Author Topic: Kingfush  (Read 1099981 times)

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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2250 on: April 23, 2023, 10:59:50 am »
April 23-29, 2023

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

April Week 4 of 4 BW 194-198

Sun April 23

Paused Squats 315-315-315-315 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-250-250 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-120-120 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm Wide 70-70-70 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 60-70 x5
Seated Tricep Extension 30-40 x5
Decline Bench Weighted Situp 50 x3

* will try to be detailed with the sets so I get better recover. I can go overboard on the volumes and get to 6+ sets before the 5th rep becomes a crawl. I will stick to 2 top sets of 5 and converse recovery so I can progress on the squats again. 455 is ok but il try to get 475 while still being lean. part of getting 495+ probably is due to the leverage advantage of being fatter. 475 is not that far off from 455 so il give it a shot.

Paused Squats 315-315-315-405-455 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-250-250-260 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-130 x5
Seated Calf Raises 95 x3

Mon April 24

Cardio Inclined Walking 1.5 miles | 3mph @ 6% 282kcal
Paused Squats 315-315-315-315-405 x1
Hammer Strength Iso Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 80-100-120-140 x5
Life Fitness Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 130-160-190-220 x5
Hammer Strength Iso Seated Bicep Curl Machine 50-60 x5
Hammer Strength Seated Tricep Extension 50-60 x5

* will include the machine I used so I can quickly track the weights I use. hammer strength, life fitness and cybex for the selectorized cable machines. I prefer these over the plate loaded machines.

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine 130-140-150 x5
Matrix Seated Cable Row 120-130-140 x5
Matrix Bicep Curl Machine 70-80 x5

* machines at planet fitness. forms feels alright. didn't have a tricep machine close by. the seated extension is on the other side of gym. didn't bother. I was in the circuit training block. I was taking my time because the gym is not busy this late.

Tue April 25

Paused Squats 315-315-315-405 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-250-250-250 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-130-130 x5
Seated Row Face Pull Neutral Grip 60-70 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 70-70 x5
Seated Tricep Extension 30-40 x5

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine 130-140-150 x5
Matrix Seated Cable Row 120-130-140 x5

Wed April 26

Paused Squats 315-315-315-405 x1
Nautilus Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-250-250 x5, 260-260 x4+1
Hammer Strength - Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-120-130-130-130 x5
Hammer Strength - Iso Seated Pulldown - Two Arm 70 x5
Home Functional Trainer- Seated Row Face Pull Neutral Grip 60-70 x5
Seated Calf Raise 95-95 x5

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine 130-130-140-140 x5
Matrix Seated Cable Row 120-130-140-150 x5
Matrix Seated Tricep Extension Machine 80-100-120-140 x5
Matrix Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-80-100-120 x5

* the arm isolation machines I used at planet fitness was not so bad. better than the old school machine at the old 24hr fitness. I'm not very sure if this matrix machine is as good or better than the newer hammerstrength but I can't go wrong with either. first time with these so did not go very heavy. usually the machines that make me use the most weight are better because I'm more comfortable with my leverages and ROM. I won't even bother using any machine that does not allow me full ROM.

Thur April 27

Paused Squats 315-315-315-405 x1
Nautilus Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 250-250-250-250 x5
Hammer Strength - Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120--130-130-130-130 x5
Home Functional Trainer- Seated Row High Pull Neutral Grip 80-90 x5
Seated Calf Raise 95-95 x5

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine 120-130 x5
Matrix Seated Cable Row 120-130-140 x5
Matrix Seated Tricep Extension Machine 100-120-140-160 x5
Matrix Seated Bicep Curl Machine 100-120-140 x5

Fri April 28

Paused Squats 315-315-315-405 x1
Nautilus Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240 x5
Hammer Strength - Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-130 x5
Home Functional Trainer- Seated Row High Pull Neutral Grip 80-90 x5

* took it easy this morning with the pressing. took vacation from work today and will lift again later early afternoon. will do 455 then go back to more shoulder pressing/rowing

Paused Squats 315-315-315-405-455 x1
Nautilus Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240 x5
Hammer Strength - Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-130-140-140 x5
Home Functional Trainer- Seated Row High Pull Neutral Grip 80-90 x5

* keeping the pressing light. want to get more 455s so have to take it easy and not fatigue my lower back.

Sat April 29

Paused Squats 315-315-315-315 x1
Nautilus Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240 x5
Hammer Strength - Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-130-140-140 x5
Home Functional Trainer- Seated Row High Pull Neutral Grip Rope 80-90 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 70-70-80 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315-405 x1
Nautilus Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-250 x5
Hammer Strength - Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-130-140-140 x5
Home Functional Trainer- Seated Row High Pull Neutral Grip Rope 80-90 x5
Seated Nautilus Tricep Extension Machine 120-120 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315-405-455 x1
Hammer Strength - Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-130-140-140 x5
Home Functional Trainer- Seated Row High Pull Neutral Grip Rope 80-90 x5
Seated Lifefitness Tricep Extension Machine 120-130-140-150-160-170 x5

* I was able to do the tricep extension on the machine while standing/leaning down to the elbow support pad. gives me a very solid bracing so I don't spend a lot of effort maintaining form.
* triple workout today. had nothing much to do and enjoying my time off. taking it easy with shoulder pressing got my core fresh. back to back 455 without any crawling.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2023, 11:28:43 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2251 on: April 30, 2023, 10:42:42 am »
April 30 - May 6, 2023

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

May Week 1 of 5 BW 194-198

Sun April 30

Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-130-140-140 x5
Standing Cable Tricep Extension 135-135 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455 x5
Iso Row - Two Arm 120--130-130-140-140 x5
Lifefitness Tricep Extension Machine 120-130-140-150-160 x5
Lifefitness Bicep Curl Machine 80-100-120-140 x5

* third straight day of 455 and I'm not getting fatigued from it. lowering vertical pressing intensity helped a lot. still doing squats with just chucks and 5lb plates. I go to the gym with just a cellphone most of the time now. add a water bottle in the afternoon if it's warm.

Mon May 1

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-250 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-130-140 x5
Standing Cable Tricep Extension 135-150-165 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 70-80-90 x5

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140 x5
Matrix Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140-140 x5
Matrix Bicep Curl Machine 100-100-120 x5
Matrix Tricep Extension Machine 100-120-140-160 x5

Tue May 2

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-250 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-130-140-140-150 x5
Standing Cable Tricep Extension
Seated Bicep Curl Machine

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140 x5
Matrix Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140-140-150 x5
Matrix Bicep Curl Machine 100-100-120 x5
Matrix Tricep Extension Machine 120-140-160 x5

Wed May 3

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-250 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-130-140-140-150-160 x5
Standing Cable Tricep Pushdown 80-100 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 70-80 x5

* my lower back fatigued a little after I did a standing cable tricep extension with 165lb. I usually use 120-135-150 but decided to see if I can get 165 clean reps. triceps were strong enough to get rep 5. it was slow and that put a lot of fatigue on my back. I've recovered already from that workout from a few weeks ago. now skipping the overhead extensions and doing pushdowns and see if this movement is alright. 455 squat in the morning felt good. would have been 10-15lb easier in the afternoon but my work schedule is different now.

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140 x5
Matrix Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140-150 x5
Matrix Bicep Curl Machine 100-100 x5
Matrix Tricep Extension Machine 120-140 x5

Thur May 4

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-240 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-130-140-160 x5, 140-140 x5
Standing Cable Tricep Pushdown 80-100 x5
Standing Cable Bicep Curl 50-60 x5

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140 x5
Matrix Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140-150 x5
Matrix Bicep Curl Machine 60-80-80 x5
Matrix Tricep Extension Machine 100-120-120 x5

* lowered the weights on the bicep curl machine and I was able to hold the top ROM longer/harder. felt better than heavier but with very little to no hold at the top ROM. will keep it lighter now.

Fri May 5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-240-250 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-130-140-140 x5,
Standing Cable Tricep Pushdown 80-100 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 60-70 x5

* did the squats last because the platform was not available. felt a lot heavier than usual. did not even do 455. 

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140 x5
Matrix Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140-150 x5
Matrix Bicep Curl Machine 60-70-80 x5
Matrix Tricep Extension Machine 80-90-100 x5

Sat May 6

Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-240-240 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-140-140 x5,
Standing Cable Tricep Pushdown 80-100 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 60-70 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-250 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-140-140 x5,
Standing Cable Tricep Pushdown 80-100 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 60-70 x5
« Last Edit: May 06, 2023, 10:32:16 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2252 on: May 07, 2023, 10:50:05 am »
May 7-13, 2023

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

May Week 2 of 5 BW 194-198

Sun May 7

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-250 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-140-140 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 60 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-140-140-150 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 60 x5
Standing Tricep Extension Machine 80-110-140-170 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Seated Bicep Curl Machine - ISO High Arms 50-50-60-60 x5
Seatred Tricep Extension Machine - ISO High Arms 50-50-60-60 x5

* used the bicep/tricep hammer strength machine where the arm pads are about face level. there is also two weight stacks and each arm can be trained separately. did them two at a time to save time. was trying to see if my back was recovered enough for 455. not yet. still a little tired from the volumes of 140-150lb paused rowing.

Mon May 8

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-250 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-140-140 x5

* bare minimum exercises because the tricep/bicep machine are busy. calves - don't want to do them often. I walk at work feeling like Im on flat tires when calves are fatigued. squats felt good.

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 120-120-130 x5
Matrix Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 120-120-130-140 x5
Matrix Bicep Curl Machine 60-70-80 x5
Matrix Tricep Extension Machine 100-120 x5

Tue May 9

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-240 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-140-140 x5

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140 x5
Matrix Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140 x5
Matrix Bicep Curl Machine 60-70-80-90 x5
Matrix Tricep Extension Machine 100-120-140 x5

Wed May 10

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-240-240 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-130 x5

* been days now since the last 455. I did some sort of near vertical pulling at my home gym and it fatigued my back. I was doing a chest supported row at home using an inclined bench set at highest back support. I have to keep the rows at or near horizontal. even if its chest supported, any form of high volume vertical pull messes up my heavy squat single.

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Seated Tricep Extension Machine High Pads - Two Arm 50-60-70 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-130-140-150 x5

* got off a little early from work and drove a little farther to a better equipt gym.

Thur May 11

Cardio - Inclined Walking 30min - 3mph @ 6% - 282kcal burned
Standing Tricep Cable Extension 60-70-80 x5

* stay at home to watch sick baby. will squat later after work again. did some light functional trainer routine too

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Matrix Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140-150-160 x5
Matrix Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140-150-160-160 x5
Matrix Bicep Curl Machine 60-70-80 x5
Matrix Tricep Extension Machine 100-120-140 x5

Fri May 12

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Standing Tricep Cable Extension 60-70-80 x5

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140-150 x5
Matrix Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 120-130-140-150-160-160 x5
Matrix Bicep Curl Machine 60-70-80-90 x5
Matrix Tricep Extension Machine 100-120 x5

Sat May 13

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-240-240 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-130 x5
Decline Bench Weighted Situp 35lb x3
Seated Calf Raise 70-80 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405 x1
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 60-70 x5
Standing Tricep Extension Machine 90-100 x5
« Last Edit: May 14, 2023, 10:50:40 am by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2253 on: May 14, 2023, 10:54:44 am »
May 14-20, 2023

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

May Week 3 of 5 BW 194-198

Sun May 14

Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-120-120 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 60-60-70-70 x5
Standing Cable Tricep Extension 100-100-110-110 x5
Standing Cable Tricep Pushdown 40-50-60 x10

* lower intensity for better recovery. did the cable tricep pushdown with bent upper body for stability. my head to the left of the cable on the first 5 reps and to the right on the next 5 to balance the arms.

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240-240-240 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-130 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 70-70-80 x5
Standing Cable Tricep Extension 120-120-135 x5

Mon May 15

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 240-240 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-130-130-140-140 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 70-70-70 x5
Standing Cable Tricep Extension 120-135 x5
Seated Calf Raise 70-70 x5

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 120-120-130-140 x5
Matrix Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 120-120-130-140-150-160-170-180 x5
Matrix Tricep Extension Machine 100-100-120 x5

Tue May 16

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405, 315-315-315 x2, 405x1
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm25-25-50-50 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-130 x5

* did more volumes of squat and will eat surplus so I can get 455 in a few days to keep the feel of it. bw still in the high 190s.

Matrix Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 120-140-160-180-180 x5
Matrix Tricep Extension Machine 100-100-120 x5

Tue May 16

Chest Supported Cable Row - Two Arm 40-50-60-70 x5
Standing Cable Tricep Extension - Two Arm 40-50-60 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm25-25-50-70 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-120-120 x5

* stayed at home to babysit in the morning. caloric surplus with white rice in the morning. got 455 in the afternoon with solid form.

Thur May 18

Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph @ 6% | 282 kcal burned
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm25-25-50-50 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120 x5, 130-130 x3
Seated Calf Raise 70 x5

* will use triples more on the other lifts for better recovery and starting focusing on adding weight to squat again.

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm25-25-50-70 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 120-120-130-130 x5

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 120-120-130-130 x5
Matrix Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 120-120-130-130 x5
Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph @ 6% | 282 kcal burned

* had a day off from work yesterday and got extra naps. felt very good today but still not thick enough for a midday 455. I get off 11pm and have no more energy to lift very heavy.

Fri May 19

Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph @ 6% | 282 kcal burned
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm25-25-50-50-75-85-95 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 45-90-120-120 x5,

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm25-50-50-75 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 70-90-90 x5

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 120-120-130-130 x5
Matrix Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 100-120-140 x5
Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph @ 6% | 282 kcal burned

* increasing white rice to raise carbs while lowering fats to balance out daily calories and I got multiple 455s this week.

Sat May 20

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm25-25-50-75-75-50-50 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 45-90-120-120-90-90 x5,
Seated Calf Raise 70-70 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm45-70-80-90-100-70-70 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 90-120-130-140-140-120-120 x5

Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph @ 6% | 282 kcal burned
Standing Cable Tricep Extension - Two Arm 40-50-60 x5
Chest Supported Cable Rows Rope - Two Arm 50-60-70 x5

* 4pm workout at home. 
« Last Edit: May 20, 2023, 09:13:51 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2254 on: May 21, 2023, 02:37:27 am »
Have you tested your SVJ lately?
I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2255 on: May 21, 2023, 03:44:27 pm »
Have you tested your SVJ lately?

32-34" SVJ test by double hand rim grabs not too long ago. no chance to dunk unless I start doing more jump practice. maintaining low 30s SVJ by squats and low BF%.
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2256 on: May 21, 2023, 03:48:21 pm »
May 21-27, 2023

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

May Week 4 of 5 BW 194-198

Sun May 21

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm45-70-90-100-115 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 45-90-115-125-135 x5
Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph 25min @ 6%, 5 min @ 9% | 292 kcal burned

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm45-70-90-100-115-125-90 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 45-90-115-125-135-145 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine (weight stack)- Two Arm 80-100-120 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Tricep Extension Machine - Two Arm 50-60 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Bicep Curl Machine - Two Arm 50-60 x5

* had very good dinner post afternoon workout and by 9pm I was already digested and strong. decided to do a third workout at the 24hr fitness gym with the good isolation machines. these are the seated hammer strength where the arms are face high. leverage is very good.

Mon May 22

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm70-90-115 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 90-115 x5
Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph 25min @ 6%, 5 min @ 9% | 292 kcal burned

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455

Matrix Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 90-100-120-130 x5
Matrix Iso Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 100-120-140-160 x5
Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph 25min @ 6%, 5 min @ 9% | 292 kcal burned

* not so busy at work so decided to hit the gym on my lunch break for a quick squat workout. the higher carb intake for the last few meals is doing its thing. bw still in the high 190s.

Tue May 23

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm90-115-135-115 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 90-115-135-115 x5
Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph 30min @ 6% | 282 kcal burned

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 90-115 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 90-115-135-115 x5

* used the work gym because of new operating hours. they have the same equipment as the 24hr fitness. they also have new matrix machines like those in planet fitness. no oly platform like the old one from the previous building but the squat rack is alright.

Matrix Iso Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 100-120-140-160 x5
Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph 30min @ 6% | 282 kcal burned

Wed May 24

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm90-115 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 90-115-135-115 x5
Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph 30min @ 6% | 282 kcal burned

* feeling better recovery with this routine. will get 455 again later if I have time for a 6-8pm ish workout. 11pm after work is too late and a very big time fasted from my last big meal at 12pm.

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Matrix Iso Seated Row Machine - Two Arm 100-120-140-160 x5
Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph 20min @ 6%, 10min @ 9% | 302 kcal burned

Thur May 25

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - Two Arm 90-115-135 x5
Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph 20min @ 6%, 10min @ 9% | 302 kcal burned

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - Two Arm 115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Stack Machine - Two Arm 80-90-120 x5
Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph 20min @ 6%, 10min @ 9% | 302 kcal burned

* good squat workout again during lunch break at work. there's 2 types of hammer strength machine ISO machines I use. the conventional plate loaded and the other is the one with the weight stack. I use which ever is closer or available.

Fri May 26

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 45-90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - Two Arm 45-90-115-135 x5
Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph 20min @ 6%, 10min @ 9% | 302 kcal burned

* consistency in the higher carb intake for the past few days are paying off now. I got a good 455 in a morning workout. carb intake ~300g/day. I lower carbs down to 50-125g max when I'm dropping BF. carbs a 90% coming from white rice at 50g a cup. 3 cups a meal twice a day.
* bw still staying in the high 190s.

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 45-90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - Two Arm 45-90-115-125-135 x5
Cardio - Inclined Walking 1.5miles | 3mph 25min @ 6%, 5min @ 9% | 292 kcal burned

Sat May 27

Nautilus Shoulder Press Machine 200-215-230 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 45-70-90 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - Two Arm 45-90-115-125-135 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-475
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 90 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row - Two Arm 90-115 x5

* 475 was not a crawl but still not very close to getting 495. I can get 475 again after good rest.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2023, 07:54:50 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2257 on: May 28, 2023, 12:06:31 pm »
May 28 - June 3, 2023

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

May Week 5 of 5 BW 194-198

Sun May 28

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 45-70-90-115-125 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 45-90-115-125-135 x5
Hammer Strenght Bicep Curl Machine 50-60-70-80 x5
Hammer Strength Tricep Extension Machine 50-60-70-80 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 90-115-125 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 90-115-125-135 x5

* overpowered the 455 but some and would also get a 475 with some fight. I'm too old for this. got a comfortable routine going. will increase calories as planned and do more cardio too to trim fat down.. then see how far that routine takes me.

Mon May 29

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 45-70-90-115-125 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 90-115-125 x5
Hammer Strenght Bicep Curl Machine 60-70-80-90 x5
Hammer Strength Tricep Extension Machine 50-60-70-80-90-110-120 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-475
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 90-115-125-135 x5
Iso Seated Row - Two Arm 90-115-125 x5
Hammer Strength Tricep Extension Machine 80-110-120-140 x5
Inclined Walking Cardio 30min -  1.5miles 3mph @6% | 282kcal

Tue May 30

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125-135 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 40-50-60 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine 40-50-60 x5
Seated Calf Raises 45-90 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine - Two Arm 90-115-125-135 x5
Hammer Strength Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-100-120 x5
Hammer Strength Tricep Extension Machine 80-110-120-140 x5
Inclined Walking Cardio 30min -  1.5miles 3mph @6% | 282kcal

Wed May 33

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125- x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 50-60-70 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine 50-60-70 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115-125-135 x5
Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-135 x5
Hammer Strength Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-100-120 x5
Hammer Strength Tricep Extension Machine 80-110-120-140 x5
Inclined Walking Cardio 30min -  1.5miles 3mph @6% | 282kcal

Thur Jun 2

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-475
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-135 x5
Hammer Strength Tricep Extension Machine 80-110-120-140 x5
Hammer Strength Bicep Curl Machine 80-110-120 x5

* very strong in the morning.

Hammer Strength Tricep Extension Machine 80-110-125 x5
Hammer Strength Bicep Curl Machine 80-110-125 x5
Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine - Weight Stack 80-110 x5
Hammer Strength Seated Row - Weight Stack 80-90 x5
Inclined Walking Cardio 30min -  1.5miles 3mph @6% | 282kcal

Fri Jun 2

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5
Hammer Strength Tricep Extension Machine 80-110-120-140 x5
Hammer Strength Bicep Curl Machine 80-110-120 x5

Hammer Strength Tricep Extension Machine 80-110-125 x5
Hammer Strength Bicep Curl Machine 80-110-125 x5
Hammer Strength Inclined Press Machine 90-115-125 x5
Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5
Inclined Walking Cardio 30min -  1.5miles 3mph. 20min@6%, 10min@9% | 302kcal

Sat Jun 3

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5
Hammer Strength Tricep Extension Machine 80-110-120-140-155 x5
Hammer Strength Bicep Curl Machine 80-110-120-140 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125-135 x5

* the 140-155lb tricep extension this morning added too much fatigue to my core. I should have gotten 475 already because I was feeling very good after a 1hr midday nap. might try to include x10+ reps with mid weight to my routine and see if I can recover from those quickly.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2023, 10:22:18 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2258 on: June 04, 2023, 11:44:28 am »
June 4-10, 2023

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

June Week 1 of 4 BW 198-202

Sun June 4

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-70-90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125-135 x5

* keeping my dry BW to 198 at least now. cannot maintain a consistent 455/475 without being carb loaded.

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115-125-135 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5

* lower back not very stable. took a beating supporting the 140-155 tricep extensions yesterday. it felt good at the time but totally unnecessary.

Mon June 5
Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115-125-135 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5
Cardio Inclined Walking 1.5miles.  3mph @ 6% | 282kcal

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115-125-135 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5

Tue June 6
Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5

* lower back fatigue from the heavy tricep extensions are good now but its another fatigue now from yesterdays multiple 135x5s in the inclined press. I only put the weight I used for the set of 5s and I usually do 2-3 of the top set and then do 2 more backoff sets using -10 or -20 lbs. yesterdays very good push routine made me struggle a bit with the 455. I took it easy today with the push/pull and another light workout later. hopefully back recovers and I get my midweek 475

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5

Wed June 7
Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine 80-110 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-110-140 x5

* skipped the heavy single for later. back needs more rest. took it easy with the pressing accessory lifts.

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5

* skip the heavy. don't feel very solid yet. legs are alright. 405 was quick.

Thur June 8
Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine 80-110-125 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-110-140 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115-100 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5

Fri June 9
Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115-100 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115 x5

Sat June 10
Paused Squats 315-315-315
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115 x5
« Last Edit: June 10, 2023, 07:24:08 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2259 on: June 11, 2023, 10:59:50 am »
June 11-17, 2023

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

June Week 2 of 4 BW 198-202

Sun June 11

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-70-90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115 x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine 80-110 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-110-120 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-70-90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115 x5

Mon June 12

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-70-90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115 x5

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5

Tue June 13

Paused Squats 315-315-315, 405-455
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115 x5

Wed June 14

Paused Squats 315-315-315
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5

* lowerback stiff from sleeping with baby. he wedged at the wrong spot. took it easy on squats. was trying to see if my form will get solid after a couple of 315s. no. form was loose. will only overexert or hurt myself if i go heavy.

Thur June 15

Paused Squats 315-315-315
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125-135 x5

Fri June 16

Paused Squats 315-315-315-405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115 x5

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125-135 x5

Sat June 17

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5
Standing Cable Tricep Extension 80-110-135 x5

Paused Squats 315-315-315-405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-115-125 x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115 x5
« Last Edit: June 17, 2023, 11:50:31 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2260 on: June 18, 2023, 11:13:59 am »
June 18-24, 2023

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

June Week 3 of 4 BW 198-202

Sun June 18

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125-135 x5, 100x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115 x5, 100-90x5
Standing Cable Tricep Extension 110 x5
Cardio Inclined Walking 15% : 25min @ 2mph + 5min @ 2.5mph = 306kcal burned. 126 HRmax

* switched up the walking in favor of slower pace with higher incline. got better HR with same effort. will see how my legs handle this fatigue.

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125-135 x5, 100x5, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115 x5, 100-90x5
Paused Squats 315-315 x5
Mon June 19

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125 x5, 115-100x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115 x5, 100x5
Standing Cable Tricep Extension 80-110 x5

Paused Squats 315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125-135 x5, 100-90x5

Tue June 20

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125-135 x5, 115-100x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5, 100x5
Cardio Inclined Walking 15% : 30min @ 2mph = 295.5 kcal burned. 118 HRmax

Paused Squats 315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125 x5, 115x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125-135 x5, 115x5

Wed June 21

Paused Squats 315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125 x5, 115-100x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125 x5, 100x5

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125-135 x5, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125-135 x5, 90x10

Thur June 22

Paused Squats 315-315
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125-135 x5, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90-115-125-135-145 x5, 160x3

* taking it easy on the squats because my core is not fresh from the routine 125+ on the shoulder pressing.

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115 x5, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90-115-125-135-145 x5, 115x10

Fri June 23

Paused Squats 315-315
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125-135 x5, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90-115-125-135-150 x5, 160-170 x3

Sat June 24

Paused Squats 315-315-405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125-135 x5, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90-115-135-160 x5, 135x5

« Last Edit: June 26, 2023, 03:10:39 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2261 on: June 26, 2023, 03:14:18 pm »
June 25- July 1, 2023

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

June Week 4 of 4 BW 198-202

Sun June 25

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125-135 x5, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-135-160 x5,
Seated Tricep Extension Machine 80-110-140 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-110-140 x5
Paused Squats 315-315, 405

Mon June 26

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125-135 x5, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-135-160-170 x5,
Seated Tricep Extension Machine 80-110-140 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-110-140 x5
Paused Squats 315-315, 405

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125-135 x5, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-135-160-170 x5,

Tue June 27

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90-125x5, 135-145x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-135x5, 170-180 x3, 135x5
Seated Tricep Extension Machine 80-110-140-170 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-110-140 x5
Paused Squats 315-315, 405

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125x5, 135 3x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125-135x5, 170-180 x3, 

Wed June 28

9:30 am
Paused Squats 315-315, 405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125x5, 135 3x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-125-135x5, 160-160 x3, 
Standing Tricep Cable Extension 110-135 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-110 x5

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125x5, 135 3x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90-115-135x5, 160 3x3,  90x10

Thur June 29

7:30 am
Paused Squats 315-405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115x5, 135 3x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-115-135x5, 160-160 x3

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125x5, 135 3x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90-115x5, 135 5x4,  90x10

Fri June 30

9:30 am
Paused Squats 315-405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 3x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90x5, 135 5x4, 

Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90-115-125x5, 135 3x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90-115x5, 135 5x4,  90x10

Sat Jul 1

6:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 3x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90x5, 135 5x3, 90x10 
Standing Tricep Cable Extension 135-150 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-110 x5

6:30 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 3x4, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90x5, 135 5x4, 90x10 
Standing Tricep Cable Extension 135-150 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-110 x5
Paused Squats 315-405

« Last Edit: July 02, 2023, 10:47:38 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2262 on: July 02, 2023, 10:54:28 pm »
July 2-8, 2023

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

July Week 1 of 4 BW 198-202

Sun July 2

6:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 3x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90x5, 135 5x3, 90x10 
Standing Tricep Cable Extension 135-150 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-110 x5
Paused Squats 315-405

6:30 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 3x2, 135 4x2 | 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90x5, 135 5x4, 135 8x1, 90x10 
Seated Tricep Extension Machine 140-155 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 140-155 x5

Mon July 3

9:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90x5, 135 4x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 135 5x4 
Seated Tricep Extension Machine 140-155 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 140-155 x5
Paused Squats 315-405

Tue July 4

9:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90x5, 135 4x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 135 5x4 
Seated Tricep Extension Machine 140-155-170 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 140-155-170 x5
Paused Squats 315-405

* I cannot stabilize 170 on the tricep extension machine without adding too much fatigue to my core. have to stop at 155 next time

Wed July 5

9:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90x5, 135 4x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 135 5x4, 90x10
Seated Tricep Extension Machine 140-155 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 140-155-170 x5, 185x3
Paused Squats 315-405

Thur July 6

9:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90x5, 135 5x4, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 135 5x4, 100x10
Seated Tricep Extension Machine 140-155 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 155-170 x5, 185x3

8:30 pm
Paused Squats 315-405
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 90x5, 135 5x3, 100x10

Fri July 7

9:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 4x3, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 5x4, 115x10
Seated Cable Tricep Extension One-Arm 40-50 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 155-170 x5
Paused Squats 315-405

8:30 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x3, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 5x3, 145x5, 115x10

Sat July 8

6:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x2, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90 x5, 135-150 5x2, 115x10
Seated Cable Tricep Extension One-Arm 40-50 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 155-170 x5
Paused Squats 315-405

8:00 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x4, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90 x5, 135-150 5x2, 115x10
Seated Cable Tricep Extension One-Arm 40-50 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 155-170 x5
Paused Squats 315-405
« Last Edit: July 09, 2023, 01:25:14 am by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2263 on: July 09, 2023, 10:23:24 pm »
July 9-15, 2023

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

July Week 2 of 4 BW 194-198

Sun July 9

6:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x2, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90 x5, 135-150 5x2, 115x10
Seated Cable Tricep Extension One-Arm 40-50 x5
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 155-170 x5
Paused Squats 315-405

8:00 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x3, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 45-90 x5, 135-150 5x2, 115x10
Paused Squats 315-405, 315-315 x5

Mon July 10

9:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x2, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90 x5, 135-150 5x2, 
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135-150 x5, 80-100-120 x10
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-315x2, 315-315x3

7:30 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x4, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 155 5x3 
Paused Squats 315-405x1

Tue July 11

9:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x4, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 155 5x3, 160x5 
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135-150 x5, 80-100-120 x10
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-315x2, 405x1

7:30 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x4, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 155 5x3 
Paused Squats 315-405x1

Wed July 12

9:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x4, 100x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 155 5x3, 160x5 
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135-150 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-315-315x1

7:30 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x2,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 155-170-180x5

Thur July 13

9:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 150 5x3,   
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135-150 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 80-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-405x1

8:30 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x3, 90x10
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 150 5x3,   

Fri July 14

9:30 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x3, 90x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 150 5x3, 115x5 
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135-150 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 90-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-405x1

9:30 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x4, 90x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 155 5x3, 160x5 
Paused Squats 315-405x1

Sat July 15

7:00 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x3, 90x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 150 5x3, 115x5 
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135-150 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 90-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-405x1

9:30 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x4, 90x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 155 5x3, 160x5 
Paused Squats 315-405x1
« Last Edit: July 16, 2023, 10:42:55 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2264 on: July 16, 2023, 10:44:14 pm »
July 16-22, 2023

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020
Cardio Calories - Inclined walking at 3mph pace per 5 mins | 6% [47kcal], 9% [57kcal], 12%[67kcal], 15%[77kcal]

July Week 3 of 4 BW 194-198

Sun July 16

7:00 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x3, 90x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 150 5x3, 115x5 
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135-150 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 90-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-405x1

9:30 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x3, 90x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 155 5x3, 160x5 
Paused Squats 315-405x1
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135-150 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 170-185 x5

Mon July 17

7:00 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x3, 90x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 150 5x3, 115x5 
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135-150 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 90-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-405x1

9:30 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x3, 90x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 155 5x3, 160x5 
Paused Squats 315-405x1
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135-150 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 170-185 x5

Tue July 18

7:00 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x1, 90x5 rest. tired.
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 150 5x3,
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 90-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-405x1

7:00 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 135 5x1, 90x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 150 5x3,
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135 x5,
Paused Squats 315-405x1

Wed July 19

7:00 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 115-125x5 90x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 150 5x3,
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 90-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-405x1

7:00 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 115-125x5, 90x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 150 5x3,

Thur July 20

7:00 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 115-125x5, 90x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 150 5x3,
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 90-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-405x1

Fri July 21

6:00 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 115-125-135x5, 90x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 135-150 5x2,
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135-150 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 90-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-405x1

Sat July 22

7:00 am
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 115-125-135x5, 115x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 135-150-160x5, 115-125x5
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135-150 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 90-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-405x1
Declined Bench Weighted Situp 25-25 x5

1:00 pm
Iso Hammer Strength Shoulder Press Machine 45-90x5, 115-125-135x5, 115x5
Iso Hammer Strength Seated Row 90-135 x5, 135-150-160x5, 115-125x5
Standing Cable Tricep Extension  135-150 x5,
Seated Bicep Curl Machine 90-100 x5
Paused Squats 315-405x1
Declined Bench Weighted Situp 25 x5, 50x3
« Last Edit: July 23, 2023, 08:28:51 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.