Author Topic: Kingfush  (Read 1100356 times)

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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2130 on: March 28, 2021, 09:57:20 am »
Mar 28 - April 3, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

Mar Week 5 of 5

Sun Mar 28

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Horizontal Pull seated row machine 250-265-280x3, 295x2 | one arm cable rows 70-70x5
Horizontal Push seated chest press #15-16x3
Calves seated calf raise 2x45lb 5x3 sets rest
Cardio Walk 17mins, 1 mile@3.5 mph/6% incline 130HR

* the one arm seated machine row is causing my back to twist a little cause this discomfort. will skip for now.

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2, 155-170x5
Horizontal Pull seated row machine 250-265-280x3, 295x2, 265x5 | one arm cable rows 70-80x5
Horizontal Push seated chest press #15-16x3 rest
Calves seated calf raise 2x45lb 5x3 sets rest
Cardio Walk 17mins, 1 mile@3.5 mph/6% incline 130HR rest

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Horizontal Pull seated row machine 250-265-280x3, 295x2  | one arm cable rows 70-80x5 rest
Horizontal Push seated chest press #15-16x3 rest
Calves seated calf raise 2x45lb 5x3 sets rest
Cardio Walk 17mins, 1 mile@3.5 mph/6% incline 130HR rest
Mon Mar 29

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2, 170x5
Horizontal Pull seated row machine 250-265-280x3, 295x2 | one arm cable rows 70-75x5
Horizontal Push seated chest press #15-16x3 rest
Calves seated calf raise 2x45lb 5x3 sets rest
Cardio Walk 17mins, 1 mile@3.5 mph/6% incline 130HR

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2, 175x5
Horizontal Pull seated row machine 250-265-280x3, 295x2 rest | one arm cable rows 70-80x5
Horizontal Pull one arm cable pulldown 60-70x5
Horizontal Push seated chest press #15-16-17x3
Calves seated calf raise 2x45lb 5x3 sets rest
Cardio Walk 17mins, 1 mile@3.5 mph/6% incline 130HR rest

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2, 175x5
Horizontal Pull seated row machine 250-265-280x3, 295x2 rest | one arm cable rows 70-80x5 rest | seated cable rows parallel grip 135-150-165-180x3
Horizontal Pull one arm cable pulldown 60-70x5
Horizontal Push seated chest press #15-16-17x3
Calves seated calf raise 2x45lb 5x3 sets rest
Cardio Walk 17mins, 1 mile@3.5 mph/6% incline 130HR rest

Tue Mar 30

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Horizontal Pull seated row machine 250-265-280x3, 295x2 rest | one arm cable rows 70-80x5
Horizontal Push seated chest press #15-16x3 rest
Calves seated calf raise 2x45lb 5x3 sets rest
Cardio Walk 17mins, 1 mile@3.5-4.0 mph/6% incline 130HR

* got an open cut on my left hand from a callus that ruptured. been taking it easy on the pulling because i want my wound to heal.

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Horizontal Pull seated row machine 250-265-280x3, 295x2 rest | one arm cable rows 70-80x5 rest | seated cable row parallel grip 150-160-180x3
Horizontal Push seated chest press #15-16x3 rest
Calves seated calf raise 2x45lb 5x3 sets rest
Cardio Walk 17mins, 1 mile@3.5-4.0 mph/6% incline 130HR rest

Squats 315-405-495
Cardio Walk 15mins, 1 mile@4.0 mph/6% incline 135HR

* kept afternoon to just squats and cardio. gym too packed and don't have time to go to the other one. was happy with the routine.

Wed Mar 31

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2, 80-95-110x10
Horizontal Pull seated row machine 250-265-280x3, 295x2 rest | one arm cable rows 70-80x5, 55-60x10
Horizontal Push seated chest press #15-16x3 rest
Calves seated calf raise 2x45lb 5x3 sets rest
Cardio Walk 15mins, 1 mile@4.0 mph/6% incline 130HR

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2, 110-125x10
Horizontal Pull seated row machine 250-265-280x3, 295x2 rest | one arm cable rows 70-70x5, 55-60x10

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2, 125x10

* minimal routine again. been resting because i'm not eating as much. want to stay in the low 210lb. not going to be multi 495 strong but strong enough to routinely get 495 while staying leanish.

heres me at 210-212.

Thur April 1

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155x3
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows 60-70x5

* the volumes and intensity of the seated shoulder pressing is adding too much fatigue to my lowerback. had to stop before the weights start to feel heavy so i freshen the back some more.

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 125x10
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows 70-70x5, 60x10 | seated row machine 245-250x3

* skipped the lunch workout. i'm feeling under the weather. it got very warm and i'm not feeling to good with the sudden weather change. slept more and felt a lot better in the afternooon.

Fri April 2

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 125x10
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows 60-70x5, 60x10

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 140-155-170x3, 125x10
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows 70-80x5, 70x10

Squats 315-405-495
Horizontal Pull one arm seated cable row machine 80-90x5, 80x10

Sat April 3

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine hoist stack #10-12-14-16x5 (18 max)
Horizontal Pull one arm cable rows 60-70x5, 65x10

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine hoist stack #12-14-16x5 (18 max)
Horizontal Pull seated one arm row machine 80-90-100x5
« Last Edit: April 04, 2021, 10:40:57 am by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2131 on: April 03, 2021, 10:15:12 am »
April 4-10, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

April Week 1 of 4

Sun April 4

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated dip machine 120-135x5
Horizontal Pull seated one arm cable rows 70-80x5, 70x10

* first time in a long time i took a friday and saturday night off because of some kids activities at the park for easter and a birthday party. thought it was already sunday yesterday. readjusted log.
* still going with minimal movements to freshen up. workouts take less than 30 mins.

Squats 315-405-495
Horizontal Push close grip bench press 135-185 5x2 sets each
Horizontal Pull seated one arm cable rows 70-80x5, 70x10

Mon April 5

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push close grip bench press 135x5, 185-185x3, 205x2, 225 2x3 sets
Horizontal Pull seated one arm cable rows 80-90x5, 80x10
Cardio Inclined Walking 1mile, 15mins, 4mph@6%. HR max 142

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push close grip bench press 135x5, 185x3, 225-225x2
Horizontal Pull seated one arm cable rows 90-100x5, 90x10]

Tue April 6

5:00 am
Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine 125-140-155-170x3, 140x10
Horizontal Pull seated one arm cable rows 70-80-90-100-110x3, 120x2, 100x10
Horizontal Push seated chest press machine #12-14x5, #12x10

11:00 am
Squats 315-405-495
Horizontal Pull seated one arm cable rows 90-100x5, 110x3, 120x2, 100x5
Horizontal Push seated chest press machine #12-14-16x5, #12x10
Calves 2x45lb 2x10 sets, 2x45lb+25lb x10

5:30 pm
Squats 315-405-495
Horizontal Pull seated one arm cable row machine 90-100x5, 90x5 | one arm cable rows standing 70-80x10
Horizontal Push seated chest press machine #14-16x5, #14x10

* lowerback one more good sleep away from being completely strain free. its from the vertical pushing. very small form changes affects the strain on the back so fast. i'm already reseting between heaving singles. i'm focusing on the neutral arc of the back. not worth it to have a weakened lower back. a close grip chest press works almost the same thing so il just do that instead.

Wed April 7

5:00 am
Squats 315-405-495 
Horizontal Pull seated one arm cable row machine 90-100x5, 90x5
Horizontal Push seated chest press machine #12x10, #14-16x3, #12-14x10
Inclined walking 15mins, 1mile, 4mph@6%, 130BPM max

5:30 pm
Squats 315-405-495, 495x2 
Horizontal Pull seated one arm cable row 70-80x10
Horizontal Push seated chest press machine #12x10, #14-16x5, #14x10

* bw 212-214. feeling a little stronger so added a double 495 backoff. 3rd rep would have been very difficult.

Thur April 8

5:00 am
Squats 315-405-495 
Horizontal Pull seated cable row machine 235-250-265x3 | seated one arm row 70x10
Horizontal Push seated chest press machine #12x10, #14-16x3, #14x10

* got a good 45min nap at break at work. enough to recover from a 495 double from last workout. the single this morning was heavy but not a grinding rep. getting back to the heavy row machine again after my left arm broken skin got healed.

11:00 am
Squats 315-405-495 
Horizontal Pull one arm seated cable row machine 90-100-110x5, 120-130x3 | one arm row 70-80x10
Horizontal Push seated chest press machine #12x10, #14-16x3, #14x10
Vertical Push seated one arm cable shoulder press 25-30x10

5:00 pm
Squats 315-405-495 
Horizontal Pull one arm row 75-80x10
Horizontal Push seated chest press machine #14-15-16x5, #14x10
Vertical Push seated one arm cable shoulder press 30-35x10

Fri April 9

5:00 am
Squats 315-405-495 
Horizontal Pull one arm row 60-65x10
Vertical Push seated one arm cable shoulder press 25-30x10, 35-40x5

5:30 pm
Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-12x10
Vertical Push seated one arm cable shoulder press 40x5
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #12x10, #14-16x5, #14x10

Sat April 10

5:00 am
Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-11x10
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #12-13x10

11:30 am
Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-11x10
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #12x10, #14-15-16x5, #14x10
Vertical Push seated one arm cable shoulder press 40-50x5 | seated one arm shoulder press 50-60-70x5, 50x10

* did the seated shoulder press machine facing backwards to help with back stability. im still not happy getting my lowerback beat a few weeks back. having a strained back is the worst injury to lifting. 
« Last Edit: April 10, 2021, 04:30:56 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2132 on: April 11, 2021, 10:16:16 am »
April 11-17, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

April Week 2 of 4

Sun April 11

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-11x10
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #12-13-14x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #10-11x10 | seated one arm shoulder press 50x5
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #12-13-14-15-16x10

* i was solo at the gym 5am on a sunday. after the squats, i did a circuit style routine alternating push/pull using machines. they are right next to each other. sets of 10 with medium heavy weights. #18 is full stack. this is the roc-it series from hoist. love using these.

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #11-11x10
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #14-15-16x5, #14x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #10-11-12x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #14-15-16-17-18x10

* weekend mornings are at 24hr fitness because its the only one open at 5am. the lunch is at crunch fitness because its a lot closer to my place. they have the same hoist machine so i did the same routine with more volumes. i still have to figure out how to move up on resistance on the lat pulldown without straining either my back or my legs. i'm getting pulled up with resistances in the stack 12+

Squats 315-405-495, 495x2 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #11x10
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #14-15-16x5, #14x10 rest
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #11-12-13x10, #14-15-16x5
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10 | single arm seated row machine 100-110x5, 120-130x2

* row machine already full stacked and still feel like a medium weight. had to use the other single arm row because this one goes all the way up to 130lb (260 on the selectorized plates). lower back is very fresh and strong so i went for a 495 backoff double. 3rd would be too much too soon. i'm only 210-212 with lowered carb for the past few days.

Mon April 12

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #11-12x10
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #12x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #12x10, #14-15-16-17x5,
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10 | single arm seated row machine 100x5
Inclined Walking 15min. 4mph@6%. 1 mile. 133HR max.

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #12-13x10
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #12-13x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #12-13x10, #14-15x5,
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10
Seated Calf raise 2x45lbx10, 2x45lb+25lbx10, 3x45lbx10

Squats 315-405-495
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #12-12x10
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #12-13x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #12-13x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10

Squats - Liezel 45x5, 65x3, 95x2, 115x1, 125x1 | 115 2x5 sets, 95x10

* didn't really plan on doing a 3rd workout but had an errand close to gym so spent 30mins to get my bare minimum workout in. felt very good. i don't know why coming from the same manufacturer - hoist, the seated row has so little resistance compared to the rest of the lineup. it still has the same 18 stack of plates but the 18 resistance on the seated row feels light relative to the other equipement. the lat pulldown feels the heaviest because i can't properly brace myself.
* added squat log of wife since i'm helping her get to a 185 top single. i think the quads start to form into a square once you reach the 2 plate mark. 1.5 plate can still be very feminine. shes been doing squats for a long time and even has better form than me because of better flexibility. shes just not lifting seriously because of lack of time.

Tue April 13

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #12-12x10, #14-15x5
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #12x10 rest
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #12-13x10, #16-17-18x5,
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10 | single arm seated cable pulldown 70x5
Inclined Walking 15min. 4mph@6%. 1 mile. 139HR max.

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #14-15x5
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #13-14x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #16-17-18x5, #14x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10 | single arm row machine 100-105x5

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #13-14x5
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #13-14x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #16-17-18-18x5, 
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10 | single arm row machine 100-110-120x5

Wed April 14

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #12-13x5
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #15-16x5
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #16-17-18x5,
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10 | single arm seated row machine 100-105x5
Inclined Walking 15min. 4mph@6%. 1 mile. 139HR max.

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #13-14x5
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #16-17x5
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #16-17-18x5
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10 rest | single arm seated row machine 100-110x5 | standing cable face pull 100-100x10

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #13-14x5
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #16-17x5
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #16-17x5
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10 rest

Thur April 15

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #13x5
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #16x5
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #16-17x5,
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #13x5 rest
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #16x5
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #16-17-18x5,
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18-18x10

Squats - Liezel 45x5, 65x5, 95x2, 115x1, 125x1 | 115 2x3 sets, 95x10

Fri April 16

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #13x5
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #16x5
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #16x5,
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18x10

* i spend the longest time resting 3min between the 405-495 single. that and changing my shoes. the machines are right next to each other and nobody uses them most of the time.

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #13-14x5
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #16x5 rest
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #16-17-18x5, #13-13-14x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18-18x10

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-11x10
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #11-12x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #11-12x10, #16-17x5, #13-13-14x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18 10x4 sets

Sat April 17

Squats 315-405-495 
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #13-14x5
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #16-16x5, #13-13x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #16-17-18x5, #11-12x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10 | seated one arm row machine 100-100-100x5

* very busy at work. need more sleep and did not wake up until late in the afternoon. one workout today. felt alright.  might do another one late at night if i feel like it.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2021, 07:52:59 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2133 on: April 18, 2021, 10:00:00 am »
April 18-24, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

April Week 3 of 4

Sun April 18

Squats 315-405-495 
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-11x10, #14-14x5
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #10-11x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #10x10, #16-17x5, #11-12-13x10

Squats 315-405-495 
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine  #13-14x5
Horizonal Push seated chest press machine #13x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine ##16-17-18x5

Mon April 19

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #15x5, #10-11-12x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18-18x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #12-13-14-14x5
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #16-17x5, #10-11-12x10
Inclined walking 15 mins. 1 mile. 4mph@6%

Squats 315-405-495, 495x2
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #10-11-12-13x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-11-12-13x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #10-11-12-13x10

Tue April 20

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #10-11-12x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10 | seated row machine one arm 100-100x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #13-14x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #10-11-12x10
Inclined walking 15 mins. 1 mile. 4mph@6%

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #11-12-13x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10 | seated row machine one arm 100-100x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #12-13x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #11-12-13x10

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #11-12-13x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10 rest | seated row machine one arm 100-100x10 rest
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #12-13-12x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #11-12-13x10

Wed April 21

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #11-12-13x10, #14-16-17x3
Horizonal Pull seated row machine one arm 100-100x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #12-13-13x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #10-11-12x10 rest

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #15-16-17x5, #18x3, #13x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine one arm 100-100-110x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #12-12-11x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #11-12x10 

* im still doing very well with this combination of push/pull using the hoist machines. i cannot go heavier on the lat pulldown so il save it for last after i already tire my back with heavy horizontal rowing. the seated shoulder press eventually tires my back when i go too heavy too often so i save that last on the workout too and use medium weight/high reps.

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #10-11-12-13x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine one arm 100-100-110x10 rest
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #12-11-11x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #11-12x10 rest

Thur April 22

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #10-11-12-13x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine one arm 100-100x10 rest
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-11-12x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #10-11-12x10 rest

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #10-11-12-13x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine one arm 100-100x10 rest
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-11-12x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #10-11-12x10 rest

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #10-11x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine one arm 100-100x10 rest
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-11x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #10-11-12x10 rest

Fri April 23

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #10-11x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine 160-175x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-11x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #10-11-12x10 rest

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #10-11-12x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine 175-190-205x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-11x10
Vertical Push seated shoulder press machine #10-11-12x10 rest

* adding volumes of the horizontal pulling slowly. i damaged the skin on my hands doing very heavy reps for too long.  squats staying the same with no overshot to 545 anytime soon because i'm trying to lean down a little. tilapia fillets and white rice with some brown eggs in between when i feel very hungry.

Sat April 24

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #10-11-12x10, #15-16-17x5, #12x10 | pronated close grip #10-11x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine 160-175-190x10, 235-250-265x5
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #11-12x10

* after doing plenty of reps on the close grip chest pressing, i felt the need to hit an area of the front delts using a regular grip. the parallel grip hits the triceps a lot more but still gives the front delts workout. the pronated just hits it from a different angle.
* getting very strong and comfortable already with the seated row machine. 295 is max and i stopped at 265 for now.

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #10-11-12x10, #12-10-8 1x20 (10-5-5 reps) | pronated close grip #10-11x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine 160-175-190x10, 235-250-265x5 rest
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #11-12x10
Seated Calf Raise 2x45lb 20x2 sets

« Last Edit: April 25, 2021, 12:49:32 am by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2134 on: April 25, 2021, 09:41:32 am »
April 25 - May 1, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

April Week 4 of 4

Sun April 25

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close parallel grip chest press machine #10-11-12x10, #15-16x5, #10-8-6-4 1x30 (10-10-5-5 reps) | pronated close grip #10x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine 160-175-190x10, 250-265x5
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #11-12x10

* added a single set at the end focused on time-under-tension using medium to lighter weights. the big set takes a little over 2 mins. trying if i get to look bigger doing bb style lifting. it gets my cardio going a little.

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11-12-13x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine 235-250-265x5
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #11-11-12x10

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11-12x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #11-11-12x10

Mon April 26

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11-12x10, #14-15-16x5,  | parallel grip #10x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine 205-245-250-265x5
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #11-11x10

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10x1, #14-15-16x5, #14x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine #18-18x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-11x10

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11-12x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine 235-250-265-280x5, 295x3
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-11x10

Tue April 27

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11-12x10 | parallel grip #10x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine one arm 80-90x5
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10x10

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11-12x10 | parallel grip #10-11-12x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine one arm 90-100x5
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10x10

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11-12x10 | parallel grip #10-11-12x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine one arm 90-100-100x5

* added some light weight leg extensions doing 5 reps a set. found a leg extension machine that has a very good feel to it. resistance is constant even at full ROM.  will do these and leg curls with very light weights as cooldown/volume work.
* skipping or doing very little of the vertical pulling. my lower back is getting fatigued.

Wed April 28

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine one arm 90-90-100x5
Seated Leg Extension 70-85-100-100-100x5

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Seated Leg Extension 70-85-100-100-115x5, 130x2
* too much weight kills the form on leg extension very fast. the stack goes all the way to 295 like the seated row machine. i can't make it halfway within 3 workouts. i'm doing a hold at the top ROM and making sure that i get there every rep. will see if i get more newbie gains fast.

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Seated Leg Extension 70x10, 85x5

Thur April 29

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Seated Leg Extension 70-85x5
Seated Leg Curl 55-70x5

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine one arm 90-100x10

* the 100x10 on the one arm row is too tiring. all reps are good with full ROM but i get sweaty after. will stay with 90-90 until i get stronger.
* skip the leg isolations because i woke up late and hungry already.

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Seated Leg Extension 70-70x10, 85x5
Seated Leg Curl 70-70x10, 85x5

Fri April 30

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Seated Leg Extension 70-85x5
Seated Leg Curl 55-70x5

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Horizonal Pull seated row machine one arm 90-90x10
Seated Leg Extension 70-85x5, 100-115-130-145-160-175x3
Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Seated Leg Extension 130-145x5
Horizonal Pull seated row machine one arm 90-90x10

Sat May 2

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10, #14-15-16-17-18x5
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-10x10, #10x20
Seated Leg Extension 70-85-100x5, 130-145-160-175x3, 100-100-100-100x5
Seated Leg Curl 70-85-100x5, 85-85-85-85x5

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Horizontal Pull seated row machine 90-90x10, 100-110x5
Seated Leg Extension 70-85-100x5

* messed up log and thought today was sunday aleady. had an off day from work and body clock is confused.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2021, 08:04:14 am by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2135 on: May 01, 2021, 10:06:59 am »
May 2-8, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

May Week 1 of 4

Sun May 2

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10, #14-15
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-10x10
Seated Leg Extension 70-85-100x5, 115-130-145-160-175x3
Seated Leg Curl 70-85-100x5, 85-85-85x5

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10 
Horizonal Pull seated row machine 90x10, 100x5
Seated Leg Extension 100x5, 115-130-145-160-175-190x3

Squats 315-405-495, 495x2
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10 
Horizonal Pull seated row machine 90-100x5, 110-120-130x3
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-10x10
Seated Leg Extension 100x5, 130-160-190-205x3, 190-190-190x3

* feeling very strong after a good nap and lunch. had 495 in me but had some issues with my breathing on the 3rd rep. my mask got sucked in. i had to redo the breathing again it but i lost interest already. have it on vid and the 2nd rep was still very fast. too bad. il do the triple some other time.

Mon May 3

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Horizonal Pull seated one arm row machine 80x10, 90x5
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-10x10
Lying Leg Curl 70-70-70-85x5

* lowerback strained a little from the heavy seated leg curl yesterday. back feels crushed. did not affect the squat but it still felt very uncomfortable. will stop using a seated leg curl because it gets me this crushing strain. did the leg extension lying and the movement felt good.
Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-10x10
Lying Leg Curl 70-85x5, 100-115x3
Seated Leg Extensionl 70-70-70-70x5

* did very light weight leg extension and did them without holding on the hand grips. i'm just relying on bw to keep me planted so i don't crush my lowerback again. these leg isolations feel good after squats.

Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10-10x10
Lying Leg Curl80-95x5, 80x5
* skipped most. did not feel like waiting on anything. gym too busy. did an errand and passed by gym to do little things.

Tue May 4

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10-11x10 | parallel grip #10-11x10
Horizonal Pull seated one arm row machine 80-90x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10x10
Lying Leg Curl 70-70-70x5

Squats 315-405-495
Lying Leg Curl 65-65-80-80x10,
Seated Leg Extension70-70-85-85x10, 130-145-160x5

Squats 315-405-495, 495x3
Seated Leg Curl #5-5-5-5 x10
Wed May 5

Squats 315-405-495
Horizonal Push seated close grip chest press machine #10x10
Vertical Pull seated lat pulldown machine #10x10
Seated Leg Curl #5-5-5-5x10

* baby sick. had to stay home most of the day.

Thur May 6

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Leg Curl 70-70-70x10
Leg Extension 70-70x10

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Leg Curl #6-8-10-10 x10
Leg Extension 70x10, 85-100x5, 130-160-175-190-205-220-235x3
Lat Pulldown Machine #10x10

* 2 weeks in on doing isolation movements for the legs and i'm already in the mid-heavy weights with comfortable form. i don't plan to go very heavy on these often. will stay in the light-mid weights with plenty of volumes. taking a break from the seated press. my lowerback is tired. it also got very tired after the 495x3 the other day.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Leg Curl 70-85x10, 100-100x3
Leg Extension 70x10, 85-100x5, 130-160x3
Lat Pulldown Machine #10x10

Fri May 7

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Leg Curl 70-70-70x10
Leg Extension 70-70x10
Lat Pulldown Machine #10-10x5
Seated Chest Press Machine #10-11-12x5

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Leg Curl 70-70x10, 85-100x5, 85-85x5
Leg Extension 70-70x10, 85-100-115-130x5
Lat Pulldown Machine #10-10x5
Seated Chest Press Machine #10-11-12x5

Sat May 8

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Leg Curl 70-70-70x10, 85-100-115-130x5
Leg Extension 70-70x10, 85-100x5
Lat Pulldown Machine #10-10x5
Seated Chest Press Machine #10-11-12x5

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Leg Curl 100x5
Lying Leg Extension 65-65x10, 80-95x5
Lat Pulldown Machine #10-11x5
Seated Chest Press Machine #10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17x5
Seated One Arm Row 90-100-110x5

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Leg Curl rest
Seated Leg Extension #5-6-7-8x5
Lat Pulldown Machine #10-11x5
Seated Chest Press Machine #10-11x5
Seated One Arm Row 90-100-110x5

* squats should have been strong already but the daily heavy leg extension fatigue now showed up. will go moderate weight now after a few skip workouts. the seated leg curl on the iroc machine feels very good.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2021, 11:31:26 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2136 on: May 09, 2021, 10:14:20 am »
May 9-15, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

May Week 2 of 4

Sun May 9

Squats 315-405-495
Chest Press #10-11x10
Lat Pulldown Machine #10-10x10, 
Seated Leg Extension 70-70x5
Seated Leg Curl #5-6-7-8x10
Row Machine #18x10
Shoulder Press Machine #6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13x5

Squats 315-405-495
Chest Press parallel grip #10-11x5
Lat Pulldown Machine #10-10x5, 
Seated Leg Extension rest
Seated Leg Curl #5-6-7-8x10
Row Machine 130-145-160-185-200-215-230-245x5
Shoulder Press Machine #10-11-12-13-14-15-16x5

Mon May 10

Squats 315-405-495
Chest Press #10-10x5
Lat Pulldown Machine #10-10x5, 
Seated Leg Extension rest
Seated Leg Curl #5-6-7-8x10
Row Machine 175-190-205-220-235-250
Shoulder Press Machine #13-13x5

Squats 315-405-495
Chest Press rest
Lat Pulldown Machine #8-9-10x5, 
Seated Leg Extension rest
Seated Leg Curl rest
Row Machine 205-220-235-250-265x5
Shoulder Press Machine #10-11-12-13

Squats 315-405-495
Chest Press rest
Lat Pulldown Machine #9-10-11x5, 
Seated Leg Extension rest
Seated Leg Curl rest
Row Machine 220-235-250-265x5, 280x3
Shoulder Press Machine #10-11-12-13-14x5

Tue May 11

Squats 315-405-495
Chest Press rest
Lat Pulldown Machine #10-10x5, 
Seated Leg Extension rest
Seated Leg Curl rest
Row Machine 220-235-250x5
Shoulder Press Machine #13-13x5

Squats 315-405-495
Chest Press rest
Lat Pulldown Machine #10x5, 
Seated Leg Extension rest
Seated Leg Curl #5-6x10
Row Machine 235-250-265x5, 280x3
Shoulder Press Machine #13-14-15-16x5

Wed May 12

Squats 315-405-495
Chest Press rest
Lat Pulldown Machine #10-11x3, 
Seated Leg Extension rest
Seated Leg Curl rest
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Shoulder Press Machine #13-14-15-16x3

* cut the reps down on the other things to favor recovery. kept the weights the same. morning workout schedule moved due to baby watch.

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x5
Shoulder Press Machine #14-15-16x3, #17-18x2
Lat Pulldown Machine #10-11-12-13x3, 
Chest Press rest
Seated Leg Extension rest
Seated Leg Curl rest

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3
Shoulder Press Machine #14-15-16x3
Lat Pulldown Machine rest 
Chest Press rest
Seated Leg Extension rest
Seated Leg Curl rest

Thur May 13

Squats 315-405-495

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3
Shoulder Press Machine #14-15-16x3

Fri May 14

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x3
Shoulder Press Machine #14-15-16-17-18x3, #7-8-9x10

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280-295x3
Shoulder Press Machine #14-15-16-17x3

Sat May 15

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 265-280-295-295x3
Shoulder Press Machine #16-17-18-18x3

* push-pull routine very strong with the triples. did double sets on the top weight. its also the machines full stacks.

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x3
Shoulder Press Machine #14-15-16-17x3
« Last Edit: May 15, 2021, 10:01:02 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2137 on: May 17, 2021, 07:41:18 am »
May 16-22, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

May Week 3 of 4

Sun May 16

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3
Shoulder Press Machine #14-15-16x3

Squats 315-405-495

Mon May 17

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3
Shoulder Press Machine #14-15-16-17x3

* bw steady now to near 210lb. been low on total volumes of other exercises and removed the leg isolations. doing too much with low-maintenance calories. don't want to feel tired and lethargic anymore. still doing light-medium weight cable upright rows and rows at home in my functional trainer. will lift better with more volumes later after this caloric surplus breakfast.

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280-295x3
Shoulder Press Machine #9-10x3
Chest Press Machine parallel grip #11x5

Row Machine 235-250-265-280-295x3

* thought about going to gym for a quick squat/row routine but ended up just doing the rows because the 2min gym from my place gets very pact at rush hour. don't really care to squat a third time today. nearing dinner time so did not bother waiting.

Tue May 18

Squats 315-405-455
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x3
Shoulder Press Machine #10-11-12-1314-15-16-17x3

* right lower back tender. too much 295x3 rows in succession. its from the initial pull of the row machine to starting position. i had to use a staggered grip with left arm on the top handle and the right hand on the actual grips i will use. i cannot have both hands on the lower grips because i can't reach them.
* the 405 did not feel heavy but i can feel my lowerback strained. did more singles of 405 and each single made the weight feel lighter and lighter. light enough for me to get a comfortable 455. the 475+ could be a back breaker. save the 495 for later.

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280-295x3
Shoulder Press Machine #14-15-16-17-18x3

* found a way to get the rowing machine going without straining back on the initial pull. i have to be half standing, half seated for the for few inches of ROM, then get tucked in against the chest support afterwards. worked for me.

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x3
Shoulder Press Machine #16-17-18x3

* lowerback almost strain free now. the 495 felt alright. minimal routine feels good. will add back the other things eventually.

Wed May 19

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x3 | seated lat pulldown machine #6-6-7-7x10
Shoulder Press Machine #14-15-16-17x3 | one arm 30-35-40x10

* added volumes of backup set on the pull/push routine using different machines. used the lat pulldown with the knee bracing so i don't strain my back. max is #9 before i get pulled up.

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x3 | seated one arm row machine 50-55x10
Shoulder Press Machine #14-15-16-17x3 | one arm 30-35-40-45-50x10

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x3, 130-145-160x10
Shoulder Press Machine 125-140-155-170-185x3, 80-95-95x10

Thur May 20

Squats 315-405-405
Row Machine 235-250-265-280-295x3, 160-175x10
Shoulder Press Machine 95-110-125-140-155x3

* skipped the 5am morning workout because i felt unrecovered from the high volumes of backoff from the last workout. did a 11am workout and my body is still fatigued. there is nothing strained or broken in my lowerback but i can feel the instability while i was warming up with the 405. too much time under tension on the shoulder pressing. i do the heavish triples with reset but went non-stop on the light-medium 10 reps. bad idea. had to rest more and get the 495 this afternoon.

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x3
Shoulder Press Machine 125-140-155-170x3

Fri May 21

Squats 315-405
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 175x10
Shoulder Press Machine 125-140-155x3, 95x10

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x3, 190x10
Shoulder Press Machine 125-140-155-170x3, 110-125x10

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280-295x3, 190x10
Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170-185x3, 125x10

Sat May 22

Squats 315-405
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x3
Shoulder Press Machine 125-140x3

* yesterdays 185 shoulder press added noticeable hip/back fatigue. kept it light to 405 and will go 495 later after more rest. did sets of 10s of 1 arm standing shoulder press at my home cable station for volumes.

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280-295x3, 205x10
Seated Dip Machine #8-12x5, #13-16x3

* skipped the shoulder pressing for now until all hip/midsection fatigue is gone. seated dips is a good pressing without tiring midsection. if i overdo intensity, i tenderize my elbows but that doesn't affect the squat. bw 212-214lb

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x3
Seated Dip Machine #13-15x5
Home Cable Station rows, one arm standing shoulder press, upright rows 10x2 sets

« Last Edit: May 22, 2021, 09:53:08 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2138 on: May 23, 2021, 09:49:01 am »
May 23-29, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

May Week 4 of 4

Sun May 23

Squats 315-405-405
Row Machine 145-175x10
Shoulder Press Machine 30-50-70x10

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 145-160-175-190x10
Shoulder Press Machine one arm 30-50-70x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1miles. 3mph@6% 20mins 125HR max

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x2
Standing Cable Shoulder Press one arm 30-50-70x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1miles. 3mph@6% 20mins 125HR max

Mon May 24

Squats 315-405
Row Machine 235-250-265x2
Standing Cable Shoulder Press one arm 20-25-30-35-40x10

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265-280x3, 220x5
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 125-140x3, 155-170-185x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1miles. 3.2mph@6% 20mins 125HR max

Squats 315-405-495
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.4-4mph@6% 20mins 137HR max

Tue May 25

Row Machine 235-250x3, 265x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155x3, 170x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.4-3.8mph@6% 20mins 125HR max

* skipped the morning squats because i'm not very strong in the mornnings due to my caloric deficit. slowly leaning down to 208-212 again. first time i did cardio at the beginning of a workout and it took more than 5 mins to get my heart rate over 120. did not break the 130-135HR even at a few mins of 3.8mph. don't want to get too tired for my squats later.

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280-295x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155x3, 170-185x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.2-3.6mph@6% 20mins 125HR max

Squats 315-405-495
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.1miles. 3.4mph@6% 20mins 127HR max

Wed May 26

Row Machine 235-250x3, 220x5
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140,155x3, 125x5
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.2-3.8mph@6% 20mins 133HR max

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250x3, 265-280x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155x3, 170-185x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.15miles. 3.4mph@6% 20mins 130HR max

* bw 208-210 slowly now. i've already removed the morning squat routine. my lunch squat now is starting to feel heavier too. calories in the low 2000s, with added calorie burned by my 20-60min/day inclined walking. i'm getting in the low teens BF now. will add a few more carbs before a 495 squat workout but still limit calories on other workouts.

Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3
Inclined Cardio Walk 2.25miles. 3.4mph@6% 40mins 135HR max

* took cardio to another level and tried a 40min walk. noticeable difference post workout on my hamstrings. felt them almost near cramping when i sat down on the shoulder press machine. nothing a dedicated stretch can't fix.

Thur May 27

Row Machine 235-250-265x3
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.15miles. 3.4-3.8mph@6% 20mins 135HR max

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2, 200x1
Inclined Cardio Walk 2.35 miles. 3.4-3.6mph@6% 40mins 130HR max. burned 440kcal

Squats 315-405-495
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.4-3.8mph@6% 20mins 133HR max. burned 225kcal

* beginning to feel comfortable with my cardio routine. bw down 2lbs after a workout. got down to 206 for the first time in months. 495 single still ok. not a grinder but will only do a double at best if i went for it.

Fri May 28

Row Machine 235-250-265x3
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.4-3.8mph@6% 20mins 135HR max 225kcal burned

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2 miles. 3.4-3.8mph@6% 20mins 135HR max. burned 225kcal

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2 miles. 3.4-3.8mph@6% 20mins 135HR max. burned 225kcal

Sat May 29

Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.4-3.8mph@6% 20mins 135HR max 225kcal burned

* skipped the rows. somebody using and i'm getting very hungry. workout late because of holiday sched at work.

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2 miles. 3.4-3.7mph@6% 20mins 133HR max. burned 225kcal

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2 miles. 3.4-3.8mph@6% 20mins 133HR max. burned 225kcal

* i like this routine. been doing same thing consistently. the walking pace depends on how well i feel. if i feel good, i do 3.4 for 2mins only and go 3.7-3.8 until im close to 1.15 miles, then slow down again to end at 1.2 miles at the 20min mark. if i'm sluggish, i do more 3.4 until the 10min mark and 3.6 until i catch up on the pace.  i have to be at the 0.9 mile mark by 17min to make it. 3.8+ is too fast and brings my heart rate pass 135. not good for what i'm doing this for - fat loss. target is 70% so ~ 125bpm

« Last Edit: May 29, 2021, 10:08:30 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2139 on: May 30, 2021, 09:45:12 am »
May 30 - June 5, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

June Week 1 of 5

Sun May 30

Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.4-3.7mph@6% 20mins 129HR max 225kcal burned
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2

Squats 315-405-495
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.4-4.4mph@8% 20mins 140HR max 260kcal burned
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2

* increased intensity of my inclined walking to 8% grade. plan was to 3.4 pace all the way to 1.13 miles. always a 20min workout. that would give me a good 245kcal burned number. was a good plan. got my heart rate to 125-130 quickly. got bored at the 15min mark and wanted to see if i can do the same 1.2mile distance. had to go all the way up to 4.4mph and hit 1.2miles. heart rate up to 140. it was not a good idea. il get tired doing it this fast. will stick to my original plan of 3.4 all the way to 20min. total mileage is ugly at 1.13 but kcal burned is a solid 245 number. the extra 15 kcal burned by going very fast on the last 2 mins is not a good tradeoff.
Mon May 31

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.13miles. 3.4mph@8% 20mins 133HR max 245kcal burned

* skipped yesterday afternoon workout because i got tired from the inclined walking. was very strong this morning and had to problems doing an early squat routine.
* even this steady 3.4mph at 8% incline is tiring. i find it easier to walking at a faster pace with less incline. il give this 8% a couple of more workouts and see if i can adapt to it.

Squats 315-405-495
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.33miles. 4mph@8% 20mins 150HR max 245kcal burned

* did a little cardio experiment after the squats. same total 245 kcal burned but used more speed instead of incline. it felt easier to me muscularly to finish the 20min routine but it gave my cardio a good beatdown. my heart rate was redlined at 150 and i was sweating and breathing hard. legs felt alright. resistance of the 6% is easy. i prefer this routine except for the massive sweating. it was a hot day so on a typical cold morning, my HR won't be this high. this is post squat also so starting hr was already in the 110+.  skipped the rest of the workout because my clothes got soaked. felt dirty being this sweaty

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.33miles. 3.4-4mph@6% 20mins 133HR max 245kcal burned

Tue Jun 1

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.33miles. 3.4-4.2mph@6% 20mins 245kcal burned

Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6 mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

* doing the inclined walking at home now because this hot summer weather is getting me all soaked up. also walking barefoot for more freshness. 3.6mph for 20mins is a very good walking pace for fat loss.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6 mph@8% 20mins 260kcal burned

* 8% incline is not a lot more effort from 6% in a 3.6mph pace. the extra 35kcal burned is worth the the effort. getting leaner faster with the extra cardio. been very consistent also with these for more than a week now.

Wed Jun 2

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

* squat was heavy. 8% grade walking tire me a little. can't do it very often.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

* whole body felt beat and weak. walking barefoot is ok but doing too many too soon was not a good idea. wore shoes again. i know i was fatigued because i slept 830pm-430am. that was a very long time of recovery. felt better after.

Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x3 sets | upright rows 10x3 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

Thur Jun 3

Squats 315-405-495
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x3 sets | upright rows 10x3 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

* company gym opened again after being closed due to the pandemic. they don't have the machines i like to use. did the rows and shoulder press in the functional trainer
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

Fri Jun 4

Squats 315-405-405
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x3 sets | upright rows 10x3 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x3 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

Sat Jun 5

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2, 125x10
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2, 175x10 
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2, 110-125x10
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2, 175-190x10 
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2, 195x1
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 
Inclined Cardio Walk 1miles. 3mph@8% 20mins 225kcal burned

* long gym story short - big powerlifting guy who asked to work in talked shit about the whip of the bar i was using. i did my 3 singles without rest. told him the bar is ok. new guy at gym had no idea what just happened.
* i guess a whippy bar is good for explosive paused squats that bends it at the get go. by the time i reach the sticking point, the unbending is helping it drive the weight up. lol. what a cheat. thats why i paid for a fancy eleiko bar.
* legs a bit on the consistent inclined walking. did more inclined with less speed and kept calories burned consistent. 3mph@8% feels easier to me.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2021, 10:58:14 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2140 on: June 06, 2021, 09:46:51 am »
June 6-12, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

June Week 2 of 5

Sun Jun 6

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x3 sets | upright rows 10x3 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 25-27-30x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

* squat felt heavy. the 8% incline yesterday added noticeable fatigue to my body. cut back to 6% again.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x3 sets | upright rows 10x3 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 25-27-30x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

* a little stronger on the squat but still legs still not completely recovered from the 8%incline walk yesterday.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 30-40x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

Mon Jun 7

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 30-40x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 40x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 35x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

* this template is working very well for me. nothing is hurting. shoulders got tired a little with the 30-40x10 backoff in one workout so keeping it to single set of 10 this time.

Tue Jun 8

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 30x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 30x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2, 200x1
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 30x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

Wed Jun 9

Squats 315-405
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 30x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

* stop the squats at 405. back was not solid. got tired of the 200x1 shoulder press yesterday.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 30x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 30x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

* lowerback feeling a lot better now. 495 felt routine again.

Thur Jun 10

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned
Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2

* skipped lunch workout. too sleepy. skip the afternoon walking too. no time before work because i woke up late.

Fri Jun 11

Squats 315-405
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 30x10
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

* did workout at work gym. did not get good sleep. stopped at 405.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned
Squats 315-405-495, 495x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

* bw steady in the 210-212 now and decided to eat more fish at lunch. felt stronger than usual this afternoon. did a backoff 495x2 and it was not a grinder. keeping the routine very simple now. the less exercise i do, the easier it is to manage fatigue and progress. these basic rows/press hit almost everything anyway.

Sat Jun 12

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

Squats 315-405-455
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2

* it was very hot and humid today. the inclined walking at home in the morning was not a good idea. i lost more bw than i had too. i was sweating before the 10min mark on my cardio. the squat felt very heavy. 475 would have been a grinding rep. no chance of 495. 455 was a good choice. skipped lunch time cardio. too hot.
Squats 315-405
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Inclined Cardio Walk 1.2miles. 3.6mph@6% 20mins 225kcal burned

* resting the squats. all other lifts feel solid.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2021, 08:30:41 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2141 on: June 13, 2021, 09:19:04 am »
June 13-19, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

June Week 3 of 5

Sun Jun 13

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

* squats still felt heavy after good dinner and long sleep. skip the inclined walking for more recovery.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

Mon Jun 14

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

* very strong this morning on the other lifts. could have added another weight on the press/row too 200/295 but sticked to my routine so i don't fatigue too fast.

Squats 315-405-495, 495x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x3
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x3
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

* added a backoff 495 double and did triples on the top weight of the push/pull. feeling very strong after skipping a couple of cardio sessions.

Squats 315-405-495, 495x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x3
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x3
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | high rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

* still very strong. hope i can maintain this pace but probably not. will take off the backoff doubles and lower top weight on push/pull to doubles again when i get fatigued.

Tue Jun 15

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x3
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x3
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

* squats felt very strong already. still not as coordinated as my mid or last workout but solid for a 1st workout.

Squats 315-405-495, 495x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x3
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x3
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

* doubles were heavy but was will a routine lift.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x3
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x3
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | upright rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

* will keep double 1x per day. too much intensity my core is feeling some fatigue

Wed Jun 16

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x3
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x3
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | high rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

* feeling very good this morning. going to be a very hot day. heat wave for the next couple of days here in san francisco. will lift better later after strong breakfast and nap.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* too hot during lunch time. gym AC got overwhelmed by heat wave. did not feel comfortable overexerting and sweating it out. its my work night later and need another good sleep in the afternoon. overexerting messes with my sleep in the afternoon. will try again later in the other gym with better AC

Squats 315-405-495, 495x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* everything as planned. 3rd rep would have been a grinder but not a back breaker. 2nd rep still went up alright. good to keep a rep extra and not burn out.

Thur Jun 17

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* another very hot midday. could have done the backoff double already but felt like another round of sleep would be better.

Squats 315-405-495, 495x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* ok this workout routine works. save the double 495 for afternoons when im best coordinated. i could do triples soon but those add so much fatigue so i will stay with doubles.

Fri Jun 18

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Sat Jun 19

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* strong enough for a 495 double but feel like i would tire fast if i do so just did another single. it was more explosive than the first.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

« Last Edit: June 19, 2021, 09:11:15 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2142 on: June 20, 2021, 10:18:24 am »
June 20-26, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

June Week 4 of 5

Sun Jun 20

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* only squats in the afternoon at gym. right wrist not well. baby slept on it. can barely lift the thick red plates to the bar. noticed it because i dropped a plate. will heal quickly.

Mon Jun 21

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* same thing for weeks now. i'm getting more efficient too. workouts last less than 30 mins. half of that spent with squats. half of that time putting on oly shoes.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* strong enough for 495x2. starting to forget that i'm always stronger on the non-working side of the week. the work schedule is very slow in the last few months that i start not to add work stress to my routine, but the sleeping pattern always will be a challenge.

Tue Jun 22

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Wed Jun 23

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* did squats last because everyone in front of me in line decided that its a squat wednesday. still felt like a routine morning lift. i lift very well when i'm not low on sleep.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x3 sets | high rows 10x3 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x3 sets

* skipped the heavy machines and did the functional trainer with light weights. im working tonight.

Thur Jun 24

Squats 315-405-495
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x3 sets | high rows 10x3 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x3 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* the heavy machine push/rows felt easier after a couple of skipped workouts. i could have added another stack and max the weights but it can wait until my non-work days.

Squats 315-405-495
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x3 sets | high rows 10x3 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x3 sets

Fri Jun 25

Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x3 sets | high rows 10x3 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x3 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x3 sets | high rows 10x3 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x3 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2 | 65 10x3
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 | 115 10x3

Sat Jun 26

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2 | 65-80 10x3
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 | 115 10x3

Squats 315-405-495
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x3 sets | high rows 10x3 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x3 sets
« Last Edit: June 26, 2021, 11:45:48 pm by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2143 on: June 28, 2021, 12:32:46 am »
June 27 - July 3, 2021

Full Squats - Paused - Maintenance
455 #275+ | 465 #5 | 470 #1| 475 #85 | 495#100+ | 505#2 | 545#1
Page 75 - Day 1 of 455. Feb 11, 2013
Page 140 - Day 1 of 495. Oct 25, 2020

June Week 5 of 5

Sun Jun 27

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | high rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

* first 4-night work week in a while. sleep was lacking a lot on the 4th day. went home straight from work and slept till noon. was not even feeling well at the gym. it felt like i needed another set of at least 6-8hr nap. feeling off but still got a very strong routine in. ate after lunch and passed out again. afternoon lift was a lot better.

Mon Jun 28

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* got plenty of sleep now. morning workout already feeling very good.

Squats 315-405-495
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495, 495x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Tue Jun 29

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Wed Jun 30

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* someone hugging the seated shoulder press machine. no time to wait for it. will do it later.

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495,495x3
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* got very good afternoon nap with strong lunch too. did 495x3 and the last rep was not a crawl. could have fought a 4th rep but it will add so much fatigue. very happy repeating this triple. a couple more of these and il go do 545 again.

Thur July 1

Squats 315-405-495
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x3 sets | high rows 10x3 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x3 sets

Fri July 2

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

* skipped the seated rowing machine for a few workouts now and started doing them again today. nothing wrong with my back. just resting the skin in my hands. they get to the point of fracturing and bleeding from the dryness and dead skin accumulating because i don't wear gloves on my pulling movements.

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 rest
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x1 sets | high rows 10x1 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x1 sets

Sat July 3

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2 rest
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2 rest
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x3 sets | high rows 10x3 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x3 sets

Squats 315-405-495
Row Machine 235-250-265x3, 280x2
Seated Shoulder Press Machine 140-155-170x3, 185x2
Functional Trainer
Rows mid rows 10x2 sets | high rows 10x2 sets
One arm standing shoulder press 10x2 sets

« Last Edit: July 04, 2021, 07:23:06 am by Kingfish »
5'10" | 202lbs | 44 yrs
reach - 7'8" (92") |paused full squat - 545x1| standing VJ - 40"|

walk more. resting HR to low 40s. 

Daily Squats Day 1 - Aug 30, 2011 and still going.


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Re: Kingfush
« Reply #2144 on: June 28, 2021, 09:08:01 am »
i've been neglecting the forum for a little while, always a pleasure to catch up on kf's journal and feel terrible about my own lack of discipline. we stan a legend.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

black lives matter