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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1080 on: December 31, 2021, 07:06:16 am »
Friday 31st December 2021

Posterior chain still sore
Left patella tendon no longer hurts when straight and flexed, so I will be able to move on to slow tempo leg extensions
But it's still quite achey when going down stairs cold and doing and fast flexed reactive movements

decided to get more active today, but hopefully it's not too early and flare up my achilles....

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

Calf raise ISO -
on step -  at neutral 1x30 secs, chain dip belt+20kg 4x35secs
Active stretch lats, pecs between sets

bumped up another 5kg felt OK, but a bit harder, calves starting to burn near the end of each set

Split squat ISO - rear leg straight, on balls of feet at 80 degrees,  x 45secs
Wall sit ISO, single leg - two legs at 60 degrees  2x30 secs
Spanish squat ISO - nylon strap, At 30-45 degree knee angle - 2x 30secs
Leg extension ISO, single leg - pushing against strap, 80 degree knee angle at 70% effort - x 30 secs 
30 degrees 2x30 secs

Left patella tendon ached on the 30 degree sets but not on the 80 degree one, hmmm

Assisted Hip Airplane stretch - 5x3 secs each side
Glute bridge hold - 2x 30secs

side leg raises x20 each side
upper body mobility/dynamic stretches

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 30 mins
more movement and a few shooting drills against wall - no achilles pain

walk/hike - 30 mins
middle of the walk - backward walking up a 30-35 degree sloped path x 2 mins

« Last Edit: December 31, 2021, 07:10:33 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1081 on: January 01, 2022, 11:15:06 pm »
Saturday 1st January 2022

A little achey all over
Right Achilles insertion feels a little inflamed from yesterday, but not too bad, feels more like general post exercise ache that should go away after rest rather than a flare up

total rest today


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1082 on: January 03, 2022, 01:31:15 am »
Sunday 2nd December 2022

Still sore in lower body, and a bit in upper.
Not feeling the greatest but the show must go on

Right achilles feeling better and back to the usual baseline

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

pre workout - soft tissue work for lupper body, and some lower

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted -  Upper 1, day 2
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight with shoes - 90.6kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 10 mins
wasn't feeling it so cut it short

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x 45 secs

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - pushing against strap, 80 degree knee angle at 70% effort - 30 secs x 3 sets

B1) Seated soleus calf raise ISO, single leg - SSB on safety bar and knee, down to neutral foot position - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down, 3 sec pause -
SSB+10kg x5, +20kg 2x7 @ RPE8

B2) Calf raise, single leg - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down, 3 sec pause - BW x5, +21kg 2x7 @ RPE 8

split squat - slightly arm supported, 3 secs down and up - BW x10
Band pull aparts - horizontal x 20, Diagonals, thumbs up -  Rogue light band x10 each axis

Bench - grip 2.5 inches from smooth area - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, 60kg x6, x5, 75kgx3
1) 85kg x6 @ RPE 9
2) 2-3 sec eccentric - 70kg x10 @ RPE 9
3) 2-3 sec eccentric - 70kg 2x7 @ RPE 7

Regressed on 85kg set... due to bad day or 2 weeks since last bench session, or all the above....

rotating sets - 2-3 mins rest

A) High angle rows - 20kg x15, 60kg x8, 70kg x6
deadlifted off the floor -
80kg x10 @ RPE 8
80kg x8 @ RPE7.5
straps - 80kg 2x8 @ RPE 7

felt my glutes fire on these, with no lower back stress.
Straps made quite a difference in perceived effort, able to crank out cleaner easier reps

B) Single Hip Thrust - hold at top - BW x12 @ RPE 7, 5kg plate on hip x10 @ RPE 7
felt a lot easier than last week, so starting to load it. even 5kg was not hard

C) Bulgarian split squat - secs down and up - BW x10, 10kg weight vest x10

A) Dumbbell curl - 15lbs x10, 25lbs x10, x10 @ RPE 7/8

B) Ivanko super gripper - 70lbs x10
left hand - 85lbs x13, x7, x7 @RPE 9/8/8
right hand- 85lbs x13, x7, x7 @RPE 8/7/7

LU raises - controlled - 2.5kg plate x5, 5kg plate x10 @ RPE 8
forearms felt beat up on these

Sharapova band cuff/trap/serratus exercise - light Rogue mind band - x32, x35  @ RPE 7/8



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1083 on: January 03, 2022, 03:35:36 am »
Found someone selling the leg extension unit for my Ironmaster flat bench on Gumtree, so I'm gonna grab that so I don't have to do ghetto leg extensions!

People seem to hype up the Nike Romaloes 2 as still the best oly shoe even now

Well I got some black Romaleos 2s today from Gumtree for $20AUD,  in great condition as well, and they are not smelly! :)

Although at size 10.5US it's 1 size too big... I wear size 9 in my Legacy Lifter 2s, but with straps on tight my feet don't move and no heel slip.
The front foot flexibility is quite similar between the shoes, was surprised by that. I thought the Rom2 would be more stiff.
So the LL2 feels closer to the Rom2 than the Romaleos 4, just has a more aggressive heel height to fore foot rake.
Rom 4s feel stiffer, clunky and boot like compared to these 2, and the curved front that makes you rock forward, hard to make the toes touch the floor.

I have wide paddle shaped feet, over 4 inch wide at 26cm.
And the Rom2 is actually not wider at the toes than the LL2, it is wider at the mid foot though.
I think the LL2 feels more comfortable to me, more padded  upper and similar soft heel area.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2022, 04:34:36 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1084 on: January 04, 2022, 12:31:14 am »
Tuesday 4th December 2021

Starting to freshen up but will wait till tomorrow to do next full session

Right achilles back on track
left patella tendon still sore when walking downstairs, but strangely does not hurt when doing leg extensions


rotating sets
Split squat ISO - rear leg straight, on balls of feet at 80 degrees,  x 45secs

Calf raise ISO -
on step -  at neutral 1x30 secs, chain dip belt+20kg 4x35secs
Active stretch lats, pecs between sets

Leg extension ISO, single leg - lightly pushing against strap at 60 degree knee angle - 30 secs x 20kg, 25kg, 25kg, 30kg 

Man it feels good to do proper leg extensions on a proper unit with pads.
The Ironmaster attachment feels smooth
After some full range leg extensions I held the ISO with plates and lightly pushing against a nylon strap to put the leg at the correct angle and minimize movement and shakes
No patella discomfort even on the heaviest set today, which felt fairly hard, but not at limit

Assisted Hip Airplane stretch - 5x5 secs each side
Glute bridge hold - 3x 30secs

A couple of sets of leg curls on my new Ironmaster leg ext/curl attachment - 5kg x10, 10kg x10 easy sets

upper body mobility/dynamic stretches
lower body stretches


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1085 on: January 05, 2022, 08:18:20 am »
Wednesday 5th January 2022

Slightly achey from the stuff I did yesterday.
Not in terms of DOMs, but the muscles feel sore when I was doing soft tissue work on them

Left Patella tendon is improving, and responding well to the leg extension ISO

changing things up a bit so that every main session is more or less full body, every 3 days

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

pre workout - soft tissue work for lower body and upper back


Tendon health+rehab - Day 3 Lower2
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight in shoes = 89.6kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - lightly pushing against strap at 60 degree knee angle - 20secs x10kg, x20kg,
30secs x 30kg, 32.5kg, 32.5kg
1/10 pain in left patella tendon on heaviest sets. 32.5kg was fairly hard, could feel the quads shaking a tiny bit

B) Seated soleus calf raise, single leg - SSB on safety bar and knee, down to neutral foot position - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down, 3 sec pause - SSB+25kg x5, 35kg x7, 45kg x7 (+5kg)

went up 5kg on top set which felt quite hard

C) Calf raise, single leg - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down, 3 sec pause - BW x5, chain dip belt+22.5kg x7, +25kg x7 @ RPE 8
+5kg on top set, was hoping that it would drop reps down a bit, but still not there.

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 5 mins
short and sweet

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + Shoulder dislocates x few sets
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30secs
Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 30secs each side

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Kettle bell Swing - 40kg x8 warmup
40lbs x8 - over head
24kg 3x8 to head level

moved up to my 24kg (53lb) kettlebell, which felt quite a bit harder than the usual 40lb one I had been using

B) Olys -
3 snatch high pull +1 power snatch + 3 high hang power snatch, with no foot movement x 20kg bar, then 1/2 overhead squat x 10
3 low hang power clean + 3 high hang power clean, with no foot movement x 20kg bar

C) Sumo Deadlift - flat shoes, hook-gripped, bar not controlled between reps - 60kg x4, 80kg x4, 100kg x4,
belt, hookgripped - 120kg x4, 140kg 4, 150kg x1, 160kg x1, 165kg x1 @ RPE 8
belt, straps - 140kg x12 @ RPE9

Sumo deadlifts not feeling quite as easy as last session... felt light headed on every set over 120kg... the novelty has worn off..
But they all look decently fast.
Just guessing the RPE on the 165kg single as it looked quick, but felt heavy, and I have no frame of reference as to what a RPE 8 deadlift should feel like yet as holding anything over 140kg in my hands feels heavy!
140kg x12 = 200kg 440lb e1RM, but the last 2 reps didn't quite get full hip extension after watching the video, but I think I should still be able to sumo deadlift 180kg at the very least.

Alternating sets - 2 mins rest

A) RDL -  oly shoes, hook-gripped, lowered under control to just above the floor - deadlifted off the floor - 100kg x8 @ RPE 7

B) Wall Tibialis raise - in oly shoes (Romaleos 2) -  free standing warmup BW x10
BW x8, x9, x9 @ RPE 8/8/9

C) Squats
front squat 20kg x5
High bar squat - 20kg x10, 40kg x8
Low bar squat - 20kg x10, 40kg x8

Was trying these out and no patella pain

"+" = 20 secs rest
Push up - deficit, on dumbbell handles - feet elevated 20 inches - BW x 20 +4+4+3 @ RPE 8 on initial set and @9 on last mini set
Inverted row - using bench press height bar, bench press grip width - BW x10, BW x15 +4+4+3 @ RPE 9
Dumbbell, overhead press, arms in line with ears -  rotating grip - 15lbs x10, 25lbs 2x10 @RPE 6/7
Band pull aparts - High to low, palms up - Jump stretch light band x 20 @ RPE 7
Scarecrow external rotation - 2.5kg plates 2x12 @ RPE 7

Leg curls - 10kg x10, 20kg 2x10 @RPE 7/7.5
don't know if these are necessary, but will roll with them for now. I think it should help the pump the hamstrings with blood after the deadlifts and RDLs

Side Lying Clam - hip straight, resisting the band eccentric, hold at top - BW x 5 each side, XXheavy+medium band 2x15 @ RPE 7




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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1086 on: January 06, 2022, 10:31:37 pm »
Thursday 6th January 2022

Moderately sore all over, erectors the most sore in a good way.
Despite pushing deadlifts fairly hard yesterday, I'm not drained, even even have any warm tingly feeling - my body works in mysterious ways....
I think squats hit my system harder despite using lighter weights. Just more strain involved for longer durations.

Hamstrings not as sore as I expected.
Achilles feels about the same as usual.
Left patella tendon feeling good - the leg extension + strap holds appears to be a game changer vs everything else I have used so far.
Perfect, repeatable and controlled stress every time

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1087 on: January 07, 2022, 05:54:33 am »
Friday 7th January 2022

Damn erectors even more sore than yesterday!
Less sore all over from the rest

Wasn't planning to do upper body stuff today, but did so anyway.
Took it relatively easy though, apart from bench....

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

pre workout - soft tissue work for feet

Tendon health+rehab -  fasted -  day 4
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight with shoes - 90.6kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills
Assisted Hip Airplane stretch - 5x5 secs each side
Side leg raises x 20 each side

Split squat ISO - rear leg straight, on balls of feet at 80 degrees,  x 45secs

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - front elevated 5 inches, lightly pushing against strap at 60 degree knee angle - 20sec x10kg, x20kg,
30 secs x 30kg, 30kg, 32.5kg, 35kg 

Elevated front of unit 5 inches to make the lower range harder. 35kg was fairly tough, some minor leg shake starting to show, but no patella tendon pain

B) Pushing against strap around knees ISO - glute medius - at 70% effort - 4 x30secs

C) Calf raise ISO - on step -  at slightly above neutral 1x30 secs, chain dip belt+10kg x 30secs,  30secs x 25kg, 25kg, 25kg 27.5kg

Will use 30kg next time as 27.5kg not too hard and no pain. So moving to the empty SSB bar

Leg Curl - front elevated 5 inches - 10kg 2x20 @ RPE 5
Just pumping blood into my hammies

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 10 mins

Dips - dip shrugs BW x20, BW 2x10

Bench - grip 2.5 inches from smooth area - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, 60kg x8, x3, 70kgx3, 80kg x1
1) 85kg x7 @ RPE 10

Pull up - Hang and 20 scap shrugs,
dead hang/paused,  wider - BW x3, x6, x5 @ RPE 7

Inverted row - using bench press height bar - BW x5, reverse grip x 15 @ RPE 7

Straight Bar Dip - BW x4 @ RPE 6

Bar hangs - pull up grip x3 0secs, chin grip x 30secs


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1088 on: January 08, 2022, 09:44:31 am »
Saturday 8th January 2022

Upper body and calves fairly sore, and my quads are a bit as well.
ISO do cause a bit of muscle damage... so doing them everyday or even twice a day is probably not the right move now.
So I need a days rest to allow the tendon collagen turnover to be in positive balance, which was my mistake before....

Right Achilles insertion still hurts when walking cold, right when it's full stretched behind you
Left patella tendon does not appear to hurt when walking downstairs now, at least much less than before. Didn't notice any pain today.
Same for right glute medius tendon, finally completely ache free - it used to hurt a bit when doing leg extensions holds as well before, but no sign of it lately

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches
mild kneeling rectus femoris and hip flexor stretch, keeping knee at 90 degrees or more


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1089 on: January 09, 2022, 08:43:45 am »
Sunday 9th January 2022

Upper body still pretty sore, and erectors still a bit, but much better now

skipped the soft tissue work today

Tendon health+rehab - Upper 2, day 5 - fasted

10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight with shoes - 90.4kg

general mobility drills
brief BBall dribbling
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills
split squat ISO, rear leg straight, at 90 degrees - x45 secs

rotating sets - 30 secs rest

A1) Leg extension ISO, single leg - front elevated 5 inches, lightly pushing against strap at 60 degree knee angle - 20sec x20kg,
30 secs x 30kg, 32.5kg, 35kg, 37.5kg @ RPE 7 (+2.5kg)

37.5kg felt fairly hard, with some minor leg shake starting to appear.

A2) Leg extension, single leg - front elevated 5 inches, 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3 secs down - 10kg x7, 20kg x12 @ RPE 7
some minor discomfort on left patella tendon when fully locked out

B1) SSB Calf raise, single leg - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3 secs down to neutral, 3 sec pause - BW x3, 10kg x3, 30kg x7, 35kg x7, 40kg x7 @ RPE 8
For some reason SSB feels lighter than the same weight on a dip belt+weight vest... so topped out at 40kg today with a 1.5 min set time!

B2) Seated soleus calf raise, single leg - SSB on safety bar and knee, down to neutral foot position - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down, 3 sec pause - SSB+35kg x5, 42.5kg 2x7 @ RPE 8

rotating sets - 2 mins rest

A1) Hip thrust, single leg - hold at top - BW  x6 , 10kg plate on hip 2x8 @RPE 8  (+5kg)
A2) Bulgarian split squat - 3 secs down and up - BW x10, dip belt +15kg  2x10 @ RPE 6  (+5kg)

B1) Military Press - barbell - using bulldog grip - 20kg x10, x5, 40kg x3
Belt - 50kg 2x8 @RPE 8/8.5  (+10kg -2reps)

B2) Dips- dip shrugs x 20, BW x12 @6, Weight vest +10kg x12, x8 @ RPE 7
back to pain free status... not sure why it started hurting last session

C) Pull up/Chin up - Hang and 20 scap shrugs,
Pull up - dead hang/paused,  wider -  BW x3, weight vest +10kg 3x3 @ RPE 7
Chin up, shoulder width -  BW x6, x5 @ RPE 7/8

A) Single arm dumbbell row - supported - controlled down - 45lbs x10, 36kg x3, 2x11 @ RPE 8/9  (+1 rep)
time to go up to 40kg next time

B) Squats
front squat 20kg x5, 40kg x5, 50kg x5, 60kg x5
High bar squat - 20kg x10, 40kg x5, 50kg x5, 60kg x5
Low bar squat - 20kg x10, 40kg x5, 50kg x5, 60kg x5

still comfortable and pain free

Bench- grip 2.5 inches from smooth area - 20kg x15, 40kg x10, 60kg x 17 @ RPE 9

Ivanko super gripper - 70lbs x10
85lbs x1 +10 sec max effort ISO hold x 4 sets

changing things up to target straight grip strength

Sharapova band cuff/trap/serratus exercise - light Rogue mini band - 2x25 @ RPE 7

« Last Edit: January 09, 2022, 09:50:35 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1090 on: January 10, 2022, 07:16:01 am »
Monday 10th January 2022

Pretty sore all over, but upper body is a little less than yesterday. Glutes feel smoked in a way I haven't felt in a while.

left patella tendon and right achilles insertion responding well

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches
mild kneeling rectus femoris and hip flexor stretch, keeping knee at 90 degrees or more

tested out newly acquired figure 8 lifting straps.
Works well for stretching my pecs/lats on the veranda metal railing, which can be a bit taxing on the grip and a bit painful
I got them for deadlifts and other things as my other pair of open ended oly lifting straps are a pain in the ass to set up every time.

Also thought of ways to use my Leg extension/curl attachment for other things as well -
like using the rollers for Bulgarian split squats
Can kinda do loaded hip thrust on it.
On my bench you can tilt the whole unit into the air, so might be able to do inclined loaded reverse hypers, resting the leg extension pad on the back of the thigh

like this, but with the leg extension unit on the end
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
« Last Edit: January 10, 2022, 07:24:56 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1091 on: January 11, 2022, 04:35:07 am »
Tuesday 11th December 2021

feeling fresher but still a bit sore all over, but will train tomorrow

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches
Kneeling rectus femoris and hip flexor stretch at 90 degrees throughout the day

Calf raise ISO - single leg - at top, actively pushing up at 70% effort - 30secs x 3 sets
Against wall - body at 45 degrees, pushing against wall at 70% effort - straight leg, mid range - 30 secs x 2 sets
bent knee, mid range - 1x 30secs

Active stretch lats, pecs between sets
wall calf stretches

Trying some different things out.
Thought of a way to do high effort calf raise ISO against the wall to load the achilles tendon without having to use weights
Resisting the force with the top of my head and forearms against the wall, so my serratus get some work as well.
Don't know why I didn't do this sooner... and it's a bit more sports specific than standing calf raise holds.
Kinda like the drive phase of a sprint.

this is another way to do it, which I didn't think of

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Glute bridge hold -  pushing up at 70% effort - BW 3x 30secs

some light reps of 30kg sumo deadlifts with 5kg training bumper plates, practicing using my Chinese oly style straps properly....
« Last Edit: January 11, 2022, 05:30:18 am by CoolColJ »


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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1092 on: January 13, 2022, 11:39:07 am »
Wednesday 12th January 2022

Still a bit sore in the posterior chain, I think from the stuff I did yesterday...

Right achilles insertion felt OK after yesterday's stuff, a bit better

Morning mobility work and upper body stretches

pre workout - soft tissue work for lower body and upper back


Tendon health+rehab - Day 1 Lower1
10G beef gelatin + 1g vitamin C one hour before session

Bodyweight in shoes = 90.3kg

general mobility drills
Walking on sides of ankle, side to side ankle rocking drills

BBall ball control and dribbling drills - 10 mins

split squat ISO, rear leg straight, on balls of feet, at 80 degrees knee angle - x 45 secs
Front plank x 30 secs
glute bridge hold x 30secs
Side plank with leg abduction - against 20 inch bench - x 30secs each side

rotating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Leg extension ISO, single leg - lightly pushing against strap at 60 degree knee angle - 20secs x20kg, 
30secs x 30kg, 35kg, 35kg
2/10 pain in left patella tendon when lifting the load up to the hold point on heaviest sets.
Normally I would use two legs to lift it up, and then hold with one leg.

C) SSB Calf raise, single leg - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down, 3 sec pause at neutral - BW x5, 30kg x7, 40kg x7, 40kg x6 @ RPE 8

B) Seated soleus calf raise, single leg - SSB on safety bar and knee, down to neutral foot position - 3 secs up, 3 sec hold, 3secs down, 3 sec pause - SSB 35kg x5, 45kg x7, 45kg x6  @RPE 8

broom handle behind the neck press, pushing backwards into shoulder dislocate stretch position x20 + Shoulder dislocates x few sets

Alternating sets - 1 mins rest

A) Olys -
3 low hang power clean + 3 high hang power clean, with no foot movement x 20kg bar

3 snatch high pull +1 power snatch + 3 high hang power snatch, with no foot movement x 20kg bar, then 1/2 overhead squat x 10

B) Kettle bell Swing - 40kg x10 warmup, 24kg 3x6 to head level

Dropped reps down a couple per set to make it less taxing and more forceful

C) Sumo Deadlift - flat shoes, hook-gripped, bar not controlled between reps - 60kg x5, x3, 80kg x5, 100kg x4,
belt, hookgripped - 120kg x4, 140kg 4, 150kg x1, 170kg x1, 180kg x1 @ RPE 8
belt, straps - 145kg 3x4, 1x5 @ RPE6-7

Sumos felt good again, lot of glute stress and minimal lower back.
When 170kg single felt easier than 165kg did last week, I took a shot at 180kg and it went up fine, but did feel my right pec tense a bit. I think it usually means your shoulder rounded forward a bit.

So I think my 1RM is somewhere around 190-200kg. See if I get to 230kg/506lbs by the end of the year!
While getting my bodyweight back under 80kg

I think I overdid the volume of the backoff sets though, quite a sharp increase over the last 2 weeks.
The charts in my RepCount  phone App where I keep all data shows a big spike...Just wanna avoid big spikes based on how my tendons have flared up...

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Alternating sets - 2 mins rest

RDL -  oly shoes, hook-gripped, lowered under control to just above the floor - deadlifted off the floor - 100kg x10 @ RPE 8
Debated about doing another set, decided to be safer than sorry

"+" = 20 secs rest
Push up - deficit, on dumbbell handles - push up x10 warmup.
feet elevated 20 inches - BW x 21 +4+4+3 @ RPE 8 on initial set and @9 on last mini set (+1 rep on initial set)

Right pec decided to cramp up a bit just as I finished! A stretch and massage fixed it, but I have noticed I tend to get cramps on Myo-rep sets when the reps get high, so no more Myoreps on these

Inverted row - using bench press height bar, bench press grip width - BW x10, BW x17 +4+4+3 @ RPE 9 (+2 reps on initial set)
Also felt like my right upper arm/forearm was gonna cramp!

Dumbbell, overhead press, arms in line with ears -  rotating grip - 15lbs x10, 25lbs 2x12 @RPE 6 (+2 reps)

Dumbell Curl - 15lbs x 20 @ RPE 7

A) Wall Tibialis raise - in oly shoes (Romaleos 2) -  free standing warmup BW x10, x3 warmup
BW x5, x7, x7, x8 @ RPE 6/8/8/8

B) Squats
front squat 20kg x5, 40kg x5, 60kg x5
High bar squat - 20kg x10, 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 70kg x5, 80kg x5 @ RPE 5
Low bar squat - 20kg x10, 40kg x5, 60kg x5, 70kg x5, 80kg x5 @ RPE 5

Squats felt good and pain free, increased loads a bit from last time.
Moved bar down a bit onto traps on High bar and it felt a lot better.
Seemed to get rid of that awful good morning feeling at the bottom that makes it feel 2x harder, so more of a smooth up and down motion now.

C) Leg curls - 10kg x10, 20kg 2x12 @RPE 7  (+2 reps)

Side Lying Clam - hip straight, resisting the band eccentric, hold at top -  Xxheavy + medium band x10, x16 @ RPE 7
Xxheavy + heavy band x12 @ RPE 7

Moved up 1 band grade on second set




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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1093 on: January 13, 2022, 11:43:23 am »
Thursday 13th January 2022

Pecs pretty sore, and erectors a bit, but not too bad everywhere else. Even my posterior chain, erectors, are not as sore as expected.
very mild drained feeling that went after a few hours upon walking. Again a big surprise.

Right achilles feels a little worse after yesterday... sigh...

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches



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Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« Reply #1094 on: January 14, 2022, 08:49:21 am »
Friday 14th January 2022

Slept in, and slept a lot, so didn't get much done. Decided to rest up
Upper body, pecs and posterior shoulder pretty sore, and abs a bit (from deadlifts I think)
Everything else less sore now, and I feel decent

Achilles settling back down.

Waking mobility work and upper body stretches

Wall sit - at 60 degrees 3x 30secs

Calf raise ISO - single leg -
Against wall - body at 45 degrees, pushing against wall at 70% effort, resisting with forearms and head -
straight leg, mid range - 30 secs x 3 sets
bent knee, mid range - 30secs x2 sets

Bent knee into pad against wall - 30secs x 3 sets

Active stretch lats, pecs between sets
Kneeling rectus femoris and hip flexor stretch at 90 degrees

I've been testing out using the spirit level app on my phone to measure my leg angles, works pretty well :)
Gonna use it tomorrow to get my leg extension ISO strap set up just right