Ya I completely agree about the vanity with numbers. I just think personally, that when you can see your progress or lack of progress in an actual mirror, it heightens everything to an extreme level, since you can get that feedback instantly. Plus, physique "fluctuations" due to bloating & such, food/fluid intake, pump from lifting etc, it can consume people.
I've mentioned it before, but i've seen one guy at races who would always throw tantrums at the end. He told me once, that he's trying to break 20 in the 5k. So, when he doesn't break it, he throws water bottles, yells at himself, walks off huffing and puffing etc. It's pretty crazy. Most people seem pretty happy, and if someone is mad at their time, they are probably too tired to show it, so it's hard to notice.. lmao.
But ya, i'm glad i'm not a numbers runner anymore. I mean I have a small amount of it still, but just enough to manage my training with. I'm just all about effort now, numbers can F off. So in a 5k for example, i've given "100% effort" for 1.5 miles, so ~50% of a 5k. I've never been able to give 100% for 3.1. So it seems like i'm trying to PR my effort level more than my numbers, and I think that is a very effective way to approach running. Numbers fluctuate day by day, just like training vs competition 1RM's etc. If someone lifts every day based on a projected 1RM that they achieved on a "great day", all of their training could be way off, because they just can't achieve that type of performance as the days chug on.
Also, as far as cheaters go in local races .. If I get beat by a PED cheater, doesn't bother me at all. I should annihilate them, drugs or not. That's how I look at it anyway.
If someone hops in a car and drives to the finish line, that would annoy me. Those people deserve to be punched in the face. If you search "marathon cheaters", there's tons of videos describing that, or people getting others to run for them. That's just disgraceful. hah.