SunJan 23, 2011
Squats - Heavy[185x6][225,275x4][325x2][365,385,405x1]
- 405 5x1, 1x1
* did not do the top 425x1 single because yesterday it hammered my back pretty good. also stopped the paused reps at 325x2. 365 and up were regular reps. legs were firing nicely. form was solid.
* 405x5 - i screwed the 3rd rep. bar shifted too much forward. tiptoed on the way up partially. shit. 4th rep is ok.. but the correction i did for ugly rep 3 probably burned more energy than needed. since i was still feeling strong.. i went for rep 5 and hopefully rep 6.
* rep 5 is a half goodmorning. legs were pushing good but the torso is just shot. this is fatigued induced form breakdown. not cool at all.
* it felt like i still have the strength for a 3x2-4sets after the first set. legs were still strong pushing out of the hole but the torso is beat already. rep 1 was hard for the spinal erectors.
* i was capable of 405 4-6 sets today. the single 405x5 with an ugly 3rd rep really drained me. 405 is not that heavy but still not light enough were i can correct form errors by muscling the rep. im calling it quits for now. i will not try to PR the 405. having a shot lower back is the signal for me to deload and let the body catch up. im doing more speed now with probably a 405x2-3reps as maintenance.
* it would have been a lot better if i got a 405x6 but without gaining more BW, it would take a near perfect 6 reps to pull it off.. not today. i was 192.5lb in the morning today.
* more high frequency jump squats, jump drills and squat maintenance.. while keeping BW in the 188-192 range.