Date: 05/02/2023
Soreness: shins slightly
Condition: sunny, slightly windy and slightly cold.
Warm up
cycle warm up
dynamic followed by static stretches for activation and mobility
track warm up
sprint drills - a walk, a march, a skip, a switch skips, b skips, b switch skips, a triple switch skips, b triple switch skips, a runs 80m
step jumps
- 1 x 5 x 2.5,3,4,4,4 step jumps
- 1 x 5 x 1, 2, 2, 2 large step jumps - 1 step equivalent to 2 horizontal and vertical steps.
medicine ball underarm throws
- 3 x 3 @10kg
sprint start 2 point stance warm up
acceleration technique work
- explode out from the block and push out as hard as I can x 3
- push out from start as hard and then push hard from first foot strike x 3
- push out, push hard on first 2 steps x 4
- push out, push hard on first 3 steps x 4
- time was up at this point.
cool down