Light workout again last night.
Shoot hoops w/little brother x20 minutes. God I wish I was 6'3"...
Warm-upRow x5 minutes @2:12 pace
Hip/t-spine/shoulder drills...I need to get back to doing a routine of these; at the moment I'm just kind of making it up as I go along. Bad discipline
Jump rope x100 2 feet, x100 LRLR, x100 LLRRLLRR...I am shitty and out of practice at jumping rope. This will be a part of the routine from now on.
Strength/recoveryA1 trap-bar DL x5x225#
A2 pushups x15
A3 walking lunge x16x50# (2x25# db)
A4 inverted rows x10
Cardio/recoveryjog on treadmill x20 minutes @10min/mile pace, HR ~125...this was basically not work, just hadn't jogged in a while and the prospect of 20 minutes on the C2 made me want to die. I really need to find my iPod so that the LISS stuff isn't so freaking boring. Or I need to get some running shoes and run outside. Actually that's a nicer option given that the weather is cooling off. (In the gym I wear Vibram FiveFingers and I've run with them on concrete before. Not fun.)
StretchNormal stretches x8 minutes
Wednesday I'll go to Feldenkrais, Friday another light workout, then Sunday Feldenkrais and then SS Luke-style begins. Luke-style because I can't do power cleans so I'm doing depth jumps as my explosive exercise in Workout B, before the weight part. And I'm adding weighted chin-ups for a pull in place of the PCs. This will be the template (weights listed are work sets for the first two workouts; warm-up sets not included; I'm starting with 90% of my 1RMs for reference weights, i.e. conservatively):
Workout AWarm-up
Sprints x4-5 x10-15m
- line hops front-back or side-side x3 x10s
- 1-2-3 jumps for height x2 x8 (two-footed...this will basically just be greasing the jumping groove
- Front squat x3x5x195#
- Bench press x3x5x150#
- Dead lift x1x5x270#
Workout BWarm up same
Sprints x4-5 x20-25m...I need to see if I can find a bigger space for these cause I'd like to do 40s
- single-leg on-box jumps x2x8 (4 each leg)
- depth jumps x3x5, starting @ 18" and getting 6" higher every 3 weeks
- Front squat x3x5x200#
- Overhead press x3x5x100#
- Chin-ups x3x5x25#
This will be MWF. LISS cardio will follow strength as a cool-down, in the 10-15 minute range at low intensity (HR~125). Then stretching and done. The SS novice template is 24 workouts, or 8 weeks. So next week through the first week of December. Any comments/suggestions are welcome, other than, "Dude, why the fuck do you change your mind all the time?"