10/24/14 Friday BW=?
b-ball 1.5 hours
10/25/14 Saturday BW=163.8
jump squat 5x45, 5x75, 5x95
paused squat 5x135, 3x175, 1x205, 0x225
bench 5x135, 5x175, 5x185, 2x8x185
10/29/14 Wednesday BW=165.4
b-ball 1.5 hours
10/30/14 Thursday BW=165.6
paused squat 5x135, 3x175, 1x195, 1x205, 1x215 long break and then
paused squat 1x185, 1x195, 1x205, 1x215, 1x225, 1x235, 7x205, 2x5x205
10/31/14 Friday BW=165.8
b-ball 1.5hours
Still feeling a bit run down, time has been short lately with many distractions, but that's life.
Post injury PR paused squat 235#'s, yeah!