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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1620 on: February 02, 2013, 07:54:04 pm »
WEIGHT: 178.5
SORENESS: shins a bit

- warm up

- SVJ x 7
terrible, 24-24.5

- low box depth jump x 4,3

- squat MSEM 335 x 3,3

- dip +45 x 10+3+3+3

- pull up +10 x 7+3+2; chin up x 3; inverted row x a bunch

- ab pull down x 25,25,25

- stretch

good workout, despite poor jumps and difficulty of squats. will keep weight same next week.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1621 on: February 03, 2013, 11:45:28 am »
I don't expect an answer, i just don't get it , just yelling in true frustration and anger!!!
Target training paces (min/km), calculated from 5K PR 22:49 :
Easy run : 5:48
Tempo run : 4:50
VO2-max run :4:21
Speed form run : 4:02


it's the biggest trick in the run game.. go slow to go fast. it doesn't make sense until it smacks you in the face and you're like ....... wtf?


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1622 on: February 03, 2013, 12:16:18 pm »
He should film it. In the past I used to do SVJ using my quads (staying with my back pretty straight vertical) and my SVJ wasn't that high. Then I thought about jumping using my hips so I started to push the hips back and also let the chest drop forward and down, and then I jumped much higher.

You'd expect to choose your best form automatically but in my case I had to experiment to find it. Since my quads suck anyway I could get higher using a posterior-chain dominated form on my SVJs.

So he might want to play around with that.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1623 on: February 03, 2013, 04:46:07 pm »
ACHES/INJURIES: inside left ankle, below bone, tweaking mildly
MENTAL STATE: happy, carefree

- 4-on-4 touch football x an hour and a half or so
once ankle started bothering me i switched to qb/qb defender. it's not hurt it was just weird so i figured to play it safe. pecs sore from the dips.

@vag, yeah i don't get it, either. it's very frustrating. on the plus side a low depth jump makes me jump higher, so at least i'm not a complete defective with respect to the stretch-shortening cycle.

but yes,  :raging: is right.

@raptor, i will film it soon. hadn't thought about pushing my hips back and bending over vs. keeping torso upright. i kind of feel like that would throw the jump forward but it's worth a shot.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 04:48:35 pm by LBSS »
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1624 on: February 03, 2013, 05:42:17 pm »

Check out at the middle of the article

Quad dominated jump:

Hip dominated jump:

What's yours?
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1625 on: February 04, 2013, 10:07:16 pm »
SORENESS: lower traps, hip flexors
ACHES/INJURIES: left ankle medially and laterally, below and behind the malleoli. top of left foot just posterior to the third and fourth toes.
MENTAL STATE: lightheaded, out of sorts

- warm up

- a few jumps

felt wack so called it. i'm going to take the day off work tomorrow so i'll do today's workout during the day and then play my frisbee game at night. not ideal but i'll just go extra light on wednesday. this keeps more or less on track.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1626 on: February 05, 2013, 10:32:21 pm »
SORENESS: hamstrings a tiny bit, hip flexors a tiny bit
ACHES/INJURIES: left ankle not a problem (yay!) but fucked up the same set of toes that was hurting yesterday during the second game. also, tweaks in right hip flexor and glute
MENTAL STATE: rested, possibly too relaxed early. then pumped in the evening.

12:00 PM

- SMR and mobility

2:30 PM

- warm up

- SVJ x 7

- depth jump x 5
not good, jumping too forward

- squat 310 x 5,5,5

- DB row 90 x 8,8

- dip +45 x 8,8

- some core shit

- walk home via grocery store

- stretch

6:45 PM

- indoor ultimate x 120 mins
we had a double header. blew the doors off the other team in the first one, lost a squeaker in the second because the other team went on a run at the end.

- stretch

going to stretch again before bed.
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- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1627 on: February 06, 2013, 11:56:17 pm »
SORENESS: quads a bit, hamstrings a bit
ACHES/INJURIES: fourth toe on the right foot and surrounding area, various shit was wigging out deep in my hips while i was stretching during warm up

- warm up

- REA squat 135 x 4,4
first time doing these in a while.

- squat 265 x 5,5
second set much stronger after a buddy pointed out that i was coming forward a bit. got hips more involved. losing focus is bad, maintaining focus is good.

- calf raise 405 x 10,10
fuck high reps, time to add weight. will try smith machine next time. i think i said that before but i mean it. tryna get that kingfish iso core strenf.

- sundry upper body pulls and pushes and back extensions

- stretch

really just did this to stay on schedule with my squats. first time working out two days in a row in a long while. not as bad as i expected. need to be gentler with hips and remember to do my SMR.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1628 on: February 07, 2013, 11:26:38 am »
I don't expect an answer, i just don't get it , just yelling in true frustration and anger!!!

LBSS do you think it is maybe that your not really in a competitive or adrenalized state? I mean with your strength to BW ratio it seems like you could 30 standing easy. Do you lack rate of force development? I guess I wanna see somebody with that strength be at least up to par with their projected jump.

windmill consistently/ touch top of the square consistently

weight= 193
height= 6'3 1/2
highest touch= top of the square, which is 11'4


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1629 on: February 07, 2013, 12:35:39 pm »
I don't expect an answer, i just don't get it , just yelling in true frustration and anger!!!

LBSS do you think it is maybe that your not really in a competitive or adrenalized state? I mean with your strength to BW ratio it seems like you could 30 standing easy. Do you lack rate of force development? I guess I wanna see somebody with that strength be at least up to par with their projected jump.

it's both, i think.

on mental state: i have a hard time pysching myself up in the gym, and when i do it tends to backfire -- i get too psyched and get all uncoordinated and shit. that was especially true when i was still doing RVJ regularly: unless i was stimulated by something competitive or just for some reason "on" that day, any attempt to get myself amped would have ugly results. basically i have trouble finding a happy medium -- left to my own devices i'm either unstimulated or overstimulated. rarely am i in the sweet spot and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of consistency to when i find myself there. getting to bed early enough helps and frankly i've been bad about that during the week recently. it would probably help to have a workout partner (or coach) but i don't.

on RFD: honestly i don't know what my issue is. i probably focus too much on strength and not enough on speed, but i've done speed work in the past and my SVJ is basically the same as it was when i squatted 80 pounds less than i do now (weighing ~12 pounds less). i haven't done a measured RVJ in months and i suspect it'd be garbage right now, but unlike my SVJ it has gone up in the past three years and it'd come back if i switched to practicing it again.

another thought: going back over my videos i'm heavier than i was a year ago with not much more strength to show for it. basically, i've spun my wheels for a year. i had my all-time PR jumps at the end of december 2011, and squatted just 5 pounds less than my most recent PR attempt*. that sucks. it suuuuuucks. fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. part of it is hard to avoid: even one-week trips for work force me to reset when i get back, and if the trip is longer and i get sick, the reset is worse.

i'm open to any and all ideas.

*which was, to be fair to myself, not in the most favorable conditions.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1630 on: February 07, 2013, 07:57:39 pm »
I don't expect an answer, i just don't get it , just yelling in true frustration and anger!!!

LBSS do you think it is maybe that your not really in a competitive or adrenalized state? I mean with your strength to BW ratio it seems like you could 30 standing easy. Do you lack rate of force development? I guess I wanna see somebody with that strength be at least up to par with their projected jump.

it's both, i think.

on mental state: i have a hard time pysching myself up in the gym, and when i do it tends to backfire -- i get too psyched and get all uncoordinated and shit. that was especially true when i was still doing RVJ regularly: unless i was stimulated by something competitive or just for some reason "on" that day, any attempt to get myself amped would have ugly results. basically i have trouble finding a happy medium -- left to my own devices i'm either unstimulated or overstimulated. rarely am i in the sweet spot and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of consistency to when i find myself there. getting to bed early enough helps and frankly i've been bad about that during the week recently. it would probably help to have a workout partner (or coach) but i don't.

on RFD: honestly i don't know what my issue is. i probably focus too much on strength and not enough on speed, but i've done speed work in the past and my SVJ is basically the same as it was when i squatted 80 pounds less than i do now (weighing ~12 pounds less). i haven't done a measured RVJ in months and i suspect it'd be garbage right now, but unlike my SVJ it has gone up in the past three years and it'd come back if i switched to practicing it again.

another thought: going back over my videos i'm heavier than i was a year ago with not much more strength to show for it. basically, i've spun my wheels for a year. i had my all-time PR jumps at the end of december 2011, and squatted just 5 pounds less than my most recent PR attempt*. that sucks. it suuuuuucks. fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that. part of it is hard to avoid: even one-week trips for work force me to reset when i get back, and if the trip is longer and i get sick, the reset is worse.

i'm open to any and all ideas.

*which was, to be fair to myself, not in the most favorable conditions.

I know what you mean about psyching up backfiring. Nothing really gets me psyched to jump except full court basketball. When I got my nike + shoes that measures vert, it took me 37 standing vertical jumps to get to 31 inches. So for me, it is really hard to get psyched up to jump unless it's after a game of full court basketball or during it.

if I had any suggestions it would be to try to get your self into competitive situations or some kind of sport that would allow you to easily get warmed up playing and just do your jumps then and still progress your squat up. If you have not done so in awhile, I think you would be surprised about how much easier you jump. In my case, last wednesday, went to play full court, before playing I felt tired and didn't feel like running or really playing hard. Eventually legs and CNS got warmed up and could jump easy. I actually had two hand put back off the rim and after the games dunking around with other guys while dead tired was still able to land a windmill.

imo, it just seems like adrenalized situations for jumping and getting that squat up should be enough.. as for you having to keep taking a week off and reset.. I have no idea, your squat is higher than mine I should be taking lessons from you in that category
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 07:59:27 pm by pelham32 »

windmill consistently/ touch top of the square consistently

weight= 193
height= 6'3 1/2
highest touch= top of the square, which is 11'4


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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1631 on: February 08, 2013, 12:18:18 am »
you're absolutely right, but situations like that don't present themselves too me that conveniently. now that i've started playing frisbee again i'm getting into some more situations where the juices are flowing naturally, but that doesn't help me in the gym (not in that way, at least; there are other benefits).
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1632 on: February 08, 2013, 12:34:08 am »
If I were you, i'd first do whatever you usually do to get into PR territory.

Then once there, transition into a 5/3/1 like program where you PR only very infrequently and do the lifts infrequently too. This will probably be sustainable even when life gets in the way. But if you're trying to keep your gains from 3x a week squatting in the face of intermittent week long breaks it will always be a case of spinning ones wheels.

In 5/3/1 squatting 1x a week will probably hold your lifts thru breaks better since they're not predicated on high freq/volume as much as say 5/3/1 or whatever traditional PL program you use.

But I am just theorising never actually put this into practice.
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1633 on: February 08, 2013, 12:39:46 am »
revisiting the "stole acole14's template" thread, here is what t0ddday originally prescribed. goal is to get two of each type in per week. avishek, where you at? you want to do these track workouts when it gets warm? banneker high school? or cardozo? t0ddday, how much rest between each workout? 4 a week means at least one day with no rest. unless i do 2-a-days.

on that note, i also got in touch with my buddy who has the old gym booked for bball in the mornings. that would lend itself to 2-a-days.

either way, will not shift gears until indoor ultimate season is over, at which point i'll be in better shape and also once again have rest days in the middle of the week.

*** Track Workout ***

1) Dynamic Warmup, Leg swings, Fast leg, Skips, Strides
2) 10 Measured overhead backward shot tosses (16lbs, aim to get better at these every workout, do these on a field where you can measure your throw, more than 13 yards is required, getting close to 15 yards is good, close to 17 is very very good).

- Bounding/ Jumping ( choose about 3 of them and also include the running SL vertical jump and REALLY focus on improvement) -

1) 3-6 standing broad jumps
2) 3-6 Depth broad jumps (should go a lot farther on these)
3) 2-3 4 double leg bounds, 8 DL leg bounds (again measure these, hopefully you 4 DL bound is better than 4X standing broad jump)
4) Measured Single leg bounds** (ie LLLL or RRRR)
5) Measured Standing Triple jumps**
6) Running SL vertical jump (3 step, 6 step)
- Running -

1) 3-4 Full effort measured 60m sprints (Hand time will suffice as long as you have a buddy who can provide somewhat repeatable times)
2) Tempo Work (If necessary for fat loss, skip if you do weights following track work)

** Either do these full intensity and try to progress OR if you don't feel like you have the hang of it (ie you go less than 10 yards, or you don't get a full cycle in each leg or can't coordinate the arm swing... Then include them as part of the warmup and drill the form until you have it)

**** Weights/Gym Workout ****

1) Warmup
2) Powerclean or Powersnatch -> work up to a challenging weight for a couple triples
3) Squat.   Work up to a challenging but not max single.  Do 2-3 sets of 3-5 with 80% of this.
4) Standing Push Press
5) Deadlifts (Optional)
6) Circuit (Here is where you can do RDLs, Calves, Pullups, etc.  This stuff is important but your mindset when you come into the gym should be in order of preference:  Squat more, Snatch\clean more, push press more/deadlift more.  Thinking about much more than this will cause you to lose focus. )
7) Standing vertical jumps/Running vertical jumps [10 each]
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Re: a fast and explosive donkey!
« Reply #1634 on: February 08, 2013, 09:46:38 pm »
ACHES/INJURIES: left hip impingey-type feeling
MENTAL STATE: okay, ready to go but not especially fired up

- warm up

- SVJ x 6
first 3 were 24, then did a couple of jump squats with an empty bar and the last three were all 25-25.5. file that one away for future reference.

- low box depth jump x 5

- squat MSEM 330 x 3,2
not sure why i didn't do the last one. i took a longer rest after the second rep than i meant to and then when i went to unrack the bar i was just like, nope. first set was solid, second set not as much.

- S1: feet elevated inverted row x 10
- S1: paused push up x 10
- S1: back extension x 10
- S1: hanging leg raise x 10
- S1 info: 2 rounds, minimal rest between exercises

- stretch
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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