Date: 17/09/2019
Soreness: quads a little
Condition: A lot of conflicting incidents occurred today, starting off with the slightly cold morning at 11am but at the same time the sun was really blazing I could feel the concentrated rays while at the same time feel the morning cold wind. Second was that during the workout I get thirsty, which I drink water but after being full with water and I start a workout my throat and mouth goes soo dry and drinking any more water would not feel good, so I just rinse my mouth with little water and drink it even though i'm not thirsty. Finished at 2:30pm. Back a little sore from back extensions, which was maintained due to the ab roller, like a tight point in my back, which tightens further if I was to lean over and touch my toes and bend at the back.
Warm up
ankle mobility
calf stretch
seated hamstring stretch
quad stretch on edge of bench
sitting single leg hamstring stretch
single and double leg glute bridges
high knee holds with cable strap to thigh @60kg x 20 seconds each leg
back stretch
BSS Jumps
- 1 x 3 each leg
- 1 x 3 each leg @7kg dumbbell in each hand
- 2 x 5 each leg @15kg dumbbells in each hand
- Note: Had to make sure I was not jumping backwards on to my support leg or using my arms.
BSS with elevated front leg
- 1 x 3 each leg @bw
- 1 x 3 each leg @15kg dumbbells in each hand
- 2 x 7 each leg @30kg dunbbells in each hand
- Walking lunges 1 x 14 steps @30kg dumbbells in each hand
Single leg calf raise on edge of weight plate
- 1 x 5 each leg @bw
- 2 x 10 each leg @50kg
Single leg stiff deadlifts
- 1 x 3 each leg @50kg
- 2 x 5 each leg @70kg - could have done more, will do 7 next week
also with the bruise on my left leg shin, I had to keep the bar from touching my shin as I lifted it up.
Power cleans
- 1 x 3 @20kg
- 1 x 5 @50kg
- phone always shuts off when it has 22% battery and you try to record
. would have held it if I squatted a little to hold the weight in place but aim was just to get it up and catch the bar.
Bench Press
- 1 x 5 @20kg
- 2 x 8 @40kg
Bent over rows
- 1 x 5 @20kg
- 2 x 7 @50kg
Kneeling cable crunches
- 1 x 5 @30kg
- 2 x 10 @65kg
side crunches
- 1 x 5 each side @25kg
- 2 x 10 each side @50kg
Cool down
walk back
It was a good session. The BSS jumps were not that bad, wanted to skip 12.5kg as I felt good, nice and steady. tight point in back slightly got irritated but later disappeared. BSS was comfortable at 30kg not much difference from 27.5kg. Single leg deadlifts was easier then last one, but it's more easier starting from standing then sitting as I can activate my muscles when lowering the weight to the ground and then starting rep count when standing from there, left leg way easier than right leg. Bench press aim is to stick with a good weight and not to proceed to heavier weights.