super blown, thought i was going to get to play ultimate tonight but getting into the diplomatic enclave is stupid. i'm fucking american, but i can't even get to my own embassy without some kind of extra stupid fucking little access card thing that i don't have yet. i don't even need an american card! could be british, or french! bah.
gonna go do something less fun in the gym now.
MENTAL STATE: hungry but otherwise fine
- warm up
jump rope + joint circles + walking mobilizations
- skater jump x 20,20
- split-hurdle jumps x 4 sets
from that video adarq posted of the woman high jumper in the park. looked like fun. kind of uncoordinated but i'll keep doing these from time to time.
- one-step RVJ x 5,5
- GMB wrist mobilizations
- superset x 3,5,7,5,3
-- pull up
-- dip
- lunge x 72,72
did much shorter steps on the second set. great glute pump, kind of felt it in posterior knee. will stick to longer steps.
- stretch