Tue - 7:00am
July 10, 2012
Week 7 of 12 Day 7
Daily Squats Maintenance - clustered paused reps - deloading
[225+2+2+2][275+2+2][315+2][365,385,405 +1] 30-60sec rest per +
Daily Calf Raise 45Deg Sled Gastrocs - plate loaded paused reps top/bottom holds
- 6x45lb x8
- 8x45lb 10,10,10,10
* last day of 3 week delaoding today - weeks 5-7. thinking about higher volumes with lesser weight on weeks 8-12, 70-75%RM ~ 315-335lbs. goal is to make it to 1 year daily squats ending at end of next month august. thats 5 weeks of some form of squat progression and another 3 weeks of delaoding.
Tue - 4:00pm
July 10, 2012
Week 7 of 12 Day 7
Daily Squats Maintenance - clustered paused reps - deloading
[225+2+2+2][275+2+2][315+2][365,385,405 +1] 30-60sec rest per +
Daily Calf Raise Seated - plate loaded paused reps top/bottom holds
- 6x45lb x8
- 8x45lb 10,10,10,8+2,
* first time i almost got pinned in the seated calf raise. had to stop the last set at 8, take some breather and rep the last 2. the sled this morning did some damage. squats felt solid.