Home gym days
- step ups
- standing leg extension
- hamstring curls
- straight leg hip extensions
- single leg leaning reverse hyper extensions if possible
- bent leg kick backs if possible
- shoulder work with front arm raises
- leaning fly's if possible
Speed days -
speed bands for
- upstairs runs,
- quick high knee drills
- leaning alternating knee drives
resistance band
- step down from high knee (switch),
- leaning and quick knee drive while maintain knee angle (resistance band
- leaning resisted knee drives while extending front leg.
Speed bands
- Try get some sprint starts in as well. with bands and then without bands.
Clam walks and on all fours
Video is below:
My Take:
Felt a little slow and there were some loose straw like grass on the floor which I felt my feet slipped at some point.
Also I think the cue is good for the first step but need to do the same with the other steps as you can see the second step feels like I am just stepping not exploding off the first step.
My arm also when I come out of the block comes up before going back rather swinging back straight away. I just didn't have a lot of cues in head when i did these runs.
My feet are low but second foot coming from the block comes a little higher.
Also I always start to slow down towards the last line.
So things to remember, swing arms back when coming out instead of up and practice on exploding off each step.
Your feedback will be appreciated too.
Hey seifullaah!
2 main things I notice:
A - you don't seem to be hyperextending at the hips on your strides
B - when your arms are in front of your body, you break at the elbows and don't get a strong pulling motion
For point A: some possible fixes are working on P-chain strength and power specifically at the hyperextension range of motion. The best corrective exercises I can think of are poor man's reverse hyper and hang power cleans/snatches, starting at about mid-thigh, doing them off blocks or with a stretch reflex (but this is a pretty technical movement, so I think reverse hyper is ideal). But I would mix them with sprinting because if you focus on strength alone you might get slower.
Another possible reason might be that your flexibility - maybe you physically can't hyperextend leg 1 when leg 2 is at the peak of its knee drive ROM. Based on the quick look that I took, you seem to be missing the hip flexor stretch in your workouts, which is imo quite possibly the most important stretch for athletes, especially if you sit frequently.
For point B: I would recommend working on lat strength (pullups would be good). I think that possibly your lats aren't strong enough for you to have a more straight arm when your arm is in the forward position and you are about to throw it back so you bend at the elbow and it results in a weaker arm swing.
It might even be possible that these 2 factors are negatively working together, so if you manage to fix both I think that would help a lot more than just fixing one.
To your credit, your frontside mechanics seem to be pretty decent with the way your knee flexes in the second part of your swing phase rather than earlier on during that phase which supposedly a lot of sprinters struggle with.
I hope that was helpful!