- run 8.25 km in 40:20
checked watch each km for pacing, did better, although still not great. ran km 5 in 5:05 and then overreacted, running km 6 in 4:4x. also ran km 8 in 4:4x but i'm not as mad about finishing a little quick. 4:53 average overall felt a little too quick today. soleuses oddly sore/tired.
- stretch
- GMB shoulder and wrist warm up
- push up x 14,16,12,12,23
took about 30s extra rest before the last set. right shoulder bugging a little, need to be careful.
- pull up x 4,4,3,4,6
from tomorrow gonna start scheduling more mini stretching/mobility sessions during the day. neck, torso, shoulders, hips.