Date: 27/10/2022
Soreness: left quad was sore that I felt it in my knee, others alright
BW: 68.7kg
Condition: It was surprisingly nice temperatures last night, gym was crowded so took barbell outside.
Warm up
bike machine in gym for a couple minutes
mobility and activation stretches
Track warm up
light comfortable sprint starts
paused full squats w/ 3 second hold at the bottom
- 1 x 3 @20kg
- 1 x 1 @60kg
- 3 x 2,2,3 @80kg
this was contrasted with a step off the box drop jump, over a bench and then instantly jump onto a 30 - 35 inch box x 3
single leg romanian deadlifts with back leg couple steps behind
- 1 x 3 each leg @20kg
- 3 x 5 each leg @70kg
this was contrasted with like a single leg power snatch, same position as above and then accelerate when bar passes knee, upper thigh hits bar as hip moves forward and then extend hips and bring back leg forward up and to a box, knee high. x 3 @20kg
upright barbell rows
- 1 x 20 @40kg - took a breather after 12 before continuing.
Cool down