I don't know, even after 10+ doctor visits. MRI shows issues in the C3-C4, T4-T5, T6-T7 and T11-T12 (or something like that, I don't remember). Not hernias but "protusions". The problem is that it's already been almost three years of non-stop, daily chronic pain, and weird sensations in the body (for example, if I stay on my belly in a particular way it feels like something really bad is about to happen (no way to describe it)). Right now I have very bad cervical "soreness", I think my body automatically tenses up the trapezius and capitis muscles to take off some of the weight of my body from the neck, so eventually these muscles get very overworked and feel terrible.
I've started doing kinetotherapy... I'm kind of tired from doing it in the last 4 days. Not much progress to report. I think I might be fucked for life and this might be my new reality, because whatever I do it doesn't work.