Date: 12/11/12
BW: 138 lbs
CNS: 7/10
Soreness: low back, hip flexor muscle
Warm Up: Quick Activation and Mobility Drills
30 min walk to gym
Workout: Squats 1 x 6 (empty bar), 1 x 6 45kg (i wanted to do 25kg, but i accidentally put 20kg on both sides, 3 x 7-8 55kg (wrong form so did more, will explain in the
comment section)
Calf Raises 2 x 8 x 55kg
RDL 2 x 6 x 55kg (still finding grip difficult)
Pull Ups 8, 5
Dips 13, 8
Arm Swings 6kg 20 each slow, 10 each fast after x 2 sets
Stretches: Cool down overall body stretches
Cool Down: 30 min walk back to uni
Comment:Firstly I have to talk about what happened with my squat, during the warm up i planned on progressing the warm up, empty, 25kg then 55kg, but accidentally went empty, 45kg, 25kg (i realized my mistake), 55kg, back to the main point when i was doing the squats i thought i was going parallel but when i simulated it without bar in front of mirror i was only going about 3/4 of the way.
This way
And not this way (parallel)
.---,,,__\ <-Hip crease in line with knee)
So that is a problem, so i decided to try again but go lower than i usually do at the same weight, more struggle but was able to complete 6 reps.
So i am thinking should i start from low weight and do deeper squats or carry on with same weight. I was thinking do a progressive increase in load for one workout until i reach a weight i fail at and keep working at it until i get to my current weight going that low (55kg).
I also missed out the 20 rep as i can imagine how brutal and hard it would be for me to get the 20 reps.
My back is sore and my hip flexor muscle was sore when i went deep. But i think when i did try go deep i was able to get my thighs parallel to ground and not my hip crease in line with my knees. So my lower back is a bit sore.
I will have to ice it. The other exercises were ok as they were not as hard as the squat. Now the RDL another problem for me because when i was about 1 years old, my finger got cut on the door, like a piece of my finger was on the floor and after a while, miraculously a nail still grew from that point and instead of going up goes around the broken finger and is perpendicular to a normal nail, like below, its my little finger btw.
normal finger
|| | <- Finger
|| |
My finger
,...._ <- Nail
|| | <- Finger
So when i lift bar for RDL, my fingers wrap around, my little finger doesn't wrap round is only 3/4 around and since the nail is facing towards the bar, the bar has the rough texture, i can feel when it gets heavier my little finger gives way first as the bar trys to pull on my nail, so i am left with 3 fingers and thumb.
So i dropped the bar back on the rack when i was at 4th rep because of my little finger.
I thought i was going to be able to get only lower body work done today but managed to get all the workout done.
Workout Rating: 8/10