- run 48:37, 7.95 km
- dreadmill intervals
-- warm up
-- 3 x (3 min @ 3:55, 1 min @ 6:00)
-- cool down
- squat 215 x 5, 175 x 5
lmao, weak as hell. it was early in the morning, in my slight defense. at a weird gym in new orleans where the bars felt a little light, assuming they were 35 pounders.
- pull up x 5,5,5,5
- DB OHP 40s x 5,5,5
- paused push up x 10,10
- DB row 70 x 10,10/side
- front lever variations x some
- walk/run with mom x 40 mins
really nice to get out with her, and get her out and moving.
- warm up
- climb x 2 hours
so rusty, so much specific fitness lost. wow.