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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1125 on: February 13, 2022, 09:47:00 am »
Sunday 13th February 2022

Erectors and quads still pretty sore, but I feel decent systemic wise

Achilles continues to feel decent, no waking walk pain - making me "treat things with kids gloves"
Keep this up for another month....

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

soft tissue work for upper body, glutes and erectors

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted -  Upper 1, day 4
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight with shoes - 90.5kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills
side leg raises - x 20

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 15 mins - felt good today

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30secs
Side plank with leg abduction - against wall - x 30secs each side

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - 6 sec concentric, then 20 sec holds at top, 60 degrees - 10kg, 15kg, 20kg 
6 sec Concentric to 60 degrees strap, 30 secs hold, 6 sec eccentric - 25kg x 2 sets

1/10 left patella tendon pain on first 25kg set on the concentric, ISO ok.

B)Calf Raise eccentric - single leg - 1 cm elevated in oly shoes, 6 sec eccentric - BW x6, dip belt+5kg x6, +7.5kg  2x6
No pain

C) High angle rows - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, 60kg x8, 60kg x3, 80kg x5
deadlifted off the floor to start -
straps  - 82.5kg x8 @ RPE 7 
straps  - 82.5kg x10 @ RPE 8 (+2 reps)
straps  - 82.5kg x9 @ RPE 8

lower back a bit achey during these....

Bench - shoulder width, thumbs on smooth - 20kg x15, 40kg x12, 60kg x6, x4, 70kgx4
80kg x10 @ RPE 10
90kg x1 @ RPE 6
100kg x2 @ RPE 9.5  (PR by default!!!)
80kg x5, x5 @ RPE 7/8.5

Looks like my 1RM is around 110kg. Rep calc says 80kg x10 = 107kg e1RM
100kg x2 after that all out set with 80kg says it should be doable

Just decided to YOLO and go heavy after the 80kg x10 set, even though it most likely tired me quite a bit
That set did warm me up well, as neither the 90kg and 100kg felt heavy in my hands and no wrist discomfort,
even though I haven't had any weight this heavy on bench in decades
The first rep with 100kg felt so easy, I just decided to do another, but that second one was a bit of a strain in the top half.
Although I think 100kg x3 would be there if I didn't do the 80kg x10 set.

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Dumbbell curl - 15lbs x10, 25lbs x15, x12 @ RPE 8
B) Dumbbell, overhead press, arms in line with ears -  rotating grip - 15lbs x10, 25lbs x20 @8
C) Scarecrow external rotation - 2.5kg plates x10, x5

Chest supported row, external rotation into partial press - 45 degree angle - 5lb dumbbell 2x11 @ RPE 8



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1126 on: February 14, 2022, 09:41:38 am »
Monday 14th February 2022

Quads and pecs really sore, followed by biceps, whole upper back, shoulders, calves, and posterior chain.
Achilles insertion about the same.

I haven't mentioned it yet, but I seemed to have strained a tendon in my middle finger of my right hand, a few weeks ago
Hence why I have stopped the gripper work for the time being, and using more straps
Started doing 3x 40 sec finger ISOs daily on it last week, and it appears to be finally healing up, pain going down.


Wall sit - at 60 degrees 2x 50secs
Calf raise ISO - 2 legs, mid range - x 50 secs, single leg 2x 50 secs
Glute bridge hold - 3x 30secs
« Last Edit: February 15, 2022, 01:30:06 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1127 on: February 15, 2022, 04:58:28 pm »
Tuesday 15th January 2022

Erectors still pretty achey

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches


Tendon health+rehab - Day 1 Lower1
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight in shoes = 91.4kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 16 mins

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30secs
Side plank- x 30secs each side

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - 6 sec concentric, then 20 sec holds at top, 60 degrees - 10kg, 15kg
6 sec Concentric to 60 degrees strap, 30 secs hold, 6 sec eccentric - 20kg x 3 sets

B)Calf Raise eccentric - single leg - 1 cm elevated in oly shoes, controlled up, 6 sec eccentric - BW x6, dip belt+7.5kg 3x6
No pain

C) Kettle bell Swing - 40kg x10 warmup, 24kg 3x8

Olys - - shoulder dislocate + behind the back press stretch drill

5 low hang power clean + 5 high hang power clean, with no foot movement x 20kg bar
5 snatch high pull +3 low hang power snatch + 5 high hang power snatch + hold at top x 20kg bar

Sumo Deadlift - flat shoes, hook-gripped, bar not controlled between reps - 60kg x10, 80kg x5, 100kg x5,
belt, straps - 120kg x5, 140kg x5
belt, straps - 150kg x10 @ RPE 9 PR!!

120kg in the warmups is starting to feel much easier/lighter.
150kg x10 = 200kg, 440lbs e1RM

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Alternating sets - 2 mins rest

A) RDL -  oly shoes, lowered under control to just above the floor
deadlifted off the floor - straps/belt 120kg 2x10 @ RPE 8 PR!!

B) SSB tibialis raise - in oly shoes, Romaleos 2 - BW x12
30kg x12 @ RPE 6
50kg x12 @ RPE 8
50kg x10 @ RPE 8

C) Push up - deficit, on dumbbell handles - feet elevated 20 inches - push up x10 warmup. BW x 10
BW x 20 @ RPE 9  PR!!

C) Pull up, leg assisted - BW x 20

Side Lying Clam - hip straight, resisting the band eccentric, hold at top -  Xxheavy + heavy band 2x15 @ RPE 7/8 (+2 reps)
Inverted row - using bench press height bar, bench press grip width - BW x6, BW x17  @ RPE 10  PR!!


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1128 on: February 16, 2022, 01:08:10 pm »
Wednesday 16th February 2022

Don't feel too bad after yesterday, erectors not feeling all that sore despite being sore yesterday and working them hard!
Only muscle that is fairly sore are my hamstrings.
Everything is just light DOMs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1129 on: February 17, 2022, 07:28:25 am »
Thursday 17th February 2022

Erectors more sore today, along with hamstrings

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

soft tissue work for upper back and triceps

Finger tip ISO  - combo lat pec stretch  - 3x 40 secs

Bodyweight with shoes - 90.3kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills
side leg raises - x 20

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 5 mins

Warmed and started dribbling stuff, then black out hit, ehhhh, training stopped


Single leg Wall sit - at 45 degrees 4x 50secs
Calf raise ISO - single leg - mid range, while actively flexing - 4 x 50secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1130 on: February 17, 2022, 11:02:35 am »
Saw Reebok blow out their Nano X shoe at half price on Ebay AU, so picked up a pair in a bright red colour, looks more orange here though for some reason..
This is a Crossfit WOD shoe, so it's a good all rounder for anything in a gym, agility, plyos etc.
Pretty comfy, while also being firm at the same time, and beefy feeling
Has a pretty wide toe box, wider than all my oly shoes!
Fairly flat, kinda like Chuck Taylors on steroids, but much wider  :)

« Last Edit: February 17, 2022, 11:09:10 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1131 on: February 17, 2022, 11:07:42 am »

also got these just then, what I wanted originally, but only noticed my size come up on Ebay tonight, so quickly grabbed it, will return one of them


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1132 on: February 18, 2022, 12:47:39 pm »
Friday 19th February 2022

Erectors and hamstrings still fairly sore, but much less than yesterday

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Finger tip ISO - 3x 40 secs

Tendon health+rehab - Upper 2, day 4 - fasted

10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight with shoes - 90.2kg

general mobility drills

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30secs

Band pull aparts high to low, reverse grip - light jumpstretch band x 20
alternating diagonals x 20

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - 6 sec concentric, then 20 sec hold at 60 degrees - 10kg, 15kg, 20kg
Concentric to 60 degrees strap, 30 secs hold - 25kg x 3 sets

B) Side plank -  3x 30secs each side
more for my shoulders and hips, than midsection.
A bit shakey

C) Calf Raise eccentric - single leg - 1 cm elevated in oly shoes, 4sec hold, 6 sec eccentric - BW x6, dip belt+7.5kgx6
10kg 2x6

rotating sets - 2 mins rest

A) Military Press - barbell - 20kg x12, x5, 40kg x3, Belt 50kg x1
Belt - 50kg x10 @RPE 9  PR!! +1 rep
50kg x5, x5 @ RPE 6/7

alright, might go up to 55kg next time.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

B)Pull up/Chin up - Hang and 20 scap shrugs,
Pull up - dead hang/paused,  wider -  BW x3

Chin up, shoulder width -  BW x10 @ RPE 10 - shoulders 4 inches under bar on last rep
BW x5, x5, x5 @ RPE 7/7/10   (+1 rep on second set, +1 set)

Will add weight next session, as it seems endurance is just road blocking me at 10 reps

B) Dips- dip shrugs x 20 - felt pretty hard, I guess fatigue from press
 BW x10, x12 @ RPE 6/8

C) Single arm dumbbell row - supported - controlled down, straps - 42.5kg x3, 42.5kg x9 @ RPE 8  (PR!! +2.5kg -2 reps)

Dumbbell Curl - 15lbs x10, 25lbs x3 (Warm up)
27.5lbs x12, x9 @8

Bar Hang - pull up grip, leg raise switching between straight and bent knees x 25 secs

Draw letters of alphabet with slider pad - on knees, single arm: x 1 set

Chest supported row into external rotation: 5lb dumbbells x10, x13 @ RPE 7/8



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1133 on: February 19, 2022, 11:46:37 am »
Saturday 19th February 2022

Light to Moderate soreness all over, but not too bad

Since I started Sumo deadlifting more often, I have noticed the bar sometimes lightly touching my shins and causing bleeding...
So I invested in a Smart Strength shin guard, which could be useful for box jumps later if needed :)

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

Single leg Wall sit - at 45 degrees 3x 40secs

Calf raise  Finger ISO combo - single leg - mid range - 3 x 40secs
basically just grabbing the bathroom counter with fingers and pulling myself downwards to provide downward resistance for the calves/achilles, kill two birds with one stone :)

Toe + hamstring ISO combo - single leg - pawing the mat with toes  - 3x 40secs
just an experiment
« Last Edit: February 19, 2022, 12:10:00 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1134 on: February 20, 2022, 06:58:57 am »
Sunday 20th February 2022

Still sore all over.
Felt stressed today, decided to postpone main weights session

left patella tendon is feeling much better
achilles insertions - hard to tell

rotating sets -
Single leg Wall sit - at 45 degrees 3x 40secs

Calf raise  Finger ISO combo - single leg - mid range position, pulling with upper body finger tip curl style - 3 x 35 secs
using the weight scale to measure, doing this adds about 15-20kg extra sustained force onto the calves/achilles

Toe + hamstring ISO combo - single leg - pawing the mat with toes  - 3x 35 secs

Side plank ISO -  down to side of knee - 3x30secs
pretty shakey

Glute bridge ISO - actively pushing hip up @ 70% effort - 3x 40secs
Push up ISO - against stair railing - mid range 3x 40secs

« Last Edit: February 20, 2022, 07:02:08 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1135 on: February 21, 2022, 12:44:54 pm »
Monday 21st February 2022

Erectors still feeling a bit sore...

3 days before my 51st birthday :)

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Finger tip ISO  - combo lat pec stretch  - 3x 40 secs

soft tissue for lower body


Tendon health+rehab - Day 3 Lower 2
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight in shoes = 90.7kg

general mobility drills

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 10 mins
kept it short and mostly stationary stuff, 75% of it wrapping and moving the ball around my body instead of dribbling

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 35 secs
Front plank x 35 secs
glute bridge hold x 35secs
Side plank- x35secs each side - mild shake, getting easier

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - 10 sec Concentric, 30 sec hold at 60 degrees, slow eccentric - 10kg, 15kg, 20kg , 22.5kg, 25kg
no pain on left patella tendon on any set, on concentric, first time it's been like this since starting these

B)Calf Raise eccentric - single leg - 1 cm elevated in oly shoes, 6 sec hold at top, 6 sec eccentric - BW x6, dip belt+10kg  3x6
felt decent, and no pain, so will go up 2.5kg next time

C) lateral leg drive against wall ISO - glute medius - at 70% effort - 3 x30secs

Alternating sets - 2 mins rest

A1) Single leg, split stance, Tibialis raise - in oly shoes (Romaleos 2) -  free standing warmup BW x10
BW x10, x10 @ RPE 8

Trying this variant I thought up out, doing it like this allows you to make it easier as needed, by using your arms, hence same reps and RPE on both sets

A2) SSB tibialis raise - in oly shoes, Romaleos 2 - 30kg x8, x12 @ RPE 8

B) Leg Curls - end of unit elevated 5 inches - 10kg x10, 20kg x10
30kg x10 @RPE 6
35kg x10 @RPE 7
37.5kg x6 @RPE 7

C1) Bulgarian split squat - 3 secs down and up - BW x10, single arm dumbbell held on working leg side - 15kg x10
SSB - arms supported - 30kg x10 @ RPE 5

C2) SSB reverse lunge - arms supported, oly shoes, down to 80 degrees - 35kg x10 @ RPE5

D)High angle barbell row - 20kg x15, 40kg x19, 50kg x22 @ RPE 7  PR!! +5kg, +2 reps

I'm pushing these single 20 repper sets again, they seemed to improve my gains. And you recover fast from them.
Doing them inbetween my main session for each exercise - helps stops things from regressing and keeps the groove greased

Bench press - shoulder width, thumbs on smooth - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, 60kg x20 @ RPE 8 PR!! +3reps

Wasn't expecting to hit 20 reps on 60kg this easily, since the last time I repped it out I hit 17 reps, but with a wider grip.
Rep calculator says my max is 125kg and I should be able to do 100kg x8....
Which if true is a huge jump from the 100kg x2 (maybe 3 when fresh) I did last session, 8 days ago.
Maybe going heavy last session and the ISO pushups yesterday did something :)
But high reps tend to be not that accurate, so will find out soon enough.

3 position reverse raise - lying face down, arms out to side, arms against body palms down, palms up
2.5kg plate x 15 reps each position

Dumbbell Curl - 15lbs x10, 20lbs x22 @ RPE 8 PR!! +2.5lbs +2 reps

« Last Edit: February 25, 2022, 11:27:35 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1136 on: February 22, 2022, 07:03:18 am »
Tuesday 22nd February 2022

Yesterday was more fatiguing than expected, and fairly sore all over.

Achilles heading in the right direction, left patella tendon a little worse

rotating sets -
Single leg Wall sit - at 45 degrees 3x 35 secs
Calf raise  Finger ISO combo - single leg - mid range position, pulling with upper body finger tip curl style - 3 x 35 secs
Toe + hamstring ISO combo - single leg - pawing the mat with toes  - 3x 35 secs
Push up ISO - against bench top - mid range 3x 35secs

Side plank ISO - against wall - 3x30secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1137 on: February 23, 2022, 01:21:01 pm »
Wednesday 23rd February 2022

Feeling achey and not too motivated to train so rested today
quads and glutes more sore than I was expecting. Same for my pecs and upper back

Patella tendon felt better today, overall inflamed feeling when pressing directly against it, is going down over time, the last 2 weeks.

I turn 51 tomorrow!
Got a bunch of shoes and stuff arriving as presents I guess :)

I can also recommend activated bamboo charcoal bags for keeping your room, car and shoes smelling nice, or having no smell at all.
I tried a few this week and they work suprisingly well. Got rid of the sweat smell from my oly shoes

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

Finger tip ISO  - 3x 40 secs
« Last Edit: February 23, 2022, 01:22:32 pm by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1138 on: February 24, 2022, 11:54:11 am »
Thursday 24th February 2022

Happy 51st birthday to me! :)

Still achey all over
Felt like crap today, decided not to train

rotating sets -
Single leg Wall sit - at 60 degrees 3x 40 secs
Calf raise drive against wall ISO - single leg - mid range position - 3 x 35 secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1139 on: February 25, 2022, 11:55:32 am »
Friday 25th February 2022

Erectors still a bit sore... damn don't think repping out on deadlifts is such a good idea after all

Still feeling a bit poopy
left patella tendon advancing well, achilles insertion while still achey does appear to be improving

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

Finger tip ISO - 3x 40 secs

soft tissue work for glutes and upper body

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted -  Upper 1, day 4
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight with shoes - 90.4kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills
side leg raises - x 20

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 10 mins - pretty crisp and clean today

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 35 secs
Front plank x 35 secs
glute bridge hold x 35secs
Side plank x 35secs each side

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - 10 sec concentric, then 30 sec hold at 60 degrees - 10kg, 15kg
10 sec concentric, 1 sec hold at top, then 30 sec hold at 60 degrees x 20kg, x25kg
10 sec Concentric to 60 degrees strap, 30 secs hold x 25kg

felt good, but 3/10 left patella tendon pain on the 25kg set right at the top lockout position, possibly due to compression.
Other than that no pain anywhere else

B)Calf Raise eccentric - single leg - 1 cm elevated in oly shoes, 6 sec hold, 6 sec eccentric - BW x3, dip belt+12.5kg 3x6
No pain

C) High angle rows - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, 60kg x10, straps - 80kg x5
deadlifted off the floor to start -
straps  - 85kg x10 @ RPE 9   PR!! (+2.5kg)
straps  - 85kg x5 @ RPE 6
straps  - 85kg 3x5 @ RPE 7

felt good

Bench - shoulder width, thumbs on smooth - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, 60kg x10, 70kgx3, 80kg x3
90kg x7 @ RPE 9 (+5kg, -1rep)
80kg 3x5 @ RPE 7

That puts my e1RM at 108kg, which appears to be going up 1kg every week.
100kg in sight!

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Dumbbell curl - 20lbs x12, 30lbs 2x9 @ RPE 9
misloaded the Powerblock dumbbell, wondering why it felt harder, turns out it was 5lbs heavier!
And I do believe I'm also a couple of reps stronger at 30lbs

B) Dumbbell, overhead press, arms in line with ears -  rotating grip - 15lbs x10, 27.5lbs x17 @8  (+2.5lbs, -3 reps)

Chest supported row, external rotation into partial press - 45 degree angle - 2.5lbs x10 @ RPE 6, 5lb dumbbell x10, x9 @ RPE 8/7

Straight arm row, single arm - 5lbs x20 10 Palms down/10 Palms up
15lbs x20 - 10 Palms down/10 Palms up @RPE 8
