Date: yesterday
Soreness: none
Warm up
Quick same
3 x 116m @100%
Cool down
Nothing I can remember everything as normal
Date: today
Soreness: none until later shin pains came in
Warm up
3 x 116m @100%
Pistol squats
Left leg (assisted)
2 x 5 both leg
Explosive clap push ups
2 x 8
Explosive calf raises on edge of stair calf raise jumps
1 x 10
Unassisted GHR
1 x 6
Cool down
It was nice day not very wet mostly dry, runs focussed on power not endurance, runs felt good, decided to general strength work after like gym after sprints, the pistol squats first time hard on left leg when going down on left leg pain on knee cap due to rustyness maybe but on second less assistance and less knee pain as you go atg but could do right leg without assistance. After my legs were dead after this, calf raise jumps by going down slow and coming up fast and then jump using calf, push up claps was good and ghr felt good like old times.
Rating: 7/10