Note: I definitely sprained my right quads, as it was sore and when i do the single leg hyperextension, when going up it presses against my upper right quad which hurts on the inside and that causes pain to my knees for some reason. So after i had knee pains.
BW:59.7kg (+0.1kg)
Soreness: Hips, right quad, right knee
Warm up:
mobility and activation
foam rolling
single leg tke 15kg x 5-6
Single leg hyperextension 2 x 5 x 52kg dumbell (it was not hard to do it much, but the pain in the depths of quads, which lead to pains in the knees stopped me, so forced myself to complete atleast 5 reps.
Lunges on platform 2 x 3,5 x 30kg dumbell each hand (grip issue the dumbell starts to rotate)
(try not to place stress on my hips by doing it on the floor, but since my knee already is sore after the single leg hyperextension, it was ok, didn't go very deep, it was place further stress on the quads and then the knees, but did it quite low to about parallel or more, but you can't go deep when feet in front on platform.
Calf raises on leg press 2 x 15 x 160kg
No platforms available so for bench press did dumbell bench press
20kg dumbell in each hand, bench press 2 x 6
Dips w/ 20kg dumbell between feet they don't have belt 2 x 5,6 (very hard towards end)
single leg seated curls for knee pain 5kg, 30 reps each leg (hams sore)
Cool down:
overall body stretch
Already added to above, single leg hyperextension, was painful on the upper quads and was killing right to the depths pressing tendons or something and that was causing my knee to pain as well only for my right leg, but made myself complete at least 5 reps.
which is strange, but i think it might be when i strained it during BSS, it hasn't healed maybe. I was thinking of doing 60kg single leg hyperextension, but saw how huge it was, so decided 52kg and realized the amount of stress it placed on my quads i don't know if i can do it, even though i didn't really feel it much in my hamstring after, i probably can do it, but the pain in my right quad and knee will be too unbearable to do even one.
Bench press was nice.
Rating: 7/10