Mon 6:00am
May 6, 2013
Dynamic warmups - loaded paused rep full squats, paused reps backup
BW198lb | 2.3BW goal : 475 at BW204-208lb
315 x1 x1
365 x1
405 x1
Calf Raise - Leg Press
Paused reps top/bottom holds
- 8x45 x20
Single Arm Standing Dumbell Press
Paused reps top/bottom holds
- 40 x20
Single Arm Cable Rows
Paused reps top/bottom holds
- 100 x10
Paused reps top/bottom holds
- BW x10
* green-go, red-no-go. i'm doing the same thing anyway, il just color tag them.
* did not get good sleep tonight. my BW is still gravitating towards 198. i seem to loose appetite everytime i get into the 202-204 - usually during work week. i eat more sweet potato for some good carb w/ fiber for energy to stay up the whole night.
Mon 4:00pm
May 6, 2013
Dynamic warmups - loaded paused rep full squats, paused reps backup
BW198lb | 2.3BW goal : 475 at BW204-208lb
315 x1
365 x1
405 x1
315 x1
Calf Raise - Leg Press
Paused reps top/bottom holds
- 8x45 x20
Single Arm Standing Dumbell Press
Paused reps top/bottom holds
- 45 x20
Single Arm Cable Rows
Paused reps top/bottom holds
- 100 x10
Paused reps top/bottom holds
- BW x10
* did not get enough sleep lately. usually if i'm sleep deprived, i crave carbs. took too much caffeine on an empty stomach(600-800g x2 per day).. im sleep deprived with a weak appetite. BW 196 for the first time in weeks. 405x1 was a lot easier than this morning but i did not have the mental toughness to go for 455x1 at this weight.
* weak but i look very cut. starting to see some lower abs. will force the 2-2.5 cup rice per meal again. been slacking with 1 cup because i'm too caffeineated and have no cravings for more food volumes.