% effort 3x30 secs
left adductors rather sore doing this.

Wall sit, single leg, with heel off the floor, at 60 degrees knee angle - 3 x 45 secs

Walk - 22 mins


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1312 on: July 30, 2022, 10:17:59 am »
Friday 29th July 2022

Crap sleep lately, but still feeling decent enough.
Cold still hanging around

Instead of training full body 3 times a week like in the previous 3 weeks before I got hit with the flu, I'm now training every 3 days instead, so an extra 2 days of rest each week.
Seems like a better match for my recovery rates so far, as DOMs is not building up over time and hanging around, but actually decreasing each session

Got the itch to buy another second hand pair of 20kg Bumper plates, and 10kg rubber coated plates on Facebook marketplace...
Then spotted a listing for a less than 1 year old 207kg set of calibrated Hansu Power plates.... these are much thinner than regular plates.. ie the 25kg plates are only 1 inch thick... tempted but $$$
I like the thinness of these plates, could be useful for loading certain things better.
But not keen on metal on metal clanging of these vs bumpers/rubber coated plates

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches
Soft tissue work for problem areas

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 4 - day 3

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 91.7kg 

general mobility drills

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 30 secs
Front plank hold: x 30secs
Glute bridge hold x30secs
Side plank, legs bent: x 30 secs

Sartorius leg lift ISO, while pressing side of foot against wall: 70% effort 3x30 secs

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 7 inch step: - slow eccentric - x10

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 3 sec Concentric, 20 sec hold at top, and 60 degrees, slow eccentric - 15kg, 20kg, 25kg, 30kg

Left Patella tendon felt OK

B)Calf Raise - single leg - BW full range warmups 
at slightly above neutral with 1inch ROM slow raises - SSB - 45 secs x30kg, 35kg, 35kg

Bumped up loads to +5kg, no discomfort or pain from Achilles.

Olys - alternating between clean and snatch moves

Power clean:
20kg x6 hang
40kg 3 floor, 3 hang
60kg x3

Snatch high pull: 20kg x3, 40kg x3, 60kg x3
Clean high pull: 20kg x6, 40kg x3, 60kg x3, 80kg x3, 90kg x3

Deadlifts - alternating between Clean deadlift and sumo sets. Weights lowered under control
Clean deadlift: lowered under control
100kg x2 Belt hook grip
120kg 2 Belt Hooks
140kg x1 Belt Hooks
155kg x1 Belt Hooks
165kg x1 Belt Hooks @ RPE 7

71% of e1RM - lowered under control, Belt.  straps - 140kg x4

Sumo deadlift: lowered under control
100kg x3 Belt hook grip
120kg x3 Belt straps
140kg x3 Belt straps
155kg x3 Belt straps
165kg x3 Belt straps @ RPE 6.5  ---> Puts e1RM at 200kg

71% of e1RM - lowered under control, Belt. Straps - 145kg x4, 140kg x4

Used my recently acquired Rogue Ohio Power Bar today, instead of the ATX Bulls bearing bar, which is 1mm thicker and much stiffer. So deadlifts felt different.
Less bar flex so slightly harder but much more stable feeling, sharper knurling
Felt my callouses were about to rip so switched to straps, which seem to nicely pad out my hands, apart from the grip benefits.
165kg top set felt decent, thought about going up to 175kg x3, but it was late at night so I didn't want to risk making a lot of noise dropping the loads fast, with that kind of weight.

Right QL felt strained on the clean deadlift 165kg single... ugh.. staying with Sumo from now on with the heavy stuff

Rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Dumbbell press, rotating grip: - inline with ears - 15lbs x10
30lbs x12 @ RPE  6
35lbs 2x10 @ RPE 7/8

bumped up weight +5lbs

B) Single arm dumbbell row, head supported : - controlled eccentric - 45lbs x10,
65lbs 2x10, x8 @ RPE 7/8/7   (+5lbs, -1 rep)

C) SSB split squat: 2 hand supported - 2 sec up, 3 sec down - BW x10, 30kg x10, 50kg x10, belt 70kg x10
belt - 1 min rest between sides
85kg x10 @RPE 7  (+5kg)  -  2/10 left patella tendon pain
80kg 2x8 @7

2/10 left patella tendon pain on a few reps of the first 85kg set, but fine after that

Jefferson curl, single dumbbell, 3 position - alternating to front, left and right - 15lbs x7, 45lbs 2x10

went up 10lbs, killer burn in erectors!
« Last Edit: July 30, 2022, 10:37:49 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1313 on: July 31, 2022, 04:22:35 pm »
Saturday 30th July 2022

Mild to moderate soreness all over, but lower back and right QL is sore and beat up

All tendons feeling good post session

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1314 on: July 31, 2022, 04:34:06 pm »
Sunday 31st July 2020

Fat loss cycle 3 - Week 11
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed -  89.7kg(+0.1 ), 197.8lbs

waist - 36 inches
hip = 42
upper thigh = 27
Right calf = 15.75
Neck = 15.75
Chest = 43
Right Arm (flexed) = 15.5
Wrist = 6 5/8

Tanita scale bodyfat % = 25.3% (-0.4)

Total loss so far - weight -1kg Waist 1 7/8 inches BF% Tanita -0.9%

Phone app TDEE Calculator is at 2955
Averaged 3091 calories over the week, 200g protein, 173g carbs,  161g fat.

About maintenance this week, no changes, ate too much

Lower back and QL is pretty sore, in a bad way, hurts to bend over in seated position.
On the other hand my lower left Sartorius (tendon?) is feeling much better

Should have went for a walk today, but I didn't

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

External rotation ISO, elbow supported, scapular retracted and depressed - 70% effort 3x45 secs
Hammer  curl tricep extension overcoming ISO : lying in bed using finger tips - 70% effort 3x30secs

Sartorius leg lift ISO, while pressing side of foot against wall: 70% effort 3x30 secs

Wall sit, single leg, with heel off the floor, at 60 degrees knee angle - 2 x 45 secs
Single leg squat ISO, front rail supported with hands - 60 degrees  - heel off the floor - 2 x 45secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1315 on: August 01, 2022, 09:18:08 pm »
Monday 1st August 2022

Cold slowly getting better each day.
Body feeling decent, but lower back and QL still pretty beat up, so took a "rest" day today

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

External rotation ISO, elbow supported, scapular retracted and depressed - 70% effort 3x30 secs
Bicep curl tricep extension overcoming ISO : using finger tips - 70% effort 3x30secs
Single arm reverse grip press, against opposite hand ISO : 70% effort 3x30 secs
trying this out

Sartorius leg lift ISO against opposite leg, lying on back: 70% effort 3x30 secs
Calf raise ISO push against wall. Single leg 70% effort 3x30 secs

Single leg squat, front supported ISO : 60 degrees, pushing front foot into floor, and rear leg into bathtub  -70% effort 3x30 secs

Single leg RDL, reverse hyper, bird dog, shoulder push into wall ISO : 70% effort 3x30 secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1316 on: August 02, 2022, 01:46:13 pm »
Tuesday 2nd August 2022

Flu/Cold almost gone now, just some mucus in throat, but not coughing much now

Lower back feeling much better, so back into it tomorrow.

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

External rotation ISO, elbow supported, scapular retracted and depressed - 70% effort 3x30 secs
Lying on back, palms down, arm push into floor ISO - 70% effort 3x30secs
Lying on back, face pull, into floor ISO - 70% effort 3x30secs

Bicep curl tricep extension overcoming ISO : using finger tips - 70% effort 3x30secs
Single arm reverse grip press, against opposite hand ISO : 70% effort 3x30 secs

Sartorius leg lift ISO against opposite leg, lying on back: 70% effort 3x30 secs
Single leg RDL, reverse hyper, bird dog, shoulder push into wall ISO : 70% effort 2x30 secs
Single leg squat, front supported ISO : 60 degrees, pushing front foot into floor -70% effort 3x30 secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1317 on: August 04, 2022, 11:32:24 am »
Wednesday 3rd August 2022

Crap sleep lately, but I feel decent today

All tendons getting to a good state

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - loads of lat and pec stretches
Soft tissue work - bottom of feet

Tendon health+rehab -  Low fatigue Week 5 - day 1

Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 91.6kg

general mobility drills

BBall dribbling and control drills : 10 mins -  excellent, the days off help

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 90 degrees knee angle - x 35 secs
Front plank hold: x 35secs
Glute bridge hold, with knees pushed inwards x35secs
Side plank, legs bent, upper leg abducted: x 35 secs

Calf raise ISO push against wall, slightly bent knee single leg: at 70% effort - 3x 35 secs

Heel touch downs, single leg, off 7 inch step: - slow eccentric - x10
Half kneeling weight shift: - 10kg plate 5x10 secs

Rotating sets 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 3 sec Concentric, 20 sec hold at top, 60 degrees, slow eccentric - 15kg, 20kg, 25kg, 30kg
45 sec ISO push against 60 degrees strap at 70% effort - 2x35kg

1/10 left patella tendon pain on 30 kg set

B) SSB or weighted single leg Calf raise -  3 sec up and down BW x10 full range
1 sec up, 2 sec hold, 3 sec down reps to neutral - 30kg x6, 35kg x6, 37.5kg x6, 40kg x6

Faster concentric now. increased load to 40kg on top set and all pain free

Rotating sets 2 mins rest

A) Flag press, 2 handed: - scapular retracted and depressed: plates 5kg x15, 10kg 2x25 @ RPE 5

B) High bar squat: - Oly shoes, XHeavy band around upper shins,  3 sec eccentrics - 20kg x10, 40kg x5, 60kg x3, 75kg x3, belt 90kg x3, 105kg x3, 115kg x2, 125kg x2

XHeavy band around upper shins,  belt, 3 sec eccentric
135kg x2  @ RPE 7
140kg x2 @ RPE 8.5 - puts e1RM at 150kg  (-4kg from last week)

71% of e1RM - controlled down, explode up - 
XHeavy band around upper shins,  belt - 105kg x4, no belt x4
no band, belt - 105kg 3x4

Full range and pain free. Form on the heavy doubles  was good
After the slow tempo ramp to the heavy doubles, my core and upper back feels so tired that the main volume sets feel bad and hard.
Even at 71% they do not feel productive. Especially on the eccentric part.
I'll try go lighter to 60% next time, otherwise I will change things up.

"+" = 15-20 secs rest
Close grip triangle push up: (Warm up) BW x12 on bench, BW x10
10kg plate on upper back - BW x20 @7  +3+3+3+3  (PR!! )

Rotating sets 2 mins rest

A) High angle rows - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, belt 60kg x6
70kg 4x8 @RPE 6/6.5/7/7  (+1 set)

B) SSB Good Morning: - belt, oly shoes - 30kg x10, 50kg x8
70kg x8 @ RPE 7
70kg 2x4 @ RPE 7/8

Felt much harder than last week, no chance for 85+kg, so stayed at 70kg
Core felt smoked.

C) SSB tibialis raise - in oly shoes, Romaleos 2 - BW x12, 30kg x 10, 35kg x8 @ RPE 9

Rotating sets 2 mins rest

A) Tibilias Wall raise - oly shoes - BW x 12
+10kg plate in hands x8, x6 @ RPE 8/9

B) Dumbbell Curl - 2 sec up, 3 secs down - 15lbs x10, 20lbs x10, x8 @ RPE 8/9

C) Leg Curl - single leg - end of unit elevated 5 inches - toes pointed, explosive - 10kg x10
20kg x11, x9 @8  (+1 rep each set )
« Last Edit: August 06, 2022, 11:35:46 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1318 on: August 04, 2022, 11:45:24 am »
Thursday 4th August 2022

Cold is finally gone

Not all that sore after yesterday, despite the days off
Left patella and both Achilles still feeling good after yesterday

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

Sartorius Internal leg roiation ISO against opposite leg, in seated position 70% effort 3x40 secs

Peroneal External foot rotation ISO against hand - 70% effort 3x40 secs

Been having random pain in my upper right Peroneal area, tendon, in the bottom part of the leg extension.
And when coming up from the bottom of a bodyweight squat, at certain body positions, knee angles
It's been lingering around randomly, so see if this helps.
Probably due to how my foot interacts with the leg extension pad
« Last Edit: August 06, 2022, 11:35:32 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1319 on: August 06, 2022, 11:35:06 pm »
Friday 5th August 2022

Felt decent

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches - lat and pec stretches

External rotation ISO, elbow supported, scapular retracted and depressed - 70% effort 3x30 secs
Bicep curl tricep extension overcoming ISO : using finger tips - 70% effort 3x30secs
Single arm reverse grip press, against opposite hand ISO : 70% effort 3x30 secs

Calf raise ISO push against wall. Single leg knee slightly bent - 70% effort 3x30 secs

Peroneal External foot rotation ISO against wall - 70% effort 3x30 secs
Wall sit, single leg, with heel off the floor : 60 degrees, pushing front foot into floor at 70% effort - 3x30 secs
Sartorius leg lift ISO, while pressing side of foot against wall 70% effort 3x30 secs

Walk/Hike - 50 mins
felt decent going into this, but maybe this is too much too soon, walking on a trail, as my right achilles insertion had some twinges...
and post walk, back at home, both achilles insertion were slightly achey :/

Rotating sets

Lying face down, Palms down, arms by sides raises: 1.6kg 2x20
Lying face down, Palms up, arms by sides raises: 1.6kg 2x20
Lying face down, arms straight out to sides, Palms down raises: 1.6kg 2x20