Date: 1/06/2014
BW: n/a
Soreness: mild shin, bicep sore point and weird pain on heel just on and off
Warm up
heel walks
sprint drills
lunge walks
side skips
arm and hip mobility stretch
5 x 116m @100%
Cool down
heel walks
It was such a nice day, sun was a little out, but nice and cool breeze and the grass was dry, so felt the runs would be more explosive out of the start. did the warm ups, i wear coat, so it was hot under there, after warm ups, i take coat off and run with my jumper on. The first run start felt sluggish, as it was first run, so body had to adjust to the run, but the run after felt ok, not as fast as my other runs, but felt ok, second, third and fourth felt the same, average fast and the last one i do consecutive run, I felt my runs were better than average, better than my 4 other runs, so that was good, when i stretch my arm backwards slowly, i hear a noise in the shoulder, to make it mobile but after a slight pain on a point on my shoulder, bicep and above my wrist. I was feeling a bit fatigue as i didn't drink water till an hour ago, instead of before workout, but after rest after third run, i was fine to do the last runs and go home and drink milk( shake
). on a sidenote, my jaws still lock after intense running and after workout, also when i look in the sky, i see lots of tiny circles moving around, you have to look carefully, to see them moving around, don't know what they are, white with bluish redish outline just moving around, i only see them when looking in the sky, not when looking at the ground or objects only the sky, strange. But the runs weren't that fast but average, i hope it's just my body making the fast runs feel average, and the faster runs feel fast and then that run becomes normal and a faster than that speed feels fast and so on.
Rating: 6/10