Well my rugby league season is now officially over. Unfortunately we ended up boycotting the Grand Final, which I was going to play in as my ribs are now recovered (You can see me wearing the Green boots). We boycotted the Grand Final as a result of corruption by the head organisation and we were just sick of their bullshit and undemocratic ways that they run the comp. Unfortunately the media twisted the story and tried to make as out like thugs who were upset about suspensions, which were only the tip of the iceberg.
At this stage the NRL are launching an investigation but it's not looking good for the club. They might kick our senior teams out the comp next year and suspend everyone for a year. But at least we stuck it up to the man on the day
that's pretty nuts. takes some balls to do something like that, so good on you & your club.
that footage of your club at the end looked a little nuts though!! lmfao.
also, I don't have facebook embed on here. I rarely even know how to link facebook videos. I'll check into it though, could be a simple module.
Yeah the media got supplied footage from the NRL SA that was completely chopped and edited to make our players look bad. I'm not denying that there were punches thrown and clearly there was a cheap knee shot but everything that happened prior to that was cut out. That whole incident was instigated by the opposition because they were mad they were losing so they came up and spear tackled our captain head first. The game was taken down from Youtube and all social media apart from that small edited footage that they kept. If they have nothing to hide why delete the footage!? We would have copped the suspensions on the chin if the NRL SA had followed their own code of conduct and went through the appropriate processes. Instead our players were denied a tribunal and denied the chance to defend the allegations made against them. Correspondence sent by our club to the NRL SA was simply ignored.
This type of Judge, Jury and Executioner mentality from the administration is just the latest example in a long line of incidents. We have lost competition points throughout the season for all kinds of dubious reasons e.g. water runners not wearing the correct vests or players supposedly not being registered before certain dates but when other clubs get new players they don't lose points regardless of what date they register by. I could go on and on but you get the gist.