Also, I've been doing all basketball shit and haven't picked up a frisbee in months. I think that instead of shooting around I'm gonna start throwing for my warm up. I know more about throwing than shooting or dribbling, anyway. It's hard when there's no space in the gym and no one to throw to, but when I've got the place to myself I should be able to set up a goal or net as a "receiver". When it gets warmer out, I can do the same thing in the park near my gym, or at the field where I do interval sprints. I've left ultimate to the side while I'm trying to get this dunking thing down, but that's no reason to abandon throwing.
EDIT: On a completely unrelated note, I'm pretty sure I've gained some weight (won't know how much until scale arrives) and I think a little bit of size, too: thighs and hips up 0.5", biceps up 0.25", waist up 1" (lol). Of course I'm an amateur self-measurer at best, so other than the waist, which is definitely bigger than it's ever been, those could be BS. Anyway, gaining weight obviously entails a bit of concentrated over-eating and now I'm finding my body in full-on "wtf" mode. In other words, I'm not hungry at 1 PM despite having had only a smoothie for breakfast. Sounds like body is saying, "We had enough calories over the weekend, thank you very much. Now please, lay off for a day."
When thin people think they eat a lot, or their friends think they do (my case), I suspect that what's really happening is that they eat a lot at a time, some of the time, but their body is good at then compensating later by having them eat less. People who are fat have, I suspect, a less high-strung shut-off mechanism.
If I weren't still planning to go to the gym tonight, I would say, "Okay, body, have it your way." As it is, I'm about to go eat some Chipotle. Fuck you, body, I want to be stronger.