Thursday 2nd June 2022achey all over - quads seem more sore today.
Lower back the most sore.
had to drop most of the cuff and shoulder health work as they all flare up my upper left bicep tendon to some degree.
Changed arm work and others to more tendon friendly options and tempos for tendon healing
Tendon health+rehab - Upper Week 1, Wave 1Bodyweight with shoes, winter clothing - 92.4kg
general mobility drills
BBall dribbling: - 8 mins - Good
side leg raises - x 20
Band pull aparts - high to low reverse grip: Light rogue band x20
Larsen Bench press - 20kg x10, 40kg 2x6, 50kg 2x5, 60kg x1
60kg x12 @ RPE 6
Thumbs on smooth - 60kg x12 @ RPE 7
Will use closer grip variant, which does not compress my left bicep tendon
rotating sets - 2 mins rest
A) Pull up/Chin up - Hang and 20 scap shrugs, 10 wide grip
alternating between 1 pull up, wide pull up and chin set each rotation
Pull up - leg assisted x5
BW x3 @ RPE 5
leg assisted - BW x 12 @6
Wide, snatch grip - BW 2x2 @7
leg assisted - BW x 12 @6
Chin up, shoulder width - leg assisted x 5
BW x3 @4-5
leg assisted - BW x 12 @6
B) Military Press: - Hold at top, bulldog grip - 20kg x10, belt 30kg x6
37.5kg x12 @ RPE 7
35kg x12 @ RPE 6
Thought 37.5kg would be OK, but it was harder than expected most likely due to bench fatigue
Dip shrugs: BW x 20 @5
Incline flies: - 30 degrees - 15lbs x10, 25lbs x12 @5
High angle rows - 20kg x12, belt 40kg x10, 50kg x6
belt- 55kg 2x12 @6
maybe a tad too light
Lateral leg drive into wall ISO: 30 Seconds x3 sets @7
Incline Dumbbell curl - 45 degrees, arms angled out, 3 secs up and down - 15lbs x10, 17.5lbs x8 @8
20lbs x6 @8
Lying dumbbell tricep extensions: - 45 degrees - 5lbs x10, 15lbs x8 @6
20lbs x6 @6.5
SSB Calf Raise - single leg - BW warmups - hold at neutral, with 1 inch ROM slow Raises (x12) - 30secs x 30kg, 50kg, 60kg, 60kg @ RPE 8
ISO only - 30secs x 65kg
1/10 right achilles insertion pain on first 60kg set
felt harder today, so stayed at 60kg
Split squat ISO on balls of foot, rear leg straight: 90 degree knee angle - 35secs x 3 sets
Incline Dumbbell hammer curl - 45 degrees, arms angled out, 3 secs up and down - 20lbs x6, x5 @ RPE 8
Leg extension, single leg - 3 secs up and down between 10 and 60 degrees for 36secs - 15kg, 22.5kg, 30kg
3 secs up and down between 60 and 90 degrees for 30secs - 35kg @ RPE 8
Kettlebell rotator cuff corkscrew: 5kg 2x15
Half kneeling Kettlebell weight shift: 5x3secs 10kg x 2 sets
High bar squat: facing down slight slope. Belt - 20kg 2x10, 40kg x5, 60kg 2x5
paused - 75kg 3x5
Wasn't planning on squatting but I wanted to test some things out. 75kg should not be too taxing although it didn't feel that light ether.
I look super deep from this camera angle.
Even in oly shoes, facing down a slight slope and a wider stance with feet turned out, I am far from upright with high bar, the curse of longer femur to torso/shin ratio