FriJun 3, 2011
#4 Heavy Half Squats - 110%RM- 325x4
- 345,365,385,405,425,440x2
- 455 2x3
- 475 2x1
- 495 2x3
* 2 days rest after the tueday early morning squat workout. felt strong and well recovered. was planning on multi sets of 455 doubles (100%RM Full Squat). after 3 sets, i was still explosive. decided to go heavier. the 475 was still explosive - i did 2 reps. max at 475 (105%RM) was single only from last time.
* went heavier - 495 (110%) for the first time and it was still not that heavy. did doubles - form was solid / half squat depth was still maintained. even if it did not feel very heavy on the back. the weight really shows that it is supra max when i was doing my walkout. had to really focus on keeping my feet under my shoulders. small steps back, slow and controlled movements. i almost tilted the squat rack forward after i unloaded it at one set.
* did 3 sets of doubles for 495. i should have taken a depth check vid. i was very strong considering its the first time i used 495. i know i was going half squat low because i was looking at the mirror. vid depth check would have been a lot better.
* i was 185.5 in the morning. im getting really lean. i dont eat much if its not my cooking. 5 days out of town = 1lb drop. i still ate a lot of whey to minimize muscle mass loss.
* plan for sat / sun is light full squat with some volume, 325/345 4-6 reps + heavy half squat singles as deloads + jump drills. i ran out of time today to do my jumps because i have work at 7pm. kept rest at 8-12mins between heavy half squat sets. form was still solid after 3sets of 495 doubles. could have done 4-6sets if i had time.
110%RM = 495lb Half Squat. vid next time. weight looks BOSS