Date: 02/11/2017
Soreness: quads, hamstring
BW: scale mission
Pains: entire circumference of the point where the thigh connects with the hip, from the abductors all the way around the hips, happened when I was doing the BSS final set and had to just push through it and dropped the dumbells at the end with the strap on my wrist. It's moderately painful, but foam rolled every side of it, the abductors, the upper hamstring, the glutes, the entire outside area of the hips. feels a little better
Condition: since yesterday had a slight cold, my throat a little sore and woke up the same and little sick feeling in the stomach, felt a little weak so decided to make it a moderate volume moderate intensity. arrived late so had 1 1/2hr to do workout, so doing moderate workout would be quick and match the time limit I have and then 15 minutes left of my session the staff said that the woman wanted early session, where only woman so I did 5 minutes of whatever I could and finished.
Warm up
10 min walk to gym
activation and mobility drills and stretches
Counter movement squats
- 3 x 5 @40kg
Bulgarian Split Squats - When I do these, I don't rest between legs I switch straight over and start. Start with right and finish with left.
- 1 x 5 each leg @0kg
- 1 x 4 each leg @2 x 20kg dumbells
- 1 x 3 each leg @2 x 40kg dumbells
- 1 x 5 each leg @2 x 35kg dumbells
- 1 x 7 each leg @2 x 30kg dumbells
- Note: When I started the 40kg dumbells, I didn't rest, I place it on bench get my breath back go place it back on the dumbbell rack and get the next weight and start that straight away and did this for entire BSS session, so this may have put pushed my hips more then it could and resulting in a muscle strain. So it was like cardio + strength.
Calf Raises
- 1 x 20 @80kg (quick movement no stopping at the top or the bottom)
- 1 x 20 @120kg (same as above but a little slower)
- 1 x 15 @140kg (normal)
Single Rep Squats
- 4 x 0,1,1,1 @80kg
- Note: I set pin at pin 14, failed, so I removed 30kg and squat it back up, then place 30kg back on, then squat down as far as I could as the hip pain was making it harder, then changed the pin to 13 as I find that at depth my thighs are parallel to the ground. So did 1 rep at the height but hip pain a little sore and making it difficult. I always forget what weight I did it last time.
Romanian Deadlift
- 1 x 7 @80kg
- Note: I was given 5 minutes before I started RDL, so managed to do 1 set and also find that my hip would be painful when I did this, moderately painful, so did 1 set and finished.
Cool down
10 min walk back
So didn't feel that well so decided to do low reps and increase rep but reduce weights for the BSS, the counter movements was fine, the BSS at 40kg was comfortable struggle, not too difficult but little slower than the 35kg I recorded on video. Then without rest just catch my breath back and move on to the next weight down and increase rep until I finish 7 reps with 30kg. Strained my hip a bit. Calf raise I did same method, up the weight this time every set, single rep squats was difficult with hip but I managed to get some sets in, but a little above full depth. I need to go to 60kg next time. 40kg for partial squats. The RDL was alright, form was not an issue anymore. Had to increase water intake more cos of slight sickness. I then foam rolled my entire abductor, upper quads/front hip, hip flexor, hamstring and upper glutes circumference, each area at a time, 20 secs for each muscle. Total of 9 areas to foam roll at 20 seconds each.